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Oracle Outside In Transformation Server Developer's Guide

A SOAP Data Types and Options

This appendix defines the SOAP data types and options used by the export products.

This appendix contains the following sections:

A.1 Simple Types

  • xsd:base64Binary: Base64-encoded binary data.

  • xsd:boolean: Binary data (true [non-zero] or false [0]).

  • xsd:byte: Short data between -128 and 127.

  • xsd:double: IEEE double-precision 64-bit floating point data.

  • xsd:float: IEEE single-precision 32-bit floating point data.

  • xsd:hexBinary: Arbitrary hex-encoded binary data.

  • xsd:int: Long data between -2147483648 and 2147483647.

  • xsd:short: Integer data between -32768 and 32767.

  • xsd:signedInt: Integer data between -2147483648 and 2147483647.

  • xsd:string: A null-terminated character string.

  • xsd:unsignedByte: Unsigned, short data no greater than 255.

  • xsd:unsignedInt: Unsigned, long data no greater than 4294967295.

  • xsd:unsignedShort

  • Unsigned, short data no greater than 65535.

A.2 Complex Types

This section presents complex data types applicable to all products.

A.2.1 IOSpec

This data type is a complexType structure that contains the full specification required for Transformation Server to open a particular data stream for input or output. In addition to a "specification", examples of which include a file system path or a URL, the structure also allows provides fields for the character set used in the specification and an identifier of the type of specification provided, for example, path or url. The IOSpec structure is defined as follows:

<complexType name="IOSpec">
  <extension base="xsd:anyType">
    <element name="spec" type="ts:stringData" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <element name="specType" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" nillable="true"/>

A.2.2 stringData

This data type stores a text string along with an identifier of the character set used in the string. The charSet field indicates the character set used in the string. If the character set used in the string is UTF-8, the string may be passed to Transformation Server unmodified. If the string does not use the UTF-8 character set, the string must be passed in base64-encoded form. If the string is base64-encoded, the base64 field must be set to true.

This data type takes the form of a complexType structure, defined as follows:

<complexType name="stringData">
  <extension base="xsd:anyType">
    <element name="str" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="charset" type="ts:CharacterSetEnum" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <element name="base64" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>

A.2.3 stringList

StringList is an array of UTF-8 strings used with the fileAccess option. This data type allows passing lists of UNICODE strings (UTF-8 encoded) to and from Transformation Server. It does not support other UNICODE encodings, or non-UNICODE encodings.

This data type takes the form of a complexType structure, defined as follows:

<complexType name="StringList">
  <extension base="xsd:anySimpleType">
    <element name="strings" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

A.2.4 TransformResponse

This data type is a structure that contains a human-readable result message and a list of the output documents created by the transformation. The structure is defined as follows:

<complexType name="TransformResponse">
  <element name="result" type="xsd:unsignedInt" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
  <element name="resultMsg" type="ts:stringData" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
  <element name="resultDocs" type="ts:ArrayOfIOSpec" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" nillable="true"/>

A.3 Enumerations

This section defines enumerations.

A.3.1 CharacterByteOrderEnum

Valid for the characterByteOrder option.

Export Product

HTML Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="CharacterByteOrderEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="big-endian"/>
  <enumeration value="little-endian"/>
  <enumeration value="template-order"/>

A.3.2 CharacterSetEnum

Valid for the outputCharacterSet option.

Export Product

HTML Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="CharacterSetEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="ISO-8859-1"/>
  <enumeration value="ISO-8859-2"/>
  <enumeration value="ISO-8859-3"/>
  <enumeration value="ISO-8859-4"/>
  <enumeration value="ISO-8859-5"/>
  <enumeration value="ISO-8859-6"/>
  <enumeration value="ISO-8859-7"/>
  <enumeration value="ISO-8859-8"/>
  <enumeration value="ISO-8859-9"/>
  <enumeration value="x-Mac-roman"/>
  <enumeration value="x-Mac-ce"/>
  <enumeration value="x-Mac-Greek"/>
  <enumeration value="x-Mac-Cyrillic"/>
  <enumeration value="x-Mac-Turkish"/>
  <enumeration value="GB2312"/>
  <enumeration value="Big5"/>
  <enumeration value="Shift_JIS"/>
  <enumeration value="KOI8-R"/>
  <enumeration value="windows-1250"/>
  <enumeration value="windows-1251"/>
  <enumeration value="windows-1252"/>
  <enumeration value="windows-1253"/>
  <enumeration value="windows-1254"/>
  <enumeration value="windows-1255"/>
  <enumeration value="windows-1256"/>
  <enumeration value="windows-1257"/>
  <enumeration value="EUC-KR"/>
  <enumeration value="EUC-JP"/>
  <enumeration value="ISO-2022-JP"/>
  <enumeration value="windows-874"/>
  <enumeration value="UTF-7"/>
  <enumeration value="UTF-8"/>
  <enumeration value="ISO-10646-UCS-2"/>
  <enumeration value="x-Charset-Unknown"/>

A.3.3 ComplianceEnum

Valid for the compliance option.

Export Product

HTML Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="ComplianceEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="none"/>
  <enumeration value="well-formed"/>
  <enumeration value="strictDTD"/>

A.3.4 DatabaseFitToPageEnum

Valid for the databaseFitToPage option.

Export Product

Image Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="DatabaseFitToPageEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="dbNoScaling"/>
  <enumeration value="dbFitToPage"/>
  <enumeration value="dbFitToWidth"/>
  <enumeration value="dbFitToHeight"/>

A.3.5 DefaultInputCharSetEnum

Valid for the defaultInputCharset option.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="DefaultInputCharSetEnum">
  <restriction base="string">
   <enumeration value="jis"/>
   <enumeration value="euc_jp"/>
   <enumeration value="cns11643_1"/>
   <enumeration value="euc_cns_1"/>
   <enumeration value="cns11643_2"/>
   <enumeration value="euc_cns_2"/>
   <enumeration value="ksc1987"/>
   <enumeration value="gb2312"/>
   <enumeration value="ebcdic37"/>
   <enumeration value="ebcdic273"/>
   <enumeration value="ebcdic274"/>
   <enumeration value="ebcdic277"/>
   <enumeration value="ebcdic278"/>
   <enumeration value="ebcdic280"/>
   <enumeration value="ebcdic282"/>
   <enumeration value="ebcdic284"/>
   <enumeration value="ebcdic285"/>
   <enumeration value="ebcdic297"/>
   <enumeration value="ebcdic500"/>
   <enumeration value="ebcdic1026"/>
   <enumeration value="ascii"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi437"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi737"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi850"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi852"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi855"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi857"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi860"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi861"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi863"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi865"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi866"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi869"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi874"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi932"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi936"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi949"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi950"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi1250"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi1251"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi1252"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi1253"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi1254"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi1255"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi1256"/>
   <enumeration value="ansi1257"/>
   <enumeration value="unicode"/>
   <enumeration value="iso8859_1"/>
   <enumeration value="iso8859_2"/>
   <enumeration value="iso8859_3"/>
   <enumeration value="iso8859_4"/>
   <enumeration value="iso8859_5"/>
   <enumeration value="iso8859_6"/>
   <enumeration value="iso8859_7"/>
   <enumeration value="iso8859_8"/>
   <enumeration value="iso8859_9"/>
   <enumeration value="macroman"/>
   <enumeration value="maccroatian"/>
   <enumeration value="macromanian"/>
   <enumeration value="macturkish"/>
   <enumeration value="macicelandic"/>
   <enumeration value="maccyrillic"/>
   <enumeration value="macgreek"/>
   <enumeration value="macce"/>
   <enumeration value="hebrew"/>
   <enumeration value="arabic"/>
   <enumeration value="macjis"/>
   <enumeration value="hproman8"/>
   <enumeration value="bidi_oldcode"/>
   <enumeration value="bidi_pc8"/>
   <enumeration value="bidi_e0"/>
   <enumeration value="htmlkoi8"/>
   <enumeration value="jis_roman"/>
   <enumeration value="utf7"/>
   <enumeration value="utf8"/>
   <enumeration value="littleendianunicode"/>
   <enumeration value="bigendianunicode"/>

A.3.6 DefaultPageUnitsEnum

Valid for the defaultPageUnits option.

Export Product

PDF Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="DefaultPageUnitsEnum">
 <restriction base="xsd:string">
  <enumeration value="inches"/>
  <enumeration value="points"/>
  <enumeration value="centimeters"/>
  <enumeration value="picas"/>

A.3.7 DocumentMemoryModeEnum

Valid for the documentMemoryMode option.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="DocumentMemoryModeEnum">
    <restriction base="string">
      <enumeration value="smallestMode"/>
      <enumeration value="smallMode"/>
      <enumeration value="mediumMode"/>
      <enumeration value="largeMode"/>
      <enumeration value="largestMode"/>

A.3.8 EmailHeaderOutputEnum

EmailHeaderOutputEnum takes the place of the MimeHeaderOutputEnum. Valid for the emailHeaderOutput option.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="EmailHeaderOutputEnum">
  <restriction base="xsd:string">
    <enumeration value="emailHeaderStandard"/>
    <enumeration value="emailHeaderAll"/>
    <enumeration value="emailHeaderNone"/>

A.3.9 ExtractEmbeddedFilesEnum

Valid for the extractEmbeddedFiles option.

Export Product

HTML Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="ExtractEmbeddedFilesEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="ignoreFiles"/>
  <enumeration value="convertFiles"/>
  <enumeration value="extractFiles"/>

A.3.10 FallbackFormatEnum

Valid for the fallbackFormat option.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="FallbackFormatEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="fallbackToText"/>
  <enumeration value="noFallbackFormat"/>

A.3.11 FlavorEnum

Valid for the flavor option.

Export Product

HTML Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="FlavorEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="generic-html"/>
  <enumeration value="generic-wireless-html"/>
  <enumeration value="html2.0"/>
  <enumeration value="html3.0"/>
  <enumeration value="html4.0"/>
  <enumeration value="netscape3.0"/>
  <enumeration value="netscape4.0"/>
  <enumeration value="internetExplorer3.0"/>
  <enumeration value="internetExplorer4.0"/>
  <enumeration value="avantGo3.3-palm"/>
  <enumeration value="avantGo3.3-palm-noTables"/>
  <enumeration value="avantGo3.3-winCE"/>
  <enumeration value="avantGo3.3-winCE-noTables"/>
  <enumeration value="webClipping1.1"/>
  <enumeration value="webClipping1.1-noTables"/>
  <enumeration value="chtml2.0"/>
  <enumeration value="hdml3.0"/>
  <enumeration value="text"/>
  <enumeration value="wml1.1"/>
  <enumeration value="wml1.1-withTables"/>
  <enumeration value="wml2.0"/>
  <enumeration value="xhtml-basic1.0"/>
  <enumeration value="xhtml-basic1.0-noTables"/>

A.3.12 GraphicCroppingEnum

Valid for the graphicCropping option.

Export Product

Image Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="GraphicCroppingEnum">
   <restriction base="string">
   <enumeration value="noCropping"/>
   <enumeration value="cropToContent"/>

A.3.13 GraphicSizeMethodEnum

Valid for the graphicSizeMethod option.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, XML Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="GraphicSizeMethodEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="smooth"/>
  <enumeration value="quick"/>
  <enumeration value="smoothGray"/>

A.3.14 GraphicTypeEnum

Valid for the graphicType option.

Export Product

HTML Export, XML Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="GraphicTypeEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="bmp"/>
  <enumeration value="gif"/>
  <enumeration value="jpeg"/>
  <enumeration value="noGraphics"/>
  <enumeration value="png"/>
  <enumeration value="wbmp"/>

A.3.15 GraphicWatermarkScaleTypeEnum

Valid for the graphicWatermarkScaleType option.

Export Product

Image Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="GraphicWatermarkScaleTypeEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="scaleWatermarkOff"/>
  <enumeration value="scaleWatermarkByPercent"/>

A.3.16 GridAdvanceEnum

Valid for the gridAdvance option.

Export Product

HTML Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="GridAdvanceEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="advanceAcross"/>
  <enumeration value="advanceDown"/>

A.3.17 MimeHeaderOutputEnum

Valid for the mimeHeaderOutput option. The mimeHeaderOutput option is no longer preferred, and has been replaced with the emailHeaderOutput option.

Export Product

Image Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="MimeHeaderOutputEnum">
    <restriction base="string">
      <enumeration value="all"/>
      <enumeration value="standard"/>
      <enumeration value="none"/>

A.3.18 oleEmbeddingsEnum

Valid for the oleEmbeddings option.

Export Product

Search Export, XML Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="OleEmbeddingsEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="processAll"/>
  <enumeration value="processNone"/>
  <enumeration value="processStandard"/>

A.3.19 ReorderMethodEnum

Valid for the reorderMethod option.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, XML Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="ReorderMethodEnum">
 <restriction base="xsd:string">
  <enumeration value="reorderOff"/>
  <enumeration value="reorderLeftToRight"/>
  <enumeration value="reorderRightToLeft"/>

A.3.20 SearchMLUnmappedTextEnum

Valid for the unmappedText option.

Export Product

Search Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="SearchMLUnmappedTextEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="justUnmappedText"/>
  <enumeration value="noUnmappedText"/>
  <enumeration value="bothUnmappedText"/>

A.3.21 SpreadSheetBordersEnum

Valid for the spreadsheetBorders option.

Export Product

HTML Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="SpreadsheetBordersEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="createBorderIfMissing"/>
  <enumeration value="bordersOff"/>
  <enumeration value="useSourceBorders"/>

A.3.22 SpreadsheetFitToPageEnum

Valid for the spreadsheetFitToPage option.

Export Product

Image Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="SpreadsheetFitToPageEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="ssNoScaling"/>
  <enumeration value="ssFitToPage"/>
  <enumeration value="ssFitToWidth"/>
  <enumeration value="ssFitToHeight"/>
  <enumeration value="ssScaleByPercentage"/>
  <enumeration value="ssFitToPages"/>

A.3.23 SpreadsheetPageDirectionEnum

Valid for the spreadsheetPageDirection option.

Export Product

Image Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="SpreadsheetPageDirectionEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="downThenAcross"/>
  <enumeration value="acrossThenDown"/>

A.3.24 TiffByteOrderEnum

Part of the TiffOptions structure.

