7 Setting Up Database Objects and Connection Pools

This chapter describes the properties of the database and connection pool objects in the Physical layer.

Properties for database objects and connection pools are set automatically when you import metadata from your data sources. You might want to adjust database or connection pool settings, or create a database object or connection pool manually.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Setting Up Database Objects

Importing metadata from a data source automatically creates a database object for the schema, but you may need to adjust or view the database properties.

You might to manually create a database object and connection pool for certain situations like configuring usage tracking, setting up Oracle Scorecard and Strategy Management, or configuring aggregate persistence targets.

See System Requirements and Certification.

The following sections provide information about how to create, edit, or view properties for database objects in the Physical layer:

About Database Types in the Physical Layer

If you import the physical schema into the Physical layer, the Administration tool usually assigns database type automatically.

The following list contains additional information about automatic assignment of database types:

  • Relational data sources

    During the import process, ODBC drivers provide the Oracle BI Server with the database type. If the server cannot determine the database type, an approximate ODBC type is assigned to the database object. Replace the ODBC type with the closest matching entry from the Database list.

  • Multidimensional data sources

    Microsoft Analysis Services and SAP/BW are the only supported XMLA-compliant data sources currently available. After you import metadata from a multidimensional data source, check the database object and update the appropriate database type and version if necessary.

Creating a Database Object Manually in the Physical Layer

When you create a database object manually, you must also manually set up an associated connection pool.

For multidimensional data sources, if you create the physical schema in the Physical layer of the repository, you need to create one database in the physical layer for each cube, or set of cubes, that are in the same catalog (database) in the data source. A physical database can have more than one cube. The cubes must belong to the same catalog in the data source. To learn the properties to specify and their values when creating a database, see Database General Properties Reference.


Oracle strongly recommends importing your physical schema.

  1. In the Administration Tool, in the Physical layer without any objects selected, right-click and select New Database.
  2. In the Database dialog on the General tab, type a Name for the database.
  3. In Data source definition, from the Database Type list, select Database as the value.
  4. (Optional) Select CRM metadata tables only for relational data sources and legacy Siebel Systems sources.
  5. (Optional) Select Virtual Private Database to identify the physical database source as a virtual private database (VPD).
    Always select Virtual Private Database for Essbase, Hyperion Financial Management, and Hyperion Planning data sources that are configured for SSO in the corresponding connection pool.
  6. (Optional) Select Allow populate queries by default to give users the ability to populate the database.
  7. (Optional) Select Allow direct database requests by default to allow users to execute queries.

Database General Properties Reference

Review the database properties in the table to learn which properties to configure and when you can or should specify values.

Option Description

Data source definition: Database

The database type for your database.

CRM metadata tables

When selected, indicates that the definition of physical tables and columns for Siebel CRM tables was derived from the Siebel metadata dictionary.

Data source definition: Virtual Private Database

Identifies the physical database source as a virtual private database (VPD). When a VPD is used, returned data results are contingent on the user's authorization credentials. Therefore, it is important to identify these sources. These data results affect the validity of the query result set that is used with caching.

Always select this option for Essbase, Hyperion Financial Management, and Hyperion Planning data sources that are configured for SSO in the corresponding connection pool.


If you select this option, you also should select the Security Sensitive option in the Session Variable dialog.

Persist connection pool

To use a persistent connection pool, you must set up a temporary table first.

Allow populate queries by default

When selected, allows everyone to execute POPULATE SQL. If you want most, but not all, users to be able to execute POPULATE SQL, select this option and then limit queries for specific users or groups.

Allow direct database requests by default

When selected, allows all users to execute physical queries. The Oracle BI Server sends unprocessed, user-entered, physical SQL directly to an underlying database. The returned results set can be rendered in Oracle BI Server, and then charted, rendered in a dashboard, and treated as an Oracle Business Intelligence request.

If you want most, but not all, users to be able to execute physical queries, select this option and then limit queries for specific users or groups.

When to Allow Direct Database Requests by Default

The property, Allow direct database requests by default, provides the ability for users to execute physical queries.

If configured incorrectly, it can expose sensitive data to an unintended audience.

Use the following recommended guidelines when setting this database property:

  • The Oracle BI Server should be configured to accept connection requests only from a computer on which the Oracle BI Server, Oracle BI Presentation Services, or Oracle BI Scheduler are running. This restriction should be established at the TCP/IP level using the Oracle BI Server IP address. This allows only a TCP/IP connection from the IP address of Oracle BI Server.

  • To prevent users from running nqcmd, a utility that executes SQL scripts, by logging in remotely to this computer, you should disallow access by the following to the computer on which you installed Oracle BI Presentation Services:

    • TELNET

    • Remote shells

    • Remote desktops

    • Teleconferencing software such as Windows NetMeeting

    If necessary, you might want to make an exception for users with administrator permissions.

  • Only users with administrator permissions should be allowed to perform the following tasks:

    • TELNET into the Oracle BI Server and Oracle BI Presentation Services computers to perform tasks such as running nqcmd for cache seeding.

    • Access the advanced SQL page of Answers to create requests.

  • Set up group/user-based permissions on Oracle BI Presentation Services to control access to editing, preconfigured to allow access by Oracle BI Presentation Services administrators, and executing, preconfigured to not allow access by anyone, direct database requests.

SQL Features Supported by a Data Source

When you import metadata or specify a database type in the General tab of the Database dialog, the set of SQL features for that database object is automatically populated with default values appropriate for the database type.

The Oracle BI Server uses the supported SQL features with the specified data source.

When a feature is marked as supported, checked in the Default column on the Features tab of the Database dialog, the Oracle BI Server pushes the function or calculation down to the data source for improved performance. When a function or feature is not supported in the data source, the calculation or processing is performed in the Oracle BI Server.

