A.2 Troubleshooting ImportMeFirst Error

You may encounter an ImportMeFirst error while creating a pivot table with Visual Analyzer. This error can occur due to any of the following reasons:

  • The front-end host is not configured.

  • The front-end host is configured without a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

  • The front-end host is not configured and the node manager listen address is not qualified.

To resolve this error:
  1. Check whether the EndPoint URLs are returning a hostname or FQDN by entering the following command:
    (UNIX) JDK_HOME/java -jar bi/endpointmanager/jlib/bi-endpointmanager-impl.jar /scratch/DOMAIN_HOME /scratch/ORACLE_HOME
    (Windows) JDK_HOME\java -jar bi\endpointmanager\jlib\bi-endpointmanager-impl.jar \scratch\DOMAIN_HOME \scratch\ORACLE_HOME
    Sample output:
    BIANALYTICS.bi_server1 - custom channel bi_internal_channel1
    Frontend: http://adminserver1:9502/analytics
  2. Check whether the WebLogic Scripting Tool is returning a hostname or FQDN by entering the following commands:
    wls:/offline> import socket 
    wls:/offline> socket.getfqdn()
    Sample output:
  3. Change the listen address for the problematic Node Manager by using the WebLogic Scripting Tool or through the WebLogic Console.
  4. Restart the servers and processes.
  5. Verify whether the WebLogic Scripting Tool is returning the FQDN by entering the following command:
    hostname -f


    You must make sure that the hostname resolves to a FQDN or you use the Frontend Load Balancer for server-side configuration.