Export Product

Image Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="TiffByteOrderEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="little-endian"/>
  <enumeration value="big-endian"/>

A.3.25 TiffColorSpaceEnum

Part of the TiffOptions structure.

Export Product

Image Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="TiffColorSpaceEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="blackWhite-1Bit"/>
  <enumeration value="palette-8Bit"/>
  <enumeration value="rgb-24Bit"/>

A.3.26 TiffCompressionEnum

Part of the TiffOptions structure.

Export Product

Image Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="TiffCompressionEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="noCompression"/>
  <enumeration value="packbits"/>
  <enumeration value="LZW"/>
  <enumeration value="CCITT-1D"/>
  <enumeration value="CCITT-Group3-Fax"/>
  <enumeration value="CCITT-Group4-Fax"/>

A.3.27 TiffFillOrderEnum

Part of the TiffOptions structure.

Export Product

Image Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="TiffFillOrderEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="fillOrder-1"/>
  <enumeration value="fillOrder-2"/>

A.3.28 WatermarkPositionEnum

Valid for the watermarkPosition option.

Export Product

PDF Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="WatermarkPostionEnum">
 <restriction base="xsd:string">
  <enumeration value="centerOfPage"/>

A.3.29 WatermarkScalingEnum

Valid for the watermarkScaling option.

Export Product

PDF Export

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="WatermarkScalingEnum">
 <restriction base="xsd:string">
  <enumeration value="pdfNoMap"/>
  <enumeration value="pdfFitToPage"/>
  <enumeration value="pdfScale"/>

A.3.30 XmlDefinitionMethodEnum

Valid for the xmlDefinitionMethod option.

Export Product

Search Export,

The enumeration is defined as follows:

<simpleType name="XmlDefinitionMethodEnum">
 <restriction base="string">
  <enumeration value="dtd"/>
  <enumeration value="noDefinition"/>
  <enumeration value="xsd"/>

A.4 SOAP Options

This section details the Web Services implementation of options in Transformation Server. However, there are references to API-specific information for the C and JAVA client interfaces to the technology within each of the following sections.

A.4.1 How Options Work

An option is defined by an identifier and an associated value. The identifier (hOptions) indicates what particular option is being specified. The option value data must be in a form that conforms to the set of supported data types.

Note that it is not necessarily an error to specify options that are not understood by the export engine, but some transformation engines may require that certain options be specified.

A.4.2 Character Mapping

This section applies to character mapping options.

A.4.2.1 defaultInputCharset

This option is used in cases where Outside In cannot determine the character set used to encode the text of an input file. When all other means of determining the file's character set are exhausted, Outside In will assume that an input document is encoded in the character set specified by this option. This is most often used when reading plain-text files, but may also be used when reading HTML or PDF files.

When the "extended test for text" is enabled (see Section A.4.4.2, "extendedTestForText"), this option will still apply to plain-text input files that are not identified as EBCDIC or Unicode.

This option supersedes the fallbackFormat option for selecting the character set assumed for plain-text files. For backwards compatibility, use of deprecated character-set -related values is still currently supported for fallbackFormat, though internally such values will be translated into equivalent values for the defaultInputCharset. As a result, if an application were to set both options, the last such value set for either option will be the value that takes effect.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



The SOAP representation of the character set to use, from the values in defaultInputCharSetEnum.

A.4.2.2 characterByteOrder

This option determines the byte order of Unicode characters in the output files when Unicode is chosen as the output character set.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • big-endian: Big-Endian byte ordering is common on RISC and Motorola processors. The ISO 10646 standard, the Unicode Standard and the W3C recommend Big-Endian Unicode. It also corresponds to network byte order.

  • little-endian: Little Endian is common on Intel processors.

  • template-order: This value will cause the output to use the byte ordering used in the main template file, if the template is written in Unicode. If the template is not written in Unicode, Big-Endian byte order is used.




  • C Client Implementation: OIT_CharacterByteOrderEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: CharacterByteOrderEnum

A.4.2.3 outputCharacterSet

This option allows the developer to specify which character set should be used in the output file. The technology will then translate or "map" characters from the input document's character set to the output character set as needed. Naturally, export process does not translate content from one language to another. This character mapping is also clearly limited by the need for the character to be in both the input and the output character sets. If a character cannot be mapped, the character will show up in the output as the "unmappable character." The default unmappable character used is the "*" character. The character used may be changed by setting the unmappableCharacter option. If the resulting output contains an excessive number of these "*" characters, selecting a more appropriate output character set should improve the situation.

The technology reserves the right to override this option. The option will be overridden if ANSI Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) characters are detected in the source document and a single-byte character set is chosen as the output character set. If the option is overridden, this change will affect the entire output document. The technology uses the first DBCS character set it finds in the document as the basis for its decision about which output character set to choose as its override.

Note that special character set override rules apply when the input document uses the HWP (Hangul 97) filter. For these documents, the output character set will be forced to EUC-KR unless the user has selected euc-kr, Unicode or UTF-8 output. These override rules do not apply to the HWP2 (Hangul 2002) filter, as it uses Unicode exclusively.

Source documents in Unicode will not override this option. This is especially important to remember as some important file formats store text in Unicode including Microsoft Office.

The markup standards currently supported by HTML Export limit documents to a single character set. That character set is specified in an output file using the CONTENT attribute of the <meta> tag. This limits what the technology can do with documents that have multiple character sets. In general, documents that are a mix of a single Asian language and English characters will translate correctly (although with some possible loss of non-alphanumeric characters) if the appropriate DBCS, UTF-8 or Unicode output character set is selected. This is because most DBCS character sets include the standard 7-bit Latin 1 characters. Documents that contain more than one DBCS character set or a DBCS character set and a non-English character set (such as Cyrillic) may not export with all the character glyphs intact unless Unicode or UTF-8 is used.

While the W3C recommends using Unicode, there is a downside to it at this time. Not all systems have the appropriate fonts needed for using Unicode or UTF-8. Many editors do not understand these character sets, as well. In fact, while HTML Export can read Unicode source documents, it cannot read UTF-8 source documents. In addition, there are some differences in the way browsers interpret the byte order of 2-byte Unicode characters. For additional details about the byte ordering issue, see Section A.4.2.2, "characterByteOrder."

An additional HTML browser idiosyncrasy affects the Netscape 4.0 – 6.0 browsers. While these browsers properly render Unicode HTML, they seem to be unable to read .css files that are written in Unicode. For this reason, if the output character set is Unicode and the HTML flavor (described in Section A.4.3.6, "flavor") being generated is Netscape 4.0 or the common 4.0 flavor, the associated .css file will be written in UTF-8.

In order for HTML Export to correctly place the character set into the output file it generates, all templates should include a statement that uses the {## insert} macro to insert the character set into the document, as in the following example:

<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;
charset={## insert element=pragma.charset}" />

If the template does not include this line, the user may have to manually select the correct character set in the user's browser.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

Value Text used in <META…> tag Description



Latin-1 - this is a subset of Windows 1252



























Mac Roman



Mac CE



Mac Greek



Mac Cyrillic



Mac Turkish



Simplified Chinese



Traditional Chinese









Eastern Europe






Western - Windows 1252


















Korean Hangul KSC 5601-1987 Wansung



Japanese EUC



JIS (Japanese)






UTF-8 (a Unicode variant)





  • windows-1252


  • C Client Implementation: TS_CharacterSetEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: CharacterSetEnum

A.4.2.4 unmappableCharacter

This option selects the character used when a character cannot be found in the output character set. This option takes the Unicode value for the replacement character. It is left to the user to make sure that the selected replacement character is available in the output character set.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



The Unicode value for the character to use.


  • 0x002a = "*"


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedShort

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedShort

A.4.3 Output

This section applies to output options.

A.4.3.1 altlink

The option takes the form of a data structure that contains two ts:stringData structures; one for the "prev" link and one for the "next" link. These values are used in the transformation process when it is creating multiple output files that link to and from each other. The "prev" altlink is used for the link-to-previous-item in the first output file. The "next" altlink is used for the link-to-next link on the last page of output.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type

The AltLink data type is defined as follows:

<complexType name="AltLink">
  <extension base="xsd:anyType">
    <element name="prev" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <element name="next" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>


The altlink option is a complexType data structure composed of ts:stringData values. The values are links to the "prev" and "next" output files.


These strings are empty by default.


  • C Client Implementation: OIT_AltLink

  • JAVA Client Implementation: AltLink

A.4.3.2 showChangeTracking

The setting for this option determines whether or not change tracking information in input documents will be written into the output via the <ins> and <del> HTML tags. When the option is set to false, no change tracking information will be written into the output. When set to true, the <ins> and <del> tags will be used as appropriate.

Previous versions of HTML Export included change tracking text in comments.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.3.3 collapseWhiteSpace

This is an advanced option that casual users of HTML Export may safely ignore.

When set, this option deletes whitespace from the output document. Two types of whitespace are removed: redundant whitespace characters and vertical whitespace. This option is intended for situations where bandwidth and screen space are limited.

The HTML standard specifies that the browser will collapse a sequence of whitespace characters into a single whitespace character. Therefore, having HTML Export remove these redundant whitespace characters has no effect on the final view of the document. Removing them benefits the document in reducing the overall size of the output files generated and thereby saves bandwidth and decreases file transmission times. While HTML Export makes an effort to remove as much redundant whitespace as possible, there will be cases where some extra spacing appears in the output.

Removing vertical whitespace, on the other hand, does affect the look of the document in the browser. When possible, HTML Export preserves vertical spacing between elements. However, when this option is set, vertical whitespace is removed, resulting in a more compact view.

Please note that the collapse white space option does not affect whitespace coming from the template.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • true Whitespace is removed.

  • false: Whitespace is left intact.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.3.4 compliance

This option allows the developer to force the output to be compliant with a given standard. Currently, only DTD and well-formed compliance are supported. The option takes the form of a set of bit flags for toggling the available options. Flags are off by default and are turned on by bitwise OR-ing them together.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



Any of the following flags:

  • strictDTD: Set to enforce strict DTD compliance in the HTML written. The resulting HTML will be well formed. This means that an XML parser can parse it. In addition, "safe" HTML tags normally written by HTML Export are turned off when this flag is set. For more information about "safe" tags, see Section A.4.3.6, "flavor."

    Especially when using older HTML flavors, use of this flag somewhat diminishes the fidelity of the view of the output document compared to the original document. In addition to other changes to the output, setting this flag also has the same effect as setting the preventGraphicOverlap option to true.

    This flag should not be used with the well-formed flag. If they are both set, this flag will override the well-formed flag.

    Most users will probably want to use the well-formed flag instead of this flag.

  • well-formed: Set to force the HTML written to be well formed. This means that an XML parser can parse it. This option differs from the strictDTD flag in that it allows "safe" tags. This flag should not be used with the strictDTD flag. If they are both set, the strict DTD flag will override this flag. For most users, this flag is recommended over the use of the strictDTD flag as it produces well formed, XHTML compliant HTML without the penalties imposed by the strict DTD flag.

  • none: All flags turned off.


  • none


  • C Client Implementation: OIT_ComplianceEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: ComplianceEnum

A.4.3.5 extractEmbeddedFiles

This option controls the extraction of embedded documents in the input document. When set to extractFiles, the embedding will be extracted in its native format, allowing it to be read by the authoring application. When set to convertFiles, the embedding will be extracted as HTML. When set to ignoreFiles, the embedding will be ignored.

This option is only valid for UUE, MIME and MSG files and not for general purpose file attachments.

Export Product

HTML Export


  • ignoreFiles: Embeddings are skipped.

  • convertFiles: Embeddings are converted.

  • extractFiles: Embeddings are extracted in their native file format.




  • C Client Implementation: OIT_ExtractEmbeddedFilesEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: ExtractEmbeddedFilesEnum

A.4.3.6 flavor

Each Web browser forms a de facto HTML standard. This is because each browser has a unique collection of HTML tags and tag attributes it does or does not support. Thus, there are a large number of browser-based variations on the official HTML standards that are referred to here as "flavors" of HTML.

This option allows the developer to tailor the output generated to a specific browser or for a specific minimum browser. This allows HTML Export to produce the best possible rendering of the source document given the tags available in the target flavor. It also gives the OEM the ability to specify which standard their product will adhere to, rather than having that standard be dictated by HTML Export.

HTML Export currently supports a large number of flavors. While some flavors are targeted at specific browsers, other flavors are designed for a more abstract target. The "generic" and "HTML 2.0" flavors provide "lowest common denominator" flavors. The HTML produced by these flavors is very simple and should work in almost any browser. The primary difference between these two flavors is that the generic flavor supports tables and the HTML 2.0 flavor does not.

At other times, it is desirable to have the ability to create HTML that simply supports "the major x.0 and later browsers." For this purpose, there are the "greatest common denominator" flavors. They are the "3.0" and "4.0" flavors. The "3.0" flavor should be used to create HTML that will look good in Netscape Navigator 3.0 or later and in Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or later. The "4.0" flavor is defined to look good in Netscape Navigator 4.0 or later and in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later. Note that upon examining the capabilities of these browsers after the 4.0 versions, it was determined that while they offer many new features, they do not have any .html or .css extensions that are useful to HTML Export at this time.

Naturally, support for a particular HTML flavor does not mean that HTML Export will generate all the tags and tag attributes that flavor supports. There are many tags and attributes that cannot sensibly be used in an automated conversion setting. Such tags require more information about the author's intent than is available in the source document.

Exporting a document to a particular HTML flavor also does not mean that the resulting HTML will be limited to only the tags and tag attributes supported by that flavor. In many cases, HTML Export will write out extra "safe" tags to the document, unless compliance (see Section A.4.3.4, "compliance") has the strictDTD flag set. The target browser will safely ignore this extra HTML. However, should the converted document be viewed in a more sophisticated browser, this extra information will be used to produce a more accurate view of the document.

What support for a particular HTML flavor does mean is that the HTML generated will look as good as possible when viewed in the appropriate browser.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



One of the following values. Note that the flavors marked with "(CSS)" indicate that the flavor in question requires the creation of a separate or embedded .css file as part of the document conversion.

Value Description


General purpose, simple HTML support that should look good in any browser that supports tables.


HTML 2.0. Based on the official HTML 2.0 standard, this provides minimal HTML support and per that standard, it does not support tables.


