15 Oracle Coherence Clusters

This chapter describes how to monitor Oracle Coherence clusters. Oracle Coherence is a component of Oracle Fusion Middleware that enables organizations to predictably scale mission-critical applications by providing fast and reliable access to frequently used data.

By automatically and dynamically partitioning data in memory across multiple servers, Oracle Coherence enables continuous data availability and transactional integrity, even in the event of a server failure. As a shared infrastructure, Oracle Coherence combines data locality with local processing power to perform real-time data analysis, in-memory grid computations, and parallel transaction and event processing.


If you are logged into a domain partition, navigate from the Domain Partition menu.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Create Oracle Coherence clusters

This section describes how to create managed Oracle Coherence clusters and how to add standalone Oracle Coherence clusters. Managed Oracle Coherence clusters are comprised of managed Oracle Coherence servers that are part of a WebLogic Server domain. Standalone Oracle Coherence clusters are comprised of Oracle Coherence servers that are not part of a WebLogic Server domain.

This section includes the following tasks:

Create managed Oracle Coherence clusters

To create a new managed Oracle Coherence cluster:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Environment, then select Coherence Clusters.
  2. Select Managed.

    The Coherence Clusters table displays information about the managed Oracle Coherence clusters that are configured in the current domain.

  3. Click Create.

    Define the configuration options for your new configured cluster on each of the following pages:

  4. Click Create.


On the Properties page, define the general cluster properties for your new managed Oracle Coherence cluster:

  • Name: enter a unique name for your cluster.

  • Clustering Mode: if you selected Configure within WebLogic Server, then select either unicast or multicast for the cluster network transmission.

  • Cluster Listen Port: if you selected Configure within WebLogic Server, then enter the cluster listen port. Oracle Coherence cluster members use this port to discover and join, or create, the cluster. The default port is 7574.

  • Multicast Listen Address: if you selected Configure within WebLogic Server and you are using multicast, enter an IP address for the cluster multicast listener.

  • Custom Configuration File Name: if you selected Use a Custom Configuration File, enter the location of a Oracle Coherence cluster configuration file that defines the cluster properties. You can click Browse to navigate to the file location.

For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.


On the Members page, you can specify the WebLogic Server clusters or specific managed servers to associate with this managed Oracle Coherence cluster.

See Configuration Options.


On the Review page, review the configuration for your new managed Oracle Coherence cluster.

See Configuration Options.

Add standalone Oracle Coherence clusters

To add a standalone Oracle Coherence cluster:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Environment, then select Coherence Clusters.
  2. Select Standalone.

    The Coherence Clusters table displays information about the standalone Oracle Coherence clusters that are configured in the current domain.

  3. Click Add.
  4. On the Add Standalone Cluster page, enter the connection properties for an existing standalone Oracle Coherence cluster:
    • Cluster Name: enter the cluster name.

    • Cluster Port: enter the port that is used for cluster communication.

    • Notes: enter additional information about the cluster.

    • In the Credentials section, enter a valid Username and Password if authentication is required on the cluster.

    • In the Management Node Hosts section, enter the host name of a cluster node where JMX management has been enabled. Click Add to enter additional hosts. To delete a host, select the host and click Delete.

  5. Click Add.

For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

Edit standalone cluster settings

This section describes how to edit standalone cluster settings. This section includes the following tasks:

Edit standalone Oracle Coherence cluster general settings

To edit the general settings for a standalone Oracle Coherence cluster:

  1. Select each text field and update the value as required.
  2. In the Management Node Hosts section, click Add to enter a new host or select a host and click Delete to remove the host from the list. Use the Notes column to enter additional information about a host.
  3. Click Save to keep the changes. Click Revert to discard the changes.

For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

Edit standalone Oracle Coherence cluster notes

To edit the notes for a standalone Oracle Coherence cluster:

  1. In the text field, update the text as required.
  2. Click Save to keep the changes. Click Revert to discard the changes.

For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

Monitor Oracle Coherence clusters

This section describes how to monitor Oracle Coherence clusters.