The supported features list uses the defaults defined in the DBFeatures.defaults file, located in ORACLE_HOME/bi/bifoundation/server/bin. You should not modify this file. You can review the DBFeatures.defaults file to compare the features supported by different data source types.


The content found in DBFeatures.defaults in 12c was previously found in the file DBFeatures.INI in the directory ORACLE_INSTANCE/.../config in 11g.

You can tailor the query features for a data source such as when upgrading to a new version of a data source to see if the updated feature is reflected in the Oracle BI Server defaults. When the supported feature is not shown in the Features tab, you can update the settings in the Features tab to reflect the actual features supported by the new version of the data source. If a data source supports a particular feature such as left outer join queries but you want to prohibit the Oracle BI Server from sending such queries to a particular data source, you can change this default setting in the Features tab. If you have federated data sources that execute functions differently, to ensure that query results are consistent, you can disable the appropriate functions on the Features tab so that the calculations are performed in a consistent manner in the Oracle BI Server.


If you enable SQL features that the data source does not support, your query may return errors and unexpected results. If you disable supported SQL features, the server could issue less efficient SQL to the data source.

In most cases, you should keep the default values. If you do change the defaults to mark a feature as supported in the Features tab, make sure that the feature is actually supported by the data source.



See Reviewing Supported Database Features.

The table lists the options available on the Features tab of the Database dialog.

Option Description


The name of the database feature, such as COUNT_DISTINCT_SUPPORTED.


Shows the current value for the given feature. Selected indicates that the feature is supported in the data source, and that the function or feature should be performed in the data source rather than in the Oracle BI Server.

Some features show a default value in the Value column rather than selected/not selected, such as 10 for MAX_ENTRIES_PER_IN_LIST.

It is strongly recommended that you keep the default selections and default values.


Shows the default value for the given feature. The defaults listed in this column are specified in the file DBFeatures.defaults.


Searches for a feature in the list.

Find Again

This option becomes available after you click Find. It lets you perform multiple searches for the same string.

Query DBMS

Use Query DBMS only when you are installing and querying a data source that has no set of feature defaults in the Oracle BI Server. Query DBMS enables querying the type of data source for Feature table entries so that you can find out which SQL features are supported. You can then change the entries that appear in the Features tab based on your query results. Query DBMS is not available if you are using an XML or a multidimensional data source.


The Query DBMS feature results are not always an accurate reflection of the SQL features actually supported by the data source. When using this feature, you should verify that the list of supported features in the Features tab matches the actual features supported by your data source. Refer to the documentation for your data source for details.

Reset to defaults

This button restores the default values for this data source type from the DBFeatures.defaults file.

Viewing Database Properties

You can extend the Physical layer metadata for some data sources.

For example, for Oracle ADF data sources, you can view custom database properties that are passed to the Administration Tool from Oracle ADF BI view objects. These properties are not usually edited.

The table shows examples of custom properties.

Category Key Name Value Description



Dim - Cost Center

FLEX_TREE_VS_COST_CENTER_LABEL_VI view object needs to map to the Dim - Cost Center logical dimension.




FLEX_BI_AcctKff_VI is the CCID view object for FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.



"Segment 1":"VARCHAR"; "Segment ID":"DOUBLE"

For FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM view objects, the data type of some physical columns, the values are overridden with values passed in the property.

Reviewing Supported Database Features

In the Oracle BI Administration Tool, you can review the features supported by databases and data sources. You can use Database Features when trying to troubleshoot a query or other operation that is not working as expected.

Features are the SQL expressions, statements, function, operations, and other Oracle BI EE features that you can execute against the database such as a query that uses an ISDESCENDANT statement, operations such as ADD or SQRT (square root) operations are supported. If a check displays in the Value or Default columns, the feature is supported. For specific information about the Value or Default columns, see SQL Features Supported by a Data Source.

  1. Open the Oracle BI Administration Tool.
  2. From the File menu, select Online Mode or Offline Mode.
  3. In the Open Repository dialog, select a repository, and click Open.
  4. In the Physical column, right-click a database or data source, and select Properties.
  5. In Database Properties, click the Features tab to review the supported features for the specific database or data source.

About Connection Pools

The connection pool is an object in the Physical layer that describes access to the data source.

The connection pool contains information about the connection between the Oracle BI Server and that data source.

The Physical layer in the BI Server contains at least one connection pool for each database. When you create the Physical layer by importing a schema for a data source, the connection pool is created automatically. You can configure multiple connection pools for a database. Connection pools allow multiple concurrent data source requests (queries) to share a single database connection, reducing the overhead of connecting to a database.


It is recommended that you create a dedicated connection pool for initialization blocks. See About Connection Pools for Initialization Blocks.

For each connection pool, you must specify the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed. After this limit is reached, the connection request waits until a connection becomes available.

Increasing the allowed number of concurrent connections can potentially increase the load on the underlying database accessed by the connection pool. Test and consult with your DBA to make sure the data source can handle the number of connections specified in the connection pool. Also, if the data sources have a charge back system based on the number of connections, you might want to limit the number of concurrent connections to keep the charge-back costs down.

In addition to the potential load and costs associated with the database resources, the Oracle BI Server allocates shared memory for each connection upon server startup. This raises the number of connections and increases Oracle BI Server memory usage.

About Connection Pools for Initialization Blocks

You should create a dedicated connection pool for initialization blocks.

Do not use this connection pool for queries.

You should isolate the connections pools for different types of initialization blocks. By isolating the connection pools, you can ensure that authentication and login-specific initialization blocks do not slow down the login process. The following types of initialization blocks should have separate connection pools:

  • All authentication and login-specific initialization blocks such as language, externalized strings, and group assignments.

  • All initialization blocks that set session variables.

  • All initialization blocks that set repository variables. Run initialization blocks that set repository variables using credentials with administrator privileges.

