8 Post-Upgrade Tasks

After completing the upgrade process, perform the tasks listed in this chapter to start the Oracle BI instance and validate the upgrade.

Enabling Internal SSL

Enable SSL on internal communication links after you complete the upgrade process.

To enable internal SSL:
  1. Stop the system by entering the following command:
    (UNIX) EXISTING_DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/stop.sh
    (Windows) EXISTING_DOMAIN_HOME\bitools\bin\stop.cmd
  2. Enter the following command to ensable SSL on WebLogic internal channels and internal components:
    (UNIX) EXISTING_DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/ssl.sh internalssl true
    (Windows) EXISTING_DOMAIN_HOME\bitools\bin\ssl.cmd internalssl true
  3. Restart the system by entering the following command:
    (UNIX) EXISTING_DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/start.sh
    (Windows) EXISTING_DOMAIN_HOME\bitools\bin\start.cmd

Migrating Catalog Groups

Catalog groups were a feature of Oracle BI EE that allowed administrators to organize users and application roles for security administration purposes.

In Oracle BI Release 12c ( and higher), catalog groups are obsolete. The catalog groups are migrated by the upgrade process to application roles.

Allowing Content Developers to Include HTML Markup

Oracle BI EE features an option that allows content developers to include HTML markup such as Javascript in various catalog objects. Various properties dialogs in BI EE include the Contains HTML Markup option. By default, when you install or upgrade to BI 12c (, this option is turned off for security reasons. Having the setting off by default is a change from earlier versions of BI EE.

To allow content developers to include HTML markup, you must edit the instanceconfig.xml file to include the EnableSavingContentWithHTML element set to true, and you must specify the appropriate privileges for content developers. See EnableSavingContentWithHTML in Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for details on enabling this functionality.

Ensuring the Proper Version of Oracle R

If you use Oracle R for advanced analytics, then you must ensure that the proper version is installed or error messages might be displayed when using Oracle R functions after upgrading the system. For using advanced analytics, install Oracle R that is distributed with Oracle BI.

You must install Oracle R using the R installer provided with Data Visualization. This installation enables Oracle R for the corresponding Data Visualization installation, only. No other installation of Oracle R works with Data Visualization.

The r-installer.zip file contains the installer for Oracle R on Linux servers and Windows client machines. The file is located in the following directory:


To ensure the proper version of Oracle R:
  1. Manually copy the r-installer.zip from the NEW_ORACLE_HOME/bi/bifoundation/advanced_analytics directory to the EXISTING_ORACLE_HOME/bi/bifoundation/advanced_analytics directory.
  2. Unzip r-installer.zip.
  3. Run the installer for Oracle R.
    For example, r-package-install-linux320.R for Linux or r-package-install-win320.R for Windows.
  4. Run an Oracle R function to ensure that it works properly.