Should look good in both Netscape Navigator 3.0 or later and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or later.


Should look good in both Netscape Navigator 4.0 or later and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later (CSS).


Netscape Navigator 3.0


Netscape Navigator 4.0 (CSS)


Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0. Note that while this flavor has limited CSS support, it does not create a separate or embedded .css file.


Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 (CSS)


  • html4.0


  • C Client Implementation: OIT_FlavorEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: FlavorEnum

A.4.3.7 noSourceFormatting

This is an advanced option that casual users may safely ignore.

This option turns off writing of characters that are produced strictly to make the output more readable and visually appealing. Currently, those formatting characters are limited to newlines, carriage returns and spaces. This option is of benefit primarily to users who perform special automated processing on the text produced by the technology. For these users, even benign non-markup text not originally in the source document constitutes a source of extra headaches for their processing. Setting this option excludes all formatting characters from appearing in the generated markup.

It is important to note the things that setting this option does not do:

  • While setting this option will make it very difficult for a human to read the generated markup in a text editor, it does not affect the browser's rendering of the document.

  • This option does not affect the contents of the .css files since they do not contain any text from the source document.

  • The option does not affect spaces or newlines copied from the template as the contents of the templates are already under the control of the customer.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • true: Do not output formatting characters.

  • false: Include formatting characters in the output.


  • false


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.3.8 showHiddenSpreadsheetData

The setting for this option determines whether or not hidden data (hidden columns, rows or sheets) in a spreadsheet will be included in the output. When set to false (the default), the hidden elements are not written. When set to true, they are placed in the output in the same manner as regular spreadsheet data.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



  • true: Allow hidden data to be placed in the output.

  • false: Prevent hidden data from being placed in the output.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.3.9 showHiddenText

This option will force HTML Export to place all hidden text in line with surrounding text.

Please note that enabling this option will not display hidden cells, hidden rows or hidden sheets in spreadsheet documents. Also note that when graphic documents (such as faxes) are processed by OCR software and converted to PDF, the optically recognized text may be rendered as a layer of hidden text behind the original image. In order to properly export such PDF documents, this option must be enabled.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



  • true: Allow hidden text to be placed in the output.

  • false: Prevent hidden text from being placed in the output.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.3.10 simpleStyleNames

This option is for use by people who intend to read or change the CSS style names generated by HTML Export.

By default, HTML Export creates unique style names based on the style names used in the original document. Unfortunately, there is an inherent limitation in the style names the CSS standard permits. That standard only permits the characters [a-z][A-Z][0-9] and "-". Source document style names do not necessarily have this restriction. In fact they may even contain Unicode characters at times. For this reason, the original style names may need to be modified to conform to this standard. To avoid illegal style names, HTML Export performs the following substitutions on all source style names:

  1. If the character is a "-", then it is replaced with "--".

  2. If the character is not one of the remaining characters ([a-z][A-Z][0-9]), then it is replaced by "-xxxx" where "xxxx" is the Unicode value of the character in hexadecimal.

  3. Otherwise the character appears in the style name normally.

An example of one of the most common examples of this substitution is that spaces in style names are replaced with "-0020". For a more complete example of this character substitution in style names, consider the source style name My Special H1-Style!. This would be transformed to:


While admittedly this system lacks a certain aesthetic, it avoids the problem of how the document looks when the browser receives duplicate or invalid style names. Developers should also appreciate the simplicity of the code needed to parse or create these style names.

In addition, HTML Export will sometimes create special character attribute-only versions of styles. These have the same name as the style they are based on with "--Char" appended to the end. These styles differ from their original counterparts in that they contain no block level CSS. This more general solution replaces the solution implemented in versions 7.1 and earlier which created "--List" styles to solve a subset of this problem. This was done to work around limitations in some browsers.

Because of these CSS limitations, the simpleStyleNames (see Section A.4.3.10, "simpleStyleNames") option was created. Setting this option to true causes HTML Export to generate style names that are easy to read but are not guaranteed to be unique. It does this by discarding all characters in the original style name that are not legal in CSS style names. As one would expect, this may lead to naming collisions.

An example of a naming collision caused by setting this option can be seen if you look at source document styles named MyStyle and My $ Style. When exported with this option, both would become MyStyle. This in turn may generate confusion when viewing the document in the browser. This is because the browser will look upon the second style as being a redefinition of the first.

With the option set to false this is not a problem. The two styles would be converted to MyStyle and My-0020-0024-0020Style respectively. Because the style names are unique, the browser will not see the second style as a redefinition of the first.

As this contrived example indicates, naming collisions should be rare for most U.S. documents.

If a style name consists of nothing but illegal characters, HTML Export will create a style name for it. This style name is of the form UnnamedStyleX where "X" is a count of styles encountered so far that did not have style names for one reason or another. This behavior is expected to be very common when converting international documents in languages that are not based on 7-bit ASCII.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • true: Generate names that may not be unique, but are easy to read.

  • false: Generate unique style names that are difficult to read.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.3.11 preferOITRendering

This option is only valid on the Linux (Red Hat and Suse) and Solaris Sparc platforms.

When this option is set to true, the technology will attempt to use its internal graphics code to render fonts and graphics. When set to false, the technology will render images using the operating system's native graphics subsystem (X11 on UNIX/Linux platforms). This requires that there be an X11 display and a valid DISPLAY variable, regardless of the type of input document.

It is important for the system to be able to locate useable fonts when this option is set to true. Only TrueType fonts (*.ttf or *.ttc files) are currently supported. To ensure that the system can find them, make sure that the environment variable GDFONTPATH includes one or more paths to these files. If the variable GDFONTPATH can't be found, the current directory is used. If fonts are called for and cannot be found, Image Export will exit with an error. Also note that when copying Windows fonts to a UNIX system, the font extension for the files (*.ttf or *.ttc) must be lowercase, or they will not be detected during the search for available fonts. Oracle does not provide fonts with any Outside In product.

If preferOITRendering is set in a particular instance of tsagent, it cannot be changed in that agent until the agent is terminated.

Export Product

Image Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • true: Use the technology's internal graphics rendering code to produce bitmap output files whenever possible.

  • false: Use the operating system's native graphics subsystem.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.4 Input Handling

This section discusses input handling options.

A.4.4.1 fallbackFormat

This option controls how files are handled when their specific application type cannot be determined. This normally affects all plain-text files, because plain-text files are generally identified by process of elimination, for example, when a file isn't identified as having been created by a known application, it is treated as a plain-text file.

It is recommended that noFallbackFormat be set to prevent Image Export from exporting unidentified binary files as though they were text, which could generate many pages of "garbage" output.

A number of values that were formerly allowed for this option have been deprecated. Specifically, the values that selected specific plain-text character sets are no longer to be used. Instead, applications should use the defaultInputCharset option for such functionality.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • fallbackToText: Unidentified file types will be treated as text files.

  • noFallbackFormat: Outside In will not attempt to process files whose type cannot be identified. This will include text files. When this option is selected, an attempt to process a file of unidentified type will cause Outside In to return an error value of SCCERR_UNSUPPORTEDFORMAT.


  • ASCII-8


  • C Client Implementation: OIT_FallbackFormatEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: FallbackFormatEnum

A.4.4.2 extendedTestForText

This option affects how an input file's internal format (application type) is identified when the file is first opened by the Outside In technology. When the extended test flag is in effect, and an input file is identified as being either 7-bit ASCII, EBCDIC, or Unicode, the file's contents will be interpreted as such by the export process.

The extended test is optional because it requires extra processing and cannot guarantee complete accuracy (which would require the inspection of every single byte in a file to eliminate false positives.)

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • false: This is the default value. When this is set, standard file identification behavior occurs.

  • true: If set, the File Identification code will run an extended test on all files that are not identified.


  • true: The technology will attempt an extra test after the file is first opened to see if it is 7-bit text or EBCDIC.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.4.3 ignorePassword

This option can disable the password verification of files where the contents can be processed without validation of the password. If this option is not set, the filter should prompt for a password if it handles password-protected files.

As of Release 8.4.0, only the PST and MDB Filters support this option.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



  • true: Ignore validation of the password

  • false: Prompt for the password




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.4.4 oleEmbeddings

Microsoft Powerpoint versions from 1997 through 2003 had the capability to embed OLE documents in the Powerpoint files. This option controls which embeddings are to be processed as native (OLE) documents and which are processed using the alternate graphic.


The Microsoft Powerpoint application sometimes does embed known Microsoft OLE embeddings (such as Visio, Project) as an "Unknown" type. To process these embeddings, the processAll option is required. Post Office-2003 products such as Office 2007 embeddings also fall into this category.

Export Product

Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



  • processAll: Process all embeddings in the file.

  • processNone: Process none of the embeddings in the file

  • processStandard: Process embeddings that are known standard embeddings.




  • C Client Implementation: OIT_OleEmbeddingsEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: OleEmbeddingsEnum

A.4.4.5 parseXMPMetaData

Adobe's Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) is a labeling technology that allows you to embed data about a file, known as metadata, into the file itself. This option enables parsing of the XMP data into normal OIT document properties. Enabling this option may cause the loss of some regular data in premium graphics filters (such as Postscript), but won't affect most formats (such as PDF).

Export Product

HTML Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



  • true: This setting enables parsing XMP.

  • false: This setting disables parsing XMP.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.4.6 reorderBIDI

This option controls whether or not the PDF filter will attempt to reorder bidirectional text runs so that the output is in standard logical order as used by the Unicode 2.0 and later specification. This additional processing will result in slower filter performance according to the amount of bidirectional data in the file.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



  • true: The PDF filter uses standard ordering.

  • false: The PDF filter will attempt to reorder bidirectional text runs.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.4.7 skipLinkedImages

This option allows the developer to choose how links to images in input files should be handled.The developer may request that the link be handled in one of two different ways:

  • Have HTML Export attempt to follow the link, convert it to the selected image type, and insert the converted object into the output (this is the default behavior).

  • Ignore the link altogether.

When set to true, this option will skip linked images when processing output files. If set to false, linked images will be converted and included in the output.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



  • true: Skip linked images

  • false: Include linked images in the output




C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.4.8 timezone

This option allows the user to define an offset to GMT that will be applied during date formatting, allowing date values to be displayed in a selectable time zone. This option affects the formatting of numbers that have been defined as date values (e.g., most dates in spreadsheet cells). This option will not affect dates that are stored as text.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



Integer parameter from -96 to 96, representing 15-minute offsets from GMT. To query the operating system for the time zone set on the machine, specify the numeric value of 61440 (0xF000 in hexadecimal).


  • 0: GMT time


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_int

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Integer

A.4.4.9 extractXMPMetaData

Adobe's Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) is a labeling technology that allows you to embed data about a file, known as metadata, into the file itself. This option enables the XMP feature, which does not interpret the XMP metadata, but passes it straight through without any interpretation.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type



  • true

  • false


  • false

A.4.4.10 htmlCondCommentIE5On

This option allows you to display content customized for Internet Explorer 5.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



0: off


C Client Implementation: VTBOOL

JAVA Client Implementation: boolean

A.4.4.11 htmlCondCommentIE6On

This option allows you to display content customized for Internet Explorer 6.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



0: off


C Client Implementation: VTBOOL

JAVA Client Implementation: boolean

A.4.4.12 htmlCondCommentIE7On

This option allows you to display content customized for Internet Explorer 7.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



0: off


C Client Implementation: VTBOOL

JAVA Client Implementation: boolean

A.4.4.13 htmlCondCommentIE8On

This option allows you to display content customized for Internet Explorer 8.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



0: off


C Client Implementation: VTBOOL

JAVA Client Implementation: boolean

A.4.4.14 htmlCondCommentIE9On

This option allows you to display content customized for Internet Explorer 9.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



0: off


C Client Implementation: VTBOOL

JAVA Client Implementation: boolean

A.4.4.15 htmlCondCommentAllOn

This option allows you to display all conditional comments.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



0: off


C Client Implementation: VTBOOL

JAVA Client Implementation: boolean

A.4.4.16 pdfFilterDropHyphens

This option controls whether or not the PDF filter will drop hyphens at the end of a line. Since most PDF-generating tools create them as generic dashes, it's impossible for Outside In to know if the hyphen is a syllable hyphen or part of a hyphenated word. When this option is set to TRUE, all hyphens at the end of lines will be dropped from the extracted text.


When this option is TRUE, the character counts for the extracted text may not match the counts used for rendering where the hyphens are required for rendering. This will affect annotations in rendering APIs.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



  • TRUE: This setting drops hyphens from the end of all lines.

  • FALSE: This setting retains hyphens at the end of all lines.




  • C Client Implementation: VTBOOL

  • JAVA Client Implementation: boolean

A.4.5 Layout

This section discusses layout options.

A.4.5.1 fallbackFont

Determines what font will be used when the font specified by the document is not available.

Currently this option is only used in certain situations where a CSS flavor of HTML is in use. Specifically, this option helps to avoid problems in some browsers where symbol fonts like Wingdings are used for the bullets in lists, and the body of the list is in a font the browser cannot find. In this case, specifying a fallback font prevents the browser from using/cascading the Wingdings font into the text of the list when the browser cannot find the font specified for the list text.

To turn off the fallback font, this option must be explicitly set to an empty string (""). While turning off the fallback font is not recommended, it will result in a minor reduction in the size of the HTML and CSS generated.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



The name of the fallback font and the character set of that font.


If this option is not set, "Arial" is used as the default fallback font.


  • C Client Implementation: TS_stringData

  • JAVA Client Implementation: StringData

A.4.5.2 fontFlags

This option is used to turn off specified font-related markup in the output. Naturally, if the requested output flavor or other option settings prevent markup of the specified type from being written, this option cannot be used to turn it back on. However, specifying the size, color and font face of characters may all be suppressed by bitwise OR-ing together the appropriate combination of flags in this option.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type

The FontFlags option takes the form of a data structure, defined as follows:

<complexType name="FontFlags">
  <extension base="xsd:anyType">
    <element name="suppressSize" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <element name="suppressColor" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <element name="suppressFace" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>


The FontFlags option is a complexType data structure composed of the following Boolean variables, which may be switched on or off in any combination:

  • suppressSize: When switched on, turns off any character-sizing information supported in the output flavor. As an example, this flag could be useful when exporting presentation files where the author specified a very large font.

