Namespace: AdfAssert

Oracle® Fusion Middleware JSDoc Reference for Oracle Mobile Application Framework



Assertion utilities. The container is expected to have already initialized the Assert Object before this code is executed and initialized the flag.


<static> assert(condition, message)

Asserts that a condition is true. If the condition does not evaluate to true, an exception is thrown with the optional message and reason.
Name Type Description
condition boolean the condition that is asserted to be true
message string the message used when the condition is false

<static> assertArray(target, message)

Asserts that the target object is an Array.
Name Type Description
target Object the target object to test
message string an optional assertion failure message

<static> assertArrayOrNull(target, message)

Asserts that the target object is an Array or null.
Name Type Description
target Object the target object to test
message string an optional assertion failure message

<static> assertBoolean(target, prefix)

Asserts that the target is a boolean.
Name Type Description
target Object the target object to test
prefix string an optional prefix for the assertion failure message

<static> assertBooleanOrNull(target, prefix)

Asserts that the target is a boolean or null.
Name Type Description
target Object the target object to test
prefix string an optional prefix for the assertion failure message

<static> assertDomElement(target, nodeName)

Asserts that the target is a DOM Element and optionally has the specified element name.
Name Type Description
target Object the object to assert being a DOM Node and an HTML Element
nodeName string the optional name of the element to also assert upon

<static> assertDomElementOrNull(target, nodeName)

Asserts that the target is a DOM Element and optionally has the specified element name.
Name Type Description
target Object the object to assert being a DOM Node and an HTML Element or null
nodeName string the optional name of the element to also assert upon

<static> assertDomNode(target, depth)

Asserts that the target is a DOM Node.
Name Type Description
target Object the object to assert being a DOM Node
depth number an optional additional amount of levels to skip for the stack trace

<static> assertDomNodeOrNull(target, depth)

Asserts that the target is a DOM Node or null.
Name Type Description
target Object the object to assert being a DOM Node or null
depth number an optional additional amount of levels to skip for the stack trace

<static> assertFunction(target, prefix)

Asserts that the target is a Function.
Name Type Description
target Object the target object to test
prefix string an optional prefix for the assertion failure message

<static> assertFunctionOrNull(target, prefix)

Asserts that the target is a Function or null.
Name Type Description
target Object the target object to test
prefix string an optional prefix for the assertion failure message

<static> assertInMap(key, theMap, message)

Asserts that key String corresponds to an entry in the Map.
Name Type Description
key Object the map key whose toString() result is used look up a value in the map
theMap Object the map
message string an optional assertion failure message

<static> assertionFailed(message, skipLevel, reason)

Base assertion failure support that supports specifying the stack skipping level.
Name Type Description
message string the assertion failure message
skipLevel number the optional number of stack trace levels to skip
reason string the optional reason for the assertion
Error with the given message and stack trace details if available.

<static> assertNonEmptyString(target, prefix)

Asserts that the target is a non-empty String.
Name Type Description
target Object the target object to test
prefix string an optional prefix for the assertion failure message

<static> assertNonNumeric(target, message)

Asserts that the target object is not either a number, or convertible to a number.
Name Type Description
target Object the target object to test
message string an optional assertion failure message

<static> assertNumber(target, prefix)

Asserts that the target is a number.
Name Type Description
target Object the target object to test
prefix string an optional prefix for the assertion failure message

<static> assertNumberOrNull(target, prefix)

Asserts that the target is a number or null.
Name Type Description
target Object the target object to test
prefix string an optional prefix for the assertion failure message

<static> assertNumeric(target, message)

Asserts that the target object is either a number, or convertible to a number.
Name Type Description
target Object the target object to test
message string an optional assertion failure message

<static> assertObject(target, prefix)

Asserts that the target is an Object.
Name Type Description
target Object the target object to test
prefix string an optional prefix for the assertion failure message

<static> assertObjectOrNull(target, prefix)

Asserts that the target is an Object or null.
Name Type Description
target Object the target object to test
prefix string an optional prefix for the assertion failure message

<static> assertPrototype(target, theConstructor, reason)

Asserts that the the target object has the same prototype as the example type.
Name Type Description
target Object the object to assert has a matching prototype
theConstructor Object the type of object whose prototype will be compared
reason string the message used when the prototype does not match

<static> assertPrototypeOrNull(target, theConstructor, reason)

Asserts that the the target object has the same prototype as the example type or is null.
Name Type Description
target Object the object to assert has a matching prototype or is null
theConstructor Object the type of object whose prototype will be compared
reason string the message used when the prototype does not match

<static> assertPrototypes(target, instanceOne, instanceTwo, reason)

Asserts that the the target object has the same prototype as one of the example types.
Name Type Description
target Object the object to assert has a matching prototype
instanceOne Object one of the two possible types of objects whose prototype will be compared
instanceTwo Object one of the two possible types of objects whose prototype will be compared
reason string the message used when the prototype does not match at least one of the prototypes

<static> assertString(target, prefix)

Asserts that the target is a String.
Name Type Description
target Object the target object to test
prefix string an optional prefix for the assertion failure message

<static> assertStringOrNull(target, prefix)

Asserts that the target is a String or null.
Name Type Description
target Object the target object to test
prefix string an optional prefix for the assertion failure message

<static> assertType(target, type, prefix, depth, nullOK)

Asserts that the target object has the typeof specified.
Name Type Description
target Object the target object to test
type string typeof type that statisfies this condition
prefix string an optional prefix for the assertion failure message
depth number an optional additional amount of levels to skip for the stack trace
nullOK boolean true if a null value satisfies this condition

<static> failedInAbstractFunction()

Convenience function for asserting when an abstact function is called.

<static> forceDebug()

Forces assertion DEBUG to be set to true (to display assertions).

<static> getFunctionName(func) → {string}

Returns the name of a function, or null if the name can't be determined.
Name Type Description
func function the function
the name of the function or null

<static> getStackString(depth) → {string}

Returns the stack trace as a string.
Name Type Description
depth number an optional additional amount of levels to skip for the stack trace
the stack trace