2 Understanding the WebLogic JMS Resource Adapter

The following topics provide an overview of WebLogic JMS resource adapter components, concepts, and functionality:


The WebLogic JMS resource adapter is deprecated as of Oracle WebLogic Server, and will be removed in a future release. Oracle recommends that you use either the thin T3 client or a message bridge to integrate applications running on non-WebLogic application servers through JMS. See the following topics:

JMS Resource Adapter Overview

WebLogic Server provides a Java EE Connector Architecture version 1.7 compliant resource adapter called the JMS resource adapter to provide an integration of a WebLogic JMS client with supported foreign application servers.

The JMS resource adapter includes the following features:

  • Implementation of the Java EE Connector Architecture outbound and inbound contract for JMS.

  • JNDI mapping to reference JMS connection factories and destinations.

  • Message-drive bean (MDB) integration, including dynamic adjustment to changing message load

  • JMS connection pooling

  • Lazy resolution of JMS operations, including start order independence, tolerance of dynamic management such as starts and stops of JMS providers, and connection retries in case of provider failure.

    See Lazy Enlistment of Connections in a Transaction.

  • Cluster-capable XA support for WebLogic JMS that transparently integrates with non-WebLogic Transaction Managers and correctly recovers from all typical failure conditions.

    See Transaction Recovery.

  • Support for asynchronous message processing that ensures all active members of a distributed destination are always serviced—no trapped messages. In addition, asynchronous messaging provides advanced publish/subscribe messaging system options, such as a single logical durable subscription partitioned across a distributed topic.

  • Support for WebLogic JMS extensions that allow you to cast adapter-wrapped objects to WebLogic JMS interfaces.

    See Support for the weblogic.jms.extension API.

  • Support for the WebLogic security model.

    See Securing JMS Resource Adapter Connections.

  • Advanced poison message handling. The JMS resource adapter can be configured to automatically redirect messages that have been redelivered multiple times to a designated error destination.

    See Using an Exception Queue.

  • Simplified configuration of multiple destination JNDI mappings through the use of a single destination context resource adapter administrative object. This allows applications to directly reference any number of destinations and avoid the need to configure multiple administrative objects and resource-env references.

    See Using Automatic Destination Wrapping.

Supported Application Servers

This release of the JMS resource adapter is supported for deployment on Oracle GlassFish version 3.1 and higher.


Deploying the JMS resource adapter on Oracle WebLogic Server is not supported.

Supported WebLogic Server Destinations

This release of the JMS resource adapter supports foreign application server interoperability with destinations in Oracle WebLogic Server releases 12.1.2 and higher.

Location of the JMS Resource Adapter Within WebLogic Server

The JMS resource adapter is contained in the file wljmsra.jar, which is located in the WL_HOME\server\lib directory of your WebLogic Server installation.