  • suppressColor: When switched on, suppresses specifying the color of text. This is particularly useful for exports of documents containing white text.

  • suppressFace: When switched on, prevents the technology from requesting a specific font (e.g. "Arial", "Courier", etc.) name for text. This can be useful if the template author feels that the original document font is not likely to be available to those who are viewing the converted document.


All flags set to false, in which case no font information is suppressed.


  • C Client Implementation: OIT_FontFlags

  • JAVA Client Implementation: FontFlags

A.4.5.3 genBulletsAndNums

Turning this option on causes the technology to generate list numbers and/or bullets as needed rather than using list markup tags. While this violates the spirit of what markup languages should do, it does cause the browsers to render the lists in a way that is more faithful to the original look of the document. Figure A-1 is an example of a list that does not view well with this option turned off.

1. Item 1

1.1 Item 1.1

1.1.1 Item 1.1.1

This is an example of how today's most popular browsers would render the preceding list:

1 Item 1

1 Item 1.1

1 Item 1.1.1

This is due to the way browsers render <li> tags. The HTML standards currently do not allow any way to specify outline style list numbering.

One limitation when using this option is that standard list indentation may not be possible due to the limits of the selected output HTML flavor. At this time, only the HTML flavors where CSS is available support the kind of hanging indents normally associated with lists.

If a bullet character needs to be generated, Unicode character 0x2022 will be used. Note that many character sets do not contain this character, so the unmappable character ("*") would be used in that case.

Figure A-1 List Example

Surrounding text describes Figure A-1 .

Figure A-2 is an example of how today's most popular browsers would render the preceding list.

Figure A-2 Browser-rendered List

Surrounding text describes Figure A-2 .

This is due to the way browsers render <li> tags. The HTML standards currently do not allow any way to specify outline style list numbering.

One limitation when using this option is that standard list indentation may not be possible due to the limits of the selected output HTML flavor. At this time, only the HTML flavors where CSS is available support the kind of hanging indents normally associated with lists.

If a bullet character needs to be generated, Unicode character 0x2022 will be used. Note that many character sets do not contain this character, so the unmappable character (”*”) would be used in that case.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • true: Generate list item numbers and bullets.

  • false: Use list markup tags.


  • false


C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.5.4 gridAdvance

Options related to grids have no effect on the output unless a template that has been enabled with the {## unit} template macro is in use.

This option allows the developer to specify how the "previous" and "next" relationships will work between grids. As such, it is only useful when a grid-enabled template has been selected with the template (see Section A.4.5.11, "template") option.

Setting this option to advanceAcross causes the template element to traverse the input spreadsheet or database by rows:

Grid 1 Grid 2 Grid 3

Grid 4 Grid 5 Grid 6

Grid 7 Grid 8 Grid 9

Setting this option to advanceDown causes the template element to traverse the input spreadsheet or database by columns:

Grid 1 Grid 4 Grid 7

Grid 2 Grid 5 Grid 8

Grid 3 Grid 6 Grid 9

This option has no effect on up/down or left/right navigation.

Figure A-3 shows how setting this option to advanceAcross causes the template element to traverse the input spreadsheet or database by rows.

Figure A-3 Traverse Input By Rows

Surrounding text describes Figure A-3 .

Figure A-4 shows how setting this option to advanceDown causes the template element to traverse the input spreadsheet or database by columns.

Figure A-4 Traverse Input By Columns

Surrounding text describes Figure A-4 .

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • advanceAcross: To traverse by rows.

  • advanceDown: To traverse by columns.


  • advanceDown


  • C Client Implementation: OIT_GridAdvanceEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: GridAdvanceEnum

A.4.5.5 gridCols

Options related to grids have no effect on the output unless a template that has been enabled with the {## unit} template macro is in use.

This option allows the developer to specify the number of columns that each template "grid" (applicable only to spreadsheet or database files) should contain. As such, it is only useful when a grid-enabled template has been selected with the template (see Section A.4.5.11, "template") option.

Setting this option to zero ("0") means that no limit is placed on the number of columns in the grid. However, the settings of the pageSize, gridCols and gridRows options must all be taken into account when determining the actual dimensions of the grids used during an export. The following table describes the interaction of these options when a template is using grids:

Grid Row/Col Value Page Size is 0 Page Size is not 0

Grid Rows and Grid Cols are both 0.

The entire spreadsheet is exported.

The grid size is determined based on the Page Size.

Grid Rows is 0. Grid Cols is not 0 or the default value.

The table is broken into grids that are Grid Cols wide. Each grid contains all rows.

The number of rows in the grid are determined by the Page Size.

Grid Rows is not 0 or the default value. Grid Cols is 0.

The table is broken into grids that are Grid Rows wide. Each grid contains all columns.

The number of columns in the grid are determined by the Page Size.

Grid Rows and Grid Cols are both not set to 0 or their default values.

The table is broken into grids of the requested size.

Grid Rows and Grid Cols are both set to their default values.

The table is broken into grids of the default size.

Also note that once the grid size has been established for a sheet in a spreadsheet or database, the sheet cannot be re-exported with different grid dimensions. The sheet may be re-exported, however, if grids are disabled using sections.current.body.

Size calculations are performed using approximations. It is expected that each cell in the grid will contain roughly 10 characters of content. Therefore, the number of cells in the grid will be roughly the page size divided by 10. Setting the pageSize option will not cause content to be truncated if it exceeds the 10 characters of content expected in a given cell. Note that the pageSize option is never used to force a grid to break into pages. Thus, once the grid dimensions have been established, no page breaking is performed on the grid.

The default value for this option was chosen to prevent problems with large spreadsheets, which can consume conversion time while creating unmanageable output. Together with the default grid rows option value, the default grid dimensions represent the largest table size HTML Export can produce that will not result in browsers locking up when they try to read the file.

The solution to this large spreadsheet problem depends on whether or not page breaking is in effect:

  • If page breaking is being used, use the maxreps attribute of the {## repeat} macro to prevent large files from becoming unmanageable.

  • If page breaking is NOT being used, spreadsheets should be exported by inserting only the first grid of the spreadsheet (grids.1.body). Don't use a {## repeat} loop to get all the grids. Test for the existence of a second grid (grids.2.body). If this grid exists, then have the template write out a message indicating that the spreadsheet's contents were truncated on export.

Implementing support for spreadsheets in this manner rather than by inserting sections.current.body improves performance only when outputting very large spreadsheets. In these special cases, only the first grid is exported, resulting in significant performance savings. This savings also has the side benefit of producing an output file that most Web browsers will have little trouble displaying.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



Number of columns in the grid. Use "0" (zero) to not limit the number of columns in the grid.


  • 100: This value is subject to change.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.5.6 gridRows

Options related to grids have no effect on the output unless a template that has been enabled with the {## unit} template macro is in use.

This option allows the developer to specify the number of rows that each template "grid" (applicable only to spreadsheet or database files) should contain. As such, it is only useful when a grid-enabled template has been selected with the template option.

Setting this option to zero ("0") means that no limit is placed on the number of rows in the grid. However, the settings of the pageSize, gridCols and gridRows options must all be taken into account when determining the actual dimensions of the grids used during an export.

Also note that once the grid size has been established for a sheet in a spreadsheet or database, the sheet cannot be re-exported with different grid dimensions. The sheet may be re-exported, however, if grids are disabled using sections.current.body.

Size calculations are performed using approximations. It is expected that each cell in the grid will contain roughly 10 characters of content. Therefore, the number of cells in the grid will be roughly the page size divided by 10. Setting the pageSize option will not cause content to be truncated if it exceeds the 10 characters of content expected in a given cell. Note that the pageSize option is never used to force a grid to break into pages. Thus, once the grid dimensions have been established, no page breaking is performed on the grid.

The default value for this option was chosen to prevent problems with large spreadsheets, which can consume conversion time while creating unmanageable output. Together with the default grid columns option value, the default grid dimensions represent the largest table size HTML Export can produce that will not result in browsers locking up when they try to read the file.

The solution to this large spreadsheet problem depends on whether or not page/deck breaking is in effect:

  • If page breaking is being used, use the maxreps attribute of the {## repeat} macro to prevent large files from becoming unmanageable.

  • If page breaking is NOT being used, spreadsheets should be exported by inserting only the first grid of the spreadsheet (grids.1.body). Don't use a {## repeat} loop to get all the grids. Test for the existence of a second grid (grids.2.body). If this grid exists, then have the template write out a message indicating that the spreadsheet's contents were truncated on export.

Implementing support for spreadsheets in this manner rather than by inserting sections.current.body improves performance only when inputting very large spreadsheets. In these special cases, only the first grid is exported, resulting in significant performance savings. This savings also has the side benefit of producing an output file that most Web browsers will have little trouble displaying.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



Number of rows in the grid. Use "0" (zero) to not limit the number of rows in the grid.


  • 5000: This value is subject to change.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.5.7 gridWrap

Options related to grids have no effect on the output unless a template that has been enabled with the {## unit} template macro is in use.

This option allows the developer to specify how the "previous" and "next" relationships will work between grids at the edges of the spreadsheet or database. As such, it is only useful when a grid-enabled template has been selected with the Section A.4.5.11, "template" option.

This option is best explained by example. Consider a spreadsheet that has been broken into 9 grids by HTML Export as follows:

Grid 1 Grid 2 Grid 3

Grid 4 Grid 5 Grid 6

Grid 7 Grid 8 Grid 9

If this option is set to true, then the value after Grid 3 will be Grid 4. Likewise, the grids.previous.body value before Grid 4 will be Grid 3.

If this option is set to false, then the after Grid 3 will not exist as far as template navigation is concerned. Likewise, the grids.previous.body before Grid 4 will not exist as far as template navigation is concerned.

In other words, this option specifies whether the "previous" and "next" relationships "wrap" at the edges of the spreadsheet or database. As such, it is only useful when a grid-enabled template has been selected with the template option.

This option is best explained by example. Consider a spreadsheet that has been broken into 9 grids by HTML Export as follows:

Figure A-5 Spreadsheet Broken Into Grids

Surrounding text describes Figure A-5 .

If this option is set to true, then the value after Grid 3 will be Grid 4. Likewise, the grids.previous.body value before Grid 4 will be Grid 3.

If this option is set to false, then the after Grid 3 will not exist as far as template navigation is concerned. Likewise, the grids.previous.body before Grid 4 will not exist as far as template navigation is concerned.

In other words, this option specifies whether the ”previous” and ”next” relationships ”wrap” at the edges of the spreadsheet or database.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



  • true: To continue past the edge of the spreadsheet.

  • false: To stop at the edge of the spreadsheet.




C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.5.8 javaScriptTabs

Tab support is available by setting this option to true. When active, this option uses JavaScript to calculate tab stops and position blocks of text accordingly. Potential side effects of this include delays in loading the pages in the browser and seeing the text initially with no whitespace at all followed by a pause and then all of the tabs popping into place. In addition, this support is limited to only left tabs.

In order to take advantage of this option the following additional steps must be taken:

  1. The template must contain a <script> tag. Something similar to the following code fragment is recommended:

    {## if element=pragma.jsfile}
    <script language="Javascript1.2" src="{## insert
    {## /if}
  2. The template must also run the DoTabStops routine in the <body> of the HTML. A span tag used to define the value of oneinch should follow this. Something similar to the following code snippet is recommended to accomplish this:

    {## if element=pragma.jsfile}
       <body onload="DoTabStops()">
       <span id="oneinch" style="width: 1in"></span>
    {## else}
    {## /if}
  3. A flavor of HTML that supports CSS must be used.

  4. The user's browser must support JavaScript and this support must be enabled.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • true: Use JavaScript to create tabs.

  • false: No tab support.


  • false


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.5.9 pageSize

This option sets a suggested page size for the output generated. This means that the text of the document is broken up into "pages" of approximately the requested size. Each page is stored as a separate output file.

This feature is particularly useful when converting documents that are poorly structured. Many documents lack the kind of style information HTML Export normally uses to break the document into pieces based on things like headings. By setting this option, the exported document can be presented as a set of more manageable pieces rather than a single giant output file. It is also useful with documents that are structured but have large pieces in the structure.

If page breaking is activated (set to a non-zero value), HTML Export will buffer the entire output document in memory during conversion. Conversion times and memory requirements will increase accordingly in this case.

The size specified by this option is given in characters of text. Only text inserted from the input document is counted in the page size. Thus, "as is" text from the template is not counted against the page size. Also, markup tags are not counted in the page size. In addition, some template inserts are normally used as attributes to markup tags, and as such they are not counted in page size calculations no matter how they are actually used. Those template inserts are:

  • pragma.charset

  • pragma.jsfile

  • pragma.cssfilename

  • sections.x.itemnum

  • sections.x.reflink

A page size of zero ("0") indicates that this option is turned off and no page breaking is done.

When this option is turned on, the page breaking rules are as follows:

  • Hard page breaks in the document always trigger a page break. Soft page breaks are ignored.

  • A page break may be specified in the template with the {## unit break} macro.

  • A page boundary will never be created in the middle of a paragraph. As many paragraphs as possible will be written without exceeding the requested page size. Page sizes are not hard limits on content however. One situation where the page size could be exceeded would be if a single paragraph exceeds the page size.

  • When grid-enabled templates are in use, the exported grids are not broken based on the setting of this option. However, this option may affect the size of grids generated.

  • Use of this option will not cause the contents of cells within a grid to be truncated.

  • When grids are not in effect, spreadsheets and databases will be broken based on page size. For these section types, checks for page breaks will be made after each full row from the spreadsheet or database is written.

It is up to the template author to then connect these pieces with the appropriate links. In order to use this option, the template must be equipped to use the {## unit} syntax.

Note that templates enabled with the {## unit} syntax may be mixed with templates that do not contain {## unit} macros. In this case, page breaking will only occur in the template that is enabled with {## unit} macros. An example of where this would be desirable is a "table of contents" template that uses two sub templates to each fill in the contents of a frame. The frame containing the actual table of contents could avoid being broken into pages by not containing any {## unit} macros. The frame containing the actual document contents could then support paging by using {## unit} macros.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



Approximate page size in characters.


  • 0: No page size limit.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.5.10 preventGraphicOverlap

Most browsers support flowing text around images. Unfortunately, even the most popular browsers also have bugs in their support for this feature that occasionally result in document elements overlapping. This option allows users of HTML Export to choose if they would rather have text flowing around graphics or if they are willing to sacrifice that feature in order to prevent browser overlap bugs.

