Managing Kerberos and Other Authentication Services in Oracle® Solaris 11.2

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Updated: August 2014

How to Automatically Configure a Kerberos Client

Before You Begin

You must assume the root role. For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.2 .

  1. Create a kclient profile.

    Use the installation profile from How to Create a Kerberos Client Installation Profile.

  2. Run the kclient command with a profile argument.

    You must provide the password for the clntconfig principal to complete the process. You created this password when you configured the master KDC in Configuring KDC Servers. For more information, see the kclient(1M) man page.

    client# /usr/sbin/kclient -p /net/
    Starting client setup
    Setting up /etc/krb5/krb5.conf.
    Obtaining TGT for clntconfig/admin ...
    Password for clntconfig/admin@EXAMPLE.COM: xxxxxxxx
    nfs/ entry ADDED to KDC database.
    nfs/ entry ADDED to keytab.
    host/ entry ADDED to KDC database.
    host/ entry ADDED to keytab.
    Copied /net/
    Setup COMPLETE.
Example 4-2  Using an Installation Profile to Configure a Kerberos Client

The following example uses the kcprofile client profile and two command-line overrides to configure the client.

# /usr/sbin/kclient -p /net/ \
-d dns_fallback -k

Starting client setup

Setting up /etc/krb5/krb5.conf.

Obtaining TGT for clntconfig/admin ...
Password for clntconfig/admin@EXAMPLE.COM:  xxxxxxxx

nfs/ entry ADDED to KDC database.
nfs/ entry ADDED to keytab.

host/ entry ADDED to KDC database.
host/ entry ADDED to keytab.

Copied /net/

