16 HTML Export .NET Classes

This chapter provides detailed descriptions of HTML Export .NET classes.

The following classes are covered:

Annotation Class

Annotation is an abstract base class for the Annotation objects.




  • Height (Int64) Height of area in coordinates or rows

  • Left (Int64) Leftmost coordinate or column

  • Opacity (Single) Opacity of the annotation. Range 0.0 - 1.0; setting opacity to 0 makes the annotation invisible

  • SectionIndex (Int64) 0-based page/sheet/image/slide index

  • Top (Int64) Top coordinate or row

  • Units (Annotation.UnitTypeValue) Type of units in which Height, Width, Left and Top are described

  • UserId (Int64) User Data

  • Width (Int64) Width of area in coordinates or columns

Annotation.UnitTypeValue Enumeration

The UnitTypeValue is an enumeration of the various unit types that annotation positions can be described in.

  • Pixels: Units specified in Pixels. This Unit type should be used for Graphic files.

  • Twips: Units specified in Twips (1/1440th of an inch). This Unit type should be used for Word Processing documents.

  • Cells: Units specified in cell positions. This Unit type should be used for Spreadsheets.

ArchiveNode Class

ArchiveNode provides information about an archive node. This is a read-only class where the technology fills in all the values.




  • IsDirectory (Boolean) A value of true indicates that the record is an archive node.

  • FileSize (Int32) File size of the archive node

  • NodeTime (Int32) Time the archive node was created

  • NodeNum (Int32) Serial number of the archive node in the archive

  • NodeName (String) The name of the archive node

Callback Class

Callback messages are notifications that come from Outside In during the export process, providing information and sometimes the opportunity to customize the generated output.



To access callback messages, your code must create an object that inherits from Callback and pass it through the API's SetCallbackHandler method. Your object can implement methods that override the default behavior for whichever methods your application is interested in.

Callback has three methods: OpenFile, CreateNewFile and NewFileInfo.


OpenFileResponse OpenFile(
      FileTypeValue fileType,
      string fileName

This callback is made any time a new file needs to be opened.


  • fileType: Type of file being requested to be opened.

  • filename: Name of the file to be open

Return Value

To take action in response to this method, return an OpenFileResponse object.

FileTypeValue Enumeration

This enumeration defines the type of file being requested to be opened. Its value may be one of the following:

  • Input: File to be opened (path unknown)

  • Template: Template file to be opened

  • Path: Full file name of the file to be opened.

  • Other: Not used.

OpenFileResponse Class

This is a class to define a new file or stream object in response to an OpenFile callback.


OpenFileResponse(FileInfo file)

File: File object with full path to the new file.

OpenFileResponse(Stream file)

File: A stream to which the file data will be written.


CreateNewFileResponse CreateNewFile( FileFormat ParentOutputId,  FileFormat OutputId,
   Association Association, string Path)

This callback is made any time a new output file needs to be generated. This gives the developer the chance to affect where the new output file is created, how it is named, and the URL (if any) used to reference the file.


  • ParentOutputId: File format identifier of the parent file.

  • OutputId: File format identifier of the file created.

  • Association: An Association that describes relationship between the primary output file and the new file.

  • Path: Full path of the file to be created.

Return Value

To take action in response to this notification, return a CreateNewFileResponse object with the new file information. If you wish to accept the defaults for the path and URL, you may return null.

CreateNewFileResponse Class

This is a class to define a new output file location in response to a CreateNewFile callback. If you do not wish to change the path to the new output file, you may use the path as received. If you do not wish to specify the URL for the new file, you many specify it as null.


CreateNewFileResponse(FileInfo File, string URL) 
  • File: File object with full path to new file.

  • URL: A new URL that references the newly created file. This parameter can be null.

Association Enumeration

This enumeration defines, for a new file created by an export process, the different possible associations between the new file and the primary output file. Its value may be one of the following:

  • Root - indicates the primary output file

  • Child - a new file linked (directly or indirectly) from the primary output file

  • Sibling - indicates new files not linked from the primary output file

  • Copy - the file was copied as a part of a template macro operation.

  • RequiredName - not used

Note that some of these relationships will not be possible in all Outside In Export SDKs.


void NewFileInfo( FileFormat ParentOutputId, FileFormat OutputId,
    Association Association, string Path, string URL)

This informational callback is made just after each new file has been created.


  • ParentOutputId: File format identifier of the parent file

  • OutputId: File format identifier of the file created

  • Association: An Association that describes relationship between the primary output file and the new file.

  • Path: Full path of the file created

  • URL: URL that references the newly created file


CreateTempFileResponse CreateTempFile()

This callback is made any time a new temporary file needs to be generated. This gives the developer the chance to handle the reading and writing of the temporary file.

Return Value

To take action in response to this notification, return a CreateTempFileResponse object with the temporary file information.

CreateTempFileResponse Class

This is a class to define a new file or stream object in response to an CreateTempFile callback.


CreateTempFileResponse (Stream file)

File: A stream to which the file data will be written and read from.

ColorInfo Class

ColorInfo is a class to define a color or to use a default color in appropriate cases.





Initializes an ColorInfo object to use the default color.

public ColorInfo(Byte red,
   Byte green,
   Byte blue)

Initializes a ColorInfo object with the specified RGB values.


  • Blue (Byte) - Blue component of the color

  • Green (Byte) - Green component of the color

  • Red (Byte) - Red component of the color

  • UseDefault (Byte) - Set to true if the default color is used

Exporter Interface

This section describes the properties and methods of Exporter.

All of Outside In's Exporter functionality can be accessed through the Exporter Interface. The object returned by OutsideIn class is an implementation of this interface. This class derives from the Document Interface, which in turn is derived from the OptionsCache Interface.




  • GetExportStatus

    ExportStatus GetExportStatus()

    This function is used to determine if there were conversion problems during an export. The ExportStatus object returned may have information about sub-document failures, areas of a conversion that may not have high fidelity with the original document. When applicable the number of pages in the output is also provided.

  • NewSubDocumentExporter

    Exporter NewSubDocumentExporter(
          int SubDocId,
          SubDocumentIdentifierTypeValue idType

    Create a new Exporter for a subdocument.

    SubDocId: Identifier of the subdocument

    idType: Type of subdocument

    SubDocumentIdentifierTypeValue: This is an enumeration for the type of subdocument being opened.

    • IDTYPE_XX: Subdocument to be opened is based on output of XML Export (SubdocId is the value of the object_id attribute of a locator element.)

    • IDTYPE_ATTACHMENT_LOCATOR: Subdocument to be opened is based on the locator value provided by the one of the Export SDKs.

    • IDTYPE_ATTACHMENT_INDEX: Subdocument to be opened is based on the index of the attachment from an email message. (SubdocId is the zero-based index of the attachment from an email message file. The first attachment presented by OutsideIn has the index value 0, the second has the index value 1, etc.)

    Returns: A new Exporter object for the subdocument

  • NewSubObjectExporter

    Exporter NewSubObjectExporter(
          SubObjectTypeValue objType,
          uint data1,
          uint data2,
          uint data3,
          uint data4

    Create a new Exporter for a subobject.

    objType: Type of subobject

    data1: Data identifying the subobject from SearchML

    data2: Data identifying the subobject from SearchML

    data3: Data identifying the subobject from SearchML

    data4: Data identifying the subobject from SearchML

    Returns: A new Exporter object for the subobject

    SubObjectTypeValue: An enumeration to describe the type of SubObject to open.

