5.9 Create an Oracle Object Storage Connection

You can use Data Transforms to upload data from Oracle Object Storage to Autonomous Database.

The OCI Object Storage dedicated endpoints feature allows OCI customers to securely access the storage buckets. See Object Storage Dedicated Endpoints for more information. You need to use the new URL format when you create Object Storage connections in Data Transforms. For users that already have an Object Storage connection, the existing URL is automatically updated to the new URL format.

To create an Oracle Object Storage connection you need to have an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure username and an auth token. See Getting an Auth Token for information about how to generate the auth token. You need to specify these details when you define the connection in Oracle Data Transforms.

Note the following:

  • To use an Oracle Object Storage connection to import data into Data Transforms, you must use a public IP address to access the compute node. If you want to use a private IP address to access the Object Storage service, make sure that you have access to the Internet.
  • The supported file format for loading data from Oracle Object Storage to Autonomous Database and vice versa is CSV.
  • The supported data types are Numeric, Double, String, and Date.
  • Data load is not supported for Oracle Object Storage connections.

To define an Oracle Object Storage connection,

  1. From the left pane of the Home page, click the Connections tab.
    Connections page appears.
  2. Click Create Connection.
    Create Connection page slides in.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • In the Select Type field, enter the name or part of the name of the connection type.
    • Select the Databases tab.
  4. Select Oracle Object Storage as the connection type.
  5. Click Next.
  6. The Connection Name field is pre-populated with a default name. You can edit this value.
  7. Enter the URL in the Object Storage URL textbox. You can enter the URL in either of the following formats:
    • URL with fully qualified domain name.

      For example,

    • If you want to use the URL provided by the OCI Console, specify the URL only till the name of the bucket.

      For example,

    • If you choose Credential as the Connection Mode (see step 6), specify the URL till bucketname/o

      For example,



      Credential mode is available only to Data Transforms that is available as a separate listing on Marketplace called Data Integrator: Web Edition.
    The values for Region, Namespace and Bucket are auto-populated based on the URL provided.
  8. To select the Connection Mode do one of the following:
    • Select Swift Connectivity, and provide the following details:
      • In the User Name text box enter your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure username. For tenancies that support identity domains, specify the domain name along with the username. For example, <identity-domain-name>/<username>.
      • In the Token text box enter the auth token.
    • (This is applicable only to Data Transforms that is available as a separate listing on Marketplace called Data Integrator: Web Edition.) Select Credential and provide the ODI credential in the Enter Credential text box.

      You must create the credential in the repository and in the Autonomous Database that you created during instance creation. When you create a data flow to map data from Object Storage to Autonomous Database you need to create the ODI credential in the target schema as well. Before you run the mapping, make sure that you select the step and in the Properties panel, set the Create credential KM option to false. Otherwise, the credential-based connection will fail.

      To create the credential, execute the following script:

      begin DBMS_CLOUD.create_credential( credential_name => '<Credential name>',
            username => '<oci username>', password => '<auth token>' ); end;
  9. Click Create.
    The new connection is created.
  10. Click Test Connection, to test the established connection.

The newly created connections are displayed in the Connections page.

Click the Actions icon (Actions icon) next to the selected connection to perform the following operations:

  • Select Edit, to edit the provided connection details.
  • Select Test Connection, to test the created connection.
  • Click Export to export the connection. See Export Objects.
  • Select Delete Schema, to delete schemas.
  • Select Delete Connection, to delete the created connection.

You can also search for the required Connection to know its details based on the following filters:

  • Name of the Connection.
  • Technology associated with the created Connection.