Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide
Release 1.0.2 for Sun SPARC Solaris

Part Number A86239-01



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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W 


Apache listener configuration (DAD and schema name) screen, 3-11, 4-12, 5-13
Portal DAD name, 3-11, 4-12, 5-13
Portal schema name, 3-12, 4-13, 5-14
TNS connect string, 3-12, 4-13, 5-14
Apache listener configuration (login server) screen, 3-13, 4-14, 5-15
login server DAD name, 3-13, 4-14, 5-15
login server schema name, 3-13, 4-14, 5-15
TNS connect string, 3-13, 4-14, 5-15
available disk space
component locations screen, 3-9, 4-9, 5-9


Bourne shell
TMP, 2-10
about Oracle Universal Installer, 3-2, 4-2, 5-2
browse, 3-4, 4-4, 4-16, 5-4
cancel, 3-18, 4-21, 5-21, 7-12
change location, 3-9, 4-9, 5-9
close, 7-9
deinstall products, 3-2, 4-2, 5-2, 7-8
destination location, 3-9, 4-9, 5-9
exit, 3-2, 4-2, 5-2
help, 3-2, 4-2, 5-2, 7-9, 7-11
installed products, 3-2, 4-2, 5-2, 7-8
location, 7-9
next, 3-3, 4-3, 5-3
no, 7-11
previous, 3-3, 4-3, 5-3
release information, 3-23, 4-26, 5-27
remove, 7-9
retry, 3-22, 4-25, 5-26
save as, 7-9
stop, 3-22, 4-25, 5-26
yes, 7-11
bypassing Oracle Information Navigator Applet, D-9


C shell
TMP, 2-10
certified software requirements, 1-3
disks, 3-19, 4-22, 5-23
component configuration and startup screen, 5-11
component locations screen, 3-8, 4-8, 5-8
available disk space, 3-9, 4-9, 5-9
required disk space, 3-9, 4-9, 5-9
show available volumes, 3-9, 4-9, 5-9
total required disk space, 3-9, 4-9, 5-9
component port numbers, 3-26, 4-29, 5-31
configuration assistants
Oracle Database, A-35
Oracle Database Cache, A-3
Oracle Internet File System, A-8
Oracle Portal, A-20
configuration tools, A-1
starting Oracle Discoverer 3i Viewer, 5-26
starting Oracle Forms Services, 5-26
starting Oracle HTTP Server, 3-22, 4-25, 5-26
starting Oracle Reports Services, 5-26
configuration tools screen, 3-21, 4-24, 5-25
authentication encryption, 2-20, 2-32
external procedures listener, 2-25
Net8 server for external procedures, 2-15, 2-27
Portal-to-Go parameters, 5-40
sqlnet.ora, 2-26
Web Integration Developer, B-3
Web Integration Server, 5-39
confirmation screen, 7-11
hardware requirements, 1-2
Oracle Portal-to-Go client, 1-4
password file, 2-23
UNIX group name, 2-12


database administrator group
privileged operating system groups screen, 4-11
database file location screen, 4-16
directory of database files, 4-16
database identification screen, 4-15
global database name, 4-15
SID, 4-15
database operator group
privileged operating system groups screen, 4-11
database remote access, 2-23
deinstallation, 7-2
confirmation screen, 7-11
Oracle Database Cache, 7-7
Oracle Discoverer 3i Viewer, 7-3
Oracle9i Application Server, 7-8
file locations screen, D-8
/cdrom, 2-35
cdrom/9i_appserver, 2-35
doc, D-7
/tmp, 2-10
directory of database files
database file location screen, 4-16
disk space
hardware requirements, 1-2
online documentation, 1-5
Oracle Portal-to-Go client, 1-4
changing, 3-19, 4-22, 5-23
documentation library
file copy installation, D-7
Oracle Universal Installer, D-7
installation options, D-7
titles, D-2
Apache JServ, D-6
Database Client Developer's Kit, D-4
Oracle BC4J, D-6
Oracle Database Cache, D-4
Oracle Discoverer 3i Viewer, D-3
Oracle Enterprise Manager Client, D-5
Oracle Forms Services, D-4
Oracle HTTP Server, D-2
Oracle Internet File System, D-2
Oracle LDAP Toolkit, D-6
Oracle Portal, D-3
Oracle Portal-to-Go, D-3
Oracle Reports Services, D-4
Oracle Web Cache, D-3
Oracle XML Developer's Kit, D-6
Oracle8i JMV, D-5
Oracle9i Application Server, D-2
OracleJSP, D-6
viewing, D-8


