18 Configuring and Using Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR)

Configure and use Oracle ASR to automatically generate a service request for specific hardware faults.

About Configuring Oracle ASR

Configure Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR) to automatically generate service requests for specific hardware faults.

Oracle ASR is a secure support feature that can improve system availability through expedited diagnostics and priority service request handling. You can configure Oracle ASR on Oracle Database Appliance to use its own Oracle ASR Manager (internal Oracle ASR) or use Oracle ASR Manager configured on another server in the same network as your appliance (external Oracle ASR).

Oracle Database Appliance supports two types of Oracle ASR configurations - Internal and External. You can use the odacli configure-asr command to configure both types of Oracle ASR.
  • Internal Oracle ASR: For this type of configuration, Oracle ASR Manager is installed on the Oracle Database Appliance, where assets need to be monitored. For this type of configuration, Oracle ASR Manager is installed on the Oracle Database Appliance, where assets need to be monitored. The assets Oracle ILOM and the host are registered with Oracle ASR using an XML payload that is sent to the HTTPS endpoint of Oracle ASR Manager. After successful registration, the alerts are also sent from the assets to the Oracle ASR Manager by composing an XML payload. Once the XML file is sent, an SR is generated based on the alert information present in the XML file.
  • External Oracle ASR: For this type of configuration, Oracle ASR Manager is not installed on one Oracle Database Appliance. For example, if Oracle ASR manager is not installed on oda1, but Oracle ASR Manager is installed on another Oracle Database Appliance, oda2, then the assets that belong to oda2 assets are registered with Oracle ASR Manager installed on oda1. To register Oracle Database Appliance assets with an external Oracle ASR Manager, you must first update the repository with Oracle ASR Manager configuration files. After that, configure Oracle ASR as external to register the assets with Oracle ASR Manager.


With an internal Oracle ASR Manager, an alert is not sent when the server is not running because the Oracle ASR Manager runs on the same server. However, if a critical event occurs on Oracle Database Appliance with an external Oracle ASR Manager, then an alert can still be generated since the Oracle ASR Manager is not running on the same host.

You can configure Oracle ASR as part of deploying the appliance, or you can use the Browser User Interface (BUI) or command-line interface to configure or edit an Oracle ASR after deployment.

Starting with Oracle Database Appliance release 19.21, when you configure Oracle ASR, you specify HTTPS settings and not the SNMP settings. Following are the requirements to configure Oracle ASR:

  • Oracle Database Appliance hardware must be associated with a Support Identifier (SI) in My Oracle Support.

  • If a proxy server is required for Internet access to Oracle, then you must also provide the name of the proxy server.

  • To configure an internal Oracle ASR Manager, you need a My Oracle Support account user name (e-mail address) and password associated with the My Oracle Support account under which the server is registered.

  • To register with an external Oracle ASR Manager, use zip file generated by the odacli export-asrconfig command when it is run on the appliance where Oracle ASR Manager runs.

Configuring Internal Oracle ASR

Use ODACLI commands or the Browser User Interface (BUI) to configure Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR) in Oracle Database Appliance.

You can register with an internal Oracle ASR Manager at any time, or modify an existing registration. Before configuring, verify that the Oracle Database Appliance hardware is associated with a Support Identifier (SI) in My Oracle Support.
You need the following information to configure Oracle ASR:
  • The e-mail address associated with the My Oracle Support account under which the server is registered

  • The password associated with the My Oracle Support account under which the server is registered

  • If a proxy server is required for Internet access to Oracle, then you must also provide the name of the proxy server

Configuring Internal ASR Using ODACLI Commands

Use the odacli configure-asr command to configure Oracle ASR after deploying the appliance.
# odacli configure-asr -u user@example.com -hp 16165