When this option is turned on (set to true), HTML Export prevents browsers from causing graphic overlap problems by surrounding all <img> tags with <div> tags. The overlap problems occur most frequently when the browser is displaying a document that has a mix of left- and right-aligned graphics in close proximity to each other. Resizing the browser window horizontally will sometimes expose this problem if it does not appear initially.

Because these browser bugs are infrequently seen, this option is turned off (set to false) by default. However, setting this option to false does not guarantee that text will be able to flow around graphics in the browser the same way it does in the original document. There are two problems which can prevent this from occurring.

The first problem is that when objects are placed using positional frames. Unfortunately, most new word processing formats do this automatically. When positional frames are used, each object exists in its own frame. HTML Export converts each frame as a single paragraph. Therefore, the objects are written one after the other even if they were originally placed side by side in the source document.

The second problem is associated with image alignment. For some images, HTML Export is unable to obtain the alignment of the image, so the alignment of the paragraph it is contained in is used instead. The reason HTML Export uses this alignment, which is not necessarily 100% correct, is because without adding "align=" in the <img> tag, text does not wrap around images in browsers.

Also note that setting this option to false will have no effect if the strictDTD flag of the compliance option is set. This is because <div> tags are not allowed inside <p> tags, so HTML Export cannot use <div> tags to prevent graphics from overlapping.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



  • true: Allow text flow around graphics.

  • false: Prevent browser image overlap problems.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.5.11 template

This option allows the developer to specify the template file that the technology uses to generate its output.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



A file location specification. The following are the currently valid IOSpec values:

  • path: A file-system path to a file.

  • url: A URL to a file.

  • redirect: A spec that can be opened by an open function that is supplied by the caller. This type is only supported when the calling application is using the C/C++ or Java client API.


If no template is specified, a standard template is used.


  • C Client Implementation: TS_IOSpec

  • JAVA Client Implementation: IOSpec

A.4.6 Compression

This section discusses compression options.

A.4.6.1 applyZLIB

This option determines if ZLIB compression will be applied to fonts and raster graphics while generating the PDF output file.

Export Product

PDF Export

Data Type



  • true: ZLIB compression is applied to fonts and embedded graphics.

  • false: ZLIB compression is not applied to fonts and embedded graphics.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolen

A.4.6.2 allowJPEG

This option can disable access to any files using JPEG compression, such as JPG graphic files or TIFF files using JPEG compression, or files with embedded JPEG graphics. Attempts to read or write such files when this option is enabled will fail and return the error SCCERR_UNSUPPORTEDCOMPRESSION if the entire file is JPEG compressed, and grey boxes for embedded JPEG-compressed graphics.

The following is a list of file types affected when this option is disabled:

  • JPG files

  • Postscript files containing JPG images

  • PDFs containing JPEG images

Note that the setting for this option overrides the requested output graphic format when there is a conflict.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, XML Export

Data Type



  • true: Allow access to files that use JPEG compression

  • false: Do not allow access to files that use JPEG compression



A.4.6.3 allowLZW

This option can disable access to any files using Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression, such as .GIF files, .ZIP files or self-extracting archive (.EXE) files containing "shrunk" files. Attempts to read or write such files when this option is enabled will fail and return the error SCCERR_UNSUPPORTEDCOMPRESSION if the entire file is LZW compressed, and grey boxes for embedded LZW-compressed graphics.

The following is a list of file types affected when this option is disabled:

  • GIF files

  • TIF files using LZW compression: TIF files will still be created when LZW compression is used and this option is enabled, but the resulting images will be large, uncompressed TIF files)

  • PDF files that use internal LZW compression

  • ZIP and self-extracting archive (.EXE) files containing "shrunk" files

  • Postscript files using LZW compression

Image Export will not be affected by this option when processing formats that compress subfile contents but not subfile names, such as TAR and ZIP.

Although this option can disable access to files in ZIP or EXE archives stored using LZW compression, any files in such archives that were stored using any other form of compression will still be accessible.

The setting for this option overrides the requested output graphic format when there is a conflict.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



  • true: LZW compressed files will be read and written normally.

  • false: LZW compressed files will not be read or written.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.7 Graphics

This section discusses graphics options.

A.4.7.1 acceptAlternateGraphics

This option enables an optimization in XML Export's graphics output when exporting embedded graphics from an input document. When this option is set to true and the input document contains embedded graphics that are already in one of our supported output formats, they will be copied to output files rather than converted to the selected output format specified by the graphicType option.

For example, if this option is set to true and the selected output graphics type is GIF, an input document's embedded JPEG graphic will be copied to a JPEG output file rather than being converted to the GIF format. The same behavior applies to all of XML Export's supported graphics output formats (currently GIF, JPEG, and PNG.)

If this option is set to false, all graphics output will be in the format specified by the graphicType option.


When using this option, JPEG files will be transferred directly to their output file location, without being filtered. This presents the possibility that any JPEG viruses in the file can be transferred to that location, as well.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type



  • true: gif, jpeg, and png embeddings will be extracted, not converted. All other embeddings will be converted to the format specified by graphicType. If graphicType is set to none, no embeddings will be extracted or converted.

  • false: All embeddings will be converted to the format specified by graphicType. Embeddings that are already in that format will be extracted, not converted. If graphicType is set to none, no embeddings will be extracted or converted.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.7.2 graphicGifInterlaced

This option allows the developer to specify interlaced or non-interlaced GIF output. Interlaced GIFs are useful when graphics are to be downloaded over slow Internet connections. They allow the browser to begin to render a low-resolution view of the graphic quickly and then increase the quality of the image as it is received. There is no real penalty for using interlaced graphics.

This option is only valid if the dwOutputID parameter of the EXOpenExport function is set to FI_GIF.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, XML Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • true: Produce interlaced GIFs.

  • false: Produce non-interlaced GIFs.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.7.3 graphicCropping

When set to cropToContent, this option forces Image Export to crop whitespace from the edge of each output image. This includes margins and any unused space at the end of a page. This results in smaller output files without any loss of original input document content.

If there is no content, then no cropping is performed.

Export Product

Image Export

Data Type



  • cropToContent: Files are cropped to smallest bounding rectangle.

  • noCropping: Files are not cropped.




  • C Client Implementation: OIT_GraphicCroppingEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: GraphicCroppingEnum

A.4.7.4 graphicHeight

This option defines the absolute height in pixels to which exported graphics will be resized. If this option is set and the graphicWidth option is not, the width of the image will be calculated based on the aspect ratio of the source image. The developer should be aware that very large values for this option or "graphicWidth" could produce images whose size exceeds available system memory, resulting in conversion failure.

If you are exporting a non-graphic file (word processing, spreadsheet or archive) and the settings for graphicHeight and graphicWidth do not match the aspect ratio of the original document, the exported image will have whitespace added so that the original file's aspect ratio is maintained.

The settings for the graphicHeightLimit and graphicWidthLimit options can override the setting for graphicHeight.

Export Product

Image Export

Data Type



The desired absolute height of the output image, in pixels.


  • 0: No absolute height specified.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.7.5 graphicHeightLimit

This option allows a hard limit to be set for how tall in pixels an exported graphic may be. Any images taller than this limit will be resized to match the limit. It should be noted that regardless of whether the graphicWidthLimit option is set or not, any resized images will preserve their original aspect ratio.

Note that this option differs from the behavior of setting the height of graphics by using in that it sets an upper limit on the image height. Images larger than this limit will be reduced to the limit value. However, images smaller than this height will not be enlarged when using this option. Setting the height using graphicHeight causes all output images to be reduced or enlarged to be of the specified height.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, XML Export

Data Type



The maximum height of the output graphic in pixels. A value of zero causes this option to be ignored.


  • 0: No absolute height limit specified.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.7.6 graphicOutputDPI

This option allows the user to specify the output graphics device's resolution in DPI and only applies to images whose size is specified in physical units (in/cm). For example, consider a 1" square, 100 DPI graphic that is to be rendered on a 50 DPI device (graphicOutputDPI is set to 50). In this case, the size of the resulting TIFF, BMP, JPEG, GIF, or PNG will be 50 x 50 pixels.

You may also specify the value 0 for the DPI, which will cause the output image to be created with identical pixel dimensions as the original input image, without consideration for physical measurements of image size.

Setting this option to 0 may result in the creation of extremely large images. Be aware that there may be limitations in the system running this technology that could result in undesirably large bandwidth consumption or an error message. Additionally, an out of memory error message will be generated if system memory is insufficient to handle a particularly large image.

Also note that the 0 setting will force the technology to use the DPI settings already present in raster images, but will use the current screen resolution as the DPI setting for any other type of input file.

For some output graphic types, there may be a discrepancy between the value set by this option and the DPI value reported by some graphics applications. The discrepancy occurs when the output format uses metric units (DPM, or dots per meter) instead of English units (DPI, or dots per inch). Depending on how the graphics application performs rounding on meters to inches conversions, the DPI value reported may be 1 unit more than expected. An example of a format which may exhibit this problem is PNG.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, XML Export

Data Type



The DPI to use when exporting graphic images. The maximum value allowed is 2400 DPI.


  • 96: 96 dots per inch.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.7.7 graphicSizeLimit

This option is used to set the maximum size of the exported graphic in pixels. It may be used to prevent inordinately large graphics from being converted to equally cumbersome output files, thus preventing bandwidth waste.

graphicSizeLimit takes precedence over all other options and settings that affect the size of a converted graphic.

When creating a multi-page TIFF file, this limit is applied on a per page basis. It is not a pixel limit on the entire output file.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, XML Export

Data Type



The total number of pixels in the output graphic. A value of zero ("0") causes this option to be ignored.


  • 0: Option is turned off.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.7.8 graphicSizeMethod

This option determines the method used to size graphics. The developer can choose among three methods, each of which involves some degree of trade off between the quality of the resulting image and speed of conversion.

Using the quick sizing option results in the fastest conversion of color graphics, though the quality of the converted graphic will be somewhat degraded. The smooth sizing option results in a more accurate representation of the original graphic, as it uses anti-aliasing. Antialiased images may appear smoother and can be easier to read, but rendering when this option is set will require additional processing time. The grayscale only option also uses antialiasing, but only for grayscale graphics, and the quick sizing option for any color graphics.

The smooth sizing option does not work on images which have a width or height of more than 4096 pixels.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, XML Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • quick: Resize without antialiasing

  • smooth: Resize using antialiasing

  • smoothGray: Resize using antialiasing for grayscale graphics only (no antialiasing for color graphics)




  • C Client Implementation: OIT_GraphicSizeMethodEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: GraphicSizeMethodEnum

A.4.7.9 graphicTransparencyColor

This option allows the user to set the color used as the "transparency color" in the output graphic file. Naturally, this option is only used when the selected output graphic file format supports transparency (GIF and PNG only). If the option is not set, the default behavior is to use the same color value that the input file used as the transparency color.

Use the SCCVWRGB(r, g, b) macro to create the color value to pass to this option. The red, green and blue values are percentages of the color from 0-255 (with 255 being 100%). Note that this macro should be used to set a variable of type xsd:unsignedInt and that variable should then be passed to the set option routine (instead of trying to use the macro as part of the set option call directly).

Since there is no way to "unset" an option once it has been set, the developer may set the option to -1 if they wish to revert to the default behavior.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export

Data Type



An RGB color value created with the SCCVWRGB(r, g, b) macro.


  • -1: Use the same transparency color as the source document.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.7.10 graphicType

This option allows the developer to specify the format of the graphics produced by the technology.

When setting this option, remember that the JPEG file format does not support transparency.

Though the GIF file format supports transparency, it is limited to using only one of its 256 available colors to represent a transparent pixel ("index transparency").

PNG supports many types of transparency. The PNG files written by HTML Export are created so that various levels of transparency are possible for each pixel. This is achieved through the implementation of an 8-bit "alpha channel".

There is a special optimization that HTML Export can make when this option is set to noGraphics. Some of the Outside In Viewer Technology's import filters can be optimized to ignore certain types of graphics.

It should be noted that unpredictable and potentially undesirable output will occur if this option is set to noGraphics when a transformation is initiated and the template then attempts to use the {## option} macro to turn graphics back on.

The settings for options in Compression may force an override of the value for this option.

Export Product

HTML Export, XML Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • gif: GIF graphics

  • jpeg: JPEG graphics

  • png: PNG graphics

  • noGraphics: Graphic conversion will be turned off




  • C Client Implementation: OIT_GraphicTypeEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: GraphicTypeEnum

A.4.7.11 graphicWidth

This option defines the absolute width in pixels to which exported graphics will be resized. If this option is set and the graphicHeight option is not, the height of the image will be calculated based on the aspect ratio of the source image. The developer should be aware that very large values for this option or graphicHeight could produce images whose size exceeds available system memory, resulting in conversion failure.

If you are exporting a non-graphic file (word processing, spreadsheet or archive) and the settings for graphicHeight and graphicWidth do not match the aspect ratio of the original document, the exported image will have whitespace added so that the original file's aspect ratio is maintained.

The settings for the graphicHeightLimit and graphicWidthLimit options can override the setting for graphicWidth.

Export Product

Image Export

Data Type



The desired absolute width of the output image, in pixels.


  • 0: No absolute width specified.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.7.12 graphicWidthLimit

This option allows a hard limit to be set for how wide in pixels an exported graphic may be. Any images wider than this limit will be resized to match the limit. It should be noted that regardless of whether the graphicHeightLimit option is set or not, any resized images will preserve their original aspect ratio.

Note that this option differs from the behavior of setting the width of graphics by using graphicWidth in that it sets an upper limit on the image width. Images larger than this limit will be reduced to the limit value. However, images smaller than this width will not be enlarged when using this option. Setting the width using graphicWidth causes all output images to be reduced or enlarged to be of the specified width.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, XML Export

Data Type



The maximum width of the output graphic in pixels. A value of zero causes this option to be ignored.


  • 0: No absolute width limit specified.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.7.13 tiffOptions

This option allows the developer to specify sub-options unique to the TIFF output file type, in order to control color depth, byte structure and rendering method.

This option is only required if the output type is set to tiff.

When any of the CCITT compression models are used, the color space must be black and white (Black and White).

