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Oracle Outside In Transformation Server Developer's Guide

2 Installing and Running Transformation Server

This chapter details the fundamental steps you must take to run Transformation Server and begin generating output using the tsmanager and/or tsagent modules.

This chapter includes the following sections:

2.1 Installation

To install Transformation Server, download the archive from the Oracle site ( Place the download into a directory that contains a previously downloaded Outside In installation on your local drive to complete installation.


At least one of the Outside In Export products needs to be installed before Transformation Server is downloaded.


Transformation Server, its configuration files, and the Outside In Export technologies are designed to reside in the same directory. Placing them elsewhere may result in errors.

You will need to set the TSROOT variable to the location of the Transformation Server installed SDK. For example, for a Linux version of Transformation Server, you would set TSROOT=/user/jsmith/ts/ts_linux-x86-32_sdk/sdk.

2.1.1 Installing Multiple SDKs

If you load more than one OIT SDK, you must copy files from the secondary installations into the top-level OIT SDK directory as follows:

  • docs – copy all subdirectories named ”[product name]guide” into this directory.

  • redist – copy all binaries into this directory.

  • sdk – this directory has several subdirectories: common, demo, lib, resource, samplecode, samplefiles. In each case, copy all of the files from the secondary installation into the top-level OIT SDK subdirectory of the same name. If the top-level OIT SDK directory lacks any directories found in the directory being copied from, just copy those directories over.

2.1.2 Motif Library Compatibility Information

On some Linux installations, particularly newer ones, the Motif libraries that are installed are not compatible with the libraries that are used to build the Outside In technology. This is known to be the case with most of the SuSE installations, for example. It is likely that you have a binary incompatibility if you try to build one of the Xwindows-based sample applications included with this product and see an error at compile time that looks like the following

warning:, needed by ../../, may conflict with

Problems can also be seen when trying to convert graphics files. For example, zero byte graphics files will be generated if our technology cannot find the proper Motif library. You can check to see if this is the case by running the following command:


This will print a list of the dependencies that this library has. If the line for the Motif library looks like the following: => not found

then your system may not have a compatible Motif library installed.

The proper solution to both of these problems is to install a compatible Motif library and use it to build your application. Often, the installation discs for your particular Linux platform will have the proper libraries. If your installation discs do not have the libraries, instructions for downloading a binary rpm can be found at Remember that if you are doing development, you will also need the proper header files, as well.

The Motif library versions used by Oracle when building and testing the Outside In binaries are:

  • x86 Linux: OpenMotif v. 2.2.3

2.1.3 Visual C++ Redistributable Dependency

This product requires the Visual C++ libraries included in the Visual C++ Redistributable Package available from Microsoft. Transformation Server requires the x86 Windows package. Users can dowload the required library from

To deploy Visual C++ libraries using the Visual C++ Redistributable Package, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the Visual C++ Redistributable Package (vcredist_x86.exe) to the target computer.

  2. Run vcredist_x86.exe on the target computer. This installs all Visual C++ libraries as shared assemblies. On a target computer with support for manifest-based binding of applications to their dependencies (Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista), the libraries are installed in the WinSxS folder. On a computer without such support (Windows 2000), the libraries are installed to both the WinSxS and System32 folders.

  3. Your application is ready to be run.

2.1.4 Environment Variables on UNIX

Transformation Server does not require the setting of the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH in order to run. However, it does require the setting of the PATH environment variable. Transformation Server's process manager (tsmanager) launches child processes, and in order to be able to locate those processes it needs the PATH environment variable to include the path to the directory where Transformation Server is installed.

Additional environment variables for UNIX may need to be set depending upon the Outside In export technology you are invoking via Transformation Server. Please consult the manual for the export technology you are using as to whether it needs additional environment variables to be set for your specific UNIX platform.

2.1.5 Libraries and Structure

Here is an overview of the files contained in the main installation directory for this product:

