Introduction to Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Network Services

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Updated: December 2014

How to Set Up an Interface as a PTP Master

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

  2. Set a system as the PTP master.
    # svccfg -s svc:/network/ptp:default setprop config/node_type=master
  3. Enable an interface to listen to the PTP packets.
    # svccfg -s svc:/network/ptp:default setprop config/listen_ifname=interface-name
  4. Enable the PTP service on the master system.
    # svcadm enable svc:/network/ptp:default

    If the PTP service is already enabled, restart the PTP service.

    # svcadm restart svc:/network/ptp:default