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Changing Salary Components

Salary changes can be broken down into two or more components, to reflect different reasons for the change. You can approve each component of the proposal separately.

Ten salary components are predefined, as shown in Table 1 - 7. You can create as many additional components as you require. However, only ten components can be displayed in the Salary Management folder. If you want your new components to be displayed in the folder instead of the default components, you must update a view.

This task is for system administrators.

Predefined Salary Component QuickCode
Cost of Living COL
Job Evaluation JOEV
Location Adjustment LOAD
Market Adjustment MKAD
New Hire NEWH
Performance PERF
Periodic Review PERE
Progression PROG
Promotion PROM
Transfer Adjustment TRAD

To create new salary components to display in the folder:

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