Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide
Release 1.0.2 for Sun SPARC Solaris

Part Number A86239-01




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This chapter guides you through the basic concepts and pre-installation steps for Oracle9i Application Server. These include an overview of Oracle9i Application Server, environment variables settings, configuration options, and starting Oracle Universal Installer.


About Oracle9i Application Server

Oracle9i Application Server is a scalable, secure, middle-tier application server. It enables you to deliver Web content, host Web applications, connect to back-office applications, and access your data on wireless devices. Oracle9i Application Server has three installation options:

Oracle9i Application Server Components

Table 2-1 lists the three installation options of Oracle9i Application Server, and the components that are installed with each option. This is followed by a brief description of each component. For detailed information on each component, refer to the Oracle9i Application Server Overview Guide.

Table 2-1 Oracle9i Application Server Components
Component  Oracle HTTP Server Only  Standard Edition  Enterprise Edition 

Oracle 8i JVM 


Oracle Advanced Security 


Oracle BC4J 

Oracle Database Cache 



Oracle Database Client Developer's Kit 

Oracle Discoverer 3i Viewer 



Oracle Enterprise Manager Client  


Oracle Forms Services 



Oracle HTTP Server powered by Apache 


Oracle Internet File System 


Oracle LDAP Developer's Kit 


Oracle Management Server 



Oracle Portal 

Oracle Portal-to-Go 

Oracle Reports Services 



Oracle Web Cache 



Oracle XML Developer's Kit 

Oracle 8i JVM

Oracle 8i JVM is an enterprise-class 100% Java-compatible server environment that supports Enterprise JavaBeans, CORBA, and database stored procedures. Oracle 8i JVM achieves high scalability through its unique architectural design, which minimizes the burden and complexity of memory management when the number of users increases.

Oracle Advanced Security

Oracle Advanced Security provides a comprehensive suite of security features to protect enterprise networks and securely extend corporate networks to the Internet. It provides a single source of integration with network encryption and authentication solutions, single signon services, and security protocols. By integrating industry standards, it delivers unparalleled security to the Oracle network and beyond.

Oracle BC4J (Business Components for Java)

Oracle Business Components for Java is a 100% Java-compatible, XML-powered framework that enables productive development, portable deployment, and flexible customization of multi-tier, database applications from business components.

Oracle Database Cache

Oracle Database Cache improves the performance and scalability of applications that access Oracle databases by storing frequently used data on middle tier machines. With Oracle Database Cache, your applications can process several times as many requests as their original capacity. In addition, you do not need to modify your existing applications to use Oracle Database Cache and it is transparent to your end users.

Oracle Database Client Developer's Kit

The Oracle Database Client Developer's Kit contains the following client libraries:

Oracle Discoverer 3i Viewer

Oracle Discoverer 3i Viewer is a query and analysis tool with a 100% thin client, CORBA architecture that makes it easy to deploy, and provides unsurpassed scalability. Using Oracle Discoverer's easy-to-use interface via a Web browser, users can access and analyze database data. Oracle Discoverer 3i Viewer scales up easily to support more users as demand on the system increases. It also optimizes for performance and is designed to minimize network traffic.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Client

Oracle Enterprise Manager Client provides an integrated solution for centrally managing your Oracle environment. Combining a graphical console, Oracle Intelligent Agents, common services, and administrative tools, Oracle Enterprise Manager Client provides a comprehensive systems management platform for managing Oracle9i Application Server. To use this client, you must have a previously installed Oracle Management Server on your network.

Oracle Forms Services

Oracle Forms Services deploys Forms applications with database access to Java clients in a Web environment. Oracle Forms Services automatically optimizes class downloads, network traffic, and interactions with Oracle RDBMS. Applications are automatically load-balanced across multiple servers and, therefore, can easily scale to service any number of requests.

Oracle HTTP Server powered by Apache

Oracle9i Application Server uses the Oracle HTTP Server, which is built on Apache Web server technology. Oracle HTTP Server offers scalability, stability, speed, and extensibility. It also supports Java Servlets, JavaServer Pages, Perl, PL/SQL, and CGI applications.

This component also includes the following sub-components:

Oracle Internet File System

Oracle Internet File System is a file system and development platform that stores files in an Oracle8i database. It provides a mechanism for creating, storing, and managing various types of information, from Web pages to email, from spreadsheets to XML files, in a common repository for users to access and update.

Oracle LDAP Developer's Kit

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is the emerging Internet standard for directory services. Oracle LDAP Developer's Kit supports client interaction with any LDAP-compliant directory server, for example, Oracle Internet Directory. The toolkit provides tools and development libraries to support client calls to directory services, encrypted connections, and enables you to manage your directory data.

Oracle Management Server

Oracle Management Server provides distributed control between the database and Oracle9i Application Server in the network. As a central engine for notifications, it processes all system management tasks and administers the distribution of these tasks across the enterprise. Ensure that you do not have multiple Oracle Management Servers installed on a single machine.

Oracle Portal

Oracle Portal is a complete solution for building, deploying and monitoring Web database applications and content-driven Web sites. Oracle Portal enables you to create and view database objects through an easy-to-use HTML-based interface, and provides tools for creating HTML-based interfaces. It also allows you to resolve performance problems using performance tracking facilities, and enables you to manage database security through its interface.

Oracle Portal-to-Go

Oracle Portal-to-Go is a portal service for delivering information and applications to mobile devices. Using Oracle Portal-to-Go, you can create custom portal sites that use different kinds of content, including Web pages, custom Java applications, and XML-based applications. Portal sites make this diverse information accessible to mobile devices without you having to rewrite the content for each target device platform.

