Managing ZFS File Systems in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: December 2014

ZFS Sharing Migration/Transition Issues

Review the following transition issues:

  • Importing file systems with older sharing properties - When importing a pool or receiving a file system stream that was created before Oracle Solaris 11, the sharenfs and sharesmb properties include all the share properties directly in the property value. In most cases, these legacy share properties are converted to an equivalent set of named shares as soon as each file system is shared. Since import operations trigger mounting and sharing in most cases, the conversion to named shares happens directly during the import process.

  • Upgrading from Oracle Solaris 11 - The first file system sharing after a pool upgrade to version 34 can take a long time because the named shares are converted to the new format. The named shares created by the upgrade process are correct but cannot take advantage of share property inheritance.

    • Display share property values:

      # zfs get share.nfs filesystem
      # zfs get share.smb filesystem
    • If you boot back to an older BE, reset the sharenfs and sharesmb properties to their original values.

  • Upgrading from Oracle Solaris 11 - In Oracle Solaris 11 and 11.1, the sharenfs and sharesmb properties can have only off and on values. These properties are no longer used to define share characteristics.

    The /etc/dfs/dfstab file is no longer used to share file systems at boot time. At boot time, all mounted ZFS file systems that include enabled file system shares are automatically shared. A share is enabled when it sharenfs or sharesmb is set to on.

    The sharemgr interface is no longer available. The legacy share command is still available to create a legacy share. The share –a command is like the previous share –ap command so that sharing a file system is persistent. The share –p option is no longer available.

  • Upgrading your system – ZFS shares are incorrect if you boot back to an Oracle Solaris 11 BE due to property changes in this release. Non-ZFS shares are unaffected. If you plan to boot back to an older BE, first save a copy of the existing share configuration prior to the pkg update operation to be able to restore the ZFS share configuration.

    In the older BE, use the sharemgr show –vp command to list all shares and their configuration.

    Use the following commands to display share property values:

    # zfs get sharenfs filesystem
    # zfs get sharesmb filesystem

    If you back to an older BE, reset the sharenfs and sharesmb properties and any shares defined with sharemgr to their original values.

  • Legacy unsharing behavior – Using the unshare –a command or unshareall command unshares a file system, but does not update the SMF shares repository. If you try to re-share the existing share, the shares repository is checked for conflicts, and an error is displayed.