Enter ASR user's password:
Retype ASR user's password:
Job details                                                     
                     ID:  1c9f126e-f5d2-4178-9d59-1343314b86ee
            Description:  Configure ASR
                 Status:  Success
                Created:  November 29, 2023 4:42:07 PM UTC
Task Name                                Start Time                               End Time                                 Status         
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------
Setting up SSH equivalence               November 29, 2023 4:42:07 PM UTC         November 29, 2023 4:42:07 PM UTC         Success        
Modify JavaExec Path                     November 29, 2023 4:42:08 PM UTC         November 29, 2023 4:42:08 PM UTC         Success        
Install ASR                              November 29, 2023 4:42:08 PM UTC         November 29, 2023 4:44:53 PM UTC         Success        
Registering ASR Manager                  November 29, 2023 4:45:01 PM UTC         November 29, 2023 4:45:09 PM UTC         Success        
Configure ILOM                           November 29, 2023 4:45:09 PM UTC         November 29, 2023 4:45:13 PM UTC         Success        
Creating ASR configuration folders       November 29, 2023 4:45:13 PM UTC         November 29, 2023 4:45:13 PM UTC         Success        
Setup ASR XML templates                  November 29, 2023 4:45:13 PM UTC         November 29, 2023 4:45:13 PM UTC         Success        
Enable HTTPS for ASR                     November 29, 2023 4:45:13 PM UTC         November 29, 2023 4:45:36 PM UTC         Success        
Importing ASR certificate into DCS       November 29, 2023 4:45:36 PM UTC         November 29, 2023 4:45:38 PM UTC         Success        
Registering Asset: ODA Host              November 29, 2023 4:45:38 PM UTC         November 29, 2023 4:45:38 PM UTC         Success        
ASR assets activation                    November 29, 2023 4:45:39 PM UTC         November 29, 2023 4:45:40 PM UTC         Success        
Remove AsrConfBackup File                November 29, 2023 4:45:41 PM UTC         November 29, 2023 4:45:41 PM UTC         Success

After configuring Oracle ASR, check the the asset status for both the host and the Oracle ILOM asset as follows:

# /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr list_asset
---------- --------- ------------- ------------- --- ---------- -------- ------ -------------- ------------
2213XLA00E oda1-ilom 2213XLA00E Y Active HTTP ILOM_XML 2023-11-30 06:36:11.472 ORACLE SERVER X8-2L oda1 2213XLA00E Y Active HTTP ESSW_XML NA ORACLE SERVER X8-2L

Please use My Oracle Support 'http://support.oracle.com' to view the activation status.
To view the latest available asset status in ASR Manager please execute the 'send_asset_status' command.

Configuirng Internal ASR Using the BUI

  1. Open a browser and enter the following URL to access BUI:
  2. Login as oda-admin.
  3. Click the Appliance tab.
  4. Click the Oracle ASR menu.
  5. If Oracle ASR is already configured, then in the Configure ASR page, provide the Oracle ASR configuration values.
  6. Select Internal in the ASR Type field.
  7. In the ASR User Name field, enter e-mail address associated with the My Oracle Support account under which the server is registered.
  8. In the ASR Password field, enter the password associated with the My Oracle Support account under which the server is registered.
  9. (Optional) Specify the HTTPS port for the Oracle ASR Manager. The default HTTPS port is 16162.
  10. (Optional) If you are using an HTTP Proxy for upload to Oracle ASR, complete the following:
    1. HTTP Proxy used for Upload to ASR: Select Yes.
    2. Proxy User Name: If you are using a proxy for upload, enter the proxy user name.
    3. Proxy Port: If you are using a proxy for upload, enter the proxy port.
    4. (Optional) HTTP Proxy Requires Authentication: If you are using a proxy for upload, select Yes if you require authentication. If you do not require authentication, select No.
    5. (Optional) Proxy Password: If you are using a proxy for upload and require authentication, enter the proxy password.
  11. Click Create.

Registering with External Oracle ASR Manager

Use ODACLI commands or the Browser User Interface to register Oracle Database Appliance with an external Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR) Manager.

You can register with an external Oracle ASR Manager at any time.

Before configuring, verify that the Oracle Database Appliance hardware is associated with a Support Identifier (SI) in My Oracle Support.

Before configuring external Oracle ASR on an appliance, ensure that Oracle ASR Manager is configured on another appliance.

