10 Using Plugins in MAF Applications

This chapter describes how to enable the core plugins that MAF provides for use in MAF applications, how to register additional plugins, how to import a plugin from a FAR, and how to package plugins in your MAF application for deployment.

This chapter includes the following sections:

10.1 Introduction to Using Plugins in MAF Applications

A MAF application uses several Cordova plugins to interact with the device on which it is deployed. MAF provides core plugins by default, but users can register additional plugins.

MAF packages a number of Cordova plugins. A MAF application uses these plugins to interact with the device on which it is deployed. Core plugins are the plugins that MAF provides by default. View these plugins in the MAF Application Editor. Examples include the Email and Contacts plugins that MAF applications use to access email and contact functionality from a device.

View the Cordova versions used by the Android, iOS, and Windows platforms by selecting External Plug-ins in the MAF Application Editor.

Select a plugin in the Core Plugins list, as shown in Figure 10-1, to view a description of the individual plugins. By default, a newly-created MAF application enables only one core plugin (Network Information plugin). You enable these core plugins, as described in Enabling a Core Plugin in Your MAF Application.


All applications on iOS devices have network access by default. You cannot change this behavior. If an application that is deployed to an Android device does not require network access, disable the Network Information plugin. The Network Information plugin must be enabled to facilitate remote debugging of an application running on an Android emulator or device.

You can register additional plugins if the core plugins that MAF provides by default do not meet the requirements of your MAF application. See Introduction to custom Cordova plugin development at http://blogs.oracle.com/mobile/entry/introduction_to_custom_cordova_plugin and Registering Additional Plugins in Your MAF Application. Once you have either enabled the core plugin or registered any additional plugins for your MAF application, you create content in an application feature that accesses the functionality of the plugin. See Using a Plugin in a MAF Application.

If your MAF application fails to deploy after you register additional plugins, it may be due to filename conflicts between plugins that your MAF application uses. Alternatively, it may be due to the absence of dependent plugin that additional plugins you registered require to function correctly. See Deploying Plugins with Your MAF Application. MAF applications may fail to deploy to the iOS platform if you do not provide usage descriptions when your MAF application uses plugins that access private data (contacts, photos, and so on) on the iOS device. For more information about these usage descriptions, see Providing Usage Descriptions for Plugins that Access Device Capabilities on iOS

To migrate a MAF application created with an earlier release of MAF, seeMigrating Cordova Plugins from Earlier Releases to MAF 2.3.0 in Installing Oracle Mobile Application Framework.

Figure 10-1 Plugins in the MAF Application Editor

This image is described in the surrounding text

10.2 Enabling a Core Plugin in Your MAF Application

A new application enables only the core Network Information plugin. Additional plugins must be registered before they can be used.

By default, newly-created MAF applications enables only one core plugin (Network Information plugin). Enable or disable additional core plugins so that your MAF application can access the associated device functionality.

10.2.1 How to Enable a Core Plugin in Your MAF Application

Use the procedure to enable a core plugin using the overview editor of the mafapplication.xml file in a MAF application.

You enable a core plugin using the MAF Application Editor.

To enable a core plugin in your MAF application:

  1. From the Project Explorer, expand the assembly project folder, then expand MAF and double-click MAF Application Editor.
  2. In the editor under Outline, expand Core plugins and then select Plugin Enablement. The Plug -ins already enabled for the application are listed.
  3. Click This images is described in the surrounding text to open the Mobile Plugin Selection dialog and select the core plugin you want to use. Click OK.

    For example, if you want your MAF application to be able to send an SMS message, select the SMS plugin.

  4. With the core plugin selected in the Plugin Enablement area of the MAF Application Editor, select whether the plugin is to be available for Android, iOS, or both. Save your changes.

    You can also add notes, for example, if there are plugins which are enabled but which do not have features associated with them.

10.2.2 What Happens When You Enable a Core Plugin in Your MAF Application

OEPE edits the maf-plugins.xml file of the application with entries that identify the enabled plugins in the application.

