Oracle® Fusion Middleware

Oracle® Outside In Technology Release Notes 8.5.3

Release 8.5.3


April 2016

The major goals of this release are improved rendering fidelity in several key target formats, improved general font selection for all rendering products, increased format coverage and enhanced functionality of Web View Export. Other customer requested enhancements and bug fixes are also included in the 8.5.3 release.

It includes the following improvements:

1.1 New Formats

Feature Applies to Description
Microsoft Word 2016 All SDKs Add support for files created via Microsoft Word 2016
Microsoft Excel 2016 All SDKs Add support for files created via Microsoft Excel 2016
Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 All SDKs Add support for files created via Microsoft PowerPoint 2016
MS Outlook 2011 for Mac (OLM and EML) All SDKs Add support for email and email archive files from MS Office 2011 for Mac
Corel WordPerfect X7 All SDKs Add support for files created via Corel WordPerfect X7
Corel Quattro Pro X7 All SDKs Add support for files created via Corel Quattro Pro X7
Corel Presentations X7 All SDKs Add support for files created via Corel Presentations X7
Corel Draw X7 All SDKs Add support for files created via Corel Draw X7
iWork KeyNote (text only) All SDKs Add support for text-only filtering of iWork KeyNote 2014 (v6.5) files (not available on HP-UX)
AutoCAD 2015 All SDKs Add support for AutoCAD 2015 DWG and DXF files

1.2 New Options

Feature Applies to Description
SCCOPT_PDF_FILTER_WORD_DELIM_FRACTION All SDKs When processing PDF input documents, this option gives user control over the threshold used to determine where word breaks occur when spacing is ambiguous
SCCOPT_PDF_FILTER_MAX_EMBEDDED_OBJECTS and SCCOPT_PDF_FILTER_MAX_VECTOR_PATHS All SDKs When processing PDF input documents, these two options allow user control over:
  • Number of embedded objects to process

  • Number of vector paths to process

Files with a large number of these objects can perform poorly

1.3 General Accuracy and Fidelity

Feature Applies to Description
Support MS Word table styles All SDKs Microsoft Word tables can have styles specified in many different ways. Outside In can now pull specific attributes from a combination of styles. This improves the look of table formatting in .DOC files

MS Office Chart data label styles extended

All SDKs Charts rendered in MS Office products will support many more styles across several chart types. Affects Excel 97 and later, Word 2012 (and later) embeddings and PowerPoint 2012 (and later) embeddings
Font selection algorithm improvements All SDKs The font selection algorithm has been simplified in order to increase rendering fidelity and to improve performance
Outlook MSG “best body” algorithm implemented All SDKs Email messages can have email bodies in several formats (text, HTML, RTF, Unicode). This will improve the quality of content by picking the best one, based on several factors
PPTX Master slide Transparency All SDKs When a Master slide has a level of transparency applied only to the Master slide, that level of transparency will be supported when that master slide template is used
PowerPoint internal hyperlinks are active Web View Export, PDF Export, Viewer Links to locations in other parts of the same document are active in the output

Four Color (CMYK) progressive JPEG

All SDKs

Add support for new flavor of JPEG

Processing of very large spreadsheets containing large areas of white space are optimized for improved performance

All SDKs

Performance will improve on these large, sparsely filled spreadsheets. Other spreadsheets should not see any change

PDF Type 3 embedded font support

Viewer, PDF Export and Image Export

When rendering text, embedded Type 3 fonts are now supported

Watermark API is now consistent between the Image Export and PDF Export SDKs and support has been added in the .NET and Java APIs.

PDF Export and Image Export


1.4 SDK Specific – File Identification

Feature Description
Strict Open XML Strict Open XML versions of Office formats are uniquely identified but not supported for extraction or rendering.
Apple iWork Pages and Numbers These types are identified but not supported for extraction or rendering.
WebP raster Google image format is identified but not supported for extraction or rendering.