    • LinkedObject

    • EmbeddedObject

    • CompressedFile

    • Attachment

  • NewArchiveNodeExporter

    Exporter NewArchiveNodeExporter(
          int dwRecordNum

    Create a new Exporter for an archive node. You may get the number of nodes in an archive using getArchiveNodeCount. The nodes are numbered from 0 to getArchiveNodeCount -1.

    dwRecordNum: The number of the record to retrieve information about. The first node is node 0 and the total number of nodes may be obtained from GetArchiveNodeCount.

    Returns: A new Exporter object for the archive node

  • NewArchiveNodeExporter with Search Export Data

    Exporter NewArchiveNodeExporter(
          uint flags,
          uint params1,
          uint params2

    Create a new Exporter for an archive node. To use this function, you must first process the archive with Search Export and save the Node data for later use in this function.

    Flags: Special flags value from Search Export

    Params1: Data1 from Search Export

    Params2: Data2 from Search Export

    Returns: A new Exporter object for the archive node

  • Export

    void Export()

    Perform the conversion and close the Export process keeping the source document open.

    void Export(bool bLeaveSourceOpen)

    Perform the conversion and close the Export process keep the source document open or close it based on the value of bLeaveSourceOpen.

    bLeaveSourceOpen: If set to true, keeps the source document open for next export process.


    Before Release 8.5.3, calling Export() with no parameters, would leave the source document open. The default behavior starting with Release 8.5.3 is to close the document after exporting the file. If you would like to keep the file open for other conversions, use this method with "bLeaveSourceOpen" set to true.
  • SetExportTemplate

    SetExportTemplate(FileInfo template)

    This method sets the template file to be used for export.

    template: A FileInfo object representing the template to be used for export.

  • SetExportTimeout

    OptionsCache SetExportTimeout(int millisecondsTimeout);

    This method sets the time that the export process should wait for a response from the Outside In export engine to complete the export of a document, setting an upper limit on the time that will elapse during a call to Export(). If the specified length of time or the default timeout amount is reached before the export has completed, the export operation is terminated and an OutsideInException is thrown. If this option is not set, the default timeout is 5 minutes.

  • Close


    This function closes the current Export process.

  • NewLocalExporter

    static Exporter NewLocalExporter(Exporter source)

    This method creates and returns an instance of an Exporter object based on the source Exporter. All the options of source are copied to the new Exporter. The source and destination file information will not be copied.

lAnnotatable Interface

All of the Outside In annotation-related methods are accessed through the IAnnotatable Interface.




  • AddTextHighlight

    void AddTextHighlight(
          HighlightTextAnnotation textanno

    Highlight text in a document.

    textanno: A HighlightTextAnnotation object with information about the text to highlight

  • AddTextHighlight and Add Annotation Properties

    void AddTextHighlight(
          HighlightTextAnnotation textanno,
          Dictionary<string, string> Properties

    Highlight text in a document and associate properties with the annotation.

    textanno: A HighlightTextAnnotation object with information about the text to highlight

    Properties: Key value pairs of name/value of properties associated with this annotation

  • AddTextHighlight and Associate a Comment

    void AddTextHighlight(
          HighlightTextAnnotation textanno,
          string Comment

    Highlight text in a document and associate a comment with the highlight.

    textanno: A HighlightTextAnnotation object with information about the text to highlight

    Comment: Comment text to associate with the annotation

  • AddTextHighlight with Comment and Properties to Annotation

    void AddTextHighlight(
          HighlightTextAnnotation textanno,
          string Comment,
          Dictionary<string, string> Properties

    Highlight text in a document and provide comment text and properties to be associated with the annotation.

    textanno: A HighlightTextAnnotation object with information about the text to highlight

    Comment: Comment text to associate with the annotation

    Properties: Key value pairs of name/value of properties associated with this annotation

Document Interface

All of the Outside In document-related methods are accessed through the Document Interface.




  • Close

    void Close()

    Closes the currently open document

  • GetArchiveNodeCount

    Int32 GetArchiveNodeCount()

    Retrieves the number of nodes in an archive file.

    Returns the number of nodes in the archive file or 0 if the file is not an archive file.

  • GetFileId

    FileFormat GetFileId(FileIdInfoFlagValue dwFlags)

    Gets the format of the file based on the technology's content-based file identification process.

    dwFlags: Option to retrieve the file identification pre-Extended or post-Extended Test

    Returns the format identifier of the file.

  • GetArchiveNode

    ArchiveNode GetArchiveNode(Int32 nNodeNum)

    Retrieves information about a record in an archive file. You may get the number of nodes in an archive using getArchiveNodeCount.

    nNodeNum: The number of the record to retrieve information about. The first node is node 0.

    Return Value: An ArchiveNode object with the information about the record

  • SaveArchiveNode

    void SaveArchiveNode(
          Int32 nNodeNum,
          FileInfo fileinfo)
    void SaveArchiveNode(
          Int32 nNodeNum,
          string strFileName)

    Extracts a record in an archive file to disk.

    nNodeNumType: The number of the record to retrieve information about. The first node is node 0.

    strFileNameType/fileinfo: Full path of the destination file to which the file will be extracted

  • SaveArchiveNode with ArchiveNode

    void SaveArchiveNode(
          ArchiveNode arcNode,
          FileInfo fileinfo)
    void SaveArchiveNode(
          ArchiveNode arcNode,
          string strFileName)

    Extracts a record in an archive file to disk.

    arcNode: An ArchiveNode object retrieved from GetArchiveNodeInfo with information about the node to extract

    strFileNameType/fileinfo: Full path of the destination file to which the file will be extracted

  • SaveArchiveNode with Search Export Flags

    void SaveArchiveNode(
          uint flags,
          uint params1,
          uint params2,
          FileInfo fileinfo)
    void SaveArchiveNode(
          uint flags,
          uint params1,
          uint params2,
          string strFileName)

    Extracts a record in an archive file to disk without reading the data for all nodes in the archive in a sequential order. To use this function, you must first process the archive with Search Export and save the Node data for later use in this function.

    flagsType: Special flags value from Search Export

    params1: Data1 from Search Export

    params2: Data2 from Search Export

    strFileNameType/fileinfo: Full path of the destination file to which the file will be extracted

OptionsCache Class

This section describes the OptionsCache class.

The options that configure the way outputs are generated are accessed through the OptionsCache class.

All of the options described in the following subsections are available through this interface. Other methods in this interface are described below.




  • OptionsCache SetSourceFile(FileInfo file)

    Sets the source document to be opened.

    file: Full path to source file

  • OptionsCache SetSourceFile(string filename)

    Set the source document.

    filename: Full path of the source document

    Returns: The options cache object associated with this document

  • OptionsCache AddSourceFile(FileInfo file)

    Sets the next source document file to be exported in sequence. This allows multiple documents to be exported to the same output destination.

    file: Full path to source file

  • OptionsCache SetSourceFormat(FileFormat fileId)

    Sets the source format to process the input file as, ignoring the algorithmic detection of the file type.

    fileId: the format to treat the input document as.

  • OptionsCache SetDestinationFile(FileInfo file)

    Sets the location of the destination file.

    file: Full path to the destination file

  • OptionsCache SetDestinationFile(string filename)

    Set the location of the destination file.

    filename: Full path to the destination file

    returns: The updated options object

  • OptionsCache SetDestinationFormat(FileFormat fileId)

    Sets the destination file format to which the file should be converted to.

    fileId: the format to convert the input document(s) to.

  • OptionsCache SetCallbackHandler(Callback callback)

    Sets the object to use to handle callbacks.

    callback: the callback handling object.

  • OptionsCache SetPasswordsList(List<String> Passwords)

    Provides a list of strings to use as passwords for encrypted documents. The technology will cycle through this list until a successful password is found or the list is exhausted.

    Passwords: List of strings to be used as passwords.