Once you enable a core plugin in the MAF Application Editor the plugin is listed in Plugin Enablement in the editor. You can see which features in the application use the selected plugin in the Registered Features Declaring Usage in the Plugin Enablement area. The example below shows the entries for a MAF application where the Email and Network Information plugins have been enabled. Enabling these plugins is a prerequisite to your MAF application using the email client of the device and accessing the internet.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<maf-plugins xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/mf">
    <core-cordova-plugin id="c1" pluginId="cordova-plugin-network-information"/>
    <core-cordova-plugin id="c2" pluginId="com.oracle.maf.email"/>

10.3 Registering Additional Plugins in Your MAF Application

You can use additional plugins in a MAF application after registering the plugins.

Register additional plugins in your MAF application when you require functionality in your MAF application not provided by the core plugins that MAF delivers.

10.3.1 How to Register an Additional Plugin

Registration is necessary if you want to use additional plugins. Use the procedure to register plugins using the overview editor of the mafapplication.xml file of a MAF application.

You use the MAF Application Editor to register the additional plugin you want your MAF application to use.

Before you begin, ensure that the application, and the plugin to be registered with the application, are stored on the same drive. If, for example, you store your application on the C: drive in a Windows environment, you must also store the plugin that you want to register with the application on the C: drive. This ensures that OEPE, using a relative path, successfully registers the plugin with your application.

To register an additional plugin for a MAF application:

  1. From the Project Explorer, expand the assembly project folder, then expand MAF and double-click MAF Application Editor.
  2. In the editor under Outline, right-click External plugins, and select New and then External Cordova Plugin.
  3. Enter the location of the plugin in URI. Click This images is described in the surrounding text to open the Mobile Plugin location dialog. Enter either an Eclipse workspace container, or navigate to an external folder containing the plugin.
  4. To re-inspect the plugin and update the information if the content of the URI has changed, click This images is described in the surrounding text. This gets the information available from the metadata of the current plugin. This can include:
    • Id

    • Name

    • Description

    • Version

    • Platform support. This can be edited so you can override the platform availability if you need to.

    • Notes. You can add information that may be useful to understand the history of this registration in the application, or for any other purpose.

10.3.2 What Happens When You Register an External Plugin for Your MAF Application

When an additional plugin is registered, OEPE updates the maf-plugins.xml file of the application with entries for the plugin that was enabled in the MAF application.

Once you select the source files for the plugin you want your MAF application to use, OEPE edits the maf-plugins.xml file of the application with entries that identify the enabled plugins in your MAF application. The example below shows the entries in a maf-plugins.xml file where the Globalization plugin shown in Figure 10-2 has been registered with the MAF application.

Figure 10-2 Additional Plugin in the MAF Application Editor

This image is described in the surrounding text
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<maf-plugins xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/mf">
    <core-cordova-plugin id="c1" pluginId="cordova-plugin-network-information"/>
    <cordova-plugin id="c2" pluginId="cordova-plugin-globalization"
      <platform id="p1" name="android" enabled="true"/>
      <platform id="p2" name="ios" enabled="true"/>
      <platform id="p3" name="windows" enabled="true"/>

10.4 Deploying Plugins with Your MAF Application

A plugin may be deployed to a FAR, or a Mobile Application Archive file. A plugin can be deployed using an Android, iOS, or Windows deployment profile.

The deployment of a plugin with your MAF application depends on the selected method of deployment.

Deployment to a FAR

A deployment to a FAR includes a copy of the maf-plugins.xml file of the application named jar-maf-plugins.xml. It is identical to the maf-plugins.xml file of the application with the exception that the path attribute value of each plugin is an empty string. A FAR deployment does not include the source files for the plugin.

Deployment to a Mobile Application Archive File

A deployment to a Mobile Application Archive File includes a copy of the maf-plugins.xml file of the application with all path attributes set to an empty string.

Deployment Using an Android, iOS, or Windows Deployment Configuration

During deployments using an Android, iOS or Windows deployment configuration, OEPE invokes tools that build and deploy the application. These tools, in turn, invoke the Cordova plugman tool to install the configured plugins from their source location to the deployment folder.

Resolving Naming Conflicts Between Plugins

Deployment can fail due to naming conflicts if more than one plugin used by your MAF application contains resource files with the same name. For example, deployment fails if a MAF application uses two plugins that both have a resource file name arrays.xml.

