Internationalizing and Localizing Applications in Oracle Solaris

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Updated: July 2014

Locale Categories

The types of locale categories are as follows:


Character classification and case conversion.


Specifies date and time formats, including month names, days of the week, and common full and abbreviated representations.


Specifies monetary formats, including the currency symbol for the locale, thousands separator, sign position, the number of fractional digits, and so forth.


Specifies the decimal delimiter (or radix character), the thousands separator, and the grouping.


Specifies a collation order and regular expression definition for the locale.


Specifies the language in which the localized messages are written, and affirmative and negative responses of the locale (yes and no strings and expressions).


Specifies the layout engine that provides information about language rendering. Language rendering (or text rendering) depends on the shape and direction attributes of a script.