Oracle Reports Services

Oracle Reports Services provides an easy-to-use, scalable, and manageable solution for high-quality database publishing and reporting by creating dynamic reports for the Web and across the enterprise. It enables you to implement a multi-tiered architecture for running your reports.

Oracle Web Cache

Oracle Web Cache is a server accelerator caching service that improves the performance, scalability, and availability of frequently used e-business Web sites that run on Oracle9i Application Server and Oracle8i. By storing frequently accessed URLs in virtual memory, Oracle Web Cache eliminates the need to repeatedly process requests for those URLs on the Web server, and it caches both static and dynamically-generated HTTP content from one or more applications Web servers.

Oracle XML Developer's Kit

The Oracle XML Developer's Kit (XDK) contains the necessary XML components libraries and utilities to give developers the ability to easily XML-enable applications and Web sites. Oracle XDK supports development in Java, C, C++, and PL/SQL with a collection of libraries, command-line utilities, and tools.

Pre-installation Tasks

The pre-installation tasks for the Oracle9i Application Server are divided into the following parts:

Setting Environment Variables

The following environment variables must be set before starting the installer:


Be sure your PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and CLASSPATH are not too long as that might generate errors such as "Word too long" during installation. 


ORACLE_HOME is the root directory in which Oracle software is installed.

Oracle9i Application Server cannot share the same ORACLE_HOME with other Oracle products. If you have installed other Oracle products, then Oracle9i Application Server must be installed in a different ORACLE_HOME. If previously-set ORACLE_HOMEs exist on the machine where you are installing Oracle9i Application Server on, then refer to "Preventing Conflicts Between ORACLE_HOMEs" below.


Be sure not to install Oracle9i Application Server in an ORACLE_HOME containing other Oracle products, including the database. Such an installation could overwrite shared components, causing the products to malfunction. 

Preventing Conflicts Between ORACLE_HOMEs

To prevent a conflict between the software in an existing ORACLE_HOME and Oracle9i Application Server, you must remove all references to the existing ORACLE_HOME. The following steps describe removing these references.

  1. Unset your existing ORACLE_HOME variable by using the following command:

    C shell  Bourne/Korn shell 
    prompt> unsetenv ORACLE_HOME
    prompt> export ORACLE_HOME=

  2. Edit your PATH, CLASSPATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables so they do not use the existing ORACLE_HOME value


To set ORACLE_HOME environment variable, run the following command:

C shell  Bourne/Korn shell 
prompt> setenv ORACLE_HOME <full path>
prompt> export ORACLE_HOME=<full path>


Setting the DISPLAY environment variable enables you to run the Oracle Universal Installer remotely from a local work station. On the system where you run the Oracle Universal Installer, set DISPLAY to the system name or IP address of your local workstation.

If you get an Xlib error similar to "Failed to connect to server", "Connection refused by server", or "Can't open display" when starting the installer, then run the commands on your local workstations as listed in the table below.

Shell Types  On server where the installer is running  In session on your workstation 

C shell 

prompt> setenv DISPLAY hostname:0.0 

prompt> xhost +server_name 

Borne or Korn shell 

prompt> export DISPLAY=hostname:0.0 

prompt> xhost +server_name 


During installation, Oracle Universal Installer uses a temporary directory for swap space. This directory must meet the "Hardware Requirements" listed before installing Oracle9i Application Server. The installation may fail if you do not have sufficient space. The installer checks for the TMP environment variable to locate the temporary directory. If this environment variable does not exist, then the installer uses the /tmp directory.

The following are instructions for setting the TMP environment variable:

C shell  Bourne/Korn shell 
prompt> setenv TMP <full path>
prompt> export TMP=<full path>

Creating UNIX Accounts and Groups

The following UNIX account and groups are required for the installation process.

UNIX Group Name for the Oracle Universal Installer Inventory

Use the admintool or groupadd utility to create a group named oinstall. The oinstall group will own Oracle Universal Installer's oraInventory directory. The oracle user account that runs the installation must have the oinstall group as its primary group.

For more information on these utilities, refer to your operating system documentation.

UNIX Account to Own Oracle Software

The oracle account is the UNIX account that owns Oracle software for your system. You must run Oracle Universal Installer from this account.

Create an oracle account with the properties listed in Table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Oracle Account Properties
Variable  Property 

Login Name 

Choose any name to access the account. This document refers to the name as the oracle account. 

Group Identifier 

The oinstall group. 

Home Directory 

Choose a home directory consistent with other user home directories, The home directory of the oracle account does not have to be the same as the ORACLE_HOME directory. 

Login Shell 

The default shell can be either the C, Bourne, or Korn shell. 


Use the oracle account only for installing and maintaining Oracle software. Never use it for purposes unrelated to the Oracle Universal Installer. Do not use root as the oracle account. 

UNIX Group Names for Privileged Groups

Two groups, the database operator group and the database administrator group, are required for installation. Oracle documentation refers to these groups as OSOPER and OSDBA, respectively. Databases use these groups for operating system authentication. This is necessary in situations where the database is shutdown and database authentication is unavailable.

The privileges of these groups are given to either a single UNIX group or two corresponding UNIX groups. There are two ways to choose which group(s) get the privileges:

The following table lists the privileges for the OSOPER and OSDBA groups:

Group  Privileges 




Contains all system privileges with ADMIN OPTION, and the OSOPER role; permits CREATE DATABASE and time-based recover. 

Completing Pre-installation for Specific Installation Options

After setting the environment variables and creating UNIX accounts and groups, complete the pre-installation tasks for the Oracle9i Application Server.

If you are migrating from Oracle Internet Application Server, Release 1.0.0, then you must perform certain