F Using Command-Line Utilities

You can run the GenerateBIPUtility script to generate the utilities for configuring the memory guard properties and for managing the catalog.

Generating the Utilities

Use the GenerateBIPUtility script to generate the BIPConfigService.zip and BIPCatalogUtil.zip files to configure the memory guard properties and the catalog.


sh GenerateBIPUtility.sh toolname outputzipdestinationpath


  • toolname (Mandatory) specifies either:
    • configserviceutil to generate the BIPConfigService.zip file.

    • catalogutil to generate the BIPCatalogUtil.zip file.

  • Outputzipdestinationpath (Optional) specifies the path to store the zip file. If you do not provide the outputzipdestinationpath path, the zip file will be created in the BI_HOME/clients/bipublisher folder.

To generate the utilities using the GenerateBIPUtility script:
  1. Set JAVA_HOME=/u01/app/4.0.0/jdk.
  2. Navigate to Oracle_Home/bi/clients/bipublisher/utility/bin.
  3. Run the GenerateBIPUtility script from bash.
    • To generate the BIPConfigService.zip file, execute the following command:

      sh GenerateBIPUtility.sh configserviceutil

      You can configure memory guard properties using BIPConfigService. See Configuring Memory Guard Properties Using Utility.

    • To generate the BIPCatalogUtil.zip file in BI_Home/clients/bipublisher, execute the following command:

      sh GenerateBIPUtility.sh catalogutil

      You can manage catalogs using BIPCatalogUtil. See Moving Catalog Objects Between Environments.

Configuring Memory Guard Properties Using Utility

You can use the runtimepropertiesconfig.sh command-line utility to configure the memory guard properties to protect against the out-of-memory errors that can occur while processing reports.


runtimepropertiesconfig.sh Operation Options


Operation: update, get, or help

Options for update operation : KEY1=VALUE1,KEY2=VALUE2

Options for get operation: KEY1,KEY2


  • Command to update the following memory guard properties:

    • server.ONLINE_REPORT_MAX_DATA_SIZE property to change the maximum report data size for online reports from the default value of 300MB to 223MB.

    • server.SQL_QUERY_TIMEOUT property to change the timeout of SQL query to 550 seconds from the default value of 600 seconds.

    ./runtimepropertiesconfig.sh update server.ONLINE_REPORT_MAX_DATA_SIZE=223MB,server.SQL_QUERY_TIMEOUT=550
  • Command to list the values of all memory guard properties:

    ./runtimepropertiesconfig.sh get
  • Command to list the values of specified memory guard properties:

    ./runtimepropertiesconfig.sh get server.ONLINE_REPORT_MAX_DATA_SIZE,server.SQL_QUERY_TIMEOUT
  • Command to list all the memory guard properties along with the default values:

    ./runtimepropertiesconfig.sh help
To configure memory guard properties using the runtimepropertiesconfig.sh command-line utility:
  1. Set the environment variable.
    For example, export JAVA_HOME=/home/jdk/jdk1.8.0_40. By default, JAVA_HOME=$BI_HOME/jdk.
  2. Navigate to Oracle_Home/bi/clients/bipublisher/utility/bin.
  3. Execute the following command to run the GenerateBIPUtility script from bash and generate the BIPConfigService.zip file.
    sh GenerateBIPUtility.sh configserviceutil
  4. Unzip the BIPConfigService.zip file.

    cd <BI_HOME>/modules

    unzip —d BIPConfigService BIPConfigService.zip

  5. Change directory to the location of the runtimepropertiesconfig.sh command line utility.
    cd <BI_HOME>/modules/BIPConfigService/bin
  6. Provide the path for <BI_DOMAIN_HOME> when the utility prompts.
    For example: /user_projects/domains/bidomain/

Memory Guard Properties

Configure the memory guard properties to protect against out-of-memory errors.

Use the runtimepropertiesconfig.sh command-line utility to configure the memory guard properties. See Configuring Memory Guard Properties Using Utility.

Property Description
server.BURSTING_REPORT_MAX_DATA_SIZE Maximum report data size for bursting reports

Default value: 500MB

server.DB_FETCH_SIZE DB fetch size

Default value: 20

server.FREE_MEMORY_THRESHOLD Free memory threshold

Default value: 500MB

server.MAX_DATA_SIZE_UNDER_FREE_MEMORY_THRESHOLD Maximum report data size under the free memory threshold

Default value: free_memory_threshold/10

server.MAX_ROWS_FOR_CSV_OUTPUT Maximum rows for CSV output

Default value: 1000000

server.MAX_SAMPLE_XML_DATA_SIZE_LIMIT Maximum sample data size limit

Default value: 1MB

server.MINIMUM_SECOND_RUN_GARBAGE_COLLECTION Minimum time span between garbage collection runs

Default value: 300 (seconds)

server.OFFLINE_REPORT_MAX_DATA_SIZE Maximum report data size for offline (scheduled) reports

Default value: 500MB

server.ONLINE_REPORT_MAX_DATA_SIZE Maximum report data size for online reports

Default value: 300MB

server.ONLINE_REPORT_TIMEOUT Timeout for online reports.

Default value: 600 (seconds)

server.SQL_QUERY_TIMEOUT SQL Query Timeout

Default value: 600 (seconds)

server.WAIT_SECOND_FOR_FREE_MEMORY Maximum wait time for free memory to come back above the threshold value

Default value: 30 (seconds)

server.XML_DATA_SIZE_LIMIT Maximum data size limit for data generation

Default value: 500MB