initSID.ora, 2-23
listener.ora, 2-25
tnsnames.ora, 2-25
end of installation screen, 3-23, 4-26, 5-27
Enterprise Edition
documentation, 5-42
installation, 5-1
post-installation, 5-28
component port numbers, 5-31
component-specific tasks, 5-32
environment variables, 5-29
Oracle Database Cache, 5-32
Oracle Internet File System, 5-32
Oracle Portal-to-Go, 4-30, 5-39
starting and stopping components, 5-30
pre-installation, 2-22
origin database connectivity, 2-33
response file, 6-2
environment variables, 3-25, 4-28, 5-29
EXCLUSIVE parameter
password file, 2-23
external procedures listener
starting, 2-26


file copy installation, D-7
file locations screen, 3-4, 4-4, 5-4
destination, 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, D-8
source, 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, D-8
initSID.ora, 2-22
installation logs, 6-3
listener.ora, 2-16, 2-22, 2-25, 2-28
orapwSID, 2-22
silentInstall.log, 6-3
sqlnet.ora, 2-26
tnsnames.ora, 2-17, 2-22, 2-25, 2-29


global database name
database identification screen, 4-15


hardware requirements
CPU, 1-2
disk space, 1-2
memory, 1-2
Oracle Web Cache
memory, 1-2
Oracle8i JVM database
disk space, 1-2
swap space, 1-2


initSID.ora, 2-22, 2-23
install screen, 3-18, 4-21, 5-21
installActions.log, 6-3
Enterprise Edition, 5-1
non-interactive, 6-1
log files, 6-3
Oracle Database Cache
origin database, C-1
Oracle Discoverer 3i Viewer, 5-22
Oracle HTTP Server Only, 3-1
Oracle Portal-to-Go client, B-1
Standard Edition, 4-1
installation log files, 2-34
installation options
documentation library, D-7
installation types screen, 3-7, 4-7, 5-7
insufficient swap space for install screen, 3-10, 4-10, 5-10
inventory screen, 7-9


Oracle Portal-to-Go client, 1-4


Korn shell
TMP, 2-10


listener.ora, 2-16, 2-22, 2-25, 2-28
login server DAD name, 3-13, 4-14, 5-15
login server schema name, 3-13, 4-14, 5-15


hardware requirements, 1-2
Oracle Portal-to-Go client, 1-4
Oracle Web Cache, 1-2
Oracle Internet Application Server, 1.0.0, 2-13
multi-thread server configuration
CORBA applications, 5-39
Enterprise Java Beans, 5-39
Oracle Servlets Engine for Java, 5-38