  • OptionsCache SetLotusNotesId(String NotesIdFile)

    Sets the Lotus Notes ID file location.

    NotesIdFile: Full path to the Notes ID file.

  • OptionsCache SetOpenForNonSequentialAccess(bool bOpenForNonSequentialAccess)

    Setting this option causes the technology to open archive files in a special mode that is only usable for non-sequential access of nodes.

    bOpenForNonSequentialAccess : If set to true would open the archive file in the special access mode. Note that turning this flag on a non-archive file will throw an exception at RunExport time.

  • OptionsCache SetSourceFile(Stream file)

    Set an input stream as the source document. Exporting a file using this method may have issues with files that require the original name of the file (example: extension of the file for identification purposes or name of a secondary file dependent on the name/path of this file).

  • OptionsCache SetSourceFile(Stream file, String Filename)

    Set an input stream as the source document and provide information about the filename (fully qualified path or file name that may be used to derive the extension of the file or name of a secondary file dependent on the name/path of this file).

  • OptionsCache SetNextSourceFile(Stream file)

    Set an input stream as the next source document to be exported to the original destination file. This method has the same limitations as the similar SetSourceFile(Stream file) method.

  • OptionsCache SetNextSourceFile(Stream file, String Filename)

    Set an input stream as the next source document to be exported to the original destination file. The file name provided is used as in the method SetSourceFile(Stream file, String Filename)

  • OptionsCache SetNextSourceFile(FileInfo file)

    Set an input stream as the next source document to be exported to the original destination file.

  • OptionsCache SetDestinationFile(Stream file)

    Set an output stream as the destination for an export.


Option to determines how borders will be handled for spreadsheet and database files.

Data Type


BorderModeValue Enumeration

  • CreateIfMissing: Use source document borders. If no borders are in the table, automatically create borders.

  • Off: Do not write any table borders

  • UseSource: Use source document borders




This is an advanced option that casual users of HTML Export may safely ignore. When set, this option deletes whitespace from the output document. Two types of whitespace are removed: redundant whitespace characters and vertical whitespace.

This option is intended for situations where bandwidth and screen space are limited.

The HTML standard specifies that the browser will collapse a sequence of whitespace characters into a single whitespace character. Therefore, having HTML Export remove these redundant whitespace characters has no effect on the final view of the document.

Removing them benefits the document in reducing the overall size of the output files generated and thereby saves bandwidth and decreases file transmission times. While HTML Export makes an effort to remove as much redundant whitespace as possible, there will be cases where some extra spacing appears in the output.

Removing vertical whitespace, on the other hand, does affect the look of the document in the browser. When possible, HTML Export preserves vertical spacing between elements. However, when this option is set, vertical whitespace is removed, resulting in a more compact view.

Please note that the collapse white space option does not affect whitespace coming from the template.

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • true: Whitespace is removed.

  • false: Whitespace is left intact.





This option is used in cases where Outside In cannot determine the character set used to encode the text of an input file. When all other means of determining the file's character set are exhausted, Outside In will assume that an input document is encoded in the character set specified by this option. This is most often used when reading plain-text files, but may also be used when reading HTML or PDF files.

Data Type


DefaultInputCharacterSetValue Enumeration

DefaultInputCharacterSetValue can be one of the following enumerations:



















































































This option sets the font to use when the chunker-specified font is not available on the system. It is also the font used when the font in source file is not available on the system performing the conversion.

Class members:

string strFaceName

int FontHeight



This option determines the maximum amount of memory that the chunker may use to store the document's data, from 4 MB to 1 GB. The more memory the chunker has available to it, the less often it needs to re-read data from the document.


  • SMALLEST: 1 - 4MB

  • SMALL: 2 - 16MB

  • MEDIUM: 3 - 64MB

  • LARGE: 4 - 256MB

  • LARGEST: 5 - 1 GB


LARGE: 4 - 256MB


This option controls whether or not the PDF filter will drop hyphens at the end of a line. Since most PDF-generating tools create them as generic dashes, it's impossible for Outside In to know if the hyphen is a syllable hyphen or part of a hyphenated word.When this option is set to true, all hyphens at the end of lines will be dropped from the extracted text.

Data Type






This option controls rendering of email headers.


  • ALL: Displays all available email headers.

  • STANDARD: Displays "To," "From," "Subject," "CC," "BCC," "Date Sent," and "Attachments" header fields only. The filter outputs any fields not listed above as hidden fields, so they will not display.

  • NONE: Displays no email header fields.





This option controls the extraction of attachments to email documents. The input document must be an email document in order for this option to take effect.

  • When set to Binary, the attachment will be extracted in its native format allowing it to be read by the authoring application.

  • When set to Convert, the attachment will be extracted as HTML.

  • When set to Off, the attachment will be ignored.

The Binary option is not compatible with MHTML, and therefore embeddings will always be converted when exporting to MHTML unless this option is set to Off.

This option is only valid for UUE, MIME and MSG files and not for general purpose file attachments.

Data Type


ExtractEmbeddedFilesValue Enumeration

  • Off - Embeddings are skipped

  • Convert - Embeddings are converted

  • Binary - Embeddings are extracted in their native file format




This option controls how files are handled when their specific application type cannot be determined. This normally affects all plain-text files, because plain-text files are generally identified by process of elimination, for example, when a file isn't identified as having been created by a known application, it is treated as a plain-text file. It is recommended that None be set to prevent the conversion from exporting unidentified binary files as though they were text, which could generate many pages of "garbage" output.

Data Type


FallbackFormatValue Enumeration

  • Text: Unidentified file types will be treated as text files.

  • None: Outside In will not attempt to process files whose type cannot be identified




This option enables the capability to specify which font on the system should be used when a specific font referenced in the original file is not available. A different alias can be set for each font desired to be mapped.

Data Type



A FontAliases object with a list of font matchings


Windows PrintAlias default


Turning this option on causes the technology to generate list numbers and/or bullets as needed rather than using list markup tags. While this violates the spirit of what markup languages should do, it does cause the browsers to render the lists in a way that is more faithful to the original look of the document. One use is based on the way browsers render <li> tags. The HTML standards currently do not allow any way to specify outline style list numbering.

One limitation when using this option is that standard list indentation may not be possible due to the limits of the selected output HTML flavor. At this time, only the HTML flavors where CSS is available support the kind of hanging indents normally associated with lists. If a bullet character needs to be generated, Unicode character 0x2022 will be used.

Note that many character sets do not contain this character, so the unmappable character ("*") would be used in that case.

Data Type





Tab support is available by setting this option to true. When active, this option uses JavaScript to calculate tab stops and position blocks of text accordingly. Potential side effects of this include delays in loading the pages in the browser and seeing the text initially with no whitespace at all followed by a pause and then all of the tabs popping into place. In addition, this support is limited to only left tabs.

In order to take advantage of this option the following additional steps must be taken:

  1. The template must contain a <script> tag. Something similar to the following code fragment is recommended:

    {## if element=pragma.jsfile}
    <script language="Javascript1.2" src="{## insert
    {## /if}
  2. The template must also run the DoTabStops routine in the <body> of the HTML. A span tag used to define the value of oneinch should follow this. Something similar to the following code snippet is recommended to accomplish this:

    {## if element=pragma.jsfile}
    <body onload="DoTabStops()">
    <span id="oneinch" style="width: 1in"></span>
    {## else}
            {## /if}
  3. A flavor of HTML that supports CSS must be used.

  4. The user's browser must support JavaScript and this support must be enabled.

Data Type






Note that this option differs from the behavior of setting the height of graphics in that it sets an upper limit on the image height. Images larger than this limit will be reduced to the limit value. However, images smaller than this height will not be enlarged when using this option. Setting the height using GraphicHeight causes all output images to be reduced or enlarged to be of the specified height.

