Managing Kerberos and Other Authentication Services in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: August 2014

How to Restore a Backup of the Kerberos Database

Before You Begin

On the KDC master, you must assume the root role. For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

  1. On the master, stop the KDC daemons.
    kdc1 # svcadm disable network/security/krb5kdc
    kdc1 # svcadm disable network/security/kadmin
  2. Restore the Kerberos database by using the load command of the kdb_util command.

    For example, load the dumpfile backup from Example 4–13.

    # /usr/sbin/kdb5_util load /var/user/kadmin/dumpfile
  3. Start the KDC daemons.
    kdc1 # svcadm enable -r network/security/krb5kdc
    kdc1 # svcadm enable -r network/security/kadmin
Example 4-14  Restoring the Kerberos Database

In the following example, the database called database1 is restored into the current directory from the dumpfile file. Because the –update option is not specified, a new database is created.

# kdb5_util load -d database1 dumpfile