Configuring External ASR Using ODACLI Commands

Run these steps on the appliance where Oracle ASR Manager is configured:
  1. Export the internal Oracle ASR Manager configuration files into a zip file:
    [root@node1 bin]# odacli export-asrconfig
    Job details
                         ID: 9c9e74d4-d3d8-4f77-9394-42c8eb7bfe1e
                Description: Export ASR Config
                     Status: Success
                    Created: November 30, 2023 7:02:51 AM UTC
                    Message: Run update repository with the zip /opt/oracle/asr/asrConfiguration/ASRConfiguration.zip in the External ASR host once the current job is successful
    Task Name                                Start Time                       End Time                        Status
    ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
    Creating a zip of ASR config files       November 30, 2023 7:02:52 AM UTC November 30, 2023 7:02:52 AM UTC Success 
  2. Copy the zip file from the Oracle ASR Manager appliance to the system where the external Oracle ASR Manager must be configured. The zip file path is displayed in the job description in step 1.
    $ scp zipFilePath user@system_name/IP:destination_path_for_ the_zip
After copying the Oracle ASR Manager configuration zip file to the external Oracle ASR appliance, run the following steps on the external Oracle ASR appliance:
  1. Run the odacli update-repository command to extract the zip file on the external Oracle ASR Manager system.
    [root@node1 bin]# odacli update-repository -f zip_file_path
    Job details
                         ID: c659b6ee-9f02-4cb4-aba4-4ed8de883e3a
                Description: Repository Update
                     Status: Success
                    Created: November 30, 2023 3:44:28 PM CST
                    Message: /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/ASRConfiguration.zip
    Task Name Start Time End Time Status
    ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------
    Unzip bundle November 30, 2023 3:44:28 PM CST November 30, 2023 3:44:28 PM CST Success 
  2. Configure Oracle ASR Manager as External.
    [root@node1 bin]# odacli configure-asr -e External
    Enter ASR user's password: 
    Retype ASR user's password:
    [root@node1 bin]# odacli describe-job -i cdd8445f-aefb-4f43-881a-145eaa1a1181
    root@scaoda6f001 ~]# odacli describe-job -i 1099eac8-2879-4341-b391-d56237696395
    Job details
                         ID: 1099eac8-2879-4341-b391-d56237696395
                Description: Configure ASR
                     Status: Success
                    Created: November 30, 2023 3:46:50 PM CST
    Task Name                                Start Time                       End Time                         Status
    ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
    Setting up SSH equivalence               November 30, 2023 3:46:52 PM CST November 30, 2023 3:46:54 PM CST Success
    Creating ASR configuration folders       November 30, 2023 3:46:54 PM CST November 30, 2023 3:46:54 PM CST Success
    Setup ASR XML templates                  November 30, 2023 3:46:54 PM CST November 30, 2023 3:46:54 PM CST Success
    Importing ASR certificate into DCS       November 30, 2023 3:46:54 PM CST November 30, 2023 3:46:56 PM CST Success
    Registering Asset: ODA Host              November 30, 2023 3:46:56 PM CST November 30, 2023 3:46:57 PM CST Success
    ASR assets activation                    November 30, 2023 3:46:57 PM CST November 30, 2023 3:46:58 PM CST Success
    Configure ILOM                           November 30, 2023 3:46:58 PM CST November 30, 2023 3:47:07 PM CST Success 
  3. To verify the successful activation of the assets with the external Oracle ASR Manager, run the command to list assets in the Oracle ASR Manager host as follows:
    [root@node1 bin]# /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr list_asset
    ----------   ---------     ------------- ------------- --- ---------- -------- ------ -------------- ------------                      
    IP_address_1 oda1        1642NM10D1                   Y   Active    HTTP     ESSW_XML    NA         ORACLE SERVER X7-2                
    IP_address_2 oda2        1921XLA0AN                   Y   Active    HTTP     ILOM_XML    NA         ORACLE SERVER X8-2L               
    IP_address_3 oda3        1921XLA0AN                   Y   Active    HTTP     ESSW_XML    NA         ORACLE SERVER X8-2L x86/x64 System
    IP_address_4 oda4        1921XLA0AW                   Y   Active    HTTP     ILOM_XML    NA         ORACLE SERVER X8-2L               
    IP_address_5 oda5        1921XLA0AW                   Y   Active    HTTP     ESSW_XML    NA         ORACLE SERVER X8-2L x86/x64 System

    Use My Oracle Support to view the activation status. To view the latest available asset status in Oracle ASR Manager, run the send_asset_status command.

Configuring External Oracle ASR Using the BUI

Ensure that the zip file of Oracle ASR configured externally is imported to the repository using the odacli update-repository command, and then run the following steps:

  1. Open a browser and enter the following URL to access BUI:
  2. Login as oda-admin.
  3. Click the Appliance tab.
  4. Click the Oracle ASR menu.
  5. Select External from the ASR Type menu.
  6. Click Create.