Data Type




This option allows the user to specify the output graphics device's resolution in DPI and only applies to images whose size is specified in physical units (in/cm). For example, consider a 1" square, 100 DPI graphic that is to be rendered on a 50 DPI device (GraphicOutputDPI is set to 50). In this case, the size of the resulting TIFF, BMP, JPEG, GIF, or PNG will be 50 x 50 pixels.

In addition, the special #define of SCCGRAPHIC_MAINTAIN_IMAGE_DPI, which is defined as 0, can be used to suppress any dimensional changes to an image. In other words, a 1" square, 100 DPI graphic will be converted to an image that is 100 x 100 pixels in size. This value indicates that the DPI of the output device is not important. It extracts the maximum resolution from the input image with the smallest exported image size.

Setting this option to SCCGRAPHIC_MAINTAIN_IMAGE_DPI may result in the creation of extremely large images. Be aware that there may be limitations in the system running this technology that could result in undesirably large bandwidth consumption or an error message. Additionally, an out of memory error message will be generated if system memory is insufficient to handle a particularly large image.

Also note that the SCCGRAPHIC_MAINTAIN_IMAGE_DPI setting will force the technology to use the DPI settings already present in raster images, but will use the current screen resolution as the DPI setting for any other type of input file.

For some output graphic types, there may be a discrepancy between the value set by this option and the DPI value reported by some graphics applications. The discrepancy occurs when the output format uses metric units (DPM, or dots per meter) instead of English units (DPI, or dots per inch). Depending on how the graphics application performs rounding on meters to inches conversions, the DPI value reported may be 1 unit more than expected. An example of a format which may exhibit this problem is PNG.

The maximum value that can be set is 2400 DPI; the default is 96 DPI.

Data Type




This option is used to set the maximum size of the exported graphic in pixels. It may be used to prevent inordinately large graphics from being converted to equally cumbersome output files, thus preventing bandwidth waste.

This setting takes precedence over all other options and settings that affect the size of a converted graphic.

When creating a multi-page TIFF file, this limit is applied on a per page basis. It is not a pixel limit on the entire output file.

Data Type




This option determines the method used to size graphics. The developer can choose among three methods, each of which involves some degree of trade off between the quality of the resulting image and speed of conversion.

Using the quick sizing option results in the fastest conversion of color graphics, though the quality of the converted graphic will be somewhat degraded. The smooth sizing option results in a more accurate representation of the original graphic, as it uses anti-aliasing. Antialiased images may appear smoother and can be easier to read, but rendering when this option is set will require additional processing time. The grayscale only option also uses antialiasing, but only for grayscale graphics, and the quick sizing option for any color graphics.

The smooth sizing option does not work on images which have a width or height of more than 4096 pixels.

Data Type




This option allows a hard limit to be set for how wide in pixels an exported graphic may be. Any images wider than this limit will be resized to match the limit. It should be noted that regardless whether the GraphicHeightLimit option is set or not, any resized images will preserve their original aspect ratio.

Note that this option differs from the behavior of setting the width of graphics by using GraphicWidth in that it sets an upper limit on the image width. Images larger than this limit will be reduced to the limit value. However, images smaller than this width will not be enlarged when using this option. Setting the width using GraphicWidth causes all output images to be reduced or enlarged to be of the specified width.

Data Type



Option to specify whether the "previous" and "next" relationships "wrap" at the edges of the spreadsheet or database.

Data Type



A GridWrapInfo object describing the grid output properties.


Wrapping enabled with 5000 rows and 100 columns with the AdvanceMode set to AdvanceModeValue.Down


Each Web browser forms a de facto HTML standard. This is because each browser hasa unique collection of HTML tags and tag attributes it does or does not support. Thus, there are a large number of browser-based variations on the official HTML standards that are referred to here as "flavors" of HTML.

This option allows the developer to tailor the output generated to a specific browser or for a specific minimum browser. This allows HTML Export to produce the best possible rendering of the source document given the tags available in the target flavor.

It also gives the OEM the ability to specify which standard their product will adhere to, rather than having that standard be dictated by HTML Export. HTML Export currently supports a large number of flavors. While some flavors are targeted at specific browsers, other flavors are designed for a more abstract target. The "generic" and "HTML 2.0" flavors provide "lowest common denominator" flavors. The HTML produced by these flavors is very simple and should work in almost any browser. The primary difference between these two flavors is that the generic flavor supports tables and the HTML 2.0 flavor does not.

At other times, it is desirable to have the ability to create HTML that simply supports "the major x.0 and later browsers." For this purpose, there are the "greatest common denominator" flavors. They are the "3.0" and "4.0" flavors. The "3.0" flavor should be used to create HTML that will look good in Netscape Navigator 3.0 or later and in Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or later. The "4.0" flavor is defined to look good in Netscape Navigator 4.0 or later and in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later. Note that upon examining the capabilities of these browsers after the 4.0 versions, it was determined that while they offer many new features, they do not have any .html or .css extensions that are useful to HTML Export at this time.

Naturally, support for a particular HTML flavor does not mean that HTML Export will generate all the tags and tag attributes that flavor supports. There are many tags and attributes that cannot sensibly be used in an automated conversion setting. Such tags require more information about the author's intent than is available in the source document.

Exporting a document to a particular HTML flavor also does not mean that the resulting HTML will be limited to only the tags and tag attributes supported by that flavor. The target browser will safely ignore this extra HTML. However, should the converted document be viewed in a more sophisticated browser, this extra information will be used to produce a more accurate view of the document.

What support for a particular HTML flavor does mean is that the HTML generated will look as good as possible when viewed in the appropriate browser.

Data Type


HTMLFlavorValue Enumeration

One of the following values (flavors marked with "(CSS)" require a separate or embedded .css file to be created as part of the document conversion):

  • GenericHTML: General purpose, simple HTML support that should look good in any browser that supports tables.

  • HTML20: HTML 2.0. Based on the official HTML 2.0 standard, this provides minimal HTML support and per that standard, it does not support tables.

  • HTML30: Should look good in both Netscape Navigator 3.0 or later and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or later.

  • HTML40: Should look good in both Netscape Navigator 4.0 or later and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later (CSS).

  • NS30: Netscape Navigator 3.0

  • NS40: Netscape Navigator 4.0 (CSS)

  • MS30: Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0. Note that while this flavor has limited CSS support, it does not create a separate or embedded .css file.

  • MS40: Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 (CSS)




This is an advanced option that casual users may safely ignore.

This option turns off writing of characters that are produced strictly to make the output more readable and visually appealing. Currently, those formatting characters are limited to newlines, carriage returns and spaces. This option is of benefit primarily to users who perform special automated processing on the text produced by the technology. For these users, even benign non-markup text not originally in the source document constitutes a source of extra headaches for their processing. Setting this option excludes all formatting characters from appearing in the generated markup. It is important to note the things that setting this option does not do:

  • While setting this option will make it very difficult for a human to read the generated markup in a text editor, it does not affect the browser's rendering of the document.

  • This option does not affect the contents of the .css files since they do not contain any text from the source document.

  • The option does not affect spaces or newlines copied from the template as the contents of the templates are already under the control of the customer.

Data Type






Some HTML input files may include "conditional comments", which are HTML comments that mark areas of HTML to be interpreted in specific versions of Internet Explorer, while being ignored by other browsers. This option allows you to control how the content contained within conditional comments will be interpreted by Outside In's HTML parsing code.


  • NONE: Don't output any conditional comment

  • IE5: Include the IE5 comments

  • IE6: Include the IE6 comments

  • IE7: Include the IE7 comments

  • IE8: Include the IE8 comments

  • IE9: Include the IE9 comments

  • ALL: Include all conditional comments



This option can disable the password verification of files where the contents can be processed without validation of the password. If this option is not set, the filter should prompt for a password if it handles password-protected files.

Data Type




This option allows the developer to specify interlaced or non-interlaced GIF output. Interlaced GIFs are useful when graphics are to be downloaded over slow Internet connections. They allow the browser to begin to render a low-resolution view of the graphic quickly and then increase the quality of the image as it is received. There is no real penalty for using interlaced graphics.

This option is only valid if the dwOutputID parameter of the EXOpenExport function is set to FI_GIF.

Data Type




When this flag is set, all Date and Time values are converted to the ISO 8601 standard. This conversion can only be performed using dates that are stored as numeric data within the original file.







This option allows the developer to specify the lossyness of JPEG compression. The option is only valid if the dwOutputID parameter of the EXOpenExport function is set to FI_JPEGFIF.

Data Type



A value from 1 to 100, with 100 being the highest quality but the least compression, and 1 being the lowest quality but the most compression.





This option allows the developer to specify the location of a Lotus Notes or Domino installation for use by the NSF filter. A valid Lotus installation directory must contain the file nnotes.dll.


A path to the Lotus Notes directory.


If this option isn't set, then OIT will first attempt to load the Lotus library according to the operating system's PATH environment variable, and then attempt to find and load the Lotus library as indicated in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Notes.Link.


The setting for this option determines whether or not change tracking information in input documents will be written into the output via the <ins> and <del> HTML tags. When the option is set to false, no change tracking information will be written into the output. When set to true, the <ins> and <del> tags will be used as appropriate. Previous versions of HTML Export included change tracking text in comments.

Data Type





This option allows the developer to specify which character set should be used in the output file. The technology will then translate or "map" characters from the input document's character set to the output character set as needed. Naturally, export process does not translate content from one language to another. This character mapping is also clearly limited by the need for the character to be in both the input and the output character sets. If a character cannot be mapped, the character will show up in the output as the "unmappable character." The default unmappable character used is the asterisk (*). The character used may be changed by setting the UnmappableCharacter option. If the resulting output contains an excessive number of asterisks, selecting a more appropriate output character set should improve the situation.

The technology reserves the right to override this option. The option will be overridden if ANSI Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) characters are detected in the source document and a single-byte character set is chosen as the output character set. If the option is overridden, this change will affect the entire output document. The technology uses the first DBCS character set it finds in the document as the basis for its decision about which output character set to choose as its override.

Note that special character set override rules apply when the input document uses the HWP (Hangul 97) filter. For these documents, the output character set will be forced to SO_ANSI949 (euc-kr) unless the user has selected euc-kr, Unicode or UTF-8 output. These override rules do not apply to the HWP2 (Hangul 2002) filter, as it uses Unicode exclusively.

Source documents in Unicode will not override this option. This is especially important to remember as some important file formats store text in Unicode including Microsoft Office.

The markup standards currently supported by HTML Export limit documents to a single character set. That character set is specified in an output file using the CONTENT attribute of the <meta> tag. This limits what the technology can do with documents that have multiple character sets. In general, documents that are a mix of a single Asian language and English characters will translate correctly (although with some possible loss of non-alphanumeric characters) if the appropriate DBCS, UTF-8 or Unicode output character set is selected. This is because most DBCS character sets include the standard 7-bit Latin 1 characters. Documents that contain more than one DBCS character set or a DBCS character set and a non-English character set (such as Cyrillic) may not export with all the character glyphs intact unless Unicode or UTF-8 is used.

Source documents that contain characters from many character sets will look best only when this option is set to Unicode or UTF-8. This is because the Unicode and UTF-8 character sets contain almost all characters for the most common languages.

While the W3C recommends using Unicode, there is a downside to it at this time. Not all systems have the appropriate fonts needed for using Unicode or UTF-8. Many editors do not understand these character sets, as well. In fact, while HTML Export can read Unicode source documents, it cannot read UTF-8 source documents. In addition, there are some differences in the way browsers interpret the byte order of 2-byte Unicode characters. For additional details about the byte ordering issue, see the section for "UnicodeByteOrder."

In order for HTML Export to correctly place the character set into the output file it generates, all templates should include a statement that uses the {## insert} macro to insert the character set into the document, as in the following example:

<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;
charset={## insert element=pragma.charset}" />

If the template does not include this line, the user may have to manually select the correct character set in the user's browser.

Data Type


OutputCharacterSetValue Enumeration

This enumeration contains the possible values for OutputCharacterSet:

Dos437: U.S.

Dos737: Greek

Dos850: Latin-1

Dos852: Latin-2

Dos855: Cyrillic

Dos857: Turkish

Dos860: Portuguese

Dos863: French Canada

Dos865: Denmark, Norway-DAT

Dos866: Cyrillic

Dos869: Greece

Windows874: Thailand

Windows932: Japanese

Windows936: Chinese GB

Windows949: Korea (Wansung)

Windows950: Hong Kong, Taiwan

Windows1250: Windows Latin 2 (Central Europe)

Windows1251: Windows Cyrillic (Slavic)

Windows1252: Windows Latin 1 (ANSI)

Windows1253: Windows Greek

Windows1254: Windows Latin 5 (Turkish)

Windows1255: Windows Hebrew

Windows1256: Windows Arabic

Windows1257: Windows Baltic

Unicode: Unicode

Utf8: UTF-8

Iso8859_1: Latin-1 - subset of Windows 1252

Iso8859_2: Latin-2

Iso8859_3: Latin-3

Iso8859_4: Latin-4

Iso8859_5: Cyrillic

Iso8859_6: Arabic

Iso8859_7: Greek

Iso8859_8: Hebrew

Iso8859_9: Turkish





This option allows the developer to specify the format of the graphics produced by the technology.

  • When setting this option, remember that the JPEG file format does not support transparency.

  • Though the GIF file format supports transparency, it is limited to using only one of its 256 available colors to represent a transparent pixel ("index transparency").

  • PNG supports many types of transparency. The PNG files written by HTML Export are created so that various levels of transparency are possible for each pixel. This is achieved through the implementation of an 8-bit "alpha channel".

There is a special optimization that HTML Export can make when this option is set to None. Some of the Outside In Viewer Technology's import filters can be optimized to ignore certain types of graphics.

Data Type


OutputGraphicTypeValue Enumeration

These are the possible values for OutputGraphicType:

  • GIF: Create GIF images

  • JPEG: Create JPEG/JFIF images

  • PNG: Create PNG images

  • NONE: Turn off graphic conversions




This option sets a suggested page size for the output generated. This means that the text of the document is broken up into "pages" of approximately the requested size. Each page is stored as a separate output file.

This feature is particularly useful when converting documents that are poorly structured. Many documents lack the kind of style information HTML Export normally uses to break the document into pieces based on things like headings. By setting this option, the exported document can be presented as a set of more manageable pieces rather than a single giant output file. It is also useful with documents that are structured but have large pieces in the structure.

If page breaking is activated (set to a non-zero value), HTML Export will buffer the entire output document in memory during conversion. Conversion times and memory requirements will increase accordingly in this case.

The size specified by this option is given in characters of text. Only text inserted from the input document is counted in the page size. Thus, "as is" text from the template is not counted against the page size. Also, markup tags are not counted in the page size.

In addition, some template inserts are normally used as attributes to markup tags, and as such they are not counted in page size calculations no matter how they are actually used. Those template inserts are:

  • pragma.charset

  • pragma.jsfile

  • pragma.cssfilename

  • sections.x.itemnum

  • sections.x.reflink

A page size of zero ("0") indicates that this option is turned off and no page breaking is done.