Export Product

Image Export

Data Type

This data type is a structure composed of values that set options specific to generating TIF images of input files. The structure is defined as follows:

<complexType name="tiffOptions">
  <extension base="xsd:anyType">
    <element name="colorSpace" type="ts:TiffColorSpaceEnum" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <element name="compression" type="ts:TiffCompressionEnum" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <element name="byteOrder" type="ts:TiffByteOrderEnum" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <element name="fillOrder" type="ts:TiffFillOrderEnum" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <element name="createOneFile" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>


TiffOptions is a complexType data structure composed of five elements, corresponding to the color space, compression, byte-ordering, fill-ordering, and multi-page aspects of generated TIFF files. The elements of this data type are as follows:

  • colorSpace: This element has a data type of TiffColorSpaceEnum, which contains values that specify the TIFF color depth and color options. The following settings are valid:

    • Black and White: 1 bit black and white

    • 8 Bit Palette: 8 bit palette

    • 24 Bit RGB: 24 bit RGB (this is the default value for this parameter)

  • compression: This element has a data type of TiffCompressionEnum, which contains values that specify the type of compression used in the TIFF file that is generated. The following settings are valid:

    • None: No compression

    • PackBits: Packbits compression (this is the default value for this parameter)

    • LZW Compression: LZW compression

    • CCITT - 1D: CCITT – 1D. Please note that when setting this type of compression, colorSpace must be set to Black and White.

    • CCITT - Group 3 Fax: CCITT – Group 3 Fax. Please note that when setting this type of compression, colorSpace must be set to Black and White.

    • CCITT - Group 4 Fax: CCITT – Group 4 Fax. Please note that when setting this type of compression, colorSpace must be set to Black and White.

  • byteOrder: This element has a data type of TiffByteOrderEnum that determines the byte order used within the file:

    • tiff_big_endian: This will use "big-endian" (Motorola) byte ordering.

    • tiff_little_endian: This will use "little-endian" (Intel) byte ordering (this is the default value for this parameter).

  • createOneFile: This element has an xsd:boolean data type that determines whether or not multi-page TIFFs will be created. These are additional flags for setting other options in a TIFF file:

    • false: A TIFF image will be created for each page of a multi-page input document. No flags are used (this is the default value for this parameter).

    • true: The output of multiple pages from one input document will generate a single file with a separate image for each page converted.

  • fillOrder: This element has a data type of TiffFillOrderEnum that determines the fill order used within the file. The value of this element only affects TIFF output when the compression element is set to CCITT - Group 3 Fax and the colorSpace element is set to Black and White.

    • fillOrder-1: Selects TIFF fill order 1, which is the default for this parameter and is recommended for most TIFF files intended for file stores.

    • fillOrder-2: Selects TIFF fill order 2, which is the recommended fill order for TIFF files intended for electronic transmission (for example, fax).


  • C Client Implementation: OIT_TiffOptions

  • JAVA Client Implementation: TiffOptions

A.4.7.14 graphicJpegQuality

This option allows the developer to specify the lossyness of JPEG compression. The option is only valid if the option is set to jpeg.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type



A value from 1 to 100, with 100 being the highest quality but the least compression, and 1 being the lowest quality but the most compression.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.7.15 disableAlphaBlending

When this option is set to true, Outside In will render transparent/semi-transparent fills and embeddings as opaque.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, XML Export

Data Type





C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

Java Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.7.16 renderEmbeddedFonts

Specifies if the embedded fonts from the PDF input file should be used to render text.

Export Product

Image Export

Data Type





C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

Java Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.8 Spreadsheet and Database File Rendering

This section discusses spreadsheet and database options.

A.4.8.1 databaseFitToPage

This option scales a spreadsheet file to a certain percent or to a page width or height. However, in an effort to preserve readability after scaling, Image Export will not shrink a database document to under approximately one-third of its original size.

It should be noted that when this option is set to dbNoScaling, the pages of the database file are printed down first and then across.

Please note that any margins applied as a result of settings for the defaultMargins option will be included in any scaling that is applied to the output image as a result of settings for this option.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • dbNoScaling: This will not do any scaling of the database image. It will render in its original size onto as many pages as are required to fit the data.

  • dbFitToPages: This will fit the database to one page, scaling to the image width or height depending on the page size and database size.

  • dbFitToWidth: This will scale the database on the rendered image so it is no larger than one page wide.

  • dbFitToWidth: This will scale the database on the rendered image so it is no larger than one page high.




  • C Client Implementation: OIT_DatabaseFitToPageEnum.

  • JAVA Client Implementation: DatabaseFitToPageEnum

A.4.8.2 databaseShowGridLines

If this option is true, lines are generated between cells in the rendered images.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.8.3 databaseShowHeadings

If this option is true, field headings will be generated along with the data.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.8.4 maxSsDbPageHeight

Normally, the size of images generated from spreadsheet worksheets and database tables is limited to the size of the page defined by the input document's page size information and how the useDocumentPageSettings, graphicWidth and graphicHeight options are set. If, after scaling is factored in, the resulting image is too large to fit on a single page, it is split up into multiple pages.

The maxSsDbPageWidth and maxSsDbPageHeight options are used to change the size of a page to match the scaled size of the page being rendered - within limits. The key reason for those limits is that rendering very large pages can easily overwhelm the memory available on the system. When using this feature, a calculation should be made to be sure that the values passed in work within said memory limits. The values for these two options will override the current page dimensions if necessary.

The memory needed may be calculated based on the following:

memory = [max. worksheet/table height (in inches)]  x  [max. worksheet/table width (in inches)]  x  [dpi setting]2  x  3 bytes/pixel  +  a bit extra for the needs of the rest of the conversion

By default, these options are set to the current page dimensions. Users may choose to set only one of the two options if desired. If, for example, only the maxSsDbPageWidth is set, then the height of the page will be based on the normal page height.

When a worksheet or table is larger than the maximum values specified by these options, then the file is rendered on multiple pages, with the requested (larger) page dimensions.

These new options grow the page size (if needed) to match the size of the worksheet or table. This differs from the graphicWidth and graphicHeight options, which set an absolute page size without regard to the size of the worksheet or table.

If text in cells ends up extending past the edge of the cell and beyond the edge of the page, Image Export writes one or more additional pages for the overflow text.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type



The maximum page height (including margins) specified in twips (1440 twips are in 1 inch). If the value specified is smaller than the page height, then Image Export will return a SCCERR_INVALIDMAXSSDBPAGE error.


Figure A-6 Logic Flow for Determining Page Size of Spreadsheet and Database Pages

Surrounding text describes Figure A-6 .

A.4.8.5 maxSsDbPageWidth

See the documentation for maxSsDbPageHeight for a full discussion of how this option works and interacts with other options affecting the page size of images generated from spreadsheet and database pages.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type



The maximum page width (including margins) specified in twips (1440 twips are in 1 inch). If the value specified is smaller than the page width, then Image Export will return a SCCERR_INVALIDMAXSSDBPAGE error.


A.4.8.6 showSpreadsheetBorder

This option has been deprecated beginning with the 8.2 version of the product. Please use the spreadsheetShowHeadings and spreadsheetBorders options instead.

This option affects database files the same way it affects spreadsheets.

This option allows users to speed up the conversion of large, sparse spreadsheets by turning off the table borders HTML Export generates by default (true is the default setting for this option). Setting this option to false turns off table border generations, reducing the amount of HTML written and enabling rowspan and colspan table tag attributes so that empty cells can be skipped. For large, mostly empty spreadsheets, this can result in greatly reduced conversion time and output file size(s). The output appears in a format similar to that used by the original application when printing the file.

The default is to show borders (option set to true). This prevents problems with most browsers, which tend to render the text in a way that makes adjacent cells hard to distinguish. This output appears in a browser in a format similar to that used by the original application when displaying the file on-screen.

This option must be set to the default value when the output format does not support tables.

When the option is set to false, the following caveats apply:

  • If the spreadsheet being processed stores data by row (such as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets) rather than by column (such as Quattro files), additional optimizations are possible. The technology will use colspan to shrink the output when two or more adjacent cells in a row are empty. When two or more adjacent rows are completely empty, they are ignored and not included in the output.

  • Note that if there are merged cells in the input document, the technology will not produce perfectly optimized output. Instead, rowspan and colspan will not be used to compress empty cells until after the merged cells are processed.

  • This option disables the creation of Row and Column headings ("1", "2", "3" / "A", "B", "C").

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.8.7 spreadsheetBorders

This option supersedes some of the functionality from the now discontinued showSpreadsheetBorder option.

This option determines how borders will be handled for spreadsheet and database files.

There are three valid values for this option:

  • createBorderIfMissing: If a CSS output flavor is in use, this forces borders to be created if none are present in the (entire) table. By default, most apps do not include borders when creating these types of files. When needed, HTML Export will generate thin borders between cells. Otherwise, the borders specified in the table are used.

    Using borders makes it easier to read the output data by preventing values from running together when there is not much space between cells. This output appears in a browser in a format similar to that used by the original application when displaying the file on-screen.

    The behavior of this setting matches the old default border behavior of the discontinued showSpreadsheetBorder option.

    If a CSS output flavor is not in use, then borders are put around all cells no matter how the input document is formatted. This is because individual cell border information may not be specified in HTML without CSS.

    This is the default behavior for this option.

  • bordersOff: This setting forces the borders always to be off, regardless of borders specified in the source document. This option setting does not distinguish between CSS and non-CSS output flavors being used. Turning borders off has the following advantages:

    • It allows HTML Export to use optimizations that speed up the conversion of large, sparse files. It does this by enabling rowspan and colspan table tag attributes to be used to span empty cells. It also reduces the amount of HTML needed to be written for individual cells. For large, mostly empty spreadsheets, this can result in greatly reduced conversion time and output file size(s). The output appears in a format similar to that used by the original application when printing the file.

    • For left aligned text and data cells, a special optimization has been made to merge those cells with any empty cells on the right.

    The following caveats apply to the optimization:

    • If the spreadsheet being processed stores data by row (such as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets with portrait page orientation) rather than by column (such as Quattro files), additional optimizations are possible. The technology will use colspan to shrink the output when two or more adjacent cells in a row are empty. When two or more adjacent rows are completely empty, the rows are skipped, and the row height of the next non-empty row is increased.

    • Note that if there are merged cells in the input document, the technology will not produce perfectly optimized output. Instead, colspan will not be used to compress empty cells until after the merged cells are processed.

    • The behavior of this option setting matches the old border behavior of the now discontinued showSpreadsheetBorder option when it was set to FALSE. However, this option does not disable the creation of Row and Column headings ("1", "2", "3" / "A", "B", "C"). To do that, use the new spreadsheetShowHeadings option.

    • If the current row has frames in it, we will not span those cells.

  • useSourceBorders: If a CSS output flavor is being used, then this value sets the borders according to what is specified in the source document.

    If a CSS output flavor is not in use, then borders are put around all cells no matter how the input document is formatted. This is because individual cell border information may not be specified in HTML without CSS.

Export Product

HTML Export

Data Type



  • createBorderIfMissing: Use source document borders. If no borders are in the table, automatically create borders.

  • bordersOff: Do not write any table borders.

  • useSourceBorders: Use source document borders.


  • createBorderIfMissing

A.4.8.8 showHiddenSpreadsheetCells

This option lets you determine whether or not to show hidden rows or columns when rendering spreadsheets. It is used to expand the widths of cells that are hidden by virtue of having their row height or column width reduced to 0. This is a BOOLEAN option that will leave the data hidden when it is false, and show all hidden rows and columns when it is true, displayed using the default row width or default column height.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type



  • true: Displays hidden cells.

  • false: Does not display hidden cells.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.8.9 spreadsheetPageDirection

This option controls the pattern in which the pages are rendered, either across first and then down, or down first and then across.

This option is overridden when the useDocumentPageSettings option is set to true and print direction is specified in the input document.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • acrossThenDown: Will specify that pages are printed across first and then down.

  • downThenAcross: Will specify that pages are printed down first and then across.




  • C Client Implementation: OIT_SpreadsheetPageDirectionEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: SpreadsheetPageDirectionEnum

A.4.8.10 spreadsheetFitToPage

This option requests that the spreadsheet file be fit to one page.

Please note that any margins applied as a result of settings for the defaultMargins option will be included in any scaling that is applied to the output image as a result of settings for this option.

This option is overridden when the useDocumentPageSettings option is set to true and fitting the page to the printer's image limits is specified in the input document.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • ssNoScaling: No scaling is performed on the spreadsheet image. It will render in its original size onto as many pages as are required to fit the data.

  • ssFitToPages: Will scale the spreadsheet in the rendered image to fit to the number of pages specified in the spreadsheetScaleXPagesHigh and spreadsheetScaleXPagesWide options. Since aspect ratio is maintained, the lesser of the two dimensions (width or height) will determine the scale factor. Note that if either spreadsheetScaleXPagesHigh or spreadsheetScaleXPagesWide is set to 0, the value in the other option will be nullified.

  • ssFitToWidth: Will scale the spreadsheet in the rendered image so it is no larger than one page wide.

  • ssFitToHeight: Will scale the spreadsheet in the rendered image so it is no larger than one page high.

  • ssScaleByPercentage: Will scale the spreadsheet in the rendered image using the scale value stored in the spreadsheetScalePercentage option.


  • ssScaleByPercentage: Scales the rendered image of the spreadsheet using the scale value stored in the spreadsheetScalePercentage option (which is 100 by default).


  • C Client Implementation: OIT_SpreadsheetFitToPageEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: SpreadsheetFitToPageEnum

A.4.8.11 spreadsheetShowGridLines

If this option is true, a line is generated between cells in the rendered image.

This option is overridden when the useDocumentPageSettings option is set to true and printing grid lines between cells is specified in the input document.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.8.12 spreadsheetShowHeadings

If this option is true, row and column headings will be rendered along with the data.

This option is overridden when the useDocumentPageSettings option is set to true and printing column and row headers is specified in the input document.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.8.13 spreadsheetScalePercentage

This option will scale spreadsheet pages by the percentage specified. The option has no effect unless the spreadsheetFitToPage option is set to ssScaleByPercentage.