Configuring External Oracle ASR When Oracle ASR Manager Does Not Run on an Oracle Database Appliance

Understand how you can configure Oracle Database Appliance with an external Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR) Manager.

  1. Ensure that the ASR manager is installed with version 23.2.0 or above. Run the /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr show_version command to view the Oracle ASR version:
    /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr show_version
    ASR Manager version: 23.2.0
    Rules definitions version:
    Auto Update Statistics
    Last Run Time: 2024-02-08 12:19:27.777
    Last Run Status: Oracle Automated Service Manager not yet registered.
    Next Run Time: 2024-02-09 12:19:27.777
    Skipping ASR connectivity tests as ASR Auto Update isn't enabled
    Auto Update Status
    Auto Update functionality is disabled.
    Please refer to the My Oracle Support Doc Id: 1503107.1 for instructions on Auto Update of ASR Manager software.
    ASR Manager Services
    ASR Notification Trap is enabled.
    Remote Request feature is enabled.
  2. Ensure that Oracle ASR is enabled to run with HTTPS by running the following commands:
    /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr https_config
    /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr https_enable
    Ensure that the required setting is present by running the /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr show_http_receiver command as follows:
    /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr show_http_receiver
        HTTP Receiver configuration:
        HTTP Receiver Status: Enabled
        Host Name: xx.xxx.x.xxx
        SFB forward: true
        HTTP Port: 16161
        HTTPS/SSL Port: 16162
        HTTPS/SSL: Enabled
        Jetty HTTP Compliance: Medium - RFC2616
        Enable Jetty Older Ciphers: true

    The output of the command must display HTTPS/SSL as Enabled.

    Note that when you run the /opt/asrmanager/bin/asr https_config command, and the "What is your first and last name?" question is prompted for the certificate, you must enter the ASR manager IP address and keep the rest of the answers default.

Configuring External ASR Using ODACLI Commands

Run these steps on the appliance where Oracle ASR Manager is configured:
  1. Create a directory called asr under /tmp.
    mkdir /tmp/asr
  2. Go to the directory created in step 1.
    cd /tmp/asr
  3. Generate the public key with the name asrHTTPSCertificate.crt under the directory created in step 1 for Oracle ASR Manager, using its keystore present at /var/opt/asrmanager/configuration/asrmKeyStore.jks. The following command creates a certificate /tmp/asr/asrHTTPSCertificate.crt for the keystore:
    jdkbinpath/keytool -exportcert -alias alias set for the keystore -keystore /var/opt/asrmanager/configuration/asrmKeyStore.jks -file /tmp/asr/asrHTTPSCertificate.crt -rfc
    Enter keystore password: Enter the certificate password provided in "asr https_config" command
  4. Create a new JSON file with the name asrdetails.json with the following details under /tmp/asr and set the values for the following:
    • asrManagerIp: The IP address of the host where Oracle ASR Manager runs.
    • userName: The email ID with which Oracle ASR Manager is registered.
    • httpsPortNumber: The HTTPS port number set for Oracle ASR Manager in the asr https_config command.
    • httpsCertAlias: The certificate ALIAS set when prompted by the asr https_config command.

    Example of /tmp/asr/asrdetails.json:

