19 WebLogic Server Diagnostics

This chapter describes the tasks you can perform to create, monitor, and configure diagnostic system modules. A diagnostic system module is a software component that you configure to monitor an aspect of a server or server resource. This chapter also describes the tasks you can perform to create, monitor, and configure policies and actions.


If you are logged into a domain partition, navigate from the Domain Partition menu.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Create diagnostic system modules

To create a new diagnostic system module:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.

    The Diagnostic Modules table displays information about the diagnostic system modules that have been configured in the current WebLogic Server domain.

  2. Click Create.
  3. On the Create Diagnostic Modules page, define the properties for this new diagnostic system module.
    • Name: enter a name for this diagnostic system module.

    • Scope: select the scope for this diagnostic system module from the menu.

    • Description: enter a description to help you identify this diagnostic system module.

    • Use a Built-in Diagnostic System Module as a Template: select this checkbox to use a built-in diagnostic system module as the template for this new diagnostic system module.

      Using a built-in diagnostic system module as a template provides a simple, quick, and efficient way to create a diagnostic system module. You select the particular built-in module you want to use as a template, then change the configuration of the built-in module as desired.

    • Built-In Diagnostic System Module: if you are using a built-in diagnostic system module as a template, select one of the three built-in diagnostic system modules from this menu (Low, Medium, or High).

  4. Click Create.

For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

Monitor diagnostic system modules

To monitor the diagnostic system modules in a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.

    The Diagnostic Modules table displays information about the diagnostic system modules that have been configured in the current WebLogic Server domain, such as:

    • Name

    • Description

    • Targets

    • Scope

    • Resource Group/Template

    • Domain Partition

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

Optionally, select View to access the following table options:

  • Columns: add or remove the columns displayed in the table

  • Detach: detach the table (viewing option)

  • Sort: sort the columns in ascending or descending order

  • Reorder: change the order of the columns displayed

  • Query by Example

Control and configure diagnostic system modules

This section includes the following tasks:

Control a diagnostic system module

To control a diagnostic system module.

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to control.
  3. Select Control.

    From the Control page, you can activate or deactivate a diagnostic system module without making a change to the domain configuration.

  4. In the table, select the row of the server instance to which the diagnostic system module is targeted.

    The control options are displayed above the table.

  5. Click Activate to activate the diagnostic system module for the targeted server instance. Click Deactivate to disable the diagnostic system module for the targeted server instance.

Define general configuration settings

To define general configuration settings for a specific diagnostic system module:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select General.
  4. From the General Configuration page, you can define general configuration settings for this diagnostic system module, such as:
    • Name

    • Description

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

  5. Click Apply.

Configure collected metric settings

To configure collected metrics for the policies and actions for a specific diagnostic system module:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Collected Metrics.
  4. From the Collected Metrics page, you can define collected metrics settings for this diagnostic system module, such as:
    • Enabled

    • Sampling Period

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

  5. Click Apply.

Create a new collected metric

To create a new collected metric:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Collected Metrics.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Define the configuration options for your collected metric on each of the following pages:
  6. Click Create to complete the creation of your new collected metric.

Collection Properties

On the Collection Properties page, define the general metric connection properties:

  • MBean Server Location: select the WebLogic Server MBean server for the metric you wish to configure. You can select either ServerRuntimeMBean or DomainRuntimeMBean.

  • Select an MBean type from the following list: select this option if you want to use a preexisting WebLogic Server MBean. From the menu, select the WebLogic Server MBean from which you want to collect data.

  • Enter a custom MBean type: select this option if you want to enter a custom MBean type.

For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

Additional Metric Collection Properties

On the Additional Metric Connection Properties page, you can select individual MBeans to monitor. In the Collected Attributes section, select one or more attributes from the Available list. Click the right arrow button to move them to the Chosen list.

In the Attribute Expressions field, you can enter attribute expressions to collect complex or nested attributes. Start a new line for each expression.

See Configuration Options.

Select Instances

On the Select Instances page, you can select individual MBeans to monitor. In the Collected Instances section, select one or more instances from the Available list. Click the right arrow button to move the instances to the Chosen list.

In the Instance Expressions field, you can enter instance expressions. Start a new line for each expression.

See Configuration Options.

Configure a collected metric

This section describes how to configure a collected metric.