When this option is turned on, the page breaking rules are as follows:

  • Hard page breaks in the document always trigger a page break. Soft page breaks are ignored.

  • A page break may be specified in the template with the {## unit break} macro.

  • A page boundary will never be created in the middle of a paragraph. As many paragraphs as possible will be written without exceeding the requested page size. Page sizes are not hard limits on content however. One situation where the page size could be exceeded would be if a single paragraph exceeds the page size.

  • When grid-enabled templates are in use, the exported grids are not broken based on the setting of this option. However, this option may affect the size of grids generated. For more information, see the section on "GridWrap."

  • Use of this option will not cause the contents of cells within a grid to be truncated.

  • When grids are not in effect, spreadsheets and databases will be broken based on page size. For these section types, checks for page breaks will be made after each full row from the spreadsheet or database is written.

It is up to the template author to then connect these pieces with the appropriate links. In order to use this option, the template must be equipped to use the {## unit} syntax.

Note that templates enabled with the {## unit} syntax may be mixed with templates that do not contain {## unit} macros. In this case, page breaking will only occur in the template that is enabled with {## unit} macros. An example of where this would be desirable is a "table of contents" template that uses two sub templates to each fill in the contents of a frame. The frame containing the actual table of contents could avoid being broken into pages by not containing any {## unit} macros. The frame containing the actual document contents could then support paging by using {## unit} macros.

Data Type



0 (off)



Adobe's Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) is a labeling technology that allows you to embed data about a file, known as metadata, into the file itself. This option enables parsing of the XMP data into normal OIT document properties. Enabling this option may cause the loss of some regular data in premium graphics filters (such as Postscript), but won't affect most formats (such as PDF).

Data Type



  • true: This setting enables parsing XMP.

  • false: This setting disables parsing XMP.




This option allows the user to limit the number of embedded objects that are produced in a PDF file.

Data Type



The maximum number of embedded objects to produce in PDF output. Setting this to 0 would produce an all embedded objects in the input document.


0 – produce all objects.


This option allows the user to limit the number of vector paths that are produced in a PDF file.


The maximum number of paths to produce in PDF output. Setting this to 0 would produce an all vector objects in the input document.


0 – produce all vector objects.



This option controls whether or not the PDF filter will attempt to reorder bidirectional text runs so that the output is in standard logical order as used by the Unicode 2.0 and later specification. This additional processing will result in slower filter performance according to the amount of bidirectional data in the file.

PDFReorderBiDiValue Enumeration

This enumeration defines the type of Bidirection text reordering the PDF filter should perform.

  • StandardBiDi: Do not attempt to reorder bidirectional text runs.

  • ReorderedBiDi: Attempt to reorder bidirectional text runs.


This option controls the spacing threshold in PDF input documents. Most PDF documents do not have an explicit character denoting a word break. The PDF filter calculates the distance between two characters to determine if they are part of the same word or if there should be a word break inserted. The space between characters is compared to the length of the space character in the current font multiplied by this fraction. If the space between characters is larger, then a word break character is inserted into the text stream. Otherwise, the characters are considered to be part of the same word and no word break is inserted.

Data Type



A value representing the percentage of the space character used to trigger a word break. Valid values are positive values less than 2.





This option affects how an input file's internal format (application type) is identified when the file is first opened by the Outside In technology. When the extended test flag is in effect, and an input file is identified as being either 7-bit ASCII, EBCDIC, or Unicode, the file's contents will be interpreted as such by the export process.

The extended test is optional because it requires extra processing and cannot guarantee complete accuracy (which would require the inspection of every single byte in a file to eliminate false positives.)

Data Type



One of the following values:

  • false: When this is set, standard file identification behavior occurs.

  • true: If set, the File Identification code will run an extended test on all files that are not identified.




Most browsers support flowing text around images. Unfortunately, even the most popular browsers also have bugs in their support for this feature that occasionally result in document elements overlapping. This option allows users of HTML Export to choose if they would rather have text flowing around graphics or if they are willing to sacrifice that feature in order to prevent browser overlap bugs.

When this option is turned on (set to true), HTML Export prevents browsers from causing graphic overlap problems by surrounding all <img> tags with <div> tags. The overlap problems occur most frequently when the browser is displaying a document that has a mix of left- and right-aligned graphics in close proximity to each other.

Resizing the browser window horizontally will sometimes expose this problem if it does not appear initially.

Because these browser bugs are infrequently seen, this option is turned off (set to false) by default. However, setting this option off does not guarantee that text will be able to flow around graphics in the browser the same way it does in the original document. There are two problems which can prevent this from occurring.

  • The first problem is when objects are placed using positional frames. Unfortunately, most new word processing formats do this automatically. When positional frames are used, each object exists in its own frame. HTML Export converts each frame as a single paragraph. Therefore, the objects are written one after the other even if they were originally placed side by side in the source document.

  • The second problem is associated with image alignment. For some images, HTML Export is unable to obtain the alignment of the image, so the alignment of the paragraph it is contained in is used instead. The reason HTML Export uses this alignment, which is not necessarily 100% correct, is because without adding "align=" in the <img> tag, text does not wrap around images in browsers.

Data Type





This option allows you to disable the use of embedded fonts in PDF input files. If the option is set to true, the embedded fonts in the PDF input are used to render text; if the option is set to false, the embedded fonts are not used and the fallback is to use fonts available to Outside In to render text.

Data Type






This option causes the full path of a node to be returned in "GetArchiveNodeInfo" and "GetObjectInfo".

Data Type



  • true: Provide the full path.

  • false: Do not provide the path.




When this option is set to true, row and column headings ("1", "2", "3" / "A", "B", "C") are included in the output for spreadsheet and database files. When set to false, no row and column headings are created. The default for this option is true.

Data Type





The setting for this option determines whether or not hidden data (hidden columns, rows or sheets) in a spreadsheet will be included in the output. When set to false (the default), the hidden elements are not written. When set to true, they are placed in the output in the same manner as regular spreadsheet data.

Data Type





This option will force HTML Export to place all hidden text in line with surrounding text.

Please note that enabling this option will not display hidden cells, hidden rows or hidden sheets in spreadsheet documents. Also note that when graphic documents (such as faxes) are processed by OCR software and converted to PDF, the optically recognized text may be rendered as a layer of hidden text behind the original image. In order to properly export such PDF documents, this option must be enabled.

Data Type



  • true: Allow hidden text to be placed in the output.

  • false: Prevent hidden text from being placed in the output.




This option is for use by people who intend to read or change the CSS style names generated by HTML Export.

By default, HTML Export creates unique style names based on the style names used in the original document. Unfortunately, there is an inherent limitation in the style names the CSS standard permits. That standard only permits the characters [a-z][A-Z][0-9] and "-". Source document style names do not necessarily have this restriction. In fact they may even contain Unicode characters at times. For this reason, the original style names may need to be modified to conform to this standard. To avoid illegal style names, HTML Export performs the following substitutions on all source style names:

  1. If the character is a "-", then it is replaced with "--".

  2. If the character is not one of the remaining characters ([a-z][A-Z][0-9]), then it is replaced by "-xxxx" where "xxxx" is the Unicode value of the character in hexadecimal.

  3. Otherwise the character appears in the style name normally.

An example of one of the most common examples of this substitution is that spaces in style names are replaced with "-0020". For a more complete example of this character substitution in style names, consider the source style name My Special H1-Style!. This would be transformed to:


While admittedly this system lacks a certain aesthetic, it avoids the problem of how the document looks when the browser receives duplicate or invalid style names.

Developers should also appreciate the simplicity of the code needed to parse or create these style names.

