Use a Windows Image

You can use Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI Windows images to create Windows compute instances that include entitlement and support to use WebLogic software. These images include WebLogic installers, utilities and scripts that will assist in the creation of a WebLogic domain.

Connecting to WebLogic Server for OCI Windows Images Deployed on Public Subnet


If you created your compute instance on a public subnet, then you need to make sure that the default Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) port 3389 is accessible from the instance you are using to access the Windows instance.

  1. Open the Remote Desktop client.
  2. In the Computer field, enter the public IP address that you retrieved from the Console.
  3. The User name is opc. Depending on the Remote Desktop client you are using, you might have to connect to the instance before you can enter this user.
  4. Click Connect to start the session.
  5. Accept the certificate if you are prompted to do so.
  6. Enter the initial password that you retrieved from the Console. You will be prompted to change the password as soon as you log in.


    The initial password is located at OCI Console / Compute / Instances / compute instance / Instance information / Instance access / Inititial password.

    Your new password must be at least 12 characters long and must comply with Microsoft's password policy.

  7. Press Enter.

Connecting to WebLogic Server for OCI Windows Images Deployed on Private Subnet


If you created your compute instance on a private subnet, you need a bastion host or bastion service with a public IP that has access to the Windows instance. Make sure that port 3389 is open for connections between bastion host/service to the Windows instance

The following process shows you how to create an SSH tunneling to use Remote Desktop Connection on a Windows instance deployed in a private subnet using Putty.

  1. Convert generated .key private key fila to Putty Private Key (PPK):
    1. Open Remote Desktop.
    2. Click Load and select the private key that was generated when you created the instance. The extension for the key file is .key.
    3. Click Save private key.
    4. Specify a name for the key. The extension for new private key is .ppk.
    5. Click Save.
  2. Open Remote Desktop.
  3. Configure bastion IP address:
    1. In Session category enter the bastion public IP address and SSH port (default 22)
    2. Make sure connection type is set to SSH.
    3. Optionally, save the session configuration for future use by entering a name in Saved Sessions and click Save.
  4. Set Remote character set to UTF-8.

    Go to Window / Translation and set UTF-8 in Remote Character Set.

  5. Set SSH private Key:
    1. Go to Connection / SSH / Auth / Credentials
    2. Locate the .ppk file generated above.
  6. Configure SSH Tunneling:
    1. Go to Connection / SSH / Tunnels
    2. Enter a source port to: localhost:<source_port>. Where <source_port> can be any value from 0-65536.
    3. Enter destination port to: <windows_instance_private_ip>:3389
  7. Open the Remote Desktop client.
  8. In the Computer field, enter localhost:<source_port> as specified in SSH Tunneling step.
  9. The User name is opc. Depending on the Remote Desktop client you are using, you might have to connect to the instance before you can enter this user.
  10. Click Connect to start the session.
  11. Accept the certificate if you are prompted to do so.
  12. Enter the initial password that you retrieved from the Console. You will be prompted to change the password as soon as you log in.


    The initial password is located at OCI Console / Compute / Instances / compute instance / Instance information / Instance access / Initial password.

For more information about connecting to Windows instances, see Connecting to Your Windows Instance in OCI

Install WebLogic Server or Fusion Middleware Infrastructure

The Oracle WebLogic Server for OCI Windows images include all the software you need to install WebLogic. However, by the time you create the instance the JDK included may be outdated. So, it is recommended that you download the latest JDK 8 or JDK 11 depending on theWebLogic version you are installing. For more information about downloading the latest JDK, see Java Download.


WebLogic Server 14.1.1 supports JDK 8 and JDK 11 and WebLogic Server only supports JDK 8.

Install JDK

  1. Once you download the JDK, unzip or install with the Windows/MSI installer.
  2. Define JAVA_HOME environment variable.
    1. Open Environment Variables window.
      1. Type Windows + R keys together and run program “sysdm.cpl”.
      2. Go to Advanced tab.
      3. Click Environment Variables...
    2. Within System variables, click New.
    3. Set JAVA_HOME as Variable name.
    4. Set the path to your JDK as Variable value. For example:
      C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-1.8
    5. Click OK.
  3. Install WebLogic or Fusion Middleware.
    1. Go to C:\Oracle\Middleware\scripts.
    2. Right click the desired install script and then select “Run as Administrator”.
    3. Follow the instructions on the screen.
You can create and configure WebLogic domains for the WebLogic Server versions supported in this image. See the following documents: