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Return Material Authorizations (RMAs)

Return Material Authorization (RMA)

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping lets you accept returns for credit, repair, or replacement for whatever reason you authorize. Order processing controls allow you to establish the appropriate activity for your different returned goods channels.

RMA Cycle

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping provides the flexibility of an order cycle for RMAs. You define the activity an RMA follows from initial entry through receiving and the issuing of a credit memo. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping allows you to define as many different RMA order cycles as your business requires.

Approvals and Holds

You can implement business practices affecting all RMAs in an order cycle, such as Management Reviews, by including approvals in RMA order cycles. Manage exceptions to RMA processing at any point in an order cycle with holds.

Return Policies

You control on an item-by-item basis which items are returnable and which items require inspection before being received into inventory.

Copy Orders

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping provides a convenient copy feature to save you time with data entry. Using the Copy Orders window, you can enter RMAs from information already entered on the original order or from other RMAs. Additionally, you can create replacement sales orders from your RMAs.

Return for Credit

Accept returns for credit by applying credits to original invoices or creating on account credits. Through Oracle Order Entry/Shipping's integration with Oracle Receivables, application of your revenue rules and credit methods determines when the credit is recognized and issued. Control the currency of a credit by specifying a currency on the RMA. Reflect restocking charges or return fees by creating price adjustments. Returns for credit also adjust sales credits.

Return for Replacement

Damaged deliveries or defective items upset your customer, sales organization, and materials management. Your returns for replacement are processed as you issue an RMA for the original order and process a fresh order for the replacement item.

Non-Invoiced Return

You can receive returned items from consignment without any accounts receivable activity, as with returned demo or sample items. You return these items to inventory without crediting the customer account or shipping a replacement item.

Reference Sources

Reference original documents while entering an RMA to speed data entry and ensure accuracy. On any RMA line you can reference the original sales order number, any purchase order number entered on a sales order, or an invoice number. Using a reference source provides default information from the sales order or invoice for the item, quantity, unit, credit price, and sales credits as you enter an RMA line.

RMA Tracking

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping captures the reason for returns for subsequent reporting and analysis. All original information tied to the item and the customer, such as original price and quantity, are also tracked. Upon receipt of returning items, specify lot and serial number information in compliance with inventory requirements.

Cause Analysis

You can use standard reports to generate a return cause analysis, and direct removal of error efforts for improved quality control. You control the options for detail or summary information, the sort sequence, and the selection of data you want to see on the report.

RMA Business Flows

Overview of Returns

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping supports a variety of methods for returning products so your return polices can respond to the changing needs of your marketplace. For example, a shipment is damaged in transit and your customer calls to return the item. The type of product, your customer's needs, and your company's polices can all affect the way you process this request for return. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping lets you decide at the time you authorize the return how to process the request. You can accept the return and process a credit for the customer, updating all sales activity and credit balances. Or you can accept the return for replacement, and enter a replacement order instead of issuing a credit. To see other return options, look at the following table and figures. The table describes different RMA business flows, and the figures compare the steps required to process each business flow (optional steps are shown in dashed boxes). The Option column in the table corresponds to the Options columns in the figures.

Return Material Authorization Types
Type of RMA Option Description
RMA with Credit Only A Your company issues a credit without the customer returning the product.
RMA with Repair B Your customer returns a damaged product. Your company repairs and returns the product to the customer.
RMA with Replacement C Your customer returns a product and your company sends a replacement product rather than issuing a credit.
RMA with Receipt and No Credit D Your customer returns a product you sent to them on a trial basis or at no charge, therefore they receive no credit.
With Receipt and Credit E Customer returns a product and receives credit.
Returned Item Fails Inspection (Exception case) B, C, D, E Customer returns product, Company inspects product and rejects it. Company scraps product or sends product back to Customer

RMA Setup

Below are setup features that have a significant impact on RMA processing.

Return Order Cycles

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping provides diversity in RMA processing through order cycles. Order cycles control some of the steps required to process your returns from entry to completion. All RMA order cycles begin with booking and end with closing, which is similar to the order cycles for sales orders. Optionally, RMA order cycles can contain approval steps just like sales order cycles.