File Description
ACE-5.8.1 Third party ACE library that provides process control and thread synchronization
sccts C API library for Transformation Server Clients
ts_buffered_io Transformation Server buffered IO library
ts_components Transformation Server support library
ts_engine_options Transformation Server generic options handling library
ts_file_io_module Transformation Server file IO library
ts_hx_engine HTML Export engine for use by tsagent
ts_ix_engine Image Export engine for use by tsagent
ts_logging_facility Transformation Server logging support library
ts_msg_logger_app Transformation Server logging process
ts_pdf_engine PDF Export engine for use by tsagent
ts_riot_iop_module Transformation Server Client side, redirected IO library
ts_riotstub C API support library for Transformation Server Clients
ts_soap_ext Transformation Server SOAP support library
ts_soap_std Transformation Server SOAP support library
ts_soap_ta_client Transformation Server SOAP support library
ts_soap_ts_client Transformation Server SOAP support library
ts_soap_ts_server Transformation Server SOAP support library
ts_soap_tss Transformation Server SOAP support library
ts_sx_engine SearchML Export engine for use by tsagent
ts_url_iop_module Transformation Server HTTP IO library
ts_utils Transformation Server support library
ts_xx_engine XML Export engine for use by tsagent
tsagent Transformation Server agent process
tsmanager Transformation Server manager process
tsapi.jar Java API library for Transformation Sever Clients
tools.jar Java classes used by configserver and option_set_editor utilities
configserver Java GUI application for editing the server_startup.xml file
option_set_editor Java GUI application for editing the agent_option_sets.xml file

2.2 Running Transformation Server

Transformation Server's main application is tsmanager. When this program is started, it will in turn start up Transformation Agents (tsagent) and initiate communication with them. tsmanager will then listen for incoming transformation requests. Incoming requests for transformations are distributed among the running Transformation Agents, who return the results of the requests to tsmanager, which will then send those results back to the original requestor.

tsagent can be started in standalone mode apart from tsmanager as well, for applications where reduced resource usage is desirable.

This section deals with these applications and their command-line parameters.


If any of the following .xml files that tsmanager and its agents depend upon change while tsmanager is running, then it must be shut down and restarted.
  • server_startup.xml

  • agent_option_sets.xml

  • agent_engine_list.xml

  • agent_iospect_types.xml

2.2.1 tsmanager

The following is an overview of product details. Startup Parameters

The user can alter tsmanager's parameters via the command line, the XML configuration file named server_startup.xml, or both. For parameters that can be set both ways, the command line overrides server_startup.xml. For both methods, parameter string values are case-sensitive. If server_startup.xml is malformed or missing an option, tsmanager will resort to defaults if it can avoid a bailout. Command Line Options with Parameters

The following command line options have parameters. The command --help provides a list of these as well as their shorthands (e.g., --host = -s). --host

The hostname or IP address to use when listening to transformation requests. Value may be a name, such as "" or an IP address such as ";" the host address must be valid for the machine on which tsmanager is running. If no host name is specified on the command line or in the configuration file, tsmanager will listen to incoming requests on all available addresses. If no host is specified on either the command line or in server_startup.xml, tsmanager will listen for requests on all of the computer's available IP addresses. The server_startup.xml parameter is the <serverName> subelement of <ConnectionsInfo>. --port

The TCP port number on which tsmanager will listen for incoming requests. There is no default value; this parameter must be specified. The server_startup.xml parameter is the <port> subelement of <ConnectionsInfo>. --pipedir

This parameter is only valid on UNIX systems.

This is the directory where pipes will be created. The location must be local to the machine. The default value is /tmp. The server_startup.xml parameter is the <pipeDir> subelement of <logInfo>. --numagents

The number of simultaneously running Transformation Agents that will be available to handle requests for documentation transformations. The default value is 4. The server_startup.xml parameter is the <poolSize> subelement of <agentsInfo>. Command Line Flags

The following command line flags are used. --trace_on

If set, this option prints supplemental diagnostic information to the log file. --version

This option returns the version number of the application and copyright information. Command Line Syntax

The tsmanager command line syntax is simple:

tsmanager --parameter1 value1 --parameter2 value2 ...

Both the long option and short option can be used for syntax, for example, the port command long option is "--port" and the short option is "-p". Use the --help (-h) command to show the short options. Parameters and their values are separated by one or more spaces or tabs.

The following parameters are supported: Command Line Examples

The following command line will cause tsmanager to listen for incoming transformation requests on TCP port 90 of IP address (localhost).

tsmanager --host --port 90

The following command line will cause tsmanager to listen for incoming transformation requests on TCP port 100 and use a pool of 3 transformation agents to handle transformation requests.

tsmanager --port 100 --numagents 3 Logging

When you launch tsmanager, it spawns a logging application called ts_msg_logger_app. This application logs server activity based on parameters specified in the server_startup.xml configuration file (the configuration file is discussed in the following section). The log can be rotated based on a maximum file size (the rotateSize parameter in the logInfo section of the server_startup.xml file) or by time of day (the rotateTime parameter in the logInfo section of the server_startup.xml file). When the log is rotated, the old log file is not deleted. Configuration File

The file server_startup.xml resides in the same directory as tsmanager. If this file is not present, you must specify at least the port number on the tsmanager command line.

