9 Setting Up Data Sources

This topic describes how to set up data sources for BI Publisher.

Overview of Setting Up Data Sources

BI Publisher supports a variety of data sources.

The data can come from:

  • Database

  • HTTP XML feed

  • Web Service

  • Oracle BI Analysis

  • OLAP cube

  • LDAP server

  • XML file or Microsoft Excel file

About Private Data Source Connections

Private connections for OLAP, JDBC, Web Service, and HTTP data sources are supported in BI Publisher and can be created by users with data model creation privileges.

When you create a private data source connection, the private data source connection is available only to you in the data model editor data source menus. For example, if you create a private data source connection called "my datasource." and when you create a data set, the Data Source selection menu is as shown in the figure below.

Administrators have access to the private data source connections created by users. All private data source connections are displayed to Administrators when they view the list of OLAP, JDBC, Web Service, and HTTP data sources from the BI Publisher Administration page.

Private data source connections are distinguished by an Allowed User value on the Data Source Administration page as shown in the figure below. Administrators can extend access to other users to a private data source connection by assigning additional user roles to it.

For more information on assigning roles to data sources, see Granting Access to Data Sources Using the Security Region.

Granting Access to Data Sources Using the Security Region

When you set up data sources, you can also define security for the data source by selecting which user roles can access the data source.

You must grant access to users for the following:

  • A report consumer must have access to the data source to view reports that retrieve data from the data source.

  • A report designer must have access to the data source to create or edit a data model against the data source.

By default, a role with administrator privileges can access all data sources.

The configuration page for the data source includes a Security region that lists all the available roles. You can grant roles access from this page, or you can also assign the data sources to roles from the roles and permissions page.

The figure below shows the Security region of the data source configuration page.

About Proxy Authentication

BI Publisher supports proxy authentication for connections to various data sources

Supported data sources include:

  • Oracle 10g database

  • Oracle 11g database

  • Oracle BI Server

For direct data source connections through JDBC and connections through a JNDI connection pool, BI Publisher enables you to select "Use Proxy Authentication". When you select Use Proxy Authentication, BI Publisher passes the user name of the individual user (as logged into BI Publisher) to the data source and thus preserves the client identity and privileges when the BI Publisher server connects to the data source.


Enabling this feature requires additional setup on the database. The database must have Virtual Private Database (VPD) enabled for row-level security.

For more information on Proxy Authentication in Oracle databases, see Oracle Database Security Guide.

For connections to the Oracle BI Server, Proxy Authentication is required. In this case, proxy authentication is handled by the Oracle BI Server, therefore the underlying database can be any database that is supported by the Oracle BI Server.

Choosing JDBC or JNDI Connection Type

In general, a JNDI connection pool is recommended because it provides the most efficient use of your resources.

For example, if a report contains chained parameters, then each time the report is executed, the parameters initiate to open a database session every time.

About Backup Databases

When you configure a JDBC connection to a database, you can also configure a backup database.

A backup database can be used in two ways:

  • As a true backup when the connection to the primary database is unavailable.

  • As the reporting database for the primary. To improve performance you can configure your report data models to execute against the backup database only.

To use the backup database in either of these ways, you must also configure the report data model to use it.

About Pre Process Functions and Post Process Functions

You can define PL/SQL functions for BI Publisher to execute when a connection to a JDBC data source is created (preprocess function) or closed (postprocess function).

The function must return a Boolean value. This feature is supported for Oracle databases only.

These two fields enable the administrator to set a user's context attributes before a connection is made to a database and then to dismiss the attributes after the connection is broken by the extraction engine.

The system variable :xdo_user_name can be used as a bind variable to pass the login username to the PL/SQL function calls. Setting the login user context in this way enables you to secure data at the data source level (rather than at the SQL query level).

For example, assume you have defined the following sample function:

FUNCTION set_per_process_username (username_in IN VARCHAR2)
     return TRUE;
   END set_per_process_username

To call this function every time a connection is made to the database, enter the following in the Pre Process Function field: set_per_process_username(:xdo_user_name)

Another sample usage might be to insert a row to the LOGTAB table every time a user connects or disconnects:

   INSERT INTO LOGTAB VALUES(user_name_in, sysdate,smode);
   RETURN true;

In the Pre Process Function field enter: BIP_LOG(:xdo_user_name)

As a new connection is made to the database, it is logged in the LOGTAB table. The SMODE value specifies the activity as an entry or an exit. Calling this function as a Post Process Function as well returns results such as those shown in the table below.