RMA Interface

If you want to inspect and/or receive returns in Oracle Inventory, your order cycle must include the RMA Interface. This program provides two way communication between Oracle Inventory and Oracle Order Entry/Shipping. This interface allows Oracle Order Entry/Shipping to communicate expected return items and their quantities to Oracle Inventory. It allows Oracle Inventory to communicate to Oracle Order Entry/Shipping when those items are accepted into a subinventory. The steps you take in Oracle Inventory to inspect the item or receive it in a subinventory are not controlled by the order cycle. Actions in Oracle Inventory are conditionally controlled by the item attribute RMA Inspection Status.

The RMA Interface has a result of Interfaced once a return line has been interfaced to Oracle Inventory and is available for inspection and/or receipt. The RMA Interface has a result of Partially Accepted if a portion of the returning quantity is received into a subinventory. The RMA Interface has a result of Completely Accepted if all of the returning quantity is received into a subinventory or if more than the returning quantity is received into a subinventory. See: RMA Interface.

Receivables Interface

If you want to generate credits for returns in Oracle Receivables, your order cycle must include the Receivables Interface. This program provides communication from Oracle Order Entry/Shipping to Oracle Receivables regarding returned items, quantities, sales credits, types of credits, and so on. If the RMA Interface results Partially Accepted or Completely Accepted are prerequisites to the Receivables Interface in the order cycle, only quantities of the item that have been received in a subinventory are credited. Items which are received for purposes of inspection are not eligible to be credited unless they pass inspection and are received into a subinventory. Thus, if the prerequisite for the Receivables Interface includes RMA Interface - Partially Accepted, then the Receivables Interface creates partial credits corresponding to the accepted quantity that has not already been credited. If the prerequisite for the Receivables Interface is only RMA Interface - Completely Accepted, the Receivables Interface waits until the full quantity is accepted and then creates a full credit. If the RMA Interface is not a prerequisite to the Receivables Interface in the order cycle, the full return quantity entered on the RMA line is eligible to be credited. See: Receivables Interface and Order Cycles.

Item Attributes

Item attributes control properties of an item on a return and in Oracle Inventory. Enable items to appear on RMAs by setting the item attribute Returnable to Yes. This allows you to control which items you accept for return.

Physical items you expect to receive in Oracle Inventory must have the following item attributes: Returnable: Yes, Shippable Item: Yes, Transactable: Yes, and Stockable: Yes. Note that Transactable is under the Inventory attribute group and is different from OE Transactable, which is under the Order Entry attribute group. To set the Transactable attribute to Yes, the Inventory Item attribute must also be Yes. Stockable is also under the Inventory attribute group.

To create credits for return items in Oracle Receivables, the item must have the item attributes Returnable: Yes and Invoice Enabled: Yes.

Intangible items, such as warranties or education services, should have the following item attributes: Returnable: Yes, Shippable Item: No, and Invoice Enabled: Yes. With these attributes, items do not interface to Oracle Inventory but can interface to Oracle Receivables to generate credits. By assigning items different attributes, you can mix shippable and intangible items on the same return using the same order cycle without having to process intangible items in inventory.

You can require items to go through inspection before being received in a subinventory by setting the item attribute RMA Inspection Status to Inspection required. If RMA Inspection Status is set to Inspection not required, the item may still go through inspection before being received into a subinventory, but it is not required.

When returning an item, the current item attributes for that item are in effect, not the item attributes that were in effect when the item was originally ordered. Therefore, if you want to prevent an obsolete item from being ordered but still want to accept returns for it, set the item attributes Customer Orderable: No and Returnable: Yes. If you generate credits from returns, it is not advisable to modify an item's Invoice Enabled item attribute, as you may generate an invoice for the original order and later be unable to create a credit for the return because you modified the Invoice Enabled item attribute. See: Defining Items.

Order Number Sources

Automatically number your RMAs by using order number sources. An order number source is required. You can create as many separate number sources as desired. Order types can have a unique order number source or can share sources. Consequently, you can have individual sources for each RMA order type, one source for all your RMAs, or a shared number source between RMAs and sales orders. See: Defining Order Number Sources.

Order Types

Define order types to control RMA processing and RMA entry defaults. You assign a number of properties to an order type such as an order cycle and order number source. During RMA entry you assign an order type to the RMA so it inherits the properties of the order type.

If you create credits from your RMAs, the order type also determines credit methods for credit memos applied to invoices with split terms or multi-period accounting rules See: Defining Order Type.