Net8 Configuration Assistant, 3-22
installation, 6-1
error handling, 6-3


oinstall group
UNIX group name, 2-11
online documentation
disk space, 1-5
online format, 1-5
HTML, 1-5
PDF, 1-5
requirements, 1-5
operating system
Oracle Portal-to-Go client, 1-4
software requirements, 1-3
oracle account
UNIX account, 2-11
Oracle Advanced Security, 2-3
Oracle BC4J, 2-5
Oracle Database Cache, 2-4
origin database, C-1
port numbers, 5-31
pre-installation, 2-22
database remote access, 2-23
external procedures listener, 2-25
synchronize database with its SID, 2-22
starting, 5-30
stopping, 5-30
Oracle Database Cache Configuration Assistant, 5-26, A-3
password, A-5
user name, A-5
Oracle Database Client Developer's Kit, 2-4
Oracle Database Configuration Assistant, 4-25, A-35
Oracle Discoverer 3i Viewer, 2-4
installation, 5-22
port numbers, 5-31
starting, 5-30
stopping, 5-30
Oracle Enterprise Manager Client, 2-4
Oracle Forms Services, 2-4
port numbers, 5-31
starting, 5-30
stopping, 5-30
Oracle HTTP Server, 2-5
port numbers, 3-26, 4-29, 5-31
starting, 3-25, 4-29, 5-30
stopping, 3-25, 4-29, 5-30
Oracle HTTP Server (SSL)
port numbers, 3-26, 4-29, 5-31
starting, 3-25, 4-29, 5-30
stopping, 3-25, 4-29, 5-30
Oracle HTTP Server Only
documentation, 3-30
documentation, 3-30, 4-33
installation, 3-1
post-installation, 3-24
component port numbers, 3-26, 4-29, 5-31
component-specific tasks, 3-27
environment variables, 3-25, 4-28, 5-29
Oracle Portal-to-Go, 3-27
starting and stopping components, 3-25, 4-29
pre-installation, 2-14
response file, 6-2
Oracle Information Navigator Applet
bypassing, D-9
using, D-9
Oracle Internet File System, 2-5
listener.ora, 2-16, 2-28
tnsnames.ora, 2-17, 2-29
port numbers, 4-29, 5-31
pre-installation, 2-15
configuring authentication encryption, 2-20, 2-32
Net8 server for external procedures, 2-15, 2-27
set database parameters, 2-18, 2-30
starting, 4-29, 5-30
stopping, 4-29, 5-30
Oracle Internet File System Configuration Assistant, A-8
Oracle LDAP Developer's Kit, 2-5
Oracle Management Server, 2-6
starting, 5-30
stopping, 5-30
Oracle Portal, 2-6
port numbers, 3-26, 4-29, 5-31
Oracle Portal Configuration Assistant, 3-22, 4-25, A-20
Oracle Portal-to-Go, 2-6
configuration verification, 5-42
parameters, 5-40
port numbers, 3-26, 4-29, 5-31
Service Designer, B-2
Web Integration Developer, B-2
Web Integration Server, 5-39
Oracle Portal-to-Go client
CPU, 1-4
disk space, 1-4
installation, B-1
jdk, 1-4
memory, 1-4
operating system, 1-4
overview, B-2
requirements, 1-4
Oracle Reports Services, 2-6
port numbers, 5-31
starting, 5-30
stopping, 5-30
Oracle Universal Installer, 2-34, 2-35
mounting CD-ROM, 2-35
mounting manually, 2-35
overview, 2-34
starting, 2-35
UNIX group name, 2-11
Oracle Web Cache, 2-6
port numbers, 5-31
pre-installation, 2-22
starting, 5-30
stopping, 5-30
Oracle Web Cache Configuration Assistant, 5-26
Oracle XML Developer's Kit, 2-7
Bourne shell, 2-9
C shell, 2-9
Korn shell, 2-9
preventing conflicts, 2-9
Oracle8i JVM, 2-3
Oracle8i JVM database
disk space, 1-2
Oracle9i Application Server
components, 2-2
Oracle Advanced Security, 2-3
Oracle BC4J, 2-5
Oracle Database Cache, 2-4
Oracle Database Client Developer's Kit, 2-4
Oracle Discoverer 3i Viewer, 2-4
Oracle Enterprise Manager Client, 2-4
Oracle Forms Services, 2-4
Oracle HTTP Server, 2-5
Oracle Internet File System, 2-5
Oracle LDAP Developer's Kit, 2-5
Oracle Management Server, 2-6
Oracle Portal, 2-6
Oracle Portal-to-Go, 2-6
Oracle Reports Services, 2-6
Oracle Web Cache, 2-6
Oracle XML Developer's Kit, 2-7
Oracle8i JVM, 2-3
deinstallation, 7-1
install options
Enterprise Edition, 2-2
Oracle HTTP Server only, 2-2
Standard Edition, 2-2
overview, 2-2
pre-installation tasks, 2-8
reinstallation, 7-1, 7-13
oraInventory directory, 2-34
location, 2-34
UNIX group name, 2-11
orapwd utility, 2-23
orapwSID, 2-22
origin database, 2-21, 2-33
name, 2-22
Oracle Database Cache, C-1
remote access, 2-23
origin database connection information screen, 5-12
host name, 5-12
port number, 5-12
service name, 5-12
origin database connectivity, 2-21, 2-33
origin database user information screen, 5-19
password, 5-19
user name, 5-19
OSDBA, 2-12
OSOPER, 2-12
Oracle Portal-to-Go client, B-2
Oracle Universal Installer, 2-34
Oracle9i Application Server, 2-2


password file
creating, 2-23
entries, 2-24
EXCLUSIVE parameter, 2-23
file, 2-24
password, 2-24
SHARED parameter, 2-23
port numbers
Oracle Database Cache, 5-31
Oracle Discoverer 3i Viewer, 5-31
Oracle Forms Services, 5-31
Oracle HTTP Server, 3-26, 4-29, 5-31
Oracle HTTP Server (SSL), 3-26, 4-29, 5-31
Oracle Internet File System, 4-29, 5-31
Oracle Portal, 3-26, 4-29, 5-31
Oracle Portal-to-Go, 3-26, 4-29, 5-31
Oracle Reports Services, 5-31
Oracle Web Cache, 5-31
Portal DAD name, 3-11, 4-12, 5-13
Portal schema name, 3-12, 4-13, 5-14
Portal-to-Go repository information screen, 3-14, 4-17, 5-16
host name, 3-14, 4-17
hostname, 5-16
port, 3-14, 4-17, 5-16
SID, 3-14, 4-17, 5-16
Portal-to-Go schema information screen, 3-15, 4-18, 5-17
password, 3-15, 4-18, 5-17
username, 3-15, 4-18, 5-17
UNIX account, 2-11
UNIX group name, 2-11
Enterprise Edition, 2-22
Oracle Database Cache, 2-22
Oracle Web Cache, 2-22
environment variables, 2-8
TMP, 2-10
Oracle HTTP Server Only, 2-14
Standard Edition, 2-15
Oracle Internet File System, 2-15
privileged groups, 2-12
privileged operating system groups screen, 4-11