This section includes the following tasks:

Monitor managed Oracle Coherence clusters

To monitor a Managed Oracle Coherence cluster:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Environment, then select Coherence Clusters.
  2. Select Managed.

    The Coherence Clusters table displays information about the managed Oracle Coherence clusters that have been configured in the current domain. The table provides an overview of how the cluster is configured and the operational status of the cluster.

    • Name

    • Status

    • Logging Enabled

    • Members

    • Custom Configuration File

    • Clustering Mode

    • Transport

    • Security Framework Enabled

    • Unicast Listen Port

    • Unicast Port Auto Adjust

    • Multicast Listen Address

    • Multicast Listen Port

    • Time To Live

    For more information about the columns in the table, see Configuration Options.

  3. Optionally, select View to access the following table options:
    • Columns: add or remove the columns displayed in the table

    • Detach: detach the table (viewing option)

    • Sort: sort the columns in ascending or descending order

    • Reorder: change the order of the columns displayed

    • Query by Example

  4. From the table, select a cluster in the Name column to go to the Oracle Coherence Cluster Home Page for the selected cluster. The home page provides detailed resource performance monitoring.

Monitor standalone Oracle Coherence clusters

To monitor a standalone Oracle Coherence cluster:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Environment, then select Coherence Clusters.
  2. Select Standalone.

    The Coherence Clusters table displays information about the standalone Oracle Coherence clusters that have been configured in the current domain. The table provides an overview of the connection settings and the operational status of the cluster. Use the Target Navigation menu to access the Oracle Coherence Cluster Home Page for detailed cluster resource and performance monitoring.

    • Name

    • Status

    • Cluster Port

    • Management Node Hosts

    • Notes

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

  3. Optionally, select View to access the following table options:
    • Columns: add or remove the columns displayed in the table

    • Detach: detach the table (viewing option)

    • Sort: sort the columns in ascending or descending order

    • Reorder: change the order of the columns displayed

    • Query by Example

  4. From the table, select a cluster in the Name column to the edit the connection settings for the selected cluster.

    For details on editing standalone cluster connections settings, see Edit standalone cluster settings.

Configure managed Oracle Coherence clusters

This section describes how to configure managed Oracle Coherence clusters.

This section includes the following tasks:

Edit managed Oracle Coherence cluster configuration settings

To edit managed Oracle Coherence cluster configuration settings:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Environment, then select Coherence Clusters.
  2. Select Managed.

    The Coherence Clusters table displays information about the managed Oracle Coherence clusters that have been configured in the current domain.

  3. From the table, select the name of the cluster you want to configure.
    The Oracle Coherence Cluster page appears.
  4. From the Oracle Coherence Cluster menu, select Administration and then select Configuration.
  5. Click the following pages to configure the settings for this Coherence cluster:


From the General page, expand Custom Configuration to define custom configuration settings for this Coherence cluster, such as:

  • Use a custom cluster configuration file

  • Custom configuration file name

Optionally, expand Address Configurations to define address configuration settings for this Coherence cluster, such as:

  • Clustering mode

  • Cluster listen port

  • Multicast listen address

  • Transport

  • Time to live

For more information on the attributes of the general page, see General.

Click Save.

Cache Configurations

The Cache Configurations page displays a table that lists the cache configured for this Coherence cluster.

Use the Cache Configurations page to:

For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options

Create a cache configuration

To create a new cache configuration:

  1. Click Create.
    The Cache Configuration Properties page appears.
  2. Enter a Name for your cache.
  3. Enter a JNDI Name, for accessing the cache within the JNDI name space.
  4. Click Browse to select the required Cache Configuration File .
  5. Select the Import Cache Configuration File check box to import the Cache Configuration.
  6. Click Next.
    The Cache Configuration Members page appears.
  7. Expand Servers and/or the Clusters to select the servers or clusters on which you want to run the cache configuration.
  8. Click Finish.
Edit a cache configuration

To edit a cache configuration:

  1. Click the cache configuration you want to edit.
    The Cache Configuration Properties page appears.
  2. Follow the steps listed in Create a cache configuration to edit the required fields.
  3. Click Finish.
Delete a cache configuration

To delete a cache configuration:

  1. Select the cache configuration you want to delete and click Delete.
  2. Click Ok to confirm the deletion.

Well Known Addresses

Use the Well Known Addresses page to create, edit, and delete well known addresses for this Coherence cluster.

