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Virtual Target: Configuration: HTTP

Configuration Options     Related Tasks     Related Topics

Use this page to define the HTTP configuration for this virtual target.

Configuration Options

Name Description
Post Timeout

Timeout (in seconds) for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request. If the POST data is chunked, the amount of time the server waits between the end of receiving the last chunk of data and the end of receiving the next chunk of data in an HTTP POST before it times out. (This is used to prevent denial-of-service attacks that attempt to overload the server with POST data.)

Gets the postTimeoutSecs attribute of the WebServerMBean object

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 0

Maximum value: 120

Secure value: 30

Max Post Time

Max Post Time (in seconds) for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request. MaxPostTime < 0 means unlimited

Gets the maxPostTimeSecs attribute of the WebServerMBean object

MBean Attribute:

Max Post Size

The maximum post size this server allows for reading HTTP POST and PUT data in a servlet request.

A value less than 0 indicates either an unlimited size when chunk is in use or 8192 bytes when the request contains query parameters.

Gets the maxPostSize attribute of the WebServerMBean object

MBean Attribute:

Enable Keepalives

Indicates whether there should be a persistent connection to this server. (This may improve the performance of your Web applications.)

Gets the keepAliveEnabled attribute of the WebServerMBean object

MBean Attribute:

Secure value: true


The amount of time this server waits before closing an inactive HTTP connection.

Number of seconds to maintain HTTP keep-alive before timing out the request.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 5

Maximum value: 3600

Secure value: 30

HTTPS Duration

The amount of time this server waits before closing an inactive HTTPS connection.

Number of seconds to maintain HTTPS keep-alive before timing out the request.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 30

Maximum value: 360

Secure value: 60

Accept Context Path in Get Real Path

Indicates whether this server allows the inclusion of the context path in the virtual path to context.getRealPath(). (If checked, you cannot use sub directories with the same name as contextPath). This is a compatibility switch that will be deprecated in future releases.

Gets the acceptContextPathInGetRealPath attribute of the WebServerMBean object

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

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