Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Programming Interfaces Guide

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Updated: July 2014

Using Symbol Versioning to Label the Oracle Solaris ABI

Since all visible symbols in a library belong to a named version, the naming scheme can be used to label the symbols' ABI status. This labeling is done by associating all private interfaces with a version name beginning with SUNWprivate. Public interfaces begin with other names, specifically:

  • SYSVABI, for interfaces defined by the System V ABI definition

  • SISCD, for interfaces defined by the SPARC International SPARC Compliance Definition

  • SUNW public, for interfaces defined by Oracle Corporation

  • SUNW_x[.y], for numbered public interfaces defined by Oracle in the older versions of the operating system.

The definition of the Oracle Solaris library ABI is therefore contained in the libraries, and consists of the set of symbols that are associated with symbol version names that do not begin with SUNWprivate. The pvs command lists the symbols in a library.