Create a Well known Address

  1. On the Well Known Address page, click Create.

    The Configure Well Known Address dialog appears.

  2. Enter a Name for your well known address.

  3. Enter the Listen Address for the well known address.

  4. Click Save.

Edit a Well known Address

  1. On the Well Known Address page, click the well known addresses you want to edit.

    The Configure Well Known Address dialog appears.

  2. Edit the required fields.

  3. Click Save.

Delete a Well known Address

  1. On the Well Known Address page, select the well known addresses you want to delete and click Delete.

  2. Click Ok to confirm the deletion.

For more information about the fields in the Well Known Addresses page, see Configuration Options

Address Providers

The Address Providers page is used to create and delete address providers and configure the socket information for the Provider you created.

Use the Address Providers page to:

For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options

Create an address provider

To create an address provider:

  1. On the Address Provider page, click Create.
    The Configure address provider dialog appears.
  2. Enter a Name for your address provider.
  3. Click Save.
    The newly created address provider is listed in a table, on the Address Providers page.
Configure a socket for an address provider

You can configure socket information for the address provider you created.

From the table on the Address Providers page, click the address provider you created, to:

For more information about these fields on this page, see Configuration Options

Create a socket

To create a socket:

  1. On the Address Provider page, click the address provider you want to configure.
    The Socket Address Configuration page appears.
  2. Enter a Name for your socket.
  3. Enter a Listen Address for your socket.
  4. Enter a Listen Port for your socket.
  5. Click Create.
    The socket information will be listed in the sockets column of the provider for which you configured the socket.
Edit a socket

To edit a socket:

  1. From the sockets table, click the socket you want to edit.
    The Socket Address Configuration page appears.
  2. Edit the required fields.
  3. Click Save.
Delete a socket

To delete a socket:

  1. From the sockets table, select the socket you want to delete and click Delete.
  2. Click Ok to confirm the deletion.
Edit an address provider

To edit an address provider:

  1. From the Address Providers table, click the address provider you want to edit.
    The settings page for that address provider appears displaying the sockets configured for that address provider.
  2. Follow the steps in Create an address provider to edit the required fields.
  3. Click Save.
Delete an address provider

To delete an address provider:

  1. From the Address Providers table, select the address provider you want to delete and click Delete.
  2. Click Ok to confirm the deletion.


Use the Federation page to configure the Federation environment for that cluster.

Using the federation page, you can configure a remote participant for that Coherence cluster. You may replicate the data present on one server/cluster to the other (local /remote) participant of the federation environment based on the topology selected in the configuration.

  1. Based on your requirement, select one of the following topologies:
    • Active-Active - Data written to the active(local) participant is replicated on the remote participant. Conversely, data written to the remote participant is replicated on the local participant as well.

    • Active-Passive - Data written to the active(local) participant will be replicated on the passive(remote) participant. However, data written to the passive participant will not be replicated on the active participant.

    • Passive Active - Data written to the local participant is not replicated on the remote participant(active). However, data written on the remote participant(active) is replicated on the local participant(passive).

    • None - The Coherence cluster is not federating with any of the participants.


    The Remote Participant options are enabled if you choose Active-Active, Active-Passive, or Passive Active topology. The Remote Participant options are disabled if you choose None as the topology.
  2. Expand Restart Settings to define restart settings for this Store, such as:
    • Cluster Name

    • Host name

    • Port

  3. Click Save.

For more information about the fields on this page, see Configuration Options


Use the Persistence page to save the cache data to the file system.

  1. From the Persistence page, define the default persistence properties for this Coherence cluster, such as:
    • Persistence Mode

    • Active Directory

    • Snapshot Directory

    • Trash Directory

  2. Click Save.

For more information about the fields on this page, see Configuration Options


Use the Logging page to configure logging properties for this Coherence cluster.