If the rotate_time value of the logInfo section of the configuration file is filled with a valid, non-empty time, rotate_size can be zero or empty. However, if the rotate_time value is empty and the rotate_size value is zero, ts_msg_logger_app will not start and will print out an error message to the console. Also, if both rotate_time and rotate_size have non-empty values, tsmanager will always use the rotate_time value and ignore the rotate_size value.

The path value must be set or ts_msg_logger_app will not start.

Configuration File Example

<TsServerStartup xsi:type="tss:TsServerStartup"
... other attributes deleted for clarity... >
   <agentsInfo xsi:type="ts:agentsInfo">
      <poolSize xsi:type="xsd:unsignedInt">4</poolSize>
   <connectionsInfo xsi:type="tss:connectionsInfo">
      <serverName xsi:type="xsd:string"></serverName>
      <port xsi:type="xsd:unsignedInt">60611</port>
      <rotate_time>23:00</rotate_time> <!-- HR:MN -->
      <rotate_size>5</rotate_size> <!-- in MB -->

2.2.2 tsagent

In addition to its typical usage, running in tandem with tsmanager, tsagent can be started in standalone mode (using the standalone flag), allowing low-overhead, single-threaded communications with the server. Here is a guide to tsagent's parameters. Command Line Flags with Parameters

The following are command line flags with parameters. --host

The hostname or IP address to use when listening to transformation requests. Value may be a name, such as "" or an IP address such as ";" the host address must be valid for the machine on which TSagent is running. If no host name is specified on the command line or in the configuration file, TSagent will listen to incoming requests on all available addresses. There is no default value; this parameter must be specified. --port

The TCP port number on which tsmanager will listen for incoming requests. There is no default value; this parameter must be specified. Command Line Flags

The following are other command line flags. --help

This option presents a quick summary of the command line options for tsagent. --oneclient

This flag will allow tsagent to connect to one client and when that client ends the connection, tsagent will exit. --standalone

This flag is required if you wish to run tsagent in standalone mode separately from tsmanager. --stdinout

This flag allows the standalone agent to get input from stdin and write output to stdout. --version

This option returns the version number of the application and copyright information.

2.3 Configuration Files

There are several XML configuration files used by Transformation Server to store its configuration information. These files are located in the same directory as the Outside In binaries. A developer may add IO Providers or Transformation Engines to the Transformation Server core by modifying these files.

  • agent_iospec_types.xml: Contains the list of input/output providers installed on the server. Each element in the list maps an IO "specification type" (for example, path or url) to a module that contains the code that implements the IO Provider interfaces for this type.

  • agent_engine_list.xml: Contains the list of Transformation Engines available on the server.

  • agent_option_sets.xml: Contains the predefined sets of transformation options.

  • server_startup.xml: Contains startup parameters that affect the tsmanager application. If this file is not present, tsmanager parameters must be specified on its command line.

2.3.1 Examples

The following are examples from provided files.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?file version="1.0"?>
<IoSpecTypeToModuleMap xsi:type="tss:IoSpecTypesList"
   other attributes deleted for clarity...>

   <SpecType xsi:type="tss:SpecType">
      <!-- For local file system and shared file system paths-->
      <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">path</Name>
      <Module xsi:type="xsd:string">ts_file_io_module</Module>
      <!--  used internally for client-side redirected IO
         support -->
      <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">riot</Name>
      <Module xsi:type="xsd:string">ts_riot_iop_module</Module>
      <!-- For files that can be read (GET) and written (PUT)
               via HTTP-->
      <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">url</Name>
      <Module xsi:type="xsd:string">ts_url_iop_module</Module>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?file version="1.0"?>
<EngineList xsi:type="tss:EngineList"
      other attributes deleted for clarity...>
<Engine xsi:type="tss:Engine">
<EngineName xsi:type="xsd:string">HTML Export Engine</EngineName>
<EngineModule xsi:type="xsd:string">ts_hx_engine</EngineModule>
<OutputFormatNames xsi:type="tss:StringList">
<Name xsi:type="xsd:string">html</Name>
<Name xsi:type="xsd:string">mhtml</Name>
<Engine xsi:type="tss:Engine">
<EngineName xsi:type="xsd:string">Image Export Engine</EngineName>
<EngineModule xsi:type="xsd:string">ts_ix_engine</EngineModule>
<OutputFormatNames xsi:type="tss:StringList">
<Name xsi:type="xsd:string">bmp</Name>
<Name xsi:type="xsd:string">gif</Name>
<Name xsi:type="xsd:string">jpeg</Name>
<Name xsi:type="xsd:string">png</Name>
<Name xsi:type="xsd:string">tiff</Name>
<Engine xsi:type="tss:Engine">
  <EngineName xsi:type="xsd:string">Search Export Engine</EngineName>
  <EngineModule xsi:type="xsd:string">ts_sx_engine</EngineModule>
  <OutputFormatNames xsi:type="tss:StringList">
  <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">page-ml</Name>
  <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">search-ml</Name>
  <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">search-ml-2</Name>
  <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">search-ml-3</Name>
  <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">search-ml-3-1</Name>
  <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">search-ml-3-2</Name>
  <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">search-html</Name>
  <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">search-text</Name>
<Engine xsi:type="tss:Engine">
  <EngineName xsi:type="xsd:string">XML Export Engine</EngineName>
  <EngineModule xsi:type="xsd:string">ts_xx_engine</EngineModule>
  <OutputFormatNames xsi:type="tss:StringList">
  <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">flexiondoc-4</Name>
  <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">flexiondoc-5</Name>
  <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">flexiondoc_5</Name>
  <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">flexiondoc-5-1</Name>
  <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">flexiondoc-5-2</Name>
<Engine xsi:type="tss:Engine">
  <EngineName xsi:type="xsd:string">PDF Export Engine</EngineName>
  <EngineModule xsi:type="xsd:string">ts_pdf_engine</EngineModule>
  <OutputFormatNames xsi:type="tss:StringList">
  <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">pdf</Name>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?file version="1.0"?>
<OptionSets xsi:type="tss:OptionSetList" 
      other attributes deleted for clarity...>