    Be aware of the number of these initialization blocks, their scheduled refresh rate, and when they are scheduled to run. It would take an extreme case for this scenario to affect resources. For example, refresh rates set in minutes, greater than 15 initialization blocks that refresh concurrently, and a situation in which either of these scenarios could occur during prime user access time frames.

You should design initialization blocks to set the maximum number of Oracle BI Server variables for each block. For example, if you have five variables, it is more efficient and less resource intensive to construct a single initialization block containing all five variables. When using one initialization block, the values are resolved with one call to the back end tables using the initialization string. Constructing five initialization blocks, one for each variable, would result in five calls to the back end tables for assignment.

If an initialization block fails for a particular connection pool during Oracle BI Server start-up, no more initialization blocks using that connection pool are processed. Instead, the connection pool is blacklisted and subsequent initialization blocks for that connection pool are skipped. This behavior ensures that the Oracle BI Server starts in a timely manner, even when a connection pool has a large number of associated initialization blocks or variables.

If this occurs, a message similar to the following appears in the server log:

[OracleBIServerComponent] [ERROR:1] [43143] Blacklisted connection pool 

If you see this error, check the initialization blocks for the given connection pool to ensure they are correct.

Creating or Changing Connection Pools

If you did not import physical schemas, you must create a database object before you create a connection pool.

Database objects and connection pools are created automatically when you import physical schemas, for both relational and multidimensional data sources.

You create or change a connection pool in the Physical layer of the Administration Tool.

To modify more than one connection pool, use the List Connection Pool Command and the Update Connection Pool Command

If you have already defined an existing database and connection pool, you can right-click the connection pool in the Physical layer and select Import Metadata to import metadata for this data source. The Import Metadata Wizard appears with the information on the Select Data Source screen pre-filled. See Importing Metadata and Working with Data Sources.

To automate connection pool changes for use in a process such as production migration, consider using the XML API. See “About the Oracle BI Server XML API” in Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  1. In the Physical layer of the Administration Tool, right-click a database, select New Object, and then select Connection Pool.
  2. Specify or adjust the properties as needed, then click OK.

Setting Connection Pool Properties in the General Tab

You can learn about the properties in the General tab of the Connection Pool dialog.

The properties listed in the General tab vary according to the data source type. For example, XMLA data sources have a connection pool property for URL, while relational and XML data sources have the option Require fully qualified table names.

  • In the Connection Pool dialog, click the General tab, and then complete the fields.

Common Connection Pool Properties in the General Tab

The topic describes connection pool properties in the General tab that are common among most data source types.

The table describes the properties in the General tab of the Connection Pool dialog that are common for different data source types.

Property Description


The name for the connection pool. The name is assigned automatically for connection pools created on import.


Use this option to assign permissions for individual users or application roles to access the connection pool. For example, you can set up a privileged group of users to have its own connection pool.

These permissions are not intended for use as data access security. For example, connection pool permissions do not protect cache entries.

See Applying Data Access Security to Repository Objects.

Call interface

Identifies the application programming interface (API) to access the data source. You can access some databases using native APIs, using ODBC, or with APIs and ODBC together. Java data sources are accessed using JDBC/JNDI.

If the call interface is XML, the XML tab is displayed for you to update the applicable properties.

Maximum connections

The maximum number of connections allowed for this connection pool. The default is 10. You can determined the value by the database make and model and the configuration of the hardware for the computer on which the database runs, as well as the number of concurrent users who require access.

For Microsoft Analysis Services data sources, you might encounter 503 Service Not Available errors if the Max Connections setting in the connection pool (default 10) is greater than the XMLA MaxThreadsPerClient setting configured in Analysis Services (default 4). To avoid these errors, increase the MaxThreadsPerClient setting in the msmdpump.ini file, or reduce the Max Connections setting in the repository connection pool.

See Improving Use of System Memory Resources with TimesTen Data Sources.

For deployments with Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards pages, consider estimating this value at 10% to 20% of the number of simultaneous users multiplied by the number of requests on a dashboard. You can adjust the number based on usage. Define the total number of all connections in the repository to less than 800. To estimate the maximum connections needed for a connection pool dedicated to an initialization block, you might use the number of users concurrently logged on during initialization block execution.

Require fully qualified table names

Select this option if the database or database configuration requires fully qualified table names. This option is not available for some data source types.

When this option is selected, all requests sent from the connection pool use fully qualified names to query the underlying database. The fully qualified names are based on the physical object names in the repository. If you are querying the same tables from which the Physical layer metadata was imported, you can safely select this option. If you have migrated your repository from one physical database to another physical database that has different database and schema names, the fully qualified names are invalid in the newly migrated database. In this case, if you do not select this option, the queries succeed against the new database objects.

For some data sources, fully qualified names are a safer because they guarantee that the queries are directed to the desired tables in the desired database. For example, if the RDBMS supports a master database concept, a query against a table named Customer first looks for that table in the master database, and then looks for it in the specified database. If the table named Customer exists in the master database, that table is queried, not the table named Customer in the specified database.

It is sometimes necessary to select this option when you are using an Oracle Database, and you are accessing the database with a user that is not the owner of the schema containing the tables. When the Oracle Database interprets table names in SQL, it assumes that the user that made the query is the owner if the table name is not fully qualified in the query. This can result in an incorrect qualified name.

For example, if the user SAMPLE creates a table called CUSTOMER, the fully qualified table name is SAMPLE.CUSTOMER. When the SAMPLE user references the CUSTOMER table in a query, the Oracle Database assumes the fully qualified table name is SAMPLE.CUSTOMER, and the access is successful. However, if the JANEDOE user references the CUSTOMER table in a query, the Oracle Database assumes the fully qualified table name is JANEDOE.CUSTOMER, and a Table or view not found error can result. To enable access for JANEDOE, you must select Require fully qualified table names in the connection pool so that the Oracle BI Server specifies SAMPLE.CUSTOMER in all queries.

