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Oracle Outside In File ID Developer's Guide

1 Introduction

File ID is part of Oracle's family of OEM products known as Outside In Technology, a powerful document extraction, conversion and viewing technology that can access the information in more than 600 file formats.

There may be references to other Outside In Technology SDKs within this manual. To obtain complete documentation for any other Outside In product, see:

and click on Outside In Technology.

This chapter includes the following sections:

1.1 What's New in this Release

  • The updated list of supported formats is linked from the page Look for the data sheet with the latest supported formats.

  • Support has been added for AutoCAD 2013.

  • The LibreOffice 4.0 suite (Impress, Draw, Calc, and Writer) is now supported.

  • 64-bit zip compression is now supported in the zip input filter.

  • Input filter support for HTML5 and CSS2.1 tags and attributes related to email messages has been added.

  • Microsoft Visio 2010 is now supported.

  • From Microsoft Office 2013, Access, OneNote, and Visio are now supported.

  • From the Apple iWork suite, Pages (iPad) PDF Preview & Text, Numbers (iPad) PDF Preview & Text, and Keynote (iPad) PDF Preview & Text are supported.

  • From the WordPerfect X6 suite, Word Processor, Quattro Pro, and Presentations are supported.

  • Support has been added for both win-x86-32/win-x86-64 on Windows 8.1 desktop.

  • Threading is now available on Linux x86-64 and Sun SPARC64.

1.2 What Does This Technology Do?

The Outside In File ID API allows developers to identify files using the same technology that all Outside In products use internally. This specification uses a 16-bit value called the ID or type ID to identify different file formats. These IDs are defined in sccfi.h.

1.3 Overview

This API includes the following functions:

  • FIIdFile: Returns an ID given a file.

  • FIIdFileEx: Returns an ID and an ID name given a file.

  • FIGetFirstId: Returns the first ID in the range of IDs used by this API.

  • FIGetNextId: Returns the next ID in the range of IDs used by the API.

1.4 Directory Structure

Each Outside In product has an sdk directory, under which there is a subdirectory for each platform on which the product ships (for example, fi/sdk/fi_win-x86-32_sdk). Under each of these directories are the following three subdirectories:

  • redist: Contains only the files that the customer is allowed to redistribute. These include all the compiled modules, filter support files, .xsd and .dtd files, cmmap000.bin, and third-party libraries, like freetype.

  • sdk: Contains the other subdirectories that used to be at the root-level of an sdk: common, lib (windows only), resource, samplefiles, and samplecode (previously samples). In addition, one new subdirectory has been added, demo, that holds all of the compiled sample apps and other files that are needed to demo the products. These are files that the customer should not redistribute (.cfg files, exportmaps, and so forth.).

In the root platform directory (for example, fi/sdk/fi_win-x86-32_sdk), there are two files:

  • README: Explains the contents of the sdk, and that makedemo must be run in order to use the sample applications.

  • makedemo (either .bat or .sh – platform-based): This script will either copy (on Windows) or Symlink (on UNIX) the contents of …/redist into …/sdk/demo, so that sample applications can then be run out of the demo directory..

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Oracle Outside In File ID Developer's Guide

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