1.5 SDK Specific – Web View Export

Feature Description


New output type of Web View Export can be streamed via Ajax or loaded from the file system (no Ajax). Each page is stored in a separate HTML file which can be loaded independently; document wide navigation is still supported.

1.6 SDK Specific – PDF Export

Feature Description

Watermark transparency supported

Watermark transparency in PDF Export in now supported and the API has been extended to support it.

IBM:Linux on System-Z supported

PDF Export is now supported on this 64-bit platform.

1.7 SDK Specific – XML Export

Feature Description

Soft line special character has been added

The tag <tx.schar ch="soft-line"/> is used to indicate suggested line breaks from PDF input files.

Extraction of MS Excel track change information

SCCOPT_GENERATEEXCELREVISIONS option will be supported. The FlexionDoc schema will produce tracked changes from Excel files.

1.8 Operating System Updates

Feature Applies to Description

New Windows base standard library

All Windows SDKs

Previous versions of Outside In for Windows were built with a dependency on Visual C++ Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2005, including library msvcrt80.dll. 8.5.3 now requires the newer standard library msvcrt120.dll, which is part of Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013. See for library installation.

Windows 10

All SDKs

Add support for Windows 10


All SDKs

Add support for SLES 12

1.9 .NET API Changes

Feature Applies to Description


All Export SDKs

A new configuration object, OutsideInConfig will have the following properties:

  • OutsideInConfig.InstallLocation

Same as current existing

  • OutsideIn.InstallLocation for setting the OIT binary directory.

  • OutsideInConfig.MinimumWorkerCount

Specifies the minimum number of running worker processes kept available for export operations. If there is a higher number of exporter objects performing simultaneous export operations, additional worker processes will be created. Those additional worker processes will be terminated according to the IdleWorkerTimeout setting. If any of these processes are terminated due to errors, they will be replaced by a new process to maintain this minimum count of loaded worker processes.

  • OutsideInConfig.IdleWorkerTimeout

Unsigned integer value indicating the number of milliseconds that an idle process in excess of the minimum worker count is kept alive before being terminated. This timeout only applies to worker processes created beyond the number of MinimumWorkerCount processes.

Get method for options

All Export SDKs

Get()method provides ability to determine the current value of any Outside In option.

Redirected IO for temp files

All Export SDKs

There is a new callback which enables creation and control of temporary files (which are needed as part of any Export conversion).

1.10 Java API Changes

Feature Applies to Description

Get method for options

All Export SDKs

get() method provides ability to determine the current value of any Outside In option.

Redirected IO for temp files

All Export SDKs

There is a new callback which enables creation and control of temporary files (which are needed as part of any Export conversion).

1.11 Web View Export JavaScript API Changes

Feature Description

Enhanced display of PowerPoint files

Display of PowerPoint presentations has been enhanced to allow detection and display of slide notes, as well as supporting navigation that skips slides marked as hidden from a slideshow. See API changes below for details.

New display settings available in OIT.document.setOptions

  • nochrome - Allows pages to be loaded without a border, background or drop shadow.

  • showSlideNotes – Displays a panel containing notes for presentation slides

  • presentationMode – Hides presentation slides marked as hidden from a slide show

  • scrollMode – Allows scrolling page transitions to be disabled

New events in the Javascript API

  • done – An event fired when the entire number of pages in the document is known

  • showmessage/hidemessage/progress – Events fired when the Web View display intends to show or hide a message or progress dialog; these allow dialogs to be suppressed and/or replaced

New page level properties available for presentation slides, provided via the OIT.pages "change" event and

  • notes – A value of true indicates that the presentation slide contains slide notes.

  • hiddenFromSlideshow – A value of true indicates that the slide is marked to be hidden if the presentation were displayed as a slide show.

Oracle® Fusion Middleware Oracle® Outside In Technology Release Notes 8.5.3, Release 8.5.3


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