In addition, HTML Export will sometimes create special character attribute-only versions of styles. These have the same name as the style they are based on with "--Char" appended to the end. These styles differ from their original counterparts in that they contain no block level CSS. This more general solution replaces the solution implemented in versions 7.1 and earlier which created "--List" styles to solve a subset of this problem. This was done to work around limitations in some browsers.

Because of these CSS limitations, this option was created. Setting this option to true causes HTML Export to generate style names that are easy to read but are not guaranteed to be unique. It does this by discarding all characters in the original style name that are not legal in CSS style names. As one would expect, this may lead to naming collisions.

An example of a naming collision caused by setting this option can be seen if you look at source document styles named MyStyle and My $ Style. When exported with this option, both would become MyStyle. This in turn may generate confusion when viewing the document in the browser. This is because the browser will look upon the second style as being a redefinition of the first.

With the option set to false this is not a problem. The two styles would be converted to MyStyle and My-0020-0024-0020Style respectively. Because the style names are unique, the browser will not see the second style as a redefinition of the first.

As this contrived example indicates, naming collisions should be rare for most U.S. documents.

If a style name consists of nothing but illegal characters, HTML Export will create a style name for it. This style name is of the form UnnamedStyleX where X is a count of styles encountered so far that did not have style names for one reason or another. This behavior is expected to be very common when converting international documents in languages that are not based on 7-bit ASCII.

Data Type



  • true: Generate names that may not be unique, but are easy to read.

  • false: Generate unique style names that are difficult to read.




When an embedded file or URL can't be opened with the full path, OutsideIn will sometimes try and open the referenced file from other locations, including the current directory. When this option is set, it will prevent OutsideIn from trying to open the file from any location other than the fully qualified path or URL.

Data Type





This option is used to turn off specified font-related markup in the output. Naturally, if the requested output flavor or other option settings prevent markup of the specified type from being written, this option cannot be used to turn it back on. However, specifying the size, color and font face of characters may all be suppressed by combining together the appropriate combination of flags in this option.

Data Type


SuppressFontAttributeValues Enumeration

The following set of flags:

  • SuppressSize: Turns off any character-sizing information supported in the output flavor.

  • SuppressColor: Suppresses specifying the color of text.

  • SuppressFace: Prevents the technology from requesting a specific font name for text.

  • AllOff





This option allows the user to define an offset to GMT that will be applied during date formatting, allowing date values to be displayed in a selectable time zone. This option affects the formatting of numbers that have been defined as date values. This option will not affect dates that are stored as text. To query the operating system for the time zone set on the machine, specify TimeZoneOffset_UseNative.


Daylight savings is not supported. The sent time in msg files when viewed in Outlook can be an hour different from the time sent when an image of the msg file is created.

Data Type



Integer parameter from -96 to 96, representing 15-minute offsets from GMT. To query the operating system for the time zone set on the machine, specify SCC_TIMEZONE_USENATIVE.


  • 0: GMT time



This option allows the user to set the color used as the "transparency color" in the output graphic file. Naturally, this option is only used when the selected output graphic file format supports transparency (GIF and PNG only). If the option is not set, the default behavior is to use the same color value that the input file used as the transparency color.

Use the (r, g, b) macro to create the color value to pass to this option. The red, green and blue values are percentages of the color from 0-255 (with 255 being 100%). Note that this macro should be used to set a variable and that variable should then be passed to the set option routine (instead of trying to use the macro as part of the set option call directly).

Since there is no way to "unset" an option once it has been set, the developer may set the option to DefaultTransparencyColor if they wish to revert to the default behavior.

Class members:

byte Red

byte Green

byte Blue


This option determines the byte order of Unicode characters in the output files when Unicode is chosen as the output character set.

Data Type


UnicodeByteOrderValue Enumeration

The following set of values:

  • BigEndian: Big-Endian byte ordering is used to output characters in output file.

  • LittleEndian: Little-Endian byte ordering is used to output characters in output file.

  • FromTemplate: Use the byte ordering used in the main template file





This option selects the character used when a character cannot be found in the output character set. This option takes the Unicode value for the replacement character. It is left to the user to make sure that the selected replacement character is available in the output character set.

Data Type



The Unicode value for the character to use.


  • 0x002a = "*"

ExportStatus Class

The ExportStatus class provides access to information about a conversion. This information may include information about sub-document failures, areas of a conversion that may not have high fidelity with the original document. When applicable the number of pages in the output is also provided.




  • PageCount (Int32) - A count of all of the output pages produced during an export operation.

  • StatusFlags (ExportStatusFlags) - Gets the information about possible fidelity issues with the original document.

  • SubDocsFailed (Int32) - Number of sub documents that were not converted.

  • SubDocsPassed (Int32) - Number of sub documents that were successfully converted.

ExportStatusFlags Enumeration

This enumeration is the set of possible known problems that can occur during an export process.

  • NoInformationAvailable: No Information is available

  • MissingMap: A PDF text run was missing the toUnicode table

  • VerticalText: A vertical text run was present

  • TextEffects: A run that had unsupported text effects applied. One example is Word Art

  • UnsupportedCompression: A graphic had an unsupported compression

  • UnsupportedColorSpace: A graphic had an unsupported color space

  • Forms: A sub documents had forms

  • RightToLeftTables: A table had right to left columns

  • Equations: A file had equations

  • AliasedFont: The desired font was missing, but a font alias was used

  • MissingFont: The desired font wasn't present on the system

  • SubDocFailed: a sub-document was not converted

  • TypeThreeFont: A type 3 font was encountered.

  • UnsupportedShading: An unsupported shading pattern was encountered.

  • InvalidHTML: An HTML parse error, as defined by the W3C, was encountered.

FileFormat Class

This class defines the identifiers for file formats.




  • getDescription

    String getDescription()

    This method returns the description of the format.

  • getId

    int getId()

    This method returns the numeric identifier of the format.

  • forId

    FileFormat forId(int id)

    This method returns the FileFormat object for the given identifier.

    id : The numeric identifier for which the corresponding FileFormat object is returned.

FontAliases Class

FontAliases is a class for providing font matching of unknown fonts.




FontAliases(Dictionary<string, string> aliasList)
   aliasList      Aliases list as a key-value pair with original name as key


  • AliasList (Dictionary<String, String>) - List of font aliases set.

FontInfo Class

FontInfo is a class to define a font for use in the OutsideIn API.





Constructs a FontInfo object with a 10 point Arial Font.

FontInfo(String fontface, Int16 height)
   fontface  The name of the font
   height    Size of the font in half points


  • Fontface (String) - The name of the font

  • Height (Int16) - Size of the font in half points

FontList Class

FontList is a class for inclusion or exclusion of fonts in exported documents.




FontList(Boolean  IsExclusion, String[] fonts)
   IsExclusion  If set then accompanying list is an exclusion list
   fonts        List of fonts to include or exclude


  • IsExclusion (Boolean) - If set, then accompanying list is an exclusion list.

  • FontsList (String[]) - List of fonts to include or exclude.

GridWrapInfo Class

The GridWrapInfo class is a data class used to define the grid wrapping options to be used.





Default constructor with default values.

GridWrapInfo(bool Enable)

Initializes a new instance of the GridWrapInfo class to enable or disable grid wrapping

Enable: Option to enable or disable grid wrapping

   bool Enable,
   int Rows,
   int Columns,
   GridWrapInfo.AdvanceModeValue Advance)       

Create an instance of a GridWrapInfo object with all properties initialized.

Enable: Option to enable or disable grid wrapping

Rows: The maximum number of rows that each template "grid" should contain.

Columns: The maximum number of columns that each template "grid" should contain.

Advance: Option to specify how the "previous" and "next" relationships will work between grids.