Data source name

The name of the data source to which you want this connection pool to connect and send physical queries. The value you enter in this field depends on the selected call interface:

  • If the call interface is OCI, enter a full connect string or a net service name from the tnsnames.ora file you set up within the Oracle Business Intelligence environment, in BI_DOMAIN/bidata/components/core/serviceinstances/ssi/oracledb.

  • If you are using a native interface for a different database, enter the name of the database for that system.

  • If the call interface is ODBC, the data source name field displays a list containing all the User and System DSNs defined for ODBC on the local computer. Select the correct one for the data source to which you want connect.

If you are using Microsoft SQL Server, then enter an ODBC data source name or a full connect string. The following is the syntax for the full connect string:

Driver={Driver Name};Address=Host Name;Database=Database Name

Where Driver Name refers to the Microsoft SQL Server ODBC driver name. This driver name must exist in odbcinst.ini, and the environment variable ODBCINST should point to odbcinst.ini.

Shared logon

When selected, all users whose queries use the connection pool to access the underlying database use the same user name and password.

If this option is selected, then all connections to the database that use the connection pool use the user name and password specified in the connection pool, even if the user has specified a database user name and password in the DSN or in user configuration.

If this option is not selected, connections through the connection pool use the database user ID and password specified in the DSN or in the user profile.

When you use Oracle Call Interface (OCI) to connect to the database, you can deselect the Shared logon property of a connection pool for the Oracle database. OCI gets the credentials of the user in the repository.

The Shared logon option is enabled by default in Essbase connection pools. You can't disable Shared logon for Essbase connection pools.

Enable connection pooling

When selected, allows a single database connection to remain open for the specified time for use by future query requests. Connection pooling saves the overhead of opening and closing a new connection for every query. If you do not select this option, each query sent to the database opens a new connection.


Specify the amount of time and in what increment such as minutes that a connection to the data source remains open after a request completes. During this time, new requests use this connection rather than open a new one, up to the number specified for the maximum connections. The time is reset after each completed connection request.

If you are using an ADF data source and the call interface is OracleADF_HTTP and the query mode is SQLBypass, then Timeout specifies the maximum execution time before the connection is canceled.

Use multithreaded connections

When this option is selected, the Oracle BI Server terminates idle physical queries (threads). When not selected, one thread is tied to one database connection, number of threads = maximum connections. Even if threads are idle, they consume memory.

The parameter DB_GATEWAY_THREAD_RANGE in the Server section of NQSConfig.ini establishes when the Oracle BI Server terminates idle threads. The lower number in the range is the number of threads that are kept open before the Oracle BI Server takes action. If the number of open threads exceeds the low point in the range, the Oracle BI Server terminates idle threads. For example, if DB_GATEWAY_THREAD_RANGE is set to 40-200 and 75 threads are open, the Oracle BI Server terminates any idle threads.

Parameters supported

If this option is not selected, and the database features table supports parameters, special code executes that allows the Oracle BI Server to push filters (or calculations) with parameters to the database. The Oracle BI Server does this by simulating parameter support within the gateway/adapter layer by sending extra SQLPrepare calls to the database.

Isolation level

For ODBC and DB2 gateways only. The value sets the transaction isolation level on each connection to the back-end database. The isolation level setting controls the default transaction locking behavior for all statements issued by a connection. You can only set one at a time. It remains set for that connection until it is explicitly changed.

The following options are available:

Dirty read. Implements dirty read, isolation level 0 locking. This is the least restrictive isolation level. When this option is set, it is possible to read uncommitted or dirty data, change values in the data, and have rows appear or disappear in the data set before the end of the transaction.

Dirty data is data to clean before executing a query to obtain correct results, for example, duplicate records, records with inconsistent naming conventions, or records with incompatible data types.

Committed read. Specifies that shared locks are held while the data is read to avoid dirty reads. You can change the data before the end of the transaction, resulting in non repeatable reads or phantom data.

Repeatable read. Places locks on all data that is used in a query, preventing other users from updating the data. You can insert new phantom rows into the data set by another user and are included in later reads in the current transaction.

Serializable. Places a range lock on the data set, preventing other users from updating or inserting rows into the data set until the transaction is complete. This is the most restrictive of the four isolation levels. Because concurrency is lower, use this option only if necessary.

Multidimensional Connection Pool Properties in the General Tab

Learn how to use the connection pool properties.

The table describes the properties in the General tab of the Connection Pool dialog that are specific to multidimensional data sources. Some properties only appear for certain types of multidimensional data sources.

  • URL

    This property is only displayed for XMLA data sources. Specify the URL to connect to the XMLA provider. This URL points to the XMLA virtual directory of the computer hosting the cube. This virtual directory must be associated with msxisapi.dll, part of the Microsoft XML for Analysis SDK installation. For example, the URL might look like the following:


  • Essbase Server

    This property is only displayed for Essbase data sources. Specify the host name of the computer where the Essbase Server is running.

    If the Essbase Server is running on a non-default port, or if it is part of an Essbase Cluster, you must include the port number in the Essbase Server field, in the format hostname:port.


    You can import metadata from an Essbase cluster, but you must still specify an individual Essbase Server host name and port number in the Essbase Server field.

  • SSO

    This property is only displayed for Essbase, Hyperion Financial Management, and Hyperion Planning data sources.

    For Essbase, select this option if you want Essbase to be able to enforce security policies that provide different cube access or member-level access to different users. If you select this option then you must also select the Shared logon option.

    Do not select this option if all users are expected to have the same access to the Essbase cube. In this case, all the users have the same access to the cube based on the shared credentials specified in the connection pool. If you do not select this option then you must also select the Shared logon option.

    For Hyperion Financial Management or Hyperion Planning, select this option and be sure that the Shared logon option is unchecked to authenticate against Hyperion Financial Management or Hyperion Planning using a shared token, rather than using a set of shared credentials in the connection pool.

    If you select this option, you should also select Virtual Private Database in the corresponding database object to protect cache entries.

    For Essbase, Hyperion Financial Management, and Hyperion Planning data sources installed with the EPM System Installer, preconfiguration is required before you select this option. See Configuring SSO for Essbase, Hyperion Financial Management.

  • Shared logon

    This property is only displayed for Essbase, Hyperion Financial Management, and Hyperion Planning data sources.

    For all Essbase data sources, it is required that you select this option. See Configuring Essbase to Use a Shared Logon.

    For Hyperion Financial Management or Hyperion Planning, you set this option based on how you set the SSO property.

    • If you checked the SSO property, then don't check this option. Not checking this option causes authentication against Hyperion Financial Management or Hyperion Planning using a shared token, rather than using a set of shared credentials in the connection pool.

    • If you didn’t check the SSO property, then check this option to enable the Oracle BI Server to use the same shared logon credentials to connect to the data source for all Oracle BI users. All users share the same access to the data source.

  • Data Source

    Specify the vendor-specific information used to connect to the multidimensional data source. Consult your multidimensional data source administrator for setup instructions because specifications can change. For example, if you use v 1.0 of the XML for Analysis SDK, then use the value Provider-MSOLAP;Data Source-local. If you use v 1.1, use the value, Local Analysis Server.

  • Catalog

    Specify the list of catalogs available, if you imported data from your data source. The cube tables correspond to the catalog you use in the connection pool.

  • System IP or Hostname

    This property is only displayed for SAP/BW data sources. Provide the host name or IP address of the SAP data server. This field corresponds to the parameter ashost in the SAP/BW connect string.

  • System Number

    This property is only displayed for SAP/BW data sources. Provide the SAP system number. This is a two-digit number assigned to an SAP instance, also called Web Application Server, or WAS. This field corresponds to the parameter sysnr in the SAP/BW connect string.

  • Client Number

    This property is only displayed for SAP/BW data sources. Provide the SAP client number. This is a three-digit number assigned to the self-contained unit called Client in SAP. A Client can represent a training, development, testing, or production client, or different divisions in a large company. This field corresponds to the parameter client in the SAP/BW connect string.

  • Language

    This property is only displayed for SAP/BW data sources. Provide the SAP language code used when logging in to the data source, for example, EN for English or DE for German. This field corresponds to the parameter lang in the SAP/BW connect string.

  • Additional Parameters

    This property is only displayed for SAP/BW data sources. Optionally, provide additional connection string parameters in the format param=value. Delimit multiple parameters with a colon.

  • Use session

    This property is only displayed for XMLA data sources. An option that controls whether queries go through a common session. Consult your multidimensional data source administrator to determine whether this option is enabled. Default is Off, not selected.

Setting Connection Pool Properties in the Connection Scripts Tab

You can create connection scripts and set the scripts to run before the connection is established, before a query is run, after a query is run, or after the connection is disconnected.

For example, you can create a connection script that, on connect, inserts the name of the user and the connection time into a table.

This topic describes the properties in the Connection Scripts tab of the Connection Pool dialog. The Connection Scripts tab is available for ODBC, OCI, Oracle OLAP, ADF, and DB2 data sources.

Connection scripts can contain any commands accepted by the database, such as a command to turn on quoted identifiers. In a mainframe environment, a script could be used to set the secondary authorization ID when connecting to DB2 to force a security exit to a mainframe security package such as RACF. This enables mainframe environments to maintain security in one central location.

Because the connection script is sent directly to the data source, the script should use native SQL or another language understood by the data source, not Oracle BI Server Logical SQL.

  • In the Connection Pool dialog, click the Connection Scripts tab, and then complete the fields using the information in the following table.

    To enter a new connection script, click New next to the appropriate script type. Then, enter or paste the SQL statements for the script and click OK.

    You can edit existing scripts by clicking the ellipsis button to launch the Physical SQL window. Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow buttons to reorder existing scripts.

    Click Delete to remove a script.

The table describes the properties in the Connection Scripts tab of the Connection Pool dialog.

Property Description

Execute on connect

Contains SQL queries that are executed before the connection is established.

Execute before query

Contains SQL queries that are executed before the query is run.

Execute after query

Contains SQL queries that are executed after the query is run.

Execute on disconnect

Contains SQL queries that are executed after the connection is closed.

Setting Connection Pool Properties in the XML Tab

Use the Connection Pool Properties in the XML tab to set properties for XML data sources.


The XML tab in the Connection Pool dialog provides the same functionality as the XML tab of the Physical Table dialog. The properties in the XML tab of the Physical Table dialog override the corresponding settings in the Connection Pool dialog.

  • In the Connection Pool dialog, click the XML tab, and then complete the fields using the information in the table that follows.

The table describes the properties in the XML tab of the Connection Pool dialog.

Property Description

Connection method:

Search script

This property is for XML Server data sources. Click Browse and locate the search script file you want to use.

Connection properties:

URL refresh interval

This property is used for XML data sources and is not available for XML Server data sources. The refresh interval is analogous to setting cache persistence for database tables. The URL refresh interval is the time interval after which the XML data source is queried again directly rather than using results in cache. The default setting is infinite, meaning the XML data source is never refreshed.

If you specified a URL to access the data source, set the URL refresh interval.

  • Select a value from the list (Infinite, Days, Hours, Minutes or Seconds).

  • Specify a whole number as the numeric portion of the interval.

Connection properties:

URL loading time-out

The timeout interval for queries. The default is 15 minutes.

