Manage Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster Maintenance

Oracle schedules and performs all patching and other maintenance operations on all the infrastructure resources of an Autonomous Database. At the same time, it also provides you with various options to customize, view, and reschedule maintenance events for the different infrastructure resources, including Exadata Infrastructure resources.

Change the Maintenance Schedule of an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster


You can not change the maintenance schedule of an AVMC created on the Exadata Infrastructure resources in Oracle Public Cloud before the launch of the multiple VM Autonomous Databases feature. Please create a service request in My Oracle Support if you need to address this limitation. For help with filing a support request, see Create a Service Request in My Oracle Support.

Required IAM Policies

use autonomous-vmclusters

inspect exadata-infrastructures

To change the maintenance schedule of an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster:
  1. Go to the Details page of the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster whose maintenance schedule you want to change.
  2. Click the Edit link in the Maintenance schedule field.
  3. On the Automatic Maintenance Schedule card, change settings as desired.
    • Select No Preference to permit Oracle to schedule maintenance as needed
    • Select Specify a Schedule to restrict when Oracle can schedule maintenance. You can choose your preferred month, week, weekday, start time, and lead time for the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster maintenance.


      For guidance on choosing a custom schedule, see Settings in Maintenance Schedule that are Customizable.
  4. When finished, click Update Maintenance Schedule.

View and Manage Scheduled Maintenance of an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster

You view and manage scheduled maintenance of an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster resource from its Details page.

Required IAM Policies

For Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer

use autonomous-vmclusters

inspect exadata-infrastructures

For Autonomous Database on Oracle Public Cloud:

use cloud-autonomous-vmclusters

inspect cloud-autonomous-vmclusters


  1. Go to the Details page of the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster whose maintenance schedule you want to change.

    For instructions, see View Details of an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster.

  2. Click the View link in the Next Maintenance field.

    The Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster Maintenance page lists any upcoming planned maintenance.

    For more information about the details displayed in the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster Maintenance page, see Scheduled Maintenance Details.

  3. For each maintenance event listed in the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster Maintenance page, you can perform the management operations listed in Management Operations on a Scheduled Maintenance, provided that the event is not already in progress.

    When you reschedule an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster maintenance event that is already scheduled, Oracle may place it in a queue if its Exadata Infrastructure resource or Autonomous Container Databases are:
    • Already undergoing a maintenance update, or
    • Scheduled for a maintenance activity simultaneously as the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster.
    For more information about automatic queuing of maintenance events, see Automatic Queuing of Maintenance Events.

View Past Maintenance of an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster

You view past maintenance of an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster from its Details page.

Required IAM Policies

For Autonomous Database on Exadata Cloud@Customer

inspect autonomous-vmclusters

For Autonomous Database on Oracle Public Cloud

inspect cloud-autonomous-vmclusters


  1. Go to the Details page of the Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster whose maintenance schedule you want to change.

    For instructions, see View Details of an Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster.

  2. Click the View link in the Next Maintenance field.

    The Autonomous Exadata VM Cluster Maintenance page lists any upcoming planned maintenance.

  3. Click Maintenance History in the side menu to see a list of past maintenance.