      "asrManagerIp" : "xx.xxx.x.xxx",
      "userName" : "test",
      "httpsPortNumber" : 16162,
      "httpsCertAlias" : "oda-asr-client2024-01-31t10:15:52"
  5. Generate a zip file with the files created in step 3 and step 4 asrHTTPSCertificate.crt and asrdetails.json from the asr directory present under /tmp directory.
    cd /tmp
    zip ASRConfiguration.zip asr/asrHTTPSCertificate.crt asr/asrdetails.json
  6. Copy the zip file created in step 5 to the Oracle Database Appliance machine whose assets must be registered with the external Oracle ASR.
    $ scp /tmp/ASRConfiguration.zip user@machine name/IP:destination path for the zip
After copying the external Oracle ASR Manager configuration zip file to Oracle Database Appliance, run the following steps on the Oracle Database Appliance:
  1. Run the odacli update-repository command to unzip the zip file created on the external Oracle ASR machine and copied to the appliance.
    $odacli update-repository -f <zip file path>
    odacli describe-job -i c659b6ee-9f02-4cb4-aba4-4ed8de883e3a
    Job details                                                     
                         ID:  c659b6ee-9f02-4cb4-aba4-4ed8de883e3a
                Description:  Repository Update
                     Status:  Success
                    Created:  November 30, 2023 3:44:28 PM CST
                    Message:  /opt/oracle/dcs/bin/ASRConfiguration.zip
    Task Name                                Start Time                               End Time                                 Status         
    ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------
    Unzip bundle                             November 30, 2023 3:44:28 PM CST         November 30, 2023 3:44:28 PM CST         Success
  2. Configure Oracle ASR Manager as External.
    $odacli configure-asr -e External
    Enter ASR user's password: <SSO password>
    Retype ASR user's password:
    odacli describe-job -i 1099eac8-2879-4341-b391-d56237696395
    Job details                                                     
                         ID:  1099eac8-2879-4341-b391-d56237696395
                Description:  Configure ASR
                     Status:  Success
                    Created:  November 30, 2023 3:46:50 PM CST
    Task Name                                Start Time                               End Time                                 Status         
    ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------
    Setting up SSH equivalence               November 30, 2023 3:46:52 PM CST         November 30, 2023 3:46:54 PM CST         Success        
    Creating ASR configuration folders       November 30, 2023 3:46:54 PM CST         November 30, 2023 3:46:54 PM CST         Success        
    Setup ASR XML templates                  November 30, 2023 3:46:54 PM CST         November 30, 2023 3:46:54 PM CST         Success        
    Importing ASR certificate into DCS       November 30, 2023 3:46:54 PM CST         November 30, 2023 3:46:56 PM CST         Success        
    Registering Asset: ODA Host              November 30, 2023 3:46:56 PM CST         November 30, 2023 3:46:57 PM CST         Success        
    ASR assets activation                    November 30, 2023 3:46:57 PM CST         November 30, 2023 3:46:58 PM CST         Success        
    Configure ILOM                           November 30, 2023 3:46:58 PM CST         November 30, 2023 3:47:07 PM CST         Success

Testing Oracle ASR

Use the odacli test-asr command to confirm that your Oracle ASR configuration is working.

When you run the command, a test alert is sent to Oracle ASR manager from both Oracle ILOM and the host registered with Oracle ASR. The registered email ID receives an email about the test alert for the registered Oracle ILOM and host.

Attempting to test the configuration outside of the odacli test-asr command might not provide the expected test result.

  1. Log in as root user.
  2. Run the odacli test-asr command.
    # odacli test-asr
    Job details
                         ID: 51522c07-1b32-4874-9bc7-bbee5885f1e5
                Description: Test ASR
                     Status: Success
                    Created: October 20, 2023 1:02:49 PM UTC
    Task Name Start Time                     End Time                        Status
    --------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- --------
    Test ASR October 20, 2023 1:02:50 PM UTC October 20, 2023 1:02:50 PM UTC Success 

Managing an Oracle ASR Configuration

Use the command-line to review an existing configuration, make changes to a configuration, or delete a configuration.

You can view and edit the configuration details, but you cannot change the Oracle ASR type. For example, from internal to external. To change the Oracle ASR type, delete the existing configuration and then re-configure Oracle ASR.

All log files for Oracle ASR are located in the /var/opt/asrmanager/log/ directory.

  1. To display Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR) configuration details, use the odacli describe-asr command.
    # odacli describe-asr  
    ASR details
                         ID: e0e31043-c312-4371-8301-e62642ef8a4a
                       Name: ASR
                   ASR Type: Internal
            ASR Manager IP :
       ASR Manager username: scott.tiger@example.com
          HTTPS port number: 16164
                      State: CONFIGURED
                    Created: September 3, 2023 4:02:38 AM UTC
                    Updated: September 3, 2023 4:03:32 AM UTC
  2. (Optional) To make changes to Oracle ASR configuration details after deploying the appliance, use the odacli modify-asr command.
  3. (Optional) To remove the Oracle ASR configuration from the system, use the odacli delete-asrcommand.
    # odacli delete-asr
    "jobId" : "5d70bd17-ec4a-48da-8196-1364105db99d", 
    "status" : "Running", 
    "message" : null, 
    "reports" : [ ], 
    "createTimestamp" : 1469409622451, 
    "description" : "Delete ASR", 
    "updatedTime" : 1469409622458 

Additional Resources for Oracle ASR

Refer to these sections for more information about Oracle ASR.