If you specified a URL to access the data source, set the URL loading time-out as follows:

  • Select a value from the list (Infinite, Days, Hours, Minutes or Seconds).

  • Specify a whole number as the numeric portion of the interval.

Connection properties:

Maximum connections

The maximum number of connections. The default is 10.

Query input supplements:

Header file/Trailer file

This property is only displayed for XML Server data sources. Click Browse to locate the header and trailer files.

Query output format

For XML data sources, choose only XML.

Other output formats are available for XML Server data sources.

Search Script Example

Use this search script example to create a search script for XML data source.

Example 7-1 Search Script

<ConnectionPool name="Connection Pool" parentName="&quot;Stock Quotes&quot;" parentId="3023:3037" parentUid="80000557-0bcf-0000-714b-e31d00000000" id="3029:3046" uid="8000055b-0bd5-0000-714b-e31d00000000" password="E3130008E1C4CAD47041E4AE68B048E6 7C2E35213306F12832914CBE7A9DD95561D771DED06484112B1FC6F27B6D0D58" timeout="4294967295" maxConnDiff="10" maxConn="32" dataSource="http://www.host.net/stockquote.asmx" type="Default" reqQualifedTableName="false" isSharedLogin="true" isConcurrentQueriesInConnection="false" isCloseAfterEveryRequest="true" xmlRefreshInterval="4294967295" scriptPath="java.exe -Dhttp.proxyHost=www-proxy.us.oracle.com -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -classpath \analytics\server\Query\Execution\DbGateway\DbGatewayXML\Test\stocktick_webservices -jar \analytics\server\Query\Execution\DbGateway\DbGatewayXML\Test\stocktick_webservices\XMLServiceAdapter.jar" outputType="xml" gwDelim="," ignoreFirstLine="false" bulkInsertBufferSize="0" transactionBoundary="0" xmlaUseSession="false" xmlHeaderPath="C:\orahome_2015\biclient\oraclebi\orainst\config\OracleBIServerComponent\coreapplication\NQSQueryHeader.xml" trailerPath="C:\orahome_2015\biclient\oraclebi\orainst\config\OracleBIServerComponent\coreapplication\NQSQueryTrailer.xml" supportParams="false" isSiebelJDBSecured="false">

Setting Connection Pool Properties in the Write Back Tab

Use the Write Back tab to set write back properties for ODBC, OCI, Oracle OLAP, ADF, and DB2 data sources.

  • In the Connection Pool dialog, click the Write Back tab, and then complete the fields using the information in the table.

See About Setting the Buffer Size and Transaction Boundary.

The table describes the properties in the Write Back tab of the Connection Pool dialog.

Property Description

Temporary table:


When the Oracle BI Server creates a temporary table, these are the first two characters in the temporary table name. The default value is TT.

Temporary table:


Table owner name used to qualify a temporary table name in a SQL statement, for example to create the table owner.tablename. If left blank, the user name specified in the writeable connection pool is used to qualify the table name. Set the Shared logon field on the General tab.

Temporary table:

Database name

Database where the temporary table is created. This property applies only to IBM OS/390 because IBM OS/390 requires database name qualifier as part of the CREATE TABLE statement. If left blank, OS/390 defaults the target database to a system database for which the users may not have Create Table privileges.

Temporary table:

Tablespace name

Tablespace where the temporary table is created. This property applies to OS/390 only as OS/390 requires tablespace name qualifier as part of the CREATE TABLE statement. If left blank, OS/390 defaults the target database to a system database for which the users may not have Create Table privileges.

Bulk insert:

Buffer size (KB)

Used for limiting the number of bytes each time data is inserted in a database table. For optimum performance, consider setting this parameter to 128.

Bulk insert:

Transaction boundary

Controls the batch size for an insert in a database table. For optimum performance, consider setting this parameter to 1000.

Unicode database type

Select this option when working with columns of an explicit Unicode data type, such as NCHAR, in a Unicode database. This makes sure that the binding is correct and that data is inserted correctly. Different database vendors provide different character data types and different levels of Unicode support. Use the following general guidelines to determine when to set this option:

  • On a database where CHAR data type supports Unicode and there is no separate NCHAR data type, do not select this option.

  • On a database where NCHAR data type is available, it is recommended to select this option.

  • On a database where CHAR and NCHAR data type are configured to support Unicode, selecting this option is optional.

Unicode and non-Unicode data types cannot coexist in a single non-Unicode database. For example, mixing the CHAR and NCHAR data types in a single non-Unicode database environment is not supported.

Connection Pool Properties in the Miscellaneous Tab

Use the Miscellaneous tab of the Connection Pool dialog to set application properties for ADF, JDBC, and JNDI data sources.

To set application properties, see Specifying Application Properties for JDBC (Direct Driver) or JDBC (JNDI) Data Sources.

The table describes the properties in the Miscellaneous tab of the Connection Pool dialog.

Property Description

AppModule Definition

The fully qualified Java package name of the Root Application Module to which you want to connect, such as oracle.apps.fii.receivables.model.RootAppModule.

AppModule Config

Determines which application configuration is used in the connection, such as RootAppModuleShared.


The URL to the Oracle Business Intelligence broker servlet, in the format:


For example:


The URL is case-sensitive.

SQL Bypass Database

(Optional) The name of the SQL Bypass database. The SQL Bypass database must be a physical database in the Physical layer of the repository. The database object for the SQL Bypass database must have a valid connection pool, with connection information that points to the same database that is being used by the JDBC Data source defined in the Oracle WebLogic Server.

The SQL Bypass database does not need to have any tables under it. After a valid database name is supplied, the SQL Bypass feature is enabled for all queries.

The SQL Bypass feature directly queries the database so that aggregations and other transformations are pushed down where possible, reducing the amount of data streamed and worked on in Oracle Business Intelligence . See About Specifying a SQL Bypass Database.