To resolve these naming conflicts, rename the resource file in the plugin that conflicts with the resource file name in the other plugin. Update the reference to the resource file in the plugin.xml file of the first plugin. In our example, this requires you to rename the array.xml resource file name of the first plugin to pluginone_arrays.xml and edit the plugin.xml file of the plugin as follows:

<source-file src="src/android/LibraryProject/res/values/pluginone_arrays.xml"

Usage Descriptions for MAF Applications Deployed to iOS

Deployment to the iOS platform fails if you enable a plugin that requires your MAF application to access device features (contacts and photos, for example). Provide a usage description as described in Providing Usage Descriptions for Plugins that Access Device Capabilities on iOS.

Adding Missing Dependent Plugins

Deployment can fail if an additional plugin that your MAF application uses does not locate the plugins that it requires (dependent plugins). This scenario can arise if you work behind a firewall. At deployment time, OEPE invokes the tools of Apache Cordova to manage plugins dependencies. These tools may fail to download dependent plugins if their proxy settings are not configured to allow the download of dependent plugins. To work around this scenario, download the missing dependent plugin, and add it to your MAF application. You add the missing dependent plugin the same way as other plugins that you want to add to your MAF application. For more information, see Registering Additional Plugins in Your MAF Application. After you add the dependent plugin, make sure that it appears before the plugin that requires it in the maf-plugins.xml file, as demonstrated in the example below.

<maf-plugins xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
    <cordova-plugin id="c2" pluginId="com.example.dependent.dependentPlugin"
    <cordova-plugin id="c3" pluginId="com.example.plugin"

10.5 Importing Plugins from a Feature Archive File

Plugins can be imported into an application from a Feature Archive file.

When you import a FAR that contains a jar-maf-plugins.xml file to your application, the content in the jar-maf-plugins.xml file merges with the maf-plugins.xml file of the consuming application. OEPE logs information about the merge to its Messages window.

If the plugin to import from the FAR already exists in the maf-plugins.xml file of the consumer application, OEPE logs a message that the plugin exists in the application, and will not be merged.

If the plugin to import from the FAR does not exist in the maf-plugins.xml file of the consumer application, OEPE adds the plugin to the maf-plugins.xml file of the application. In this scenario, you need to set the path to the newly imported plugin, as described in Registering Additional Plugins in Your MAF Application.

10.6 Using a Plugin in a MAF Application

A plugin that is registered or enabled can be used to create content in an application.

Once you register a plugin or enable a core plugin in your MAF application, you can create content in the MAF application that uses the plugin.

See Integrating a custom Cordova plugin into a MAF app at http://blogs.oracle.com/mobile/entry/integrating_a_custom_cordova_pluginfor information about how you can invoke a plugin from Java, from a MAF AMX page, and from local HTML.

The BarcodeDemo sample application also demonstrates how you can accomplish this task.

Figure 10-3 Platform-Specific Content To Access a Plugin

This images is described in the surrounding text

Figure 10-3 shows a button (Scan) in the MAF AMX page that the BarcodeDemo sample application renders on the user's device at runtime. This button invokes a managed bean method and the managed bean method invokes a JavaScript function that calls the BarcodeScanner plugin.

Figure 10-4 Command Button Invoking Managed Bean Method to Access Plugin

This is described in the surrounding text

The example below shows a number of code extracts from the BarcodeDemo sample application.

Other sample applications, apart from the BarcodeDemo sample application, that demonstrate how to use additional plugins in MAF applications are BeaconDemo, and DatePicker. For information about how to access and use these sample applications, see MAF Sample Applications.