This section includes the following tasks:

Configure general settings

To configure general settings for a metric:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Collected Metrics.

    The Collected Metrics table displays information about the metrics created in this diagnostic system module.

  4. Select the metric you want to configure.
  5. Select General.
  6. From the General page, you can view and define general configuration settings for this existing metric, such as:
    • Metric Type

    • MBean Server Location

    • Enable Metric

    • Collected Attributes

    • Attribute Expressions

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  7. Click Apply.

Configure instance settings

To configure instance settings for a metric:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Collected Metrics.

    The Collected Metrics table displays information about the metrics created in this diagnostic system module.

  4. Select the metric you want to configure.
  5. Select Instances.
  6. From the Instances page, you can view and define instance configuration settings for this existing metric, such as:
    • Metric Type

    • Collected Instances

    • Additional Instances

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  7. Click Apply.

Configure policies and actions

To configure policies and actions for a diagnostic system module:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions.
  4. From the Policies and Actions page, you can define policy and action settings for this diagnostic module, such as:
    • Enabled

    • Severity

    • Log Policy Severity

  5. Click Apply.

Monitor policies

To monitor the policies configured in a diagnostic system module.

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to monitor.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Policies.

    The Policies table displays information about the policies that have been configured for this diagnostic system module, such as:

    • Name

    • Rule Type

    • Enabled

    • Alarm Type

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

On the Policies page, you can also click Create to create a new policy for this diagnostic system module. For more information see Create a new policy. To configure a policy, select a policy from the table. See Configure a policy.

Monitor actions

To monitor the actions configured in a diagnostic system module.

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to monitor.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.

    The Actions table displays information about the actions that have been configured for this diagnostic system module, such as:

    • Name

    • Type

    • Enabled

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

On the Actions page, you can also click Create to create a new action for this diagnostic system module. For more information see Create a new action. To configure an action, select an action from the table. See Configure an action.

Select targets for a diagnostic system module

To specify the WebLogic Server instances and clusters to which you want to deploy this diagnostic system module:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Targets.
  4. Select the WebLogic Server instances and clusters to which you want to deploy this diagnostic system module.
  5. Click Save.

Create and configure policies and actions

This section describes how to create policies and actions for a diagnostic system module.

This section includes the following tasks:

Create a new policy

To create a new policy for a specific diagnostic system module:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Policies.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Define the configuration options for your policy on each of the following pages:
  6. Click Create to complete the creation of your new policy.

Policy Configuration

On the Policy Configuration page, define the general policy configuration settings for your new policy:

  • Policy Name: enter a name for the policy.

  • Rule Type: select a rule from the Rule Type menu.

    • Select Calendar Based to set a rule based on a set schedule.

    • Select Collected Metrics to set a rule based on metrics collected from MBean attributes.

    • Select Domain Log to set a rule based on data written to the domain log.

    • Select Event Data to set a rule based on data generated from a specified instrumentation event.

    • Select Server Log to set a rule based on data written to server logs.

    • Select Smart Rule Based to set a rule based on a built-in Smart Rule.

  • Enabled: select the Enabled checkbox if you want to enable this policy.

For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

Expression/Smart Rule

On the Expression/Smart Rule page, assign a policy expression to this policy by either selecting a built-in smart rule or building a new expression.

  • To assign a policy expression to this policy using a built-in smart rule, select Smart Rule and select the desired smart rule from the menu. After you choose a smart rule, the smart rule description is displayed as well as a table listing and describing the arguments for the selected smart rule. Enter the appropriate argument values in the Value fields.

  • To build a new expression for this policy, select Expression and enter your new policy expression.

For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.


On the Schedule page, set the schedule for this policy.

  • Start Time: set the start time for this policy using the Hour, Minute, and Second fields. Also, specify the time of day by selecting AM or PM.

  • Repeat: select a schedule for this policy from the menu.

    • Select Every N seconds to set the policy to execute every N seconds.

    • Select Every N minutes to set the policy to execute every N minutes.

    • Select Every N hours to set the policy to execute every N hours.

    • Select Specific days of the week to set the policy to execute at the same time on the specified days.

    • Select Specific days of the month to set the policy to execute at the same time on the specified days.

  • Frequency: specify a frequency for this policy's schedule. The acceptable values for this field change based on the schedule you selected in the Repeat field.