Oracle9i Application Server, 7-13
remote access
origin database, 2-23
remove progress bar screen, 7-12
required disk space
component locations screen, 3-9, 4-9, 5-9
certified software, 1-3
hardware, 1-2
online documentation, 1-5
Oracle Portal-to-Go client, 1-4
software, 1-3
response file
Enterprise Edition, 6-2
Oracle HTTP Server Only, 6-2
setting, 6-2
specifying, 6-2
Standard Edition, 6-2
validating values, 6-3 script, 3-20, 4-23, 5-24


Apache listener configuration (DAD and schema name), 3-11, 4-12, 5-13
Apache listener configuration (login server), 3-13, 4-14, 5-15
component configuration and startup, 5-11
component locations, 3-8, 4-8, 5-8
configuration tools, 3-21, 4-24, 5-25
confirmation, 7-11
database file location, 4-16
database identification, 4-15
end of installation, 3-23, 4-26, 5-27
end of installation screen, D-8
file locations, 3-4, 4-4, 5-4
file locations screen, D-8
install, 3-18, 4-21, 5-21
insufficient swap space for install, 3-10, 4-10, 5-10
installation types, 3-7, 4-7, 5-7
inventory, 7-9
origin database connection information, 5-12
origin database user information, 5-19
Portal-to-Go repository information, 3-14, 4-17, 5-16
Portal-to-Go schema information, 3-15, 4-18, 5-17
privileged operating system groups, 4-11
remove progress bar, 7-12
summary, 3-17, 4-20, 5-20
summary screen, D-8
system password, 3-16, 4-19, 5-18
UNIX group name, 3-5, 4-5, 5-5
welcome, 3-2, 4-2, 5-2, 7-8
welcome screen, D-7
Service Designer, B-2
database parameters, 2-18, 2-30
response file, 6-2
TMP, 2-10
SHARED parameter
password file, 2-23
show available volumes
component locations screen, 3-9, 4-9, 5-9
SID, 2-22
database identification screen, 4-15
silentInstall.log, 6-3
single machine installation, C-1
software requirements, 1-3
operating system, 1-3
Solaris 2.6, 1-3
Solaris 2.7, 1-3
Solaris 2.6 patches, 1-3
Solaris 2.7 patches, 1-3
file locations screen, D-8
response file, 6-2
sqlnet.ora, 2-26
SSL configuration, 5-37
CORBA applications, 5-38
Enterprise Java Beans, 5-38
Oracle Database Cache, 5-37
Oracle Servlets Engine for Java, 5-37
Standard Edition
documentation, 4-33
installation, 4-1
post-installation, 4-27
component-specific tasks, 4-30
environment variables, 4-28
Oracle Internet File System, 4-30
starting and stopping components, 4-29
pre-installation, 2-15
origin database connectivity, 2-21
response file, 6-2
starting, 2-35
components, 3-25, 5-30
external procedures listener, 2-26
Forms Services, 5-30
Oracle Database Cache, 5-30
Oracle Discoverer 3i Viewer, 5-26, 5-30
Oracle Forms Services, 5-26
Oracle HTTP Server, 3-22, 3-25, 4-25, 4-29, 5-26, 5-30
Oracle HTTP Server (SSL), 3-25, 4-29, 5-30
Oracle Internet File System, 4-29, 5-30
Oracle Management Server, 5-30
Oracle Reports Services, 5-26
Oracle Universal Installer, 2-35
Oracle Web Cache, 5-30
Reports Services, 5-30
starting and stopping components, 3-25, 4-29, 5-30
components, 3-25, 5-30
Forms Services, 5-30
Oracle Database Cache, 5-30
Oracle Discoverer 3i Viewer, 5-30
Oracle HTTP Server, 3-25, 4-29, 5-30
Oracle HTTP Server (SSL), 3-25, 4-29, 5-30
Oracle Internet File System, 4-29, 5-30
Oracle Management Server, 5-30
Oracle Web Cache, 5-30
Reports Services, 5-30
summary screen, 3-17, 4-20, 5-20
swap space
hardware requirements, 1-2
system password screen, 3-16, 4-19, 5-18


TMP, 2-10
TNS connect string, 3-12, 3-13, 4-13, 4-14, 5-14, 5-15
tnsnames.ora, 2-22
editing, 2-25
total required disk space
component locations screen, 3-9, 4-9, 5-9


UNIX account, 2-11
oracle account, 2-11
UNIX group name, 2-11
admintool utility, 2-11
creating, 2-12
groupadd utility, 2-11
oinstall group, 2-11
oraInventory directory, 2-11
privileged groups, 2-12
UNIX group name screen, 3-5, 5-5
Oracle Information Navigator Applet, D-9


validating values
response file, 6-3
documentation library, D-8


Web Integration Developer, B-2
configuration, B-3
welcome screen, 3-2, 4-2, 5-2, 7-8

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