Specifying Application Properties for JDBC (Direct Driver) or JDBC (JNDI) Data Sources

Use the steps to set application properties for JDBC (Direct Driver) or JDBC (JNDI) data sources.

  1. In the Oracle BI Administration Tool, double-click the physical database to set application properties for JDBC (Direct Driver) or JDBC (JNDI) data sources.
  2. In Properties, click the Connection Pools tab.
  3. Select the Connection and click Edit to open the Connection Pool dialog.
  4. In the Connection Pool dialog, click the Miscellaneous tab.
  5. Complete the fields using the following information:
    • Required Cartridge Version defaults to 12.1.

    • Use SQL Over HTTP for JDBC (JNDI) call interface, only. If you are using Oracle BI Cloud Service, set this field to false to use HTTP to communicate between networks. For example, set this field to false if the Oracle BI Server and the data source you are accessing reside on different Oracle clouds.

    • Javads Server URL for JDBC (Direct Driver) call interface, only. The field is populated with the hostname and port that was specified in the Connect to Java Datasource Server dialog. The Javads Server URL is the URL for the Java Datasource server that supplies the Java metadata into the Physical layer.

    • Driver Class for JDBC (Direct Driver) call interface, only. Specify the driver to connect to the database such as the DB2 JDBC driver. You must select a driver that is deployed in Oracle WebLogic Server.

      By default the Oracle JDBC driver, oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver, is available in Oracle WebLogic Server.

JDBC String Patterns and Driver Classes

Examples of JDBC strings and driver classes you can use.

   Driver Class: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
   jdbc string: jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcps)(HOST=[\"host-name\"])(PORT=[\"port\"]))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=[\"service-name\"])))              
Apache Hive
    Driver Class: com.oracle.bi.jdbc.hive.HiveDriver
SQL Server


Use EXECUTE PHYSICAL DATABASE statement to send physical SQL to the Oracle BI Server to connect to data sources.

The EXECUTE PHYSICAL DATABASE statement enables executing physical queries from the client without knowing the connection pool information.


EXECUTE PHYSICAL DATABASE DatabaseName/*add a valid SQL statement

Setting Up Persist Connection Pools

A persist connection pool is a database property used for specific types of queries such as queries used to support Marketing.

In some queries, all of the logical query cannot be sent to the transactional database because that database might not support all of the functions in the query. This issue might be solved by temporarily constructing a physical table in the database and rewriting the Oracle BI Server query to reference the new temporary physical table.

You can use the persist connection pool in the following situations:

  • Populate stored procedures. Use to rewrite the Logical SQL result set to a managed table. Typically used by Oracle's Siebel Marketing Server to write segmentation cache result sets.

  • Perform a generalized subquery. Stores a nonfunction subquery in a temporary table, and then rewrites the original subquery result against this table. Reduces data movement between the Oracle BI Server and the database, supports unlimited IN list values, and might result in improved performance.

    In these situations, the user issuing the Logical SQL query must have been granted the Populate privilege on the target database.

The persist connection pool functionality designates a connection pool with write-back capabilities for processing this type of query. You can assign one connection pool in a single database as a persist connection pool. If this functionality is enabled, the user name specified in the connection pool must have the privileges to create DDL (Data Definition Language) and DML (Data Manipulation Language) in the database.

See Setting Connection Pool Properties in the Write Back Tab.

  1. In the Physical layer of the Administration Tool, double-click the database object for which you want to assign a persist connection pool.
  2. In the Database dialog, click the General tab.
  3. In the Persist connection pool area, click Clear.

    The database name is replaced by not assigned in the Persist connection pool field.

  4. If there are multiple connection pools, in the Browse dialog, select the appropriate connection pool, and then click OK.
    The selected connection pool name appears in the Persist connection pool field.
  5. (Optional) click the Connection Pools tab to set write-back properties.
  6. In the connection pool list, double-click the connection pool.
  7. In the Connection Pool dialog, click the Write Back tab.
  8. Click OK, then click OK again to save the persist connection pool.

Removing the Persist Connection Pool Property

Use these steps to remove the Persist Connection Pool property.

  1. In the Physical layer of the Oracle BI Administration Tool, double-click the database object that contains the persist connection pool you want to remove.
  2. In the Database dialog, click the General tab
  3. In the Persist connection pool area, click Clear.
    The database name is replaced by not assigned in the Persist connection pool field.
  4. Click OK.

About Setting the Buffer Size and Transaction Boundary

If each row size in a result set is 1 KB and the buffer size is 20 KB, then the maximum array size is 20 KB.

If there are 120 rows, there are 6 batches with each batch size limited to 20 rows.

If you set Transaction boundary to 3, the server commits twice. The first time, the server commits after row 60 (3 * 20). The second time, the server commits after row 120. If there is a failure when the server commits, the server only rolls back the current transaction. For example, if there are two commits and the first commit succeeds but the second commit fails, the server only rolls back the second commit.

For optimum performance, consider setting the buffer size to 128 and the transaction boundary to 1000.

List Connection Pool Command

Use the listConnectionpool command to create a list of connection pools in JSON format for a specific service instance.

Use the listConnectionpool command and the updateConnectionpool utility when you need to update more than one connection pool.

You execute the utility through a launcher script, datamodel.sh on UNIX and datamodel.cmd on Windows.

If the domain is installed in default folder then the location of the launcher script looks like the following:

Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/Domain_Name/bitools/bin/datamodel.sh or datamodel.cmd on Windows

If the client install doesn't have domain names, the launcher script location is as follows:


See What You Need to Know Before Using the Command.