This option must take a value between 1 and 100. If any value outside of this range is used, the option will be ignored.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.8.14 spreadsheetScaleXPagesHigh

This option will fit the spreadsheet image to the number of vertical pages specified. The setting for this option will have no effect unless the spreadsheetFitToPage option is set to ssFitToPages.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.8.15 spreadsheetScaleXPagesWide

This option will fit the spreadsheet image to the number of horizontal pages specified. The setting for this option will have no effect unless the spreadsheetFitToPage option is set to ssFitToPages.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.8.16 generateExcelRevisions

If this option is true, the Excel spreadsheet revision data will be output in addition to the spreadsheet data itself.

Export Product

HTML Export, Search Export

Data Type





C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

Java Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.8.17 omitEmptyEdgeCells

If true, this option will tell the spreadsheet filter to find the minimum rectangle that encloses all spreadsheet cells containing data. Any empty cells laying outside that rectangle will be omitted from the export. This does not eliminate all empty cells, only those cells on the edges, outside the calculated rectangle.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type





C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

Java Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.9 Page Rendering

This section discusses age rendering options.

A.4.9.1 defaultMargins

This option specifies the top, left, bottom and right margins in twips from the edges of the image. For instance, setting all the values to 1440 creates a 1-inch margin on all sides. Page margins will only be applied when formatting word processing, database and spreadsheet files.

Please note all margins are applied before scaling with the databaseFitToPage, spreadsheetFitToPage, graphicHeight, graphicWidth, or graphicSizeLimit options.

This option is overridden when the useDocumentPageSettings option is set to true and print margins are specified in the input document.

This option does not affect the output of bitmap, presentation, vector or archive files.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type

The defaultMargins structure is defined as follows:

<complexType name="defaultMargins">
  <extension base="xsd:anyType">
    <element name="top" type="xsd:unsignedInt" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <element name="bottom" type="xsd:unsignedInt" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <element name="left" type="xsd:unsignedInt" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <element name="right" type="xsd:unsignedInt" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>


  • top: Margin from the top edge of the image (in twips). Default is 1 inch.

  • bottom: Margin from the bottom edge of the image (in twips). Default is 1 inch.

  • left: Margin from the left edge of the image (in twips). Default is 1 inch.

  • right: Margin from the right edge of the image (in twips). Default is 1 inch.


  • C Client Implementation: OIT_DefaultMargins

  • JAVA Client Implementation: DefaultMargins

A.4.9.2 defaultPageHeight

This option sets the default page height of the output. The units for this value is determined by the defaultPageUnits option.

This is a floating point value.

Export Product

PDF Export

Data Type



11 inches


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_float

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Float

A.4.9.3 defaultPageWidth

This option sets the default page width of the output. The units for this value is determined by the defaultPageUnits option.

This is a floating point value.

Export Product

PDF Export

Data Type



8.5 inches


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_float

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Float

A.4.9.4 defaultPageUnits

This option allows the OEM to specify the units of measures for the defaultPageHeight and defaultPageWidth options.

If the developer changes the unit of measure, after having earlier set the units, then no attempt will be made to convert the height and width from the previous unit of measure to the current unit of measure.

One of the following:

  • inches

  • points

  • centimeters

  • picas

Export Product

PDF Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: OIT_DefaultPageUnitsEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: DefaultPageUnitsEnum

A.4.9.5 emailHeaderOutput

This option controls display of email headers in the output.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type



One of these values:

  • emailHeaderStandard: Displays "To," "From," "Subject," "CC," "BCC," "Date Sent," and "Attachments" header fields only. The filter outputs any fields not listed above as hidden fields, so they will not display.

  • emailHeaderAll: Displays all available email headers.

  • emailHeaderNone: Displays no email headers.




  • C Client Implementation: OIT_EmailHeaderOutputEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: EmailHeaderOutputEnum

A.4.9.6 endPage

This option indicates the page that rendering should end on. It is only valid if the option usePageRange has the value true.

Note that page range settings are one-based and inclusive. Therefore, specifying a range with endPage equal to 5 and startPage equal to 3 would export any of the three pages that follow, if they exist: 3, 4 and 5.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type



  • 0: The last page at the end of the document.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.9.7 startPage

This option indicates the page rendering should start on. It is only valid if the option usePageRange has the value true.

Note that page range settings are one-based and inclusive. Therefore, specifying a range with endPage equal to 5 and startPage equal to 3 would export any of the three pages that follow, if they exist: 3, 4 and 5.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type



  • 0: Printing will begin with the first page of the document.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.9.8 useDocumentPageSettings

This option is used to select the document's page layout information when rendering.

If true the document's native (or author selected) page margins, paper size, page scaling and page orientation are used when available from the filter.

The values of the defaultMargins, spreadsheetShowGridLines, spreadsheetShowHeadings, spreadsheetPageDirection, and spreadsheetFitToPage options are overridden if this option is set to true and the properties associated with those options are specified in the input document. Additionally, print area and page breaks in spreadsheet documents are ignored unless this option is set to true.

If false, the page margins, size, orientation and scaling are set to specific values rather than those in the native document. The page size is forced to 8 1/2" x 11" in portrait orientation, but this may be changed by setting the graphicHeight and/or graphicWidth options. The margins are forced 1" all around, but may be changed by setting the defaultMargins option. The scaling for the document will be set to 100%, although this may be changed by setting any of the various scaling options.

It should be noted that this option also affects page orientation for both input spreadsheets and word processing documents.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.9.9 usePageRange

This option indicates whether the whole file or a selected range of pages should be rendered.

Export Product

Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • true: The pages in the one-based, inclusive range from startPage to endPage will be printed.

  • false: The entire document will be printed.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.10 Font Rendering

This section pertains to font rendering options.

A.4.10.1 defaultFont

This option sets the font to use when the chunker-specified font is not available on the system. It is also the font used when the font in a source file is not available on the system performing the conversion.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type

The defaultFont structure is defined as follows:

<complexType name="defaultFont">
  <extension base="xsd:anyType">
    <element name="fontName" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" nillable="true"/>
    <element name="height" type="xsd:unsignedShort" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>


The DefaultFont option is a complexType data structure composed of two elements. The elements are as follows:

  • fontName: An xsd:string value indicating the name of the font. For example, "Helvetica Compressed." The default is "Arial", however this default is constrained by the fonts available on the system.

  • height: An xsd:unsignedShort value indicating the size of the font in half points. For example, a value of 24 will produce a 12-point font. This size is only applied when the font size is not known. The default is 10-point, however this default is constrained by the font sizes available on the system.


  • C Client Implementation: OIT_DefaultFont

  • JAVA Client Implementation: DefaultFont

A.4.10.2 embedFonts

This option allows the developer to specify whether or not fonts should be embedded in the file. Note that for PDF/A compliance, this option must be set to true.

Export Product

PDF Export

Data Type



A Boolean value indicating if fonts should be embedded.

Default Value



  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.10.3 excludeFont

This option allows the developer to specify a list of fonts that should be the only fonts excluded from the export process. To build a list of excluded fonts, the developer must issue an excludeFont option per font to be excluded.

Setting excludeFont followed by an includeFont will cause all the excludeFont to be ignored.

Export Product

PDF Export

Data Type



The font to exclude.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_string

  • JAVA Client Implementation: String

A.4.10.4 includeFont

This option allows the developer to specify a list of fonts that should be the only fonts invluded in the export process. To build a list of included fonts, the developer must issue an includeFont option per font to be excluded.

Setting includeFont followed by an excludeFont will cause all the includeFont to be ignored.

Export Product

PDF Export

Data Type



The font to include.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_string

  • JAVA Client Implementation: String

A.4.10.5 fontDirectory

This option allows the developer to specify a directory where fonts are located that are valid for use by PDF Export.

This option must be set prior to performing any exports. Please note that PDF Export only supports *.ttf and *.ttc (TrueType) fonts, not *.fon (non-TrueType) fonts. Also, PDF Export does not require case-sensitive font filenames on UNIX systems.

Export Product

PDF Export

Data Type



A path to the fonts.


NONE - the option must be set.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_string

  • JAVA Client Implementation: String

A.4.10.6 fontAlias

This option sets or gets printer font aliases. For example, Chicago=Arial forces Chicago to be rendered as Arial.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export

Data Type



The xsd:string value takes the form of font=alias, as in this example:


The technology assumes the following default mappings. The first value is the font name, the second is the alias name.

  • Chicago = Arial

  • Geneva = Arial

  • New York = Times New Roman

  • Helvetica = Arial

  • Helv = Arial

  • times = Times New Roman

  • Times = Times New Roman

  • Tms Roman = Times New Roman

  • Symbol = Symbol

  • itc zapfdingbats = Zapfdingbats

  • itc zapf dingbats = Zapfdingbats


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_string

  • JAVA Client Implementation:String

A.4.10.7 strokeText

This option is used to stroke out (display as graphical primitives) text in an AutoCAD file. Setting this option to FALSE would improve performance, but the visual fidelity may be compromised.

  • If the export for the conversion is text only, text is never stroked out.

  • If the export is not text only, and the drawing is perspective, text will always be stroked out (regardless of this option). This is due to the fact that in non-text only situations visual fidelity is of importance, and handling of textual objects in perspective drawings is more accurate with stroked out text. If the conversion is non-text only and the drawing is not perspective, this option determines if text should be stroked.

Note that when this option is TRUE, some special characters appear as asterisks or question marks due to limited support of characters for stroking out text.

Data Type




A.4.11 Watermarks

This section discusses watermark options.

By default, the watermark image is centered in the middle of the target image.

A.4.11.1 graphicWatermarkOpacity

This option must be set and defined to turn on watermarking support. A value of 0 is default and turns watermarking off. Values (1 to 255) specify a level of transparency. 255 is fully opaque. 1 is very transparent.

Export Product

Image Export

Data Type



A value between 1 and 255. The value of 0 turns watermarking off.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.11.2 graphicWatermarkPath

This option needs to be set to specify a watermark file and path.

Export Product

Image Export

Data Type



A pointer to a buffer containing a null-terminated string. The buffer must contain a path to the file containing the watermark image. The buffer can be no larger than sizeof(IMGWATERMARKPATH) bytes.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.11.3 graphicWatermarkScaleType

Indicates whether to scale the watermark image or not. A value of scaleWatermarkOff means that we blend the watermark onto the original graphic with the original watermark height and width. This is the default value. A value of scaleWatermarkByPercent means that we will scale the watermark to be a certain percentage of the original watermark's height and width.

Export Product

Image Export

Data Type



  • scaleWatermarkOff: When set means no scaling of the watermark image is to be done.

  • scaleWatermarkByPercent: When set means that the watermark image is to be scaled to a percentage of its size. The percentage that is used is set by the graphicWatermarkScalePercent option.




  • C Client Implementation: OIT_GraphicWatermarkScaleTypeEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: GraphicWatermarkScaleTypeEnum

A.4.11.4 graphicWatermarkScalePercent

Active when graphicWatermarkScaleType is set to scaleWatermarkByPercent. Values (1 to 100) scale the watermark to be a specified percent of its original size. A value of 100 (default) overlays the target image with the watermark image at its original size; e.g., if the original graphic watermark is 4x4 and the target image is 6x8, the graphic watermark will be scaled to 4x4 to overlay the target image.

Export Product

Image Export

Data Type



Values of 1 to 100 scale the watermark image to a percentage of the watermark image's size.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.11.5 graphicWatermarkHorizPos

Offset in pixels within target image to adjust watermark position. Default value is 0.

Export Product

Image Export

Data Type



The number of pixels to offset the image in the horizontal direction. The watermark image is centered in the middle of target image, and then the watermark image is moved by this many pixels. A positive value moves the watermark towards the right, a negative value moves the watermark towards the left.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_int

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Integer

A.4.11.6 graphicWatermarkVertPos

Offset in pixels to adjust the watermark position within the target image. Default value is 0.

Export Product

Image Export

Data Type



The number of pixels to offset the image in the vertical direction. The watermark image is centered in the middle of the target image, and then the watermark image is moved by this many pixels. A positive value moves the watermark towards the bottom, and a negative value moves the watermark towards the top.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_int

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Integer

A.4.11.7 enableWatermark

This option allows the developer to specify if a watermark should be included on each of the rendered PDF pages.

Export Product

PDF Export

Data Type



Boolean indicating if a watermark is to be included in the rendering.

Default Value



  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.11.8 watermarkHorizOffset

This option sets the horizontal offset of a watermark image relative to the center of a page. It is intended to be used when the watermarkPosition option is set to a value of offsetFromCenter. It should also be paired with the watermarkVertOffset option.

This value is in twips. 1440 twips equals 1 inch.

Export Product

PDF Export

Data Type



  • 0: No offset specified.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_signedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: SignedInt

A.4.11.9 watermarkImage

This option specifies the location of the watermark image using an IOSpec. Redirected IO is allowed.

Export Product

PDF Export

Data Type



No location specified.


  • C Client Implementation: TS_IOSpec

  • JAVA Client Implementation: IOSpec

A.4.11.10 watermarkPosition

This option allows the developer to specify where on the page the watermark should be placed.

No scaling of watermark graphics is performed, so a graphic larger than the page or located such that the entire image cannot fit on the page will be cropped to fit the page.

Export Product

PDF Export

Data Type



Enumeration containing a positional indicator for the watermark, as well as watermarkXOffset and watermarkYOffset values that are used.

Default Value



  • C Client Implementation: OIT_WatermarkPositionEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: WatermarkPositionEnum

A.4.11.11 watermarkScalePercent

This option specifies a fixed scaling amount for a watermark image. This option must be set in conjunction with watermarkScaling.

Export Product

PDF Export

Data Type



  • 0: No scaling specified.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.11.12 watermarkScaling

This option specifies how scaling of the watermark is to be done. If the watermark is to be scaled by a fixed percentage, the pdfScale value must be used, and the watermarkScalePercent option must also be set.

Export Product

PDF Export

Data Type



  • 0: No scaling specified.


  • C Client Implementation: OIT_WatermarkScalingEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: WatermarkScalingEnum

A.4.11.13 watermarkVertOffset

This option sets the vertical offset of a watermark image relative to the center of a page. It is intended to be used when the watermarkPosition option is set to a value of offsetFromCenter. It should also be paired with the watermarkHorizOffset option.

This value is in twips. 1440 twips equals 1 inch.