    • If you selected Every N seconds, Every N minutes, or Every N hours in the Repeat field, then specify the appropriate value in the Frequency field. You can also use the up and down arrows to select the desired value. For example, if you selected Every N minutes in the Repeat field, and you want your policy to execute every 30 minutes, enter 30 in the Frequency field.

    • If you selected Specific days of the week in the Repeat field, then select the checkboxes for the appropriate days in the Frequency field. For example, select the checkboxes for Wednesday and Friday to schedule your policy to execute every Wednesday and Friday.

    • If you selected Specific days of the month in the Repeat field, then select the checkboxes for the appropriate dates in the Frequency field. For example, select the checkboxes for 15 and 20 to schedule your policy to execute on the 15th and 20th of the month.

For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.


On the Alarms page, specify an alarm and the alarm's reset settings for your policy:

  • Policy Alarm: select an alarm reset setting for your policy. You can select Do not use an alarm, Use a manual reset alarm, or Use an automatic reset alarm.

  • Automatic Reset Period (in seconds): if you selected Use an automatic reset alarm as the Policy Alarm setting, enter the automatic reset period, in seconds, for the alarm. This reset period is the time period to wait after the policy evaluates to true before the alarm is automatically reset. This value is converted to milliseconds before it is stored. For example, if you enter 50 seconds, it is stored as 50000 milliseconds. The default reset period is 60000 milliseconds, or 60 seconds. The minimum value you can set is 1 second (1000 ms).

For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.


On the Actions page, you can assign scaling and other actions to your policy:

  • Scale Up Action: assign a scale up action to the policy. For more information on creating a scale up action, see Create a scale up or scale down action.


    You can assign only one scaling action, either a scale up or a scale down action, to a policy. You can assign any number of non-scaling actions.

  • Scale Down Action: assign a scale down action to the policy. For more information on creating a scale down action, see Create a scale up or scale down action.

  • Diagnostic Actions: select the actions (not including scaling actions) that you want to assign to your policy by moving them from the Available column to the Chosen column.

For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

Configure a policy

Policies are monitors that observe specific diagnostic state and can be configured to send one or more actions based on configured rules.

This section includes the following tasks:

Configure general policy settings

To define general settings for a policy:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Policies.
  4. In the Policies table, select the policy you want to configure.
  5. Select General.
  6. From the General configuration page, you can define general configuration settings for this policy, such as:
    • Policy Name

    • Module Name

    • Rule Type

    • Enabled

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

  7. Click Apply.

Configure policy expressions

To define policy expressions for a policy:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Policies.
  4. In the Policies table, select the policy you want to configure.
  5. Select Expression.
  6. In the Expression field, enter new expressions for this policy or update existing ones.

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

  7. Click Apply.

Configure policy schedule settings

To define schedule settings for a policy:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Policies.
  4. In the Policies table, select the policy you want to configure.
  5. Select Schedule.
  6. On the Schedule configuration page, you can define schedule settings for this policy, such as:
    • Start Time

    • Repeat

    • Frequency

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

  7. Click Apply.

Configure policy alarm settings

To define alarm settings for a policy:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Policies.
  4. In the Policies table, select the policy you want to configure.
  5. Select Alarm.
  6. From the Alarm configuration page, you can define alarm configuration settings for this policy, such as:
    • Policy Alarm

    • Automatic Reset Period

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

  7. Click Apply.

Assign actions to a policy

To define action settings for a policy:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Policies.
  4. In the Policies table, select the policy you want to configure.
  5. Select Actions.
  6. From the Actions configuration page, you can assign scaling and non-scaling actions to a policy.

    To assign a scaling action to this policy select either Scale Up Action or Scale Down Action and select the desired scaling action from the menu. Alternatively, you can click Create Scale Up Action or Create Scale Down Action to create a new scaling action for this policy. For more information on creating a scale up or scale down action, see Create a scale up or scale down action.


    You can only assign one scaling action to a policy, but you can assign any number of non-scaling actions to a policy.

    To assign non-scaling actions to this policy, move the desired actions from the Available column to the Chosen column.