   <OptionSet xsi:type="tss:OptionSet">
      <Name xsi:type="xsd:string">Netscape 6.2</Name>
      <Options xsi:type="tss:OptionList">
         <Option xsi:type="ts:Option">
            <name xsi:type="xsd:string">flavor</name>
            <value xsi:type="ts:FlavorEnum">netscape4.0</value>
         <Option xsi:type="ts:Option">
            <name xsi:type="xsd:string">defaultFont</name>
            <value xsi:type="tsDefaultFont">
               <fontname xsi:type="xsd:string">Times New Roman
               <height xsi:type="xsd:unsignedShort">9</height>
   <OptionSet xsi:type="tss:OptionSet">
      <-- ... more option sets... -->


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?file version="1.0"?>
<TsServerStartup xsi:type="tss:TsServerStartup"
      other attributes deleted for clarity...>
   <agentsInfo xsi:type="ts:agentsInfo">
      <poolSize xsi:type="xsd:unsignedInt">4</poolSize>
   <connectionsInfo xsi:type="tss:connectionsInfo">
   <serverName xsi:type="xsd:string"></serverName>
   <port xsi:type="xsd:unsignedInt">9999</port>

2.4 The Option Set Editor

To facilitate easy creation of option sets for transformations, an Option Set Editor application is included with Transformation Server. This application is launched using a batch file called option_set_editor, located in the installation's root directory.

2.4.1 Using the Option Set Editor

Once launched, the editor displays its main screen, shown here:

Figure 2-1 Option Set Editor Main Screen

Option Set Editor main screen

Here are the steps to follow to create an option set using this application.

  1. Click New Option Set to create a new set.

  2. Type a name for the new set in the Name field.

  3. Add an option by either clicking the Add button at the bottom of the main screen, or clicking Edit then Add Option.

  4. By default, the new option will be xsd:boolean, but this value can be changed by double-clicking on xsd:boolean in the Type column, and then selecting a new option from the drop-down list that appears. Similarly, you can change the value for any option in the set by double-clicking on the current value in the Value column, and then either selecting a value from the drop-down menu (if applicable) or typing a value into the field.

  5. If you wish to remove an option that you've added, click it to highlight it, and then click the Remove button, or click Edit then Remove Option. You can also remove all options from the current set by clicking Edit then Remove All Options.

  6. To begin a new option set, you can click New Option Set or Edit then New Option Set.

  7. When you are ready to save a set to an XML file, click Edit then Save or Edit then Save As.

  8. You can open an existing option set for editing by clicking File then Open. If at any point you wish to revert to the file's initial state prior to editing, click the Cancel Changes button. Clicking this button when working with a set that has not yet been saved simply brings you back to the blank default start screen.


    The Option Set Editor can make intelligent decisions about when to base64-encode text. For example, if a user creates a stringData entry in the Option Set Editor and the character set of the string is not UTF-8-encoded, the editor will automatically base64-encode the string and set the base64 flag to true. Such behavior explains the possible presence of <base64> tags in the output.

2.5 Extending the Functionality of Transformation Server

Transformation Server exposes several internal APIs to allow your application to extend the core functionality to better integrate with your application.

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Oracle Outside In Transformation Server Developer's Guide

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