5 Configuring Oracle Data Integrator Studio

Oracle Data Integrator Studio (ODI Studio) is the interface you use to manage and configure Oracle Data Integrator (ODI).

About Oracle Data Integrator Studio

Oracle Data Integrator Studio (ODI Studio) is the developer’s interface that you use to configure and manage Oracle Data Integrator (ODI).

ODI Studio is installed as part of standalone or enterprise option under the specified ORACLE_HOME directory. ODI Studio provides four graphical Navigators for managing ODI artifacts: Designer, Operator, Topology, and Security. ODI Studio can also directly execute jobs on demand, and can be used for development and initial testing.

Creating the Database Schemas

Before you can configure an Oracle Data Integrator domain, you must create the Master and Work Repository (ODI_REPO) schemas on a certified database for use with this release of Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Follow the instructions in Creating the Master and Work Repository Schemas to create the required schemas.

Setting the Same Time Zone for the Agent and Repository

Each database has its way of identifying the configured time zone. To ensure that time zone differences do not have an impact on schedule, ensure that the time zones for the ODI Studio and the agent are the same as the time zone for the repository before starting them.

Perform the following steps to configure the same time zone:

  1. Configure the required time zone information in the SNP_LOC_REP.CONFIG_TZ_ID column in Oracle Data Integrator repository.

    Example: PST8PDT, Asia/Calcutta, America/New_York, and so on.

    For information about valid time zone IDs, see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/ZoneId.html.


    PST8PDT is the default time zone, which the scheduler will automatically select if you do not configure the time zone.
  2. Match the configured time zone in the ODI Studio as shown below:

    On the UNIX system:

    AddVMOption -Duser.timezone=<Repository Timezone>
  3. Match the configured time zone in the ODI Agent as shown below:

    On the UNIX system:

    JAVA_OPTIONS="${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Duser.timezone=<Repository Timezone>"
    export JAVA_OPTIONS


    You might have more than one domain configured. So, ensure to check setDomainEnv.sh and match the configured time zone in all domains.

While retrieving the schedule plan, the scheduler process will convert the schedule plan from the configured time zone to the local zone.

Adding Libraries to ODI Studio

You can add third-party libraries to ODI Studio.

All files required by ODI Studio, such as third-party JDBC drivers, Open Tools, and libraries, should be deployed into the userlib directory. The location of this directory is:
  • On UNIX systems: $HOME/.odi/oracledi/userlib

  • On Windows systems: %APPDATA%\odi\oracledi\userlib

    where %APPDATA% is C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data (in Windows XP), andC:\Users\myUserName\AppData\Roaming (on Windows 7 and Windows 8).

The userlib directory contains the additional_path.txt file, where you can declare additional files or folders outside of the userlib directory from which ODI Studio acquires other libraries and drivers, as illustrated in the following example:

; Additional paths file 
; You can add here paths to additional libraries 
; Examples: 
;       C:\ java\libs\myjar.jar 
;       C:\ java\libs\myzip.zip 
;       C:\java\libs\*.jar will add all jars contained in the C:\java\libs\ directory 
;       C:\java\libs\**\*.jar will add all jars contained in the C:\java\libs\ directory and subdirectories  


You must restart ODI Studio after editing the additional_path.txt file for the changes to take effect.

Setting Java Home for ODI Studio

Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location of the certified JDK before you start ODI Studio.

To set JAVA_HOME for ODI Studio:
  1. Go to the ORACLE_HOME/odi/studio/bin directory.
  2. Open the odi.conf file in an editor.
  3. Add a line at the bottom of the file specifying the location of a certified JDK. . For 12c (, the certified JDK is 1.8.0_211 and later. For example:
    • (UNIX) setenv JAVA_HOME/home/Oracle/Java/jdk1.8.0_211
    • (Windows) set JAVA_HOME=C:\home\Oracle\Java\jdk1.8.0_211
  4. Save the file.

Starting ODI Studio

Start ODI Studio with the odi command.

To start ODI Studio:

  1. Go to the ORACLE_HOME/odi/studio directory.
  2. Enter the following command:
    • (UNIX) ./odi.sh

    • (Windows) odi.exe


      On Windows operating systems only the user who installed ODI can start ODI Studio. No other user has privileges to start ODI Studio.

Connecting to the Master Repository

Connect to the master repository before creating an agent.

Before you create an agent, you must connect to the master repository.


If you have installed any previous version of Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) on the same computer you are currently using, you may be asked whether or not you want to import preferences and settings from those previous installations into Oracle Data Integrator Studio (ODI Studio). The procedure assumes that no previous versions of ODI exist on your computer.

For more information, refer to the topics in the ODI Studio Help menu.

To connect to the master repository:

  1. From the ODI Studio menu, select File, then select New.

    On the New gallery screen, select Create a New ODI Repository Login, then click OK.

  2. On the Oracle Data Integrator Login screen, click the plus sign (+) icon to create a new login. On the Repository Connection Information screen:

    • Oracle Data Integrator Connection section:

      • Login Name: Specify a custom login name.

      • User: Specify SUPERVISOR (all capital letters).

      • Password: Specify the supervisor password of RCU Custom Variable screen.

    • Database Connection (Master Repository) section

      • User: Specify the schema user name for the Master repository. This should be prefix_ODI_REPO as specified on the Select Components screen in RCU.

      • Password: Specify the schema password for the Master repository. This was specified on the Schema Passwords screen in RCU.

      • Driver List: Select the appropriate driver for your database from the drop-down list.

      • URL: Specify the connection URL. Click on the magnifying glass icon for more information about the connection details for your driver.

    • In the Work Repository section, select Master Repository Only.

    Click Test to test the connection, and fix any errors. After the test is successful, click OK to create the connection.

  3. Specify and confirm a new wallet password on the New Wallet Password screen.

  4. After you have successfully created a new login, you are returned to ODI Studio.

    Select Connect to Repository and, when prompted, provide your new wallet password.

    After providing your wallet password, the Oracle Data Integrator Login screen appears. Provide the following information to log in:

    1. In the drop-down menu in the Login Name field, select the name of the new login you just created.

    2. Specify SUPERVISOR as the user name.

    3. Provide the password for the Supervisor user.

    When you are logged in, follow the instructions in Creating an Agent in the Master Repository with ODI Studio to create the agent.

Add Proxy Configuration for ODI Studio

You can add proxy configuration for ODI studio.

Perform the following steps to add proxy configuration for ODI studio:
  1. Navigate to Studio > Tools > Preferences > Web Browser and Proxy > Proxy Settings > Manual Proxy Settings.

  2. Add the proxy host and port number in the respective fields.

  3. Click Save.