GridWrapInfo.AdvanceModeValue AdvanceMode 

Option to specify how the "previous" and "next" relationships will work between grids.

  • Int32 MaxColumns: The number of columns that each template "grid" (applicable only to spreadsheet or database files) should contain.

  • Int32 MaxRows: The number of rows that each template "grid" (applicable only to spreadsheet or database files) should contain.

  • Boolean WrappingEnabled: This option specifies whether the "previous" and "next" relationships "wrap" at the edges of the spreadsheet or database.

AdvanceModeValue Enumeration

This enumeration is used to set how spreadsheet is traversed.

  • DOWN: Traverse by columns

  • ACROSS: Traverse by rows

HighlightTextAnnotation Class

The HighlightTextAnnotation class applies to characteristics of a highlighted text annotation. This class derives from the Annotation class.




HighlightTextAnnotation(Int64 StartCharCount,
      Int64 EndCharCount,
      CharAttributeValues CharAttrs,
      CharAttributeValues CharMask)
HighlightTextAnnotation(Int64 StartCharCount,
      Int64 EndCharCount,
      ColorInfo Foreground,
      ColorInfo Background)
HighlightTextAnnotation(Int64 StartCharCount,
      Int64 EndCharCount,
      ColorInfo Foreground,
      ColorInfo Background,
      CharAttributeValues CharAttrs,
      CharAttributeValues CharMask)

Initializes a new instance of the HighlightTextAnnotation class.


  • StartCharCount: The character count of the starting position

  • EndCharCount: The character count of the end position

  • Foreground: The text color of the highlight

  • Background: The background color of the highlight

  • CharAttrs: The character attributes to use

  • CharMask: Character attributes to change

CharAttributeValues Enumeration

This enumeration is the list of all character attributes to apply for the text highlight.

  • Normal: Normal text - All attributes off

  • Underline: Underline attribute

  • Italic: Italic attribute

  • Bold: Bold attribute

  • StrikeOut: Strike out text

  • SmallCaps: Small caps

  • Outline: Outline Text

  • Shadow: Shadow text

  • Caps: All Caps

  • Subscript: Subscript text

  • Superscript: Superscript text

  • DoubleUnderline: Double Underline

  • WordUnderline: Word Underline

  • DottedUnderline: Dotted Underline

  • DashedUnderline: Dashed Underline

  • All: All attributes

MailHeaders Class

MailHeaders class is a class describing the Mail Headers to be displayed, hidden or modified.





Constructs a MailHeaders object with a standard headers only.

MailHeaders(MailHeaders.BaselineValue baseline)

baseline: The starting point to add or delete headers.


Baseline (MailHeaders.BaselineValue) The starting point to add or delete headers.


MailHeaders ExcludeHeader(MailHeaders.MailTypeValue mtype, MailHeaders.MailHeaderValue mhdr)

This method adds a standard header to the hidden list.

  • mtype: The type of documents in which to hide this header

  • mhdr: The header to hide

This method returns a reference to the updated MailHeaders object.

MailHeaders ExcludeHeader(MailHeaders.MailTypeValue mtype, String Exclusion)

This method adds a custom header to be the hidden list.

  • mtype: The type of documents in which to hide this header

  • Exclusion: User-specified MIME header name to be excluded

This method returns a reference to the updated MailHeaders object.

MailHeaders  IncludeHeader(MailHeaders.MailTypeValue mtype, MailHeaders.MailHeaderValue mhdr)

This method adds a standard header to the visible list.

  • mtype: The type of documents in which to show this header

  • mhdr: The header to hide

This method returns a reference to the updated MailHeaders object.

MailHeaders  IncludeHeader(MailHeaders.MailTypeValue mtype, String Original, String Replacement)

This method adds a custom header to the visible list.

  • mtype: The type of documents in which to show this header

  • Original: User-specified MIME header name

  • Replacement: String that will be used as the label for the user-defined MIME header

This method returns a reference to the updated MailHeaders object.

void SetHeader(Dictionary<MailHeaders.MailTypeValue, Dictionary<String, String>> headers)

This method sets a series of custom headers to the visible headers list.

  • headers: A key value pair of user-specified MIME headers and their replacement strings

void SetHeader(Dictionary<MailHeaders.MailTypeValue, List<String>> headers)

This method sets a series of custom headers to the hidden headers list.

  • headers: A list of user-specified MIME headers to be hidden

MailHeaders.BaselineValue Enumeration

The BaselineValue is an enumeration of the possible baselines (starting points to add or exclude headers).

MailHeaders.MailTypeValue Enumeration

The MailTypeValue is an enumeration of the types of mail documents.

Option Interface

The Option Interface provides the methods and properties to retrieve information about an Outside In Option.


Outside In


  • Name — Name of the option

  • Description — Description of the option

  • DataType  — The type of the option value

  • SupportingProducts — The list of products that support this option


void Set(OptionsCache exporter, Object objValue);

This method sets the option to the exporter object.

  • exporter — The exporter object

  • objValue — Value of the option


If the type of objValue cannot be converted to the data type the option is expecting, an OutsideInCastException is thrown.

void Get(OptionsCache exporter)

This method gets the currently set value for the option.

  • exporter — The exporter object who’s option value is requested.

OutsideInProducts Enumeration

  • HTMLExport — Outside In HTML Export

  • ImageExport — Outside In Image Export

  • PDFExport — Outside In PDF Export

  • SearchExport — Outside In Search Export

  • WebViewExport — Outside In Web View Export

  • XMLExport — Outside In XML Export

  • AllExports — All Outside In export products

OutsideIn Class

This is a utility class that creates an instance of an Exporter object on request.




static Exporter NewLocalExporter()       

This method creates an instance of an Exporter object. It returns a newly created Exporter object.

static Exporter NewLocalExporter(Exporter source)

This method creates and returns an instance of an Exporter object based on the source Exporter. All the options of source are copied to the new Exporter. The source and destination file information will not be copied.

OutsideInVersion GetCoreVersion()

This static method returns an OutsideInVersion object with information of the Outside In Core Technology used.

OutsideInConfig Class

The OutsideInConfig Class is used to describe the Outside In Configuration Options.





Creates a OutsideInConfig instance with default values.

OutsideInConfig(DirectoryInfo InstallLocation, UInt32 IdleWorkerTimeout, UInt32 MinimumWorkerCount)

Creates a OutsideInConfig instance with specified values.


DirectoryInfo InstallLocation: The Location of the technology directory.

UInt32 IdleWorkerTimeout: value indicating the number of milliseconds that an idle process in excess of the minimum worker count is kept alive before being terminated. This timeout only applies to worker processes created beyond the number of MinimumWorkerCount processes.

UInt32 MinimumWorkerCount: Specifies the minimum number of running worker processes kept available for export operations. If there is a higher number of exporter objects performing simultaneous export operations, additional worker processes will be created. Those additional worker processes will be terminated according to the IdleWorkerTimeout setting. If any of these processes are terminated due to errors, they will be replaced by a new process to maintain this minimum count of loaded worker processes.

OutsideInVersion Class

The OutsideIn Class is used to describe the version of the Outside In Core Module.




String GetVersion()      

This method returns the version information as a string in the format of “MajorVersion.MinorVersion.DotVersion”.


  • int MajorVersion: The major version component

  • int MinorVersion: The minor version component

  • int DotVersion: The dot version component

OutsideInCastException Class

This exception is thrown when an invalid value is provided as an option value.

This class derives from the OutsideInException class. This class has no public methods or properties except those of the parent Exception class.



OutsideInException Class

This is the exception that is thrown when an Outside In Technology error occurs.

This class derives from the Exception class. This class has no public methods or properties except those of the parent Exception class.

