Managing Devices in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: July 2014

Adding a Third-Party Disk

Oracle Solaris supports many third-party disks. However, for the disk to be recognized, you might need to supply a device driver.

    Other options for adding disks are as follows:

  • If you are adding a SCSI disk, you might to try the Format utility's automatic configuration feature.

  • You might try hot-plugging a PCI, SCSI, or USB disk. For more information, see Chapter 1, Managing Devices in Oracle Solaris.

Note -  Oracle cannot guarantee that its Format utility will work properly with all third-party disk drivers. If the disk driver is not compatible with the Format utility, the disk drive vendor should supply you with a custom disk formatting program.

Typically, you discover that software support is missing when you invoke the Format utility and find that the disk type is not recognized.

Refer to the appropriate configuration procedure for adding system disks or secondary disks in Chapter 7, Setting Up ZFS on Disks.