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

  7. Click Apply.

Create a new action

To create a new action for a specific diagnostic system module:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.
  4. Click Create and select the type of action you want to create. You can create the following action types:

Create a SMTP (e-mail) action

To create a new SMTP (e-mail) action:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.
  4. Click Create and select SMTP (E-mail) from the menu.
  5. On the Create an Action: SMTP (E-mail) page, you can define configuration settings for this action, such as:
    • Action Name

    • Timeout (in seconds)

    • Enable Action

    • Mail Session Name

    • E-Mail Recipients

    • Enter E-Mail Subject

    • E-Mail Subject

    • Enter E-Mail Body

    • E-Mail Body

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  6. Click Create.

Create a JMS message action

To create a new JMS message action:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.
  4. Click Create and select JMS Message from the menu.
  5. On the Create an Action: JMS Message page, you can define configuration settings for this action, such as:
    • Action Name

    • Timeout (in seconds)

    • Enable Action

    • JMS Destination JNDI Name

    • Connection Factory JNDI Name

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  6. Click Create.

Create a diagnostic image action

To create a new diagnostic image action:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.
  4. Click Create and select Diagnostic Image from the menu.
  5. On the Create an Action: Diagnostic Image page, you can define configuration settings for this action, such as:
    • Action Name

    • Timeout (in seconds)

    • Enable Action

    • Image Directory

    • Lockout Time (in minutes)

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  6. Click Create.

Create a JMX notification action

To create a new JMX notification action:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.
  4. Click Create and select JMX Notification from the menu.
  5. On the Create an Action: JMX Notification page, you can define configuration settings for this action, such as:
    • Action Name

    • Timeout (in seconds)

    • Notification Type

    • Enable Action

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  6. Click Create.

Create a SNMP trap action

To create a new SNMP trap action:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.
  4. Click Create and select SNMP Trap from the menu.
  5. On the Create an Action: SNMP Trap page, you can define configuration settings for this action, such as:
    • Action Name

    • Timeout (in seconds)

    • Enable Action

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  6. Click Create.

Create a REST action

To create a new REST action:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.
  4. Click Create and select REST from the menu.
  5. On the Create an Action: REST page, you can define configuration settings for this action, such as:
    • Action Name

    • Timeout (in seconds)

    • Enable Action

    • Endpoint URL

    • Invocation Method Type

    • HTTP Authentication Mode

    • HTTP Authentication Username

    • HTTP Authentication Password

    In the Custom Action Properties field, you can add and delete properties to customize JSON objects delivered to the REST endpoint. To add a new property, click Add and enter a Name and Value for the property. To delete a property, click Delete.

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  6. Click Create.

Create a scale up or scale down action

The section describes how to create a new scale up or scale down action.


creating a scaling action requires a dynamic cluster.

To create a new scale up action:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.

  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.

  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.

  4. Click Create and select Scale Up from the menu.

  5. On the Create an Action: Scale Up page, you can define configuration settings for this action, such as:

    • Action Name

    • Timeout (in seconds)

    • Enable Action

    • Service Name

    • Scale Type

    • Current Cluster Size

    • Maximum Cluster Size

    • Minimum Cluster Size

    • Desired Server Count

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  6. Click Create.

To create a new scale down action:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.
  4. Click Create and select Scale Down from the menu.
  5. On the Create an Action: Scale Down page, you can define configuration settings for this action, such as:
    • Action Name

    • Timeout (in seconds)

    • Enable Action

    • Service Name

    • Scale Type

    • Current Cluster Size

    • Maximum Cluster Size

    • Minimum Cluster Size

    • Desired Server Count

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  6. Click Create.

Configure an action

This section includes the following tasks:

Configure a SMTP action

To configure a SMTP (e-mail) action:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.
  4. In the Actions table, select the SMTP action you want to configure.
  5. On the SMTP configuration page, you can view and define configuration settings for this action, such as:
    • Name

    • Type

    • Timeout (in seconds)

    • Enable Action

    • E-Mail Recipients

    • Mail Session Name

    • Enter E-Mail Subject

    • E-Mail Subject

    • Enter E-Mail Body

    • E-Mail Body

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  6. Click Save.

Configure a JMS message action

To configure a JMS message action

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.
  4. In the Actions table, select the JMS message action you want to configure.
  5. On the JMS Message configuration page, you can view and define configuration settings for this action, such as:
    • Name

    • Type

    • Timeout (in seconds)

    • Enable Action

    • JMS Destination JNDI Name

    • Connection Factory JNDI Name

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  6. Click Save.