Default Sources

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping provides a default hierarchy for RMAs. You can default information from a variety of sources. These sources and their prioritization are controlled by Oracle Order Entry/Shipping.

Security Rules

Security rules allow you to specify the steps in the return process where you no longer allow users to modify return information or to add, delete, or cancel return lines. You can use the default rules provided, which supply the minimum limits to maintain data integrity, or define your own stricter rules to reflect your return maintenance policies. There is one set of security rules for all RMAs. See: Security Rules and Defining Security Rules.

Return Reasons

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping enables you to identify and track reasons for product returns by requiring a return reason on each return line. If you generate credits from your RMAs, the return reason is carried through to the credit memo as the reason for the credit. To enable this audit trail, Oracle Order Entry/Shipping and Oracle Receivables share the Credit Memo Reason QuickCode, which provides values for the return reason. Since Credit Memos and Returns share reasons codes, departments controlling these documents should agree upon valid codes. See: Defining Receivables QuickCodes.

RMA Processing

This section describes in greater detail the steps for processing RMAs.

Authorize a Return

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping offers several options for authorizing returns. The Returns window allows you to authorize a new return.

Reference Source

In the Returns window, you can enter all the data for a return line or you can use reference sources to speed data entry. A reference source is a document currently existing in Oracle Order Entry/Shipping which supplies default information to the return line. A reference source can be a sales order line or invoice line. You reference a sales order either by the sales order number or a purchase order number you entered on the sales order. You reference an invoice by the invoice number. Invoice numbers are an option only when Oracle Receivables is fully installed. Once you specify a reference document, you must specify which line on the document the customer is returning. Then Oracle Order Entry/Shipping takes the item, quantity, unit, credit (selling) price, original price adjustments, and original sales credits information from the reference line and defaults it on the return line. The selling price defaults as the credit price on the return. You can modify this amount through price adjustments.

Credit Memos

If the return order cycle includes the Receivables Interface, you can create applied credit memos or on account credits from your returns. In this case, if you use a reference source, you can populate the Credit To Invoice field on the return line, and the return creates an applied credit memo. If you use an invoice as a reference source, it defaults as the Credit To Invoice. If you leave the field blank, the return creates an on account credit. If you do not use a reference source, you cannot specify a Credit To Invoice.

When you enter a Credit To Invoice, the return quantity defaults to the quantity on the invoice line, superseding the quantity defaulting from the reference source. Regardless of the default source, you can decrease the quantity if your customer is returning less than the original amount. You cannot, however, increase the quantity above the original amount on the Credit To Invoice line or reference source line if there is no Credit To Invoice. This has significance if you create multiple invoices for one order line. For example, you have an order for quantity 10; your first invoice was for a quantity of 3 and your second invoice was for a quantity of 7. If your customer wants to return the full quantity and receive an on account credit, referencing the sales order line would allow you to return the full quantity of 10 on one return line. Referencing invoice numbers would require entering 2 return lines, one for a quantity of 3 and another for a quantity of 7. You also have the option of not using any reference source and entering all the information without defaults. This would result in one return line and an on-account credit. If your customer wants to return the full quantity and receive an applied credit memo, you would enter 2 return lines regardless of the reference document, as you must specify each invoice as a Credit To Invoice. You would not have the option of entering the line without a reference source because a reference source is necessary to create the applied credit memo.

Sales Credits

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping automatically manages your sales credits when interfacing a credit memo to Oracle Receivables. If you create an applied credit memo, the sales credits from the original invoice are reduced accordingly, regardless of the sales credits entered on the return. If you create an on account credit from a return, sales credits are reduced according to the sales credit information you enter on the return.

Copy Orders

Another method of speeding data entry is to copy existing orders or returns using the Copy Orders window. This window offers the option of copying either a complete order or return, or portions of an order or return. If you are copying information from a sales order, you also have the option of entering return information not found on a sales order, such as return reason and inspection instructions. If any lines on the order have been invoiced, the invoice is automatically specified as the Credit To Invoice on the return line. If you are copying from another RMA, the Credit To Invoice field is left blank. If you copy a complete document, you can modify the resulting RMA using the Returns window. If you copy portions of a document, you can complete the resulting RMA using the Returns window.


Configurations are a special class of returning items. Configurations are unique to a sales order because customers may choose different options on each order line and the underlying bill of material may change between orders. Consequently, when returning a configuration, it is useful to copy the original sales order or have a reference source to tie the return to the sales order or invoice.