  1. From the Logging page, define the logging properties for this Coherence cluster, such as:
    • Enabled

    • Logger Name

    • Message Format

  2. Click Save.

For more information about the fields on this page, see Configuration Options

Edit managed Oracle Coherence cluster security settings

Use the Security page to configure security services on this Coherence cluster.

To select the servers or clusters on which you want to deploy this Coherence cluster configuration:
  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Environment, then select Coherence Clusters.
  2. Select Managed.
    The Coherence Clusters table displays information about the managed Oracle Coherence clusters that have been configured in the current domain.
  3. From the table, select the name of the cluster for which you want to enable security.
    The Oracle Coherence Cluster page appears.
  4. From the Oracle Coherence Cluster menu, select Administration and then select Security.
  5. Select the following pages to configure the security settings for this Coherence cluster:


On the General page:

  1. Select the Security Framework Enabled check box to enable the Identity and Identity Assertion options.
  2. Define the following Identity configurations:
    • Private Key Alias

    • Private Key Pass Phrase

    • Confirm Private Key Pass Phrase

  3. Define the following Identity Assertion configurations:
    • Identity Asserter Class

    • Identity Asserter Constructor Arguments

  4. Click Save.

For more information about the fields on this page, see Configuration Options


The Services page displays a table that lists the services configured for this Coherence cluster.

Use the Services page to:

For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options

Add a Service

To add a new service:

  1. Click Add Service. The Add Coherence Service dialog appears.

  2. Enter a Name for your service.

  3. Select the Global or Partition for the Coherence service.

  4. Click Save.

Configure Roles for a Service

To configure roles for a service:

  • From the services table, select the name of the service for which you want to configure roles. The Roles page appears.

While configuring a role for a service, you can:

For more information about the fields on this page, see Configuration Options

Create a Role

To create a role:

  1. On the Roles page, click Create.

    The Create a New Coherence Cache Role dialog appears.

  2. Enter a Name for your role.

  3. Select a Provider Name for your role.

  4. Click Create.

    The role you created will be displayed in the table on the Roles page.

Edit Role Conditions

The role conditions determine the membership of the role. From the Edit Coherence Cache Role dialog, you can add a condition.

To add a condition:

  1. On the Edit Coherence Cache Role dialog, click Add.

    The Add a Condition dialog appears.

  2. Click the Choose a Predicate drop-down and select a predicate.

  3. Enter an Argument Name for the predicate you selected.

  4. Click Add.

    The condition you added will be listed under the Add button of the Edit Coherence Cache Role dialog.

  5. Select the condition and click Save.

For more information about the fields on this page, see Configuration Options

Delete a Role

To delete a role:

  1. From the roles table, select the role you want to delete and click Delete.

  2. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

Configure Policies for a Service

To configure policies for a service:

  • From the services table, select the name of the service for which you want to configure policies.

    Select the Policies tab. The Policies page appears.

While configuring a policy for a service, you can:

For more information about the fields on this page, see Configuration Options

Add Policies

To add a policy:

  1. Click Add.

    The Add a Condition dialog appears.

  2. Click the Choose a Predicate drop-down and select a predicate.
  3. Enter an Argument Name for the predicate you selected.

  4. Click Add.

    The policy condition you added will be listed under the Add button of the Edit policies page.

  5. Select the condition and click Save.

Edit Policy Conditions

The policy conditions determine the access control of the Coherence cluster. From the Policy Conditions section on the Policies page, you can add a condition.

To add a policy condition:

  1. In the Policy Conditions section click Add.

    The Add a Condition dialog appears.

  2. Click the Choose a Predicate drop-down and select a predicate.

  3. Enter an Argument Name for the predicate you selected.

  4. Click Add.

    The condition you added will be listed under the Add button of the Edit Coherence Cache Role dialog.

  5. Select the condition and click Save.

Remove Policies

To remove a policy:

  1. Select the policy you want to delete and click Remove.

  2. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

Remove a Service

To remove a service:

  1. Select the service you want to delete and click Remove Service.

  2. Click OK to confirm the deletion.


The Caches page displays a table that lists the caches configured for this Coherence cluster.