Configure a diagnostic image action

To configure a diagnostic image action:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.
  4. In the Actions table, select the diagnostic image action you want to configure.
  5. On the Diagnostic Image configuration page, you can view and define configuration settings for this action, such as:
    • Name

    • Type

    • Timeout (in seconds)

    • Enable Action

    • Image Directory

    • Lockout Time (in minutes)

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  6. Click Save.

Configure a JMX notification action

To configure a JMX notification action:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.
  4. In the Actions table, select the JMX notification action you want to configure.
  5. On the JMX configuration page, you can view and define configuration settings for this action, such as:
    • Name

    • Type

    • Timeout (in seconds)

    • Enable Action

    • Notification Type

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  6. Click Save.

Configure a SNMP trap action

To configure a SNMP trap action:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.
  4. In the Actions table, select the SMNP trap action you want to configure.
  5. On the SNMP Trap configuration page, you can view and define configuration settings for this action, such as:
    • Name

    • Type

    • Timeout (in seconds)

    • Enable Action

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  6. Click Save.

Configure a REST action

To configure a REST action:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.
  4. In the Actions table, select the REST action you want to configure.
  5. On the REST configuration page, you can view and define configuration settings for this action, such as:
    • Name

    • Type

    • Timeout (in seconds)

    • Enable Action

    • Endpoint URL

    • Invocation Method Type

    • HTTP Authentication Mode

    • HTTP Authentication Username

    • HTTP Authentication Password

    • Custom Properties

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  6. Click Save.

Configure a scale up action

To configure a scale up action:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.
  4. In the Actions table, select the scale up action you want to configure.
  5. On the Scale Up Action configuration page, you can view and define configuration settings for this action, such as:
    • Name

    • Type

    • Timeout (in seconds)

    • Enable Action

    • Service Name

    • Scale Type

    • Current Cluster Size

    • Maximum Cluster Size

    • Minimum Cluster Size

    • Desired Server Count

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  6. Click Save.

Configure a scale down action

To configure a scale down action:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Modules.
  2. In the Diagnostics Modules table, select the diagnostic system module you want to configure.
  3. Select Configuration, then select Policies and Actions, then select Actions.
  4. In the Actions table, select the scale down action you want to configure.
  5. On the Scale Down Action configuration page, you can view and define configuration settings for this action, such as:
    • Name

    • Type

    • Timeout (in seconds)

    • Enable Action

    • Service Name

    • Scale Type

    • Current Cluster Size

    • Maximum Cluster Size

    • Minimum Cluster Size

    • Desired Server Count

    For more information on these fields, see Configuration Options.

  6. Click Save.

Monitor diagnostic images

The diagnostic image functionality provided by the WebLogic Server Diagnostic Service gathers the most common sources of key server state used in diagnosing problems and packages that state into a single file, or "diagnostic image." You can specify the default destination directory where diagnostic images for a server are saved, and you can initiate an immediate capture of an image for a server.

To monitor the diagnostic images in a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Images.

    The Diagnostic Images table displays information about the diagnostic images captured in the domain, such as:

    • Name

    • Type

    • Destination Directory

    • Timeout

    • Status of Last Action

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

    Optionally, select View to access the following table options:

    • Columns: add or remove the columns displayed in the table

    • Detach: table viewing option

    • Expand or Collapse

    • Scroll to First or Scroll to Last

    • Reorder: change the order of the columns displayed

Capture diagnostic images

To capture a diagnostic image:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Images.

    The Diagnostic Images table displays information about the diagnostic images captured in the domain.

  2. In the Diagnostic Images table, select the row containing the server instance for which you want to capture an image.

    The control options are displayed above the table.

  3. Click Capture Image.
  4. On the Capture Diagnostic Image page, enter the following information for this image:
    • Destination Directory

    • Timeout

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

  5. Click Capture Image.

Download captured diagnostic images

To download a captured diagnostic image:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Diagnostics, then select Diagnostic Images.

    The Diagnostic Images table displays information about the diagnostic images captured in the domain.

  2. In the Diagnostic Images table, select the row containing the server instance for which you want to download an image.

    The control options are displayed above the table.

  3. Click Download Captured Images.
  4. On the Download Captured Images page, select the image you want to download and click Download.