Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Desktop User's Guide

Exit Print View

Updated: July 2014

Opening a Location

You can type a full or relative path to the file you want to open. Press Ctrl+L or click the button at the top left of the window to show (or hide) the Location field. Alternatively, begin typing a full path starting with / to show the Location field.

Type a path from the current location, or an absolute path beginning with / or ~/. The Location field has the following features to simplify the typing of a full filename:

  • A drop-down list of possible file and folder names is displayed once you begin typing. Use the down arrow or the up arrow and Return to choose from the list.

  • If part of the name typed identifies a file or folder, the name is auto-completed. Press Tab to accept the suggested text. For example, if you type Do and the only object in the folder beginning with “Do is “Documents, then the entire name appears in the field.