Deploying JavaFX Applications


4 Application Startup

This chanpter provides information about application startup process, user experience, and customization.

The user experience (UE) is an extremely important factor for success of the application. The way the application is deployed creates a first impression on the user and has a crucial impact on user satisfaction, even before the application itself is ready.

Users are easily annoyed if they fail to launch the application, if they do not understand what the next steps are, if they perceive the application to be slow or it hangs, or for other reasons.

A properly packaged and deployed JavaFX application includes tweaks for many typical user experience problems, and with JavaFX, developers have a wide range of options to customize the user experience for their application and its audience.

In this section, the default experience for users of JavaFX applications is explained, and the options the developer has to customize the user experience are presented. This page contains the following sections:

4.1 Application Startup Process, Experience, and Customization

Out of the box, JavaFX application startup was designed for a good user experience. The following sections describe the transition phases of application startup, how users experience those phases, and how the default visual feedback to the user can be customized.

4.1.1 Startup Process

Between the time an application is started and the time the user sees the main application, a sequence of events occurs on screen while operations are carried out in the background, as shown in Figure 4-1 and described in the following paragraphs. This startup sequence partially depends on the execution mode and on the speed with which the background operations complete. Figure 4-1 shows a series of boxes that depict the background operations over time, along with screenshots of what the user sees while these operations occur.

Figure 4-1 Background Operations and Screen Events During Application Startup

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of "Figure 4-1 Background Operations and Screen Events During Application Startup"

There are four phases in the application startup process:

  • Phase 1: Initialization

    Initialization of Java Runtime and an initial examination identifies components that must be loaded and executed before starting the application. The initialization phase is depicted in the first two boxes in the upper row in Figure 4-1.

  • Phase 2: Loading and preparation

    The required resources are loaded from either the network or a disk cache, and validation procedures occur. All execution modes see the default or a custom preloader. This phase is depicted in the third box in the upper row in Figure 4-1.

  • Phase 3: Application-specific initialization

    The application is started, but it may need to load additional resources or perform other lengthy preparations before it becomes fully functional. An example of this is checking whether elevated permissions are needed and displaying the appropriate request for permission to the user.

  • Phase 4: Application execution

    The application is displayed and is ready to use. This occurs after the background operations shown in Figure 4-1 are finished. Visual Feedback During Phase One Initialization

Options to provide visual feedback during the first phase of initialization are limited. At that moment, it is not yet known what must be done to launch the application, and the Java platform has not initialized yet. Visual feedback must be provided using external means, for example using JavaScript or HTML if the application is embedded into the web page. By default, a splash screen is displayed during this phase, as described in Section 4.1.2, "Default User Experience." Visual Feedback After Initialization

To provide visual feedback after the initialization phase, JavaFX provides a preloader, which gets notifications about the loading progress and can also get application-specific notifications. By default, a default preloader with a progress bar is displayed during this phase, as described in Section 4.1.2, "Default User Experience." You can customize the default preloader (see Section 4.1.3, "Customization Options"), or you can create your own preloaders to customize the display and messaging (see Chapter 9, "Preloaders").

4.1.2 Default User Experience

A properly packaged JavaFX application provides default visual feedback to the user for the first two phases for all execution modes. The actual behavior depends on the execution mode.

When launched in standalone mode most applications start quickly, and no visual feedback is required.

Table 4-1 summarizes the default behavior according to execution mode when the application is launched for the first time (in other words, is loaded from the network).

Table 4-1 Default Behavior During First-Time Launch

Startup Phase Web Start Launch Embedded into Web Page

Phase 1

Splash screen:

Description of java7_splash.gif follows
Description of the illustration java7_splash.gif

Splash screen:

Description of html_splash_75.gif follows
Description of the illustration html_splash_75.gif

Phase 2
Loading Code

Progress window:

Description of ws_load.png follows
Description of the illustration ws_load.png

Progress window:

Description of progress_dialog2_40.gif follows
Description of the illustration progress_dialog2_40.gif

Phase 3
Transition to Application

Hide progress window

Fade-out progress window

Table 4-2 summarizes the default behavior for subsequent launches, in which the JAR files are loaded from the cache. In this case, the process has fewer visual transitions because nothing needs to be loaded from the network during the Loading Code phase, so launch time is substantially shorter.

Table 4-2 Default Startup Behavior During Subsequent Launches

Web Start Launch or Launch from Shortcut Embedded into Web Page

Phase 1

Splash screen:

Description of java7_splash.gif follows
Description of the illustration java7_splash.gif

Splash screen:

Description of html_splash_75.gif follows
Description of the illustration html_splash_75.gif

Phase 2
Loading Code

Description of java7_splash.gif follows
Description of the illustration java7_splash.gif
Screenshot of splash screen for applications in the browser
Description of the illustration html_splash_75.gif

Phase 3
Transition to Application

Hide splash screen

Hide splash screen

4.1.3 Customization Options

The splash screen for embedded applications is displayed in the web page and can be easily customized by using an onGetSplash callback, as shown in Section 7.2.3, "onGetSplash."