If a configuration exists on a sales order, copying the sales order to the return using the Copy Orders window copies the entire configuration: model, options, and classes. You can then add, delete, or modify configuration information using the Returns window.

If you decide not to copy the original sales order, you can enter the configuration directly in the Returns window using a reference source. A sales order or purchase order reference source always allows you to reference the entire configuration on a return. However, if you use an invoice as a reference source, you cannot be sure it references the entire configuration. When a model is not a Ship Together model, options can interface to Receivables at different times and appear on different invoices. Using an invoice reference source only references the options appearing on that particular invoice.

PTO Configurations

When returning PTO configurations with a reference source, you can see the original options using the Reference Line field list of values. If you reference an invoice number, only those options invoiced on that invoice are shown. Other reference sources display all the options in the configuration. If you use any reference source and return a model, class, or option, any associated returnable included items are automatically interfaced to Oracle Inventory for receipt when the RMA order cycle contains the RMA Interface. Options, classes, and models can interface to Oracle Receivables for crediting if appropriate for their item attributes and the RMA order cycle.

When returning PTO configurations without a reference source, enter the returning items as individual lines. The RMA Interface does not automatically interface included items to Oracle Inventory when returning the model, options, or classes without a reference source, so you need to enter included items as line items on the RMA. Options, classes, and models can interface to Oracle Receivables for crediting depending upon their item attributes and the RMA order cycle.

ATO Configurations

You must use a reference source when returning ATO configurations. Use the Reference Line field QuickPick to see the original options. Entry of the ATO model item causes the RMA Interface automatically to interface the ATO configured item to Oracle Inventory for receipt. The ATO configured item relating to that specific shipment displays in Oracle Inventory when receiving or inspecting the RMA. To generate credits for classes or options in the ATO configuration, enter a return line for each class or option using a reference source. Standard components are considered an integral part of their associated models, classes, or options and therefore are not separately exploded for receipt in Inventory or credit in Receivables.

When returning ATO configurations without a reference source, enter the model, classes, and options as individual lines. Depending upon their item attributes and the RMA order cycle, the models, classes, and options interface to Oracle Inventory and Oracle Receivables. Entry of the ATO model item does not cause the RMA Interface to automatically interface the ATO configured item to Oracle Inventory for receipt. To receive the ATO configured item in Oracle Inventory, enter the ATO configured item that was shipped to the customer on a price list and then on the RMA line. Table 1 - 20 summarizes return options for configurations.

Additional Information: For purposes of entering return lines, ATO items function like standard items and PTO kits function like models or classes with included items.

See: Overview of Returns and Copying Orders.

Configuration Entry Using Reference Sources
  Reference Source No Reference Source
PTO and ATO Option Selection Method List of values in Reference Line field for individual RMA lines. Enter individual RMA lines.
Automatically Return PTO Included Items? Yes, the RMA Interface automatically interfaces the included items to Oracle Inventory for receipt. No, enter included items as individual RMA lines.
Automatically Return ATO Configured Item? Yes, return the ATO model and the RMA Interface automatically interfaces the ATO configured item to Oracle Inventory for receipt. No, enter the ATO configured item on an RMA line to receive the item in Oracle Inventory.

Approve an RMA

You can institute business reviews of returns through approvals, such as legal or management reviews. If your return order cycle has order level or line level approvals, use the Find Order and Line Approvals window to approve the return. View approval history using the Order Approval History window. See: Entering Order Approvals.

Create a Replacement Order

Create replacement orders for items your customer is returning using the Copy Orders window. You can copy the entire RMA, or just the lines, directly to a sales order. Once you copy an RMA or the RMA lines to a sales order, you can use the Sales Orders window to modify the new sales order. You can also directly enter the replacement order in the Sales Orders window.

You can create a replacement order for any RMA regardless of the return order cycle. Note, however, if your RMA generated a credit to the customer, then you probably want the replacement order to use an order cycle that includes the Receivables Interface so that your customer receives an invoice for the replacement order. If your RMA did not generate a credit to the customer, then you probably want the replacement order to use an order cycle that does not include the Receivables Interface to avoid double-billing your customer. See: Overview of Sales Orders and Copying Orders.