Use the Caches page to:

For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options

Add Cache

To add a new cache:

  1. Click Add Cache. The Add Coherence Cache dialog appears.

  2. Enter a Name for your service.

  3. Select the Partition for the Coherence service.

  4. Click Save.

Configure Roles for a Cache

To configure roles for a cache:

  • From the caches table, select the name of the cache for which you want to configure roles.

  • Select the Roles tab. The Roles page appears.

While configuring a role for a cache, you can:

For more information about the fields on this page, see Configuration Options

Create a Role

To create a role:

  1. On the Roles page, click Create.

    The Create a New Coherence Cache Role dialog appears.

  2. Enter a Name for your role.

  3. Select a Provider Name for your role.

  4. Click Create.

    The role you created will be displayed in the table on the Roles page.

Edit Policy Conditions

The policy conditions determine the access control of the Coherence cluster. From the Policy Conditions section on the Policies page, you can add a condition.

To add a policy condition:

  1. In the Policy Conditions section click Add.

    The Add a Condition dialog appears.

  2. Click the Choose a Predicate drop-down and select a predicate.

  3. Enter an Argument Name for the predicate you selected.

  4. Click Add.

    The condition you added will be listed under the Add button of the Edit Coherence Cache Role dialog.

  5. Select the condition and click Save.

Delete a Role

To delete a role:

  1. From the roles table, select the role you want to delete and click Delete.

  2. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

Configure Policies for a Cache

To configure policies for a cache:

  • From the caches table, select the name of the cache for which you want to configure policies.

  • Select the Policies tab. The Policies page appears.

While configuring a policy for a cache, you can:

For more information about the fields on this page, see Configuration Options

Add Policies

To add a policy:

  1. Click Add.

    The Add a Condition dialog appears.

  2. Click the Choose a Predicate drop-down and select a predicate.
  3. Enter an Argument Name for the predicate you selected.

  4. Click Add.

    The policy condition you added will be listed under the Add button of the Edit policies page.

  5. Select the condition and click Save.

Edit Policy Conditions

The policy conditions determine the access control of the Coherence cluster. From the Policy Conditions section on the Policies page, you can add a condition.

To add a policy condition:

  1. In the Policy Conditions section click Add.

    The Add a Condition dialog appears.

  2. Click the Choose a Predicate drop-down and select a predicate.

  3. Enter an Argument Name for the predicate you selected.

  4. Click Add.

    The condition you added will be listed under the Add button of the Edit Coherence Cache Role dialog.

  5. Select the condition and click Save.

Remove Policies

To remove a policy:

  1. Select the policy you want to delete and click Remove.

  2. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

Remove Cache

To remove a cache:

  1. Select the cache you want to delete and click Remove Cache.

  2. Click Ok to confirm the deletion.

Edit managed Oracle Coherence cluster members

The Members page displays a table listing the servers and/or clusters configured to this Coherence Cluster.

To select the servers or clusters on which you want to deploy this Coherence cluster configuration,
  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Environment, then select Coherence Clusters.
  2. Select Managed.
    The Coherence Clusters table displays information about the managed Oracle Coherence clusters that have been configured in the current domain.
  3. From the table, select the name of the cluster to which you want to add the members.
    The Oracle Coherence Cluster page appears.
  4. From the Oracle Coherence Cluster menu, select Administration and then select Members.
  5. On the Members page, select the servers and/or clusters and click Save.

For more information about the fields on this page, see Configuration Options.

Edit managed Oracle Coherence cluster notes

Use this page to include any additional information that describes the configuration of this Coherence cluster.

To create notes for this Coherence Cluster:
  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Environment, then select Coherence Clusters.
  2. Select Managed.
    The Coherence Clusters table displays information about the managed Oracle Coherence clusters that have been configured in the current domain.
  3. From the table, select the name of the cluster to which you want to add the notes.
    The Oracle Coherence Cluster page appears.
  4. From the Oracle Coherence Cluster menu, select Administration and then select Notes.
  5. On the Notes page, enter any notes about the configuration of this Coherence cluster.
  6. Click Save.

For more information about the fields on this page, see Configuration Options