<!--  The following code snippet from the scanner.amx file shows how the Scan button invokes the scanBarcode method in the managed bean -->
<amx:commandButton text="Scan" id="cl2" actionListener="#{viewScope.BarcodeBean.scanBarcode}"/>
<!--  The following code snippet from the BarcodeBean.java file shows how the scanBarcode managed bean method invokes a JavaScript function -->
  public void scanBarcode (ActionEvent event)
    // Invokes a JavaScript function named “scanBarcodeFromJavaBean"
                                                               new Object[] { });
<!--  The following code snippet from the scanner.js file shows how the JavaScript function accesses the barcode scanner and sets the resulting value in a managed bean field.-->
function scanBarcodeFromJavaBean(options)
               function onSuccess(result) {
        adf.mf.api.setValue( { "name": "#{viewScope.BarcodeBean.barcodeError}", 
                               "value": ""}, 
                               function() {}, 
                               function() {});
        adf.mf.api.setValue( { "name": "#{viewScope.BarcodeBean.barcodeResult}", 
                               "value": result.text}, 
                               function() {}, 
                               function() {});
        adf.mf.api.setValue( { "name": "#{viewScope.BarcodeBean.barcodeFormat}", 
                               "value": result.format}, 
                               function() {}, 
                               function() {});
        adf.mf.api.setValue( { "name": "#{viewScope.BarcodeBean.barcodeCancelled}", 
                               "value": result.cancelled == 1 ? "Yes" : "No"}, 
                               function() {}, 
                               function() {});
    function onError(error) {
        adf.mf.api.setValue( { "name": "#{viewScope.BarcodeBean.barcodeError}", 
                               "value": "ERROR: " + error.text}, 
                               function() {}, 
                               function() {});
    // Callable externally
    scanBarcodeFromJavaBean = function() { 
        cordova.plugins.barcodeScanner.scan(onSuccess, onError);

10.7 Providing Usage Descriptions for Plugins that Access Device Capabilities on iOS

MAF applications that you deploy to iOS require usage descriptions if the MAF application uses hardware capabilities, such as the device camera, that allow it to access user data.

The iOS platform requires these descriptions to display in the system dialog that it uses to prompts an end user to allow an application access to the functionality and potentially sensitive user data.Figure 10-5 shows an example where the text “This application allows the user to upload photos from their photo library” is the usage description from the MAF application.

Figure 10-5 Usage Description in the UI of a MAF Application Deployed to iOS

The surrounding text describes the image.

Basic usage of MAF does not enable functionality that requires you to provide usage descriptions. However, if you enable a core plugin that requires a usage description or use other plugins that require usage description, you need to provide a usage description to successfully deploy the application. Your application may crash or the Apple App Store may reject it if you do not provide a usage description.

The Camera, Contacts, and Geolocation core plugins require usage descriptions. MAF provides the following generic usage descriptions for these core plugins:

  • Camera: The camera plugin enables access to the device camera and photo libraries.

    This plugin requires usage descriptions for the following Cocoa keys: NSCameraUsageDescription and NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription.

  • Contacts: The contacts plugin enables access to the address book on the device.

    This plugin requires a usage description for the following Cocoa key: NSContactsUsageDescription.

  • Geolocation: The geolocation plugin uses device location services on the device.

    This plugin requires a usage description for the following Cocoa key: NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription.

These generic usage descriptions meet the technical requirements of the iOS platform to successfully deploy the MAF application. We recommend that you provide a specific usage description that explains to your end users why your application needs to access the functionality and data requested by the plugin. For additional plugins that you register with your MAF application that require usage descriptions, you must provide the usage description.

You provide a usage description in your application’s resource bundle .XLF file. The usage descriptions uses an iOS platform Cocoa key(s) as the value for the trans-unit element’s id attribute. The following example shows a usage description that appears when a MAF application prompts an end user to grant access to the user’s photo library.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<xliff version="1.1" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1">
  <file source-language="en" original="mobile.ViewControllerBundle" datatype="x-oracle-adf">
      <trans-unit id="NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription">
        <source>This application allows the user to upload photos from their photo library.</source>

Also provide usage descriptions in locale-specific resource bundles if your MAF application supports more than one locale. The following example shows the corresponding usage description that renders when the locale is French.

  <file source-language="fr" original="mobile.ViewControllerBundle_fr" datatype="x-oracle-adf">
      <trans-unit id="NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription">
        <source>Cette application permet à l'utilisateur de télécharger des photos à 
                partir de leur bibliothèque de photos.</source>

At deployment time, MAF populates the usage descriptions that you define in the resource bundle into the info.plist file of the application that is deployed to the iOS device.

For more information about creating resource bundles in a MAF application, including how to create locale-specific resource bundles, see Localizing MAF Applications.

For a list of the Cocoa keys that identify usage descriptions, see the keys that append UsageDescription to their key name in Apple’s Cocoa Keys documentation at https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/CocoaKeys.html.