Interface Returning Items to Inventory

Indicate items you expect to receive in inventory by running the RMA Interface. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping interfaces to Oracle Inventory any returns that include the RMA Interface in their return order cycle and are eligible. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping can resubmit your request at a time or time interval you specify at submission time so that eligible return lines are automatically processed without any further involvement on your part. See: RMA Interface.

Inspect Customer Returns

Return items requiring inspection before you receive them into a subinventory. See: Inspecting Customer Returns.

Receive Customer Returns

Receive returning items into a subinventory using the Receive Customer Returns window. See: Receiving Customer Returns.

Oracle Inventory communicates quantities received in this window to Oracle Order Entry/Shipping via the RMA Interface. Entries in this window affect cycle statuses in Oracle Order Entry/Shipping. If any partial amount of the returning quantity is accepted, the cycle status for the RMA Interface becomes Partially Accepted. When the full returning quantity is accepted, the cycle status for the RMA Interface becomes Completely Accepted.

Attention: It is not advisable to accept items requiring inspection directly into a subinventory and then process those items through inspection. When an item is accepted into a subinventory in the Receive Customer Returns window, it may become eligible for the next action in its order cycle depending on the prerequisite, and the next cycle action would be performed whether the item passed or failed inspection. If the next cycle action is Receivables Interface, it would result in creating credits for rejected and accepted items.

Return Items to Customer

Use the Return to Customers window in Oracle Inventory to return items to a customer that you earlier received into a subinventory through the Receive Customer Returns window. See: Returning Items to Customers.

Generate Credits from Returns

Indicate RMA lines you want to generate credits for by running the Receivables Interface. Oracle Order Entry/Shipping interfaces to Oracle Receivables any returns that include the Receivables Interface in their return order cycle and are eligible. Upon completion of the Receivables Interface, you submit AutoInvoice from Oracle Receivables to import credit data into Oracle Receivables. See: Receivables Interface.

Close Returns

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping automatically closes returns that have progressed through and successfully completed their order cycles when you submit the Close Orders program. Be sure to include the standard actions of Complete Order Line and Complete Order at the end of all your order cycles to ensure your returns close once all prerequisites have been met. A return line closes when it completes all of the line level actions within the cycle. A return, on the other hand, closes when it completes all of the order level actions within its cycle and all of its lines close. See: Closing Orders.

View Returns

You can see the current status of a return or return lines using the View Orders window. See: Viewing Orders and Returns.

Report on Returns

Oracle Order Entry/Shipping provides reports to assist you in assessing your exposure and determining the reason for your returning items. Review detailed information about a return, including line reference, credit-to invoice, and expected, received, and accepted quantities and dollars in the Open Return Detail Report. Identify returns that have been open beyond a user-specified number of days and that have outstanding receipts beyond a user-specified number of days in the Open Return Summary Report. Perform cause analysis for your returns based on return reasons entered on RMA lines in the Return By Reason Report. See: Open Return Detail Report, Open Return Report, and Returns By Reason Report.

Managing RMA Exceptions

Modify an RMA

Before booking an RMA, you can change return information. Once you book an RMA, security rules control when you can modify return information such as deleting lines or changing quantities. You can partially or completely cancel a return or return line that has not yet been credited or received.

See: Cancelling Orders and Defining Security Rules.

Over-Receive an RMA

Oracle Inventory allows you to over-receive against an RMA. Once you receive an amount against an RMA line, it cannot be transferred to another RMA line. When an item is over-received in Oracle Inventory, the RMA lines cycle status is set to Completely Accepted, which allows Oracle Order Entry/Shipping either to close the RMA line or to generate a credit, depending upon the order cycle. If Oracle Order Entry/Shipping generates a credit, the total credit does not exceed the amount authorized by the RMA line since that is all you have agreed to accept. To authorize additional credit for the return, you can create a credit memo directly in Oracle Receivables.

Under-Receive an RMA

When customers return less than the quantity authorized on the RMA and have no intention of returning the full quantity, you can cancel the remaining amount on the RMA line. The line's cycle status is set to Completely Accepted, which allows Oracle Order Entry/Shipping either to close the RMA line or to generate a credit depending upon the order cycle. If Oracle Order Entry/Shipping generates a credit, the total credit does not exceed the original quantity authorized by the RMA less the cancelled quantity.

See: Overview of Sales Orders, Defining Items, Overview of Returns, and Copying Orders.

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