Export Product

PDF Export

Data Type



  • 0: No offset specified.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.12 XML

This section pertains to XML options.

A.4.12.1 allCapsOn

When set, causes capitalized text to be output and appropriately marked. Valid for the SearchML 3.x output formats only.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.2 boldOn

When set, causes bold text to be output and appropriately marked. Not valid for the SearchText and PageML output formats.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.3 cellInfoOn

When set, SearchML will output a <cell> element that will encapsulate data from each non-empty cell in a spreadsheet. (Note: Numeric cells are considered empty unless FI DOCS NO HP BUILDING(3.7) is enabled. ) The <cell> element will have a required attribute start which will give the location of the cell. It will also have an optional attribute end which will be used to indicate a merged cell. Both the start and end attributes will be in the form RowColumn where the Row will be a letter and Column will be a number (for example, <cell start="A1">). Valid only for the SearchML 3.x output formats.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.4 changeNumbertoTextOn

Includes data not originally stored as text in the input document. This can be important content the user would see when viewing the document in the original application (time and owner information in archives, numbers in spreadsheets/databases, etc.). Valid for all output formats.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.5 documentPropertiesOn

When set, document properties are included inthe output. Default value is false. Not valid for the PageML output format.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.6 doubleUnderlineOn

When set, causes double-underlined text to be included in the output and appropriately marked. Not valid for the SearchText and PageML output formats.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.7 embeddingsOn

Include embeddings. Not valid for the PageML output format.

Export Product

Search Export,

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.8 errorInfoOn

When this flag is set, SearchML will output an <error> element if an error occurs while processing the main document or any sub-documents. The <error> element has one required attribute, code, which will be a hex value of the error code. The contents of the element will be a string with the description of the error returned from DAGetErrorString. Valid only for the SearchML 3.x output formats.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.9 generateSystemMetaDataOn

When this flag is set, system metadata will be generated. This text is "generated" and is part of the document properties. This information is gathered through system calls and may adversely affect performance. Valid only for the SearchML 3.x output formats.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.10 hiddenCellInfoOn

When true, information regarding hidden cells will be output. This option is only relevant when cellInfoOn is also true.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • Java Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.11 hiddenOn

Include hidden text in the output. Not valid for the PageML output format.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.12 italicOn

Include italic text in the output. Not valid for the SearchText and PageML output formats.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.13 metadataOnlyOn

Produce only metadata. Not valid for the PageML output formats.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.14 originalCharsetOn

When this option is set, an attribute named oce is added either to <p> or <r> elements as appropriate. The value of the attribute is a hex representation of the character set. The value is defined by our core technology, SO_ANSIUNKNOWN for instance. Possible values for this attribute appear in the vtchars.h header file. Valid for the SearchML 3.x output formats only.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.15 outlineOn

Include outlined text in the output. Valid for the SearchML 3.x output formats only.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.16 produceURLsOn

Produce URL information when it is available. Valid for the SearchML 3.x and SearchHTML output formats only.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.17 revisionAddOn

When set, causes added text to be output and appropriately marked. Valid for all output formats.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.18 revisionDeleteOn

When set, causes deleted text to be output and appropriately marked. Valid for all output formats.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.19 revisionsOn

When set, revised or annotated text will be designated as such. Valid only for the SearchML 3.x output format.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.20 smallCapsOn

When set, causes text in small caps to be output and appropriately marked. Valid for the SearchML output format only.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.21 strikeoutOn

When set, causes strikeout text to be output and appropriately marked. Valid for the SearchML 3.x output formats only.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.22 underlineOn

When set, causes underlined text to be output and appropriately marked. Valid for the SearchML 3.x output formats only.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.23 xmlDefinitionMethod

This option determines whether Search Export will reference a SearchML or PageML schema, DTD, or no reference when generating output. This option is not valid when SearchText or SearchHTML is the output format.

Export Product

Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • dtd: Document Type Definition (DTD)

  • xsd: Extensible Schema Definition

  • noDefinition: No XML definition reference




  • C Client Implementation: OIT_XmlDefinitionMethodEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: XmlDefinitionMethodEnum

A.4.12.24 xmlDefinitionLocation

This option allows the developer to set a particular file as the XML definition reference.

If the xmlDefinitionMethod option is set to xsd or dtd, the value of this option will be used to reference the schema or DTD, respectively.

Export Product

Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



A UTF-8 encoded string specifying the location of an xsd or dtd file. If using the C API, this string must be a null-terminated array of single-byte characters.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_string

  • JAVA Client Implementation: String

A.4.12.25 nullReplacementCharacter

This option specifies a two-byte Unicode character that will be used to replace null characters if null path separators are being used. This option defaults to '/' and is valid for the SearchML 3.x, SearchHTML and SearchText output formats.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type



A two-byte Unicode character that will be used to replace null characters if null path separators are being used.


0x002f = "/"


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedShort

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedShort

A.4.12.26 printerName

This option is Windows-specific. It is used to set which device context to use to render the pages.

It specifies, as a byte string, the name of the printer whose metrics should be used to calculate pagination information. If unspecified, the default printer will be used. The screen metrics of the system will be used if a printer is not specified and a default printer does not exist. As pagination is affected by the metrics of the device context and installed fonts, PageML XML output can vary between different systems and configurations.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type



A null-terminated single-byte string for the name of the printer which is the device context that should be used to render pages.


  • null: PageML uses the Windows default printer.


  • C Client Implementation: XSD_string

  • JAVA Client Implementation: String

A.4.12.27 paragraphStyleNamesOn

Include paragraph style name references as an attribute of paragraph tags. Valid for the SearchML 3.x output formats only.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.28 includeTextOffsets

The value of this option is a Boolean that if set to true will include offset information in the SearchML output according to the schema. If the option is set to false, no offset information is produced.

Export Product

Search Export, XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.29 paragraphAttributes

This option allows the developer to track paragraph attributes contained in the input document and, optionally, include them in the XML output. All lengths are measured in twips. The values that appear in the SearchML output are the values that apply to the first content encountered in a given paragraph. For example, if the character height changes after the initial content in a paragraph, that change will be ignored. Left and first line indents are measured relative to the left page margin. The right indent is measured relative to the right page margin.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type

The ParagraphAttributes data type is a structure composed of Boolean values that act as flags, determining what (if any) paragraph attributes should be included in SearchML output. The structure is defined as follows:

<complexType name="ParagraphAttributes">
  <extension base="xsd:anyType">
    <element name="spacing" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <element name="height" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <element name="leftIndent" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <element name="rightIndent" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <element name="firstIndent" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>


The paragraphAttributes option is a complexType data structure composed of Boolean variables, which may be switched on or off in any combination. The variables are:

  • spacing

  • height

  • leftIndent

  • rightIndent

  • firstIndent


  • 0: All flags set to false.


  • C Client Implementation: OIT_ParagraphAttributes

  • JAVA Client Implementation: ParagraphAttributes

A.4.12.30 unmappedText

This option allows for the production of unmapped text (the original code points from the input document). A new <unmapped> element will be produced to enclose this text. The <unmapped> element will contain base64-encoded text. It will also contain two attributes. "OCE" will contain a hex value representing the character set. "Font" will contain a string value of the original font name. This is necessary for non-standard encodings such as wingdings or webdings. This option is only valid in the SearchML 3.2 (and higher) schema.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • justUnmappedText: Output just the unmapped text

  • noUnmappedText: Don't output any unmapped text.

  • bothUnmappedText: Output both the original and the unmapped text.


  • noUnmappedText


  • C Client Implementation: OIT_SearchMLUnmappedTextEnum

  • JAVA Client Implementation: SearchMLUnmappedTextEnum

A.4.12.31 suppressArchiveSubDocsOn

Subdocuments in archives are not processed. Not valid for the PageML output format.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.32 suppressAttachmentsOn

Attachments are not processed. Not valid for the PageML output format.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.33 textOutOn

This option is valid only for the PageML output format.

When set to true, include text in the PageML output.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.34 xmlDeclarationOff

Exclude the XML declaration. Not valid for the SearchText and SearchHTML output formats.

Export Product

Search Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.35 optimizeSections

When set to true, uses wp.section elements to delineate column references.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.36 charMappingDefault

When set to true, all text is mapped to Unicode in tx.text elements.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.37 charMappingNone

When set to true, all text is left in the original character set in tx.utext elements.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.38 charMappingText

When set to true, text is mapped to Unicode where possible, while unmappable text is left in the original character set.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.39 charMappingBoth

When set to true, both mapped and unmapped text are included as alt elements containing tx.text and tx.utext.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.40 convertChartObjects

The value of this option is a Boolean that when set to true forces all DateTime properties to be converted to the ISO 8601 standard. This conversion can only be performed using dates that are stored as numeric data within the original file. If the option is set to false, DateTime properties will not be converted.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.41 convertDateTimeProperties

The value of this option is a Boolean that if set to true will convert ch.chart objects to a graphic file and the resulting file will be referenced by the locator child of the ch.chart. If the option is set to false, ch.chart objects will not be converted.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.42 convertImageObjects

The value of this option is a Boolean that if set to true will convert dr.image objects to a graphic file and the resulting file will be referenced by the locator child of the dr.image. If the option is set to false, dr.image objects will not be converted.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.43 convertPresentationObjects

The value of this option is a Boolean that if set to true will convert pr.slide objects to a graphic file and the resulting file will be referenced by the locator child of the pr.slide. If the option is set to false, pr.slide objects will not be converted.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.44 convertVectorObjects

The value of this option is a Boolean that if set to true will convert dr.drawing objects to a graphic file and the resulting file will be referenced by the locator child of the dr.drawing. If the option is set to false, dr.drawing objects will not be converted.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.45 delimiters

This option is applicable only to PDF files. Often, PDF files have individual characters that are placed at specific draw locations. Consequently, the Flexiondoc converter produces individual draw_text characters without any indication of word boundaries. This flag forces the Flexiondoc converter to attempt to determine where words and lines end. The PDF filter indicates these positions by producing a WORD_DELIMITER for word endings, and a DELIMITER for line endings. These delimiters are passed along in the Flexiondoc output to assist the user in reconstructing words and lines.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.46 flattenStyles

The value of this option is a Boolean that if set to true will flatten styles to eliminate the need to process the 'basedon' attribute. If the option is set to false, the 'basedon' attribute will be processed.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.47 noBitmapElements

The value of this option is a Boolean that if set to true will ensure that no children are produced for dr.image elements. If the option is set to false, dr.image elements will produce children.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.48 noChartElements

The value of this option is a Boolean that if set to true will ensure that no children are produced for ch.chart elements. If the option is set to false, ch.chart elements will produce children.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.49 noPresentationElements

The value of this option is a Boolean that if set to true will ensure that no children are produced for pr.slide elements. If the option is set to false, pr.slide elements will produce children.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.50 noVectorElements

The value of this option is a Boolean that if set to true will ensure that no children are produced for dr.drawing elements. If the option is set to false, dr.drawing elements will produce children.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.51 removeFontGroups

Some word processing formats contain styles that reference font groups, forcing the user to interpret the correct font from that group by other means. If this option is set to true, references to font groups in input documents are replaced with references to individual fonts.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.52 separateStyleTables

Enabling this option will cause the style_tables subtree to be streamed to a separate output unit. This flag is false by default.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.12.53 subStreamRoots

This option selects the element which will be the root of a subtree of Flexiondoc output to be placed in a separate output document (a file or redirected IO stream). Currently, the only element supported for this option is the style_tables element.

When set to a non-empty or non-NULL value, this option specifies the subtree that should be exported to a separate document. This document, if it is a file, will be created in the same directory as the primary output document and will be named xxx.subtree.xml, where xxx.xml is the name of the primary document and subtree is the name of the exported element (for example, if output.xml is the primary output file, then the style_tables subtree would be exported to a file named output.style_tables.xml.) When this option is set to an empty or NULL value, all elements will be placed in the primary output document.

An element specified in this option must include its namespace, followed by a comma, then the element name. Currently, the allowable values for this option are NULL, an empty string, or the following string:,style_tables


This option will only work correctly if the xmlDefinitionMethod option is set (to any value). If not set, the result will be an invalid output file.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type



The data for this option is a UCS-2 string (a NULL-terminated array of 16 bit Unicode characters). The data size should be specified as the length of the string in bytes (not characters), and should include the size of the terminating NULL.




  • C Client Implementation: TS_stringData

  • JAVA Client Implementation: StringData

A.4.12.54 useFullFilePaths

The value of this option is a Boolean that if set to true will ensure that the locators for externalized embeddings will contain full, absolute pathnames. If the option is set to false, full, absolute pathnames will not be included in the output.

Export Product

XML Export

Data Type





  • C Client Implementation: XSD_boolean

  • JAVA Client Implementation: Boolean

A.4.13 File System

This section pertains to file system options.

A.4.13.1 fileAccess

This option supplies information to OIT when information is required to open an input file. This information may be the password of the file or a support file location.

Further information about how Transformation Server implements this option will be forthcoming.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export,

A.4.13.2 readBufferSize

Used to define the number of bytes that that will read from disk into memory at any given time. Once the buffer has data, further file reads will proceed within the buffer until the end of the buffer is reached, at which point the buffer will again be filled from the disk. This can lead to performance improvements in many file formats, regardless of the size of the document.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



The size of the buffer in kilobytes.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.13.3 memoryMappedInputSize

Used to define a maximum size that a document can be and use a memory-mapped I/O model. In this situation, the entire file is read from disk into memory and all further I/O is performed on the data in memory. This can lead to significantly improved performance, but note that either the entire file can be read into memory, or it cannot. If both of these buffers are set, then if the file is smaller that the dwMMapBufferSize, the entire file will be read into memory, if not, it will be read in blocks defined by the dwReadBufferSize.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



The size of the buffer in kilobytes.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

A.4.13.4 tempBufferSize

The maximum size that a temporary file can occupy in memory before being written to disk as a physical file. Storing temporary files in memory can boost performance on archives, files that have embedded objects or attachments. If set to 0, all temporary files will be written to disk.

Export Product

HTML Export, Image Export, PDF Export, Search Export, XML Export

Data Type



The size of the buffer in kilobytes.




  • C Client Implementation: XSD_unsignedInt

  • JAVA Client Implementation: UnsignedInt

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Oracle Outside In Transformation Server Developer's Guide

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