The default preloader can be customized by using a CSS stylesheet, similar to other JavaFX components. Pass the customized style data using the javafx.default.preloader.stylesheet parameter for your application. The value of the parameter can be any of following:

  • Absolute or relative URI of the CSS stylesheet, either as a text file with a .css extension or in binary form with a .bss extension. For more information about binary conversion, see Section 5.4, "Stylesheet Conversion."

  • Actual CSS code.

To customize the preloader, use the .default-preloader class. In addition to standard CSS keys, the preloader has two special keys:

  • -fx-preloader-status-text

    Status text to be shown in the preloader

  • -fx-preloader-graphic

    Absolute or relative URI of the image to be used by the preloader

Example 4-1 shows an example of CSS file my.css:

Example 4-1 Example CSS Class to Customize the Preloader

.default-preloader { 
    -fx-background-color: yellow; 
    -fx-text-fill: red; 
    -fx-preloader-graphic: url("http://host.domain/duke.gif"); 
    -fx-preloader-text: "Loading, loading, LOADING!"; 

Add the stylesheet to the <fx:deploy> Ant task as shown in Example 4-2:

Example 4-2 Adding a Preloader Stylesheet to the <fx:deploy> Ant Task

<fx:deploy ...>
    <fx:application ...>
        <fx:htmlParam  name="javafx.default.preloader.stylesheet" 

If your customizations are small, then it is more efficient to pass CSS code instead of a file name, because there is no need to download the file. Example 4-3 shows to change the background color to yellow.

Example 4-3 Changing the Default Preloader Background Color

<fx:deploy ...>
    <fx:application ...>
    <!-- Using fx:param here, so it will be applicable to all web
            execution environemnts -->
        <fx:param  name="javafx.default.preloader.stylesheet"
                value=".default-preloader { -fx-background-color: yellow; }"/>

If customizing the default preloader is not enough and you need a different visualization or behavior, see Chapter 9, "Preloaders" for information about how to implement your own preloader and see Chapter 5, "Packaging Basics" for information about how to add it to your package.

4.2 Helping Users Start the Application

There are various reasons why a particular user might have difficulty getting your application to run, such as the following:

  • The user has an unsupported platform.

  • The user's system does not have JavaFX Runtime or Java Runtime installed.

  • Java is not configured correctly, for example the proxy information is not set.

  • The user declined to grant permissions to a signed application.

Because most users never experience any of these problems, it is important to plan for users who experience problems, either providing guidance to resolve the issue or having the application fail gracefully and explaining to the user why it cannot be resolved.

The following sections describe approaches to some common issues.

4.2.1 No JavaFX Runtime

If the user does not have JavaFX Runtime installed, then the application cannot start. The JavaFX application package includes several hooks to improve user experience if this is the case.

You can customize the default behavior described in the following sections. See Chapter 5, "Packaging Basics" for information about how to embed various fallback applications into the application package. See Chapter 7, "Deployment in the Browser" for information about how to customize prompts to install JavaFX Runtime and error handling for web applications. Standalone Launch

The main application JAR file includes a launcher program, which is used to detect JavaFX runtime. If JavaFX Runtime or Java Runtime is not found, then a dialog box displays that explains where to get JavaFX Runtime and Java Runtime. Launch with the Deployment Toolkit

If the JavaFX application is embedded into a web page or launched from a web page using the Deployment Toolkit (see Chapter 7, "Deployment in the Browser"), then the Deployment Toolkit takes care of JavaFX Runtime and Java Runtime detection before trying to launch the application. If JavaFX Runtime or Java Runtime is missing, the Deployment Toolkit initiates installation of JavaFX Runtime, either by offering the user a link to the installer, or by triggering download and installation automatically. By default, automatic download only occurs when the user launches an application using Web Start and has a recent version of the Java Runtime. Launch a Remote Application without the Deployment Toolkit

The application package includes a fallback Swing application, which is used if an attempt to launch the application is made but the JavaFX Runtime cannot be found.

4.2.2 Runtime Errors

An application can fail to launch due to various runtime errors or user mistakes, such as the absence of a network connection needed to load some of application JAR files.

One of the most common errors is when the user does not grant permissions to the application. In that case, the application fails, and the user has to restart the application and then grant permissions to get it to run. In a case like this, it is helpful to explain to the user why the application failed and what the user must do to restart it successfully. By default, an error message will display, either in a dialog box or inside the web page in the location where the application is embedded. In either case, the messaging can be customized.

If the Deployment Toolkit is used, then the onDeployError handler can be used to display an error message in the application area in the web page. You can also consider including some instructions to the splash screen to alert users about granting permissions. For more information, see Chapter 7, "Deployment in the Browser".

You can also include a custom preloader in your application to get notifications about errors, unless the error occurs while launching the preloader. For more information about preloaders and code examples, see Chapter 9, "Preloaders."