Setting Up a JDBC Connection to the Data Source

You can set up a JDBC connection to a data source.

Make sure all prerequisites have been met before setting up a JDBC connection to a data source:

  • The JDBC driver for the selected database must be available to BI Publisher. If you are using an Oracle database or one of the DataDirect drivers provided by WebLogic Server, then the drivers must be installed in the correct location and there is no further setup required.

  • If you plan to use a different version of any of the drivers installed with WebLogic Server, then you can replace the driver file in WL_HOME\server\lib with an updated version of the file or add the new file to the front of your CLASSPATH.

    If you plan to use a third-party JDBC driver that is not installed with WebLogic Server, then you must update the WebLogic Server classpath to include the location of the JDBC driver classes.


    When the JDBC connection is defined, the administrator defines the user that BI Publisher uses to connect to the database. It is the responsibility of the administrator to establish security on the database to allow or disallow actions this user can take on the database schema.

    For report consumer access to data that is returned in a report, the administrator and data model developer can establish security, if needed, that can limit the data viewed by a particular BI Publisher user. One method for securing data returned is to use pre-process and post-process function calls to pass the xdo_username.

To set up a JDBC connection to a data source:

  1. From the Administration page, click JDBC Connection to display the list of existing JDBC connections.
  2. Click Add Data Source.
  3. Enter the following fields for the new connection:
    • Data Source Name — Enter a display name for the data source. This name is displayed in the Data Source selection list in the Data Model Editor.

    • Driver Type — Select the database type from the list. When you select a driver type, BI Publisher automatically displays the appropriate Database Driver Class and provides the appropriate Connection String format for your selected database.

    • Database Driver Class — This is automatically entered based on your selection for Driver Type. You can update this field if desired.

      For example: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver or


    • Connection String — Enter the database connection string.

      Example connection strings:

      • Oracle database

        For an Oracle database (non-RAC) the connect string must have the following format:


        For example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost.us.example.com:1521:prod

      • Oracle RAC database

        To connect to an Oracle RAC database, use the following format:


        For example: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//myhost.example.com:1521/my_service

      • Microsoft SQL Server

        For a Microsoft SQL Server, the connect string must have the following format:


        For example:


    • Use System User — This is reserved for connections to the Oracle BI Server.

    • User Name — Enter the user name required to access the data source on the database.

    • Password — Enter the password associated with the user name for access to the data source on the database.

    • Pre Process Function and Post Process Function — (Optional) Enter a PL/SQL function to execute when a connection is created (Pre Process) or closed (Post Process). See About Pre Process Functions and Post Process Functions.

    • Use Proxy Authentication — Select this box to enable Proxy Authentication. See About Proxy Authentication .

  4. Click Test Connection. A confirmation is displayed.

    The figure below shows the general settings of the JDBC connection page.

  5. (Optional) Enable a backup database for this connection by entering the following:
  6. Define security for this data source. Use the shuttle buttons to move roles from the Available Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles on the Allowed Roles list can create or view reports from this data source.

    The settings defined here are passed down to the backup data source, if one is defined.

Setting Up a Database Connection Using a JNDI Connection Pool

BI Publisher supports connecting to the JDBC data source through a connection pool.

Using a connection pool increases efficiency by maintaining a cache of physical connections that can be reused. When a client closes a connection, the connection gets placed back into the pool so that another client can use it. A connection pool improves performance and scalability by allowing multiple clients to share a small number of physical connections. You set up the connection pool in your application server and access it through Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). After you set up the connection pool in your application server, enter the required fields in this page so that BI Publisher can use the pool to establish connections.

See Configuring JDBC Data Sources in Administering JDBC Data Sources for Oracle WebLogic Server.

To set up a database connection using a JNDI connection pool:

  1. From the Administration page, click JNDI Connection to display the list of existing JNDI connections.
  2. Click Add Data Source.
  3. Enter the following fields for the new connection:
    • Data Source Name — Enter a display name for the data source. This name is displayed in the Data Source selection list in the Data Model Editor.

    • JNDI Name — Enter the JNDI location for the pool. For example, jdbc/BIPSource.

    • Use Proxy Authentication — Select this box to enable Proxy Authentication. See About Proxy Authentication.

  4. Click Test Connection. A confirmation message is displayed.
  5. Define security for this data source. Use the shuttle buttons to move roles from the Available Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles on the Allowed Roles list can create or view reports from this the data source.

