Creating and Using Oracle® Solaris Zones

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Updated: May 2015

How to List a Non-Global Zone's Privilege Set With Verbose Output

Use the ppriv utility with the –l option, the expression zone, and the –v option to list the zone's privileges.

  1. Log into the non-global zone. This example uses a zone named my-zone.
  2. At the prompt, type ppriv –l –v zone to report the set of privileges available in the zone, with a description of each privilege.
    my-zone# ppriv -lv zone

    You will see a display similar to this:

            Allows a process to request critical events without limitation.
            Allows a process to request reliable delivery of all events on
            any event queue.
            Allows a process to set the service FMRI value of a process
            contract template.
            Allows a process to observe contract events generated by
            contracts created and owned by users other than the process's
            effective user ID.
            Allows a process to open contract event endpoints belonging to
            contracts created and owned by users other than the process's
            effective user ID.
            Allows a process to change a file's owner user ID.
            Allows a process to change a file's group ID to one other than
            the process' effective group ID or one of the process'
            supplemental group IDs.