The listConnectionpool command takes the following parameters:

listConnectionpool -SI <service_instance> -U <cred_username> [-P <cred_password>] [-S <hostname>] [-N <port_number>] [-V <true/false>] [-O <outputFile.json>] [-SSL] [-H]


SI specifies the name of the service instance.

U specifies a valid user's name to be used for Oracle BI EE authentication.

P specifies the password corresponding to the user's name that you specified for U. If you do not supply the password, then you are prompted for the password when the command is run. Oracle recommends that you include a password in the command only if you are using automated scripting to run the command.

S specifies the Oracle BI EE host name. Only include this option when you are running the command from a client installation.

N specifies the Oracle BI EE port number. Only include this option when you are running the command from a client installation.

V specifies whether to include repository variables used in the connection pool. The default is false.

O specifies the output file name with the .json suffix.

SSL specifies to use SSL to connect to the Oracle WebLogic Server to run the command. Only include this option when you are running the command from a client installation.

H displays the usage information and exits the command. Use -H or run .sh without any parameters to display the help content.


datamodel.sh listConnectionpool -SI bi -U weblogic -P password -S server1.example.com -N 7777  -SSL -V true -O output.json

Sample JSON List Connection Pool Output

{    "Title":"List Connection Pools",
           "parentName":"\"Sample App Lite Data\"",
           "password":"B25F85BC2A170AD4349DEF26E4D1295D 7C2E35213306F12832914CBE7A9DD95561D771DED06484112B1FC6F27B6D0D58",

Update Connection Pool Command

Use the update updateConnectionpool command to upload a modified JSON file containing updated connection pool values to a specific server instance.

Use the updateConnectionpool command and the listConnectionpool utility when you need to update more than one connection pool.

Use the listConnectionpool command to create a JSON file containing a list of connection pools for a specific service instance. Modify the connection pool information in this file and then upload it to the service instance using the updateConnectionpool command. You must not modify the uid and connPool values in the file. See List Connection Pool Command.

You execute the utility through a launcher script, datamodel.sh on UNIX and datamodel.cmd on Windows.

If the domain is installed in default folder then the location of the launcher script looks like the following:

Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/Domain_Name/bitools/bin/datamodel.sh or datamodel.cmd on Windows

If the client install doesn't have domain names, the launcher script location is as follows:


See What You Need to Know Before Using the Command.


The updateConnectionpool command takes the following parameters:

updateConnectionpool -C <connectionpoolList.json> -SI <service_instance> -U <cred_username> [-P <cred_password>] [-S <hostname>] [-N <port_number>] [-SSL] [-H]


C specifies the name of the modified JSON file that you want to upload. This file must not contain modified uid and connPool values.

SI specifies the name of the service instance.

U specifies a valid user's name to use for Oracle BI EE authentication.

P specifies the password corresponding to the user's name that you specified for U. If you do not supply the password, you are prompted for the password when the command is run. For security purposes, Oracle recommends that you include a password in the command only if you are using automated scripting to run the command.

S specifies the Oracle BI EE host name. Only include this option when you are running the command from a client installation.

N specifies the Oracle BI EE port number. Only include this option when you are running the command from a client installation.

SSL specifies to use SSL to connect to the Oracle WebLogic Server to run the command. Only include this option when you are running the command from a client installation.

H displays the usage information and exits the command. Use -H or run .sh without any parameters to display the help content.


datamodel.sh updateConnectionpool -C connpool.json -SI bi -U weblogic -P password -S server1.example.com -N 7777 -SSL

Using the BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar Utility to Change Connection Pool Passwords

When moving your Oracle BI repository from one environment to another, you often need to change connection pool information for data sources, because the connection information in one environments is typically different from the connection information in another environments.


Although you can use BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar to update connection pool passwords, Oracle's preferred method is the updateConnectionpool command. See Update Connection Pool Command.

Connection pool passwords are encrypted and stored inside the encrypted repository file. Because of this, encrypt plain-text passwords before using with an Oracle BI repository.

You can use the BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar utility to programmatically change and encrypt connection pool passwords in a repository. The utility only works with repositories in RPD format; you cannot use the utility with MDS XML-format repositories. In addition, the utility requires JDK 1.6.

To use the BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar utility to change connection pool passwords:

The location of BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar is:


Oracle does not recommend leaving clear-text passwords available on the system. Instead, delete the input password file completely, or encrypt it to prevent seeing the password.

  1. Run BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar using the -generate option to generate a template file where you can input the new passwords, as follows:
    java -jar ORACLE_HOME/bifoundation/server/bin/BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar -generate repository_name -output password_file


    repository_name is the name and path of the Oracle BI Repository that contains the connection pools for which you want to change passwords.

    password_file is the name and path of the output password text file. This file contains the connection pool names from the specified repository.

    Then, enter the repository password when prompted.

    For example:

    java -jar BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar -generate original.rpd –output
    Enter the repository password: My_Password
  2. Edit the password file to replace <Change Password> with the updated password for each connection pool. A sample password file might appear as follows:
    "SQLDB_UsageTracking"."UTCP" = <Change Password>
    "SQLDB_Data"."Db Authentication Pool" = <Change Password>


    Only edit the text to the right of the equals sign. If you change the text to the left of the equals sign, the syntax for the connection pool names is incorrect.

    Save and close the password file when your edits are complete.

  3. Run BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar again with the -passwords option, as follows:
    java -jar BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar -passwords password_file
    -input input_repository -output output_repository


    password_file is the name and path of the text file that specifies the connection pools and their corresponding changed passwords.

    input_repository is the name and path of the Oracle BI repository where you want to apply the changed passwords.

    output_repository is the name and path of the output repository that contains the updated passwords.

    Then, enter the repository password when prompted.

    For example:

    java -jar BIServerT2PProvisioner.jar -passwords inputpasswords.txt -input
    original.rpd -output updated.rpd
    Enter the repository password: My_Password