Setting Up a Connection to an LDAP Server Data Source

You set up a connection to an LDAP data source from the Administration page.

To set up a connection to an LDAP data source:
  1. From the Administration page, select LDAP Connection to display the list of existing LDAP connections.
  2. Click Add Data Source.
  3. Enter the following fields for the new connection:
    • Enter the Data Source Name — This is the display name that is displayed in the Data Source selection list in the Data Model Editor.

    • Enter the LDAP Connection URL for the LDAP server in the format:ldap://hostname:port.

    • Enter the Username (for example: cn=admin,cn=users,dc=us,dc=company,dc=com).

    • Password — Enter the password if required.

    • Enter the JNDI Context Factor Class (for example: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory).

  4. Click Test Connection.
  5. Define security for this data source. Use the shuttle buttons to move roles from the Available Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles on the Allowed Roles list can create data models from this the data source or view reports that run against this data source.

Setting Up a Connection to an OLAP Data Source

BI Publisher supports connecting to several types of OLAP databases.

Note that to connect to Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services, BI Publisher must be installed on a supported Windows operating system.

To set up a connection to an OLAP data source:

  1. From the Administration page, click OLAP Connection to display the list of existing OLAP connections.
  2. Click Add Data Source.
  3. Enter the following fields for the new connection:
    • Data Source Name — Enter a display name for the data source. This name is displayed in the Data Source selection list in the Data Model Editor.

    • OLAP Type — Select from the list of supported OLAP databases. When you select the type, the OLAP Connection String field is updated with the appropriate connection string format for your selection.

    • OLAP Connection String — Enter the connection string for the OLAP database. Following are examples for each of the supported OLAP types:

      • Oracle's Hyperion Essbase

        Format: [server]

        Example: myServer.us.example.com

      • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services

        Format: Data Source=[server];Provider=msolap;Initial Catalog=[catalog]

        Example: Data Source=myServer;Provider=msolap;Initial Catalog=VideoStore

      • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services

        Format: Data Source=[server];Provider=msolap.3;Initial Catalog=[catalog]

        Example: Data Source=myServer;Provider=msolap.3;Initial Catalog=VideoStore

      • SAP BW

        Format: ASHOST=[server] SYSNR=[system number] CLIENT=[client] LANG=[language]

        Example: ASHOST= SYSNR=01 CLIENT=800 LANG=EN

    • Username and Password for the OLAP database

  4. Click Test Connection. A confirmation message is displayed.
  5. Define security for this data source. Use the shuttle buttons to move roles from the Available Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles on the Allowed Roles list can create or view reports from this the data source.

Setting Up a Connection to a File Data Source

BI Publisher enables you to use existing XML or Microsoft Excel files created from other sources as input to your BI Publisher reports.

To use a file as a data source, it must reside in a directory that BI Publisher can connect to. Set up the connection details to the file data source directory using this page.

To set up a connection to a file data source:

  1. From the Administration page, click File to display the list of existing file sources.
  2. Click Add Data Source.
  3. Enter the following fields for the new data source:
    • Data Source Name — Enter a display name for the data source. This name is displayed in the Data Source selection list in the Data Model Editor.

    • Path — Enter the full path to the top-level directory on your server. Users can access files in this directory and any subdirectories.

  4. Define security for this data source. Use the shuttle buttons to move roles from the Available Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles on the Allowed Roles list can create or view reports from this data source.

Setting Up a Connection to a Web Service

BI Publisher supports Web service data sources that return valid XML data.

You must make the distinction between simple and complex when you define the Web service connection. For more information about each Web service connection type, see Adding a Simple Web Service and Adding a Complex Web Service. Additional configuration may be required to access external Web services depending on your system's security. If the WSDL URL is outside the company firewall.

BI Publisher supports:

  • Web services that return both simple and complex data types.

  • Private Web Service connections

  • Only Basic and Digest authentication for Web service data sources.

  • Only document/literal Web services

Adding a Simple Web Service

You add a simple Web service from the Administration page.

To add a Web service as a data source:

  1. From the Administration page, click Web Service Connection to display the list of existing Web service connections.
  2. On the Web Services tab, click Add Data Source to display the Add Data Source page as shown in the figure below.
  3. Enter the following fields for the new connection:
    • Data Source Name — Enter a display name for the data source. This name is displayed in the Data Source selection list in the Data Model Editor.

    • Server Protocol — Select the server protocol.

    • Server — Enter the server name.

    • Port — Enter the server port.

    • URL Suffix — Enter the URL suffix for the web service connection.

      For example, stockquote.asmx?WSDL

    • (Optional) Session Timeout (Minutes) — Enter the timeout in minutes. If the BI Publisher server cannot establish a connection to the Web service, the connection attempt will time out after the specified time out period has elapsed.

    • Complex Type — Deselect the check box to designate the connection as a simple Web service.

  4. Define security for this data source by using the shuttle buttons to move roles from the Available Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles on the Allowed Roles list can create or view reports from this data source.
  5. Click Apply to save the data source connection.

Adding a Complex Web Service

You add a complex Web service from the Administration page.

To add a complex Web service as a data source:

  1. From the Administration page, click Web Service Connection to display the list of existing Web service connections.
  2. Click Add Data Source to display the Add Data Source page as shown in the figure below.
  3. Enter the following fields for the new connection:
    • Data Source Name — Enter a display name for the data source. This name is displayed in the Data Source selection list in the Data Model Editor.

    • Server Protocol — Select the server protocol.

    • Server — Enter the server name.

    • Port — Enter the server port.

    • URL Suffix — Enter the URL for the Web service connection.

    • (Optional) Session Timeout (Minutes) — Enter the timeout in minutes. If the BI Publisher server cannot establish a connection to the web service, the connection attempt times out after the specified time out period has elapsed.

    • Complex Type — Select the check box to designate the connection as a complex Web service.

    • WS-Security — Select the security header.

      • 2002 — Enables the "WS-Security" Username Token with the 2002 namespace:

      • 2004 — Enables the "WS-Security" Username Token with the 2004 namespace:

    • Authentication Type — BI Publisher supports HTTP and SOAP authentication types. SOAP is the default. When HTTP is selected, the user name and password information are passed through HTTP headers. When soap is selected, the user name and password information are passed through XML SOAP envelope headers.

    • Username — Enter the user name for the web service, if required.

    • Password — Enter the password for the web service, if required.

    • WSDL protected by HTTP basic auth — select if access to the WSDL is protected. When the WSDL is protected by user name and password, BI Publisher executes an HTTP call with the username and password to access the WSDL URL. The WSDL can then be downloaded and parsed by BI Publisher.

  4. Define security for this data source. Use the shuttle buttons to move roles from the Available Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles on the Allowed Roles list can create or view reports from this data source.

    The settings defined here are passed down to the backup data source, if one is defined.

  5. Click Apply.

Setting Up a Connection to an HTTP XML Feed

HTTP (XML Feed) data sources enable your data model designers to build data models from RSS and XML feeds over the Web by retrieving data through the HTTP GET method.

To add a HTTP XML as a data source:

  1. From the Administration page, click HTTP Connection to display the list of existing HTTP connections.
  2. Click Add Data Source to display the Add Data Source page as shown below.
  3. Enter the following fields for the new connection:
    • Data Source Name — Enter a display name for the data source. This name is displayed in the Data Source selection list in the Data Model Editor.

    • Server Protocol — Select the server protocol.

    • Server — Enter the server name.

    • Port — Enter the server port.

    • Realm — Enter the URL for the web service connection.

      For example:


    • Username — Enter the user name required to access the data source on the database.

    • Password — Enter the password associated with the user name for access to the data source on the database.

  4. Define security for this data source. Use the shuttle buttons to move roles from the Available Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles on the Allowed Roles list can create or view reports from this data source.

    The settings defined here are passed down to the backup data source, if one is defined.

Setting Up a Connection to a Content Server

Content Server data source enables you to retrieve a text attachment content stored in Universal Content Management (UCM) server and display it in the report of the corresponding document.

To set up a connection to a Content Server data source:
  1. From the Administration page, select the Content Server link.
  2. Click Add Data Source in the Data Sources page.
  3. Enter the name in the Data Source Name field.
  4. Enter the URL in the URI field.
  5. Enter the username and password in the Username and Password fields, respectively.
  6. Click Test Connection.


    You will see a confirmation message that your connection is established successfully.
  7. Click Apply to save the data source details after your connection is successful.

Viewing or Updating a Data Source

You can view or update a data source from the Administration page.

To view or update a data source:
  1. From the Administration page, select the Data Source type to update.
  2. Select the name of the connection to view or update. All fields are editable. See the appropriate section for setting up the data source type for information on the required fields.
  3. Select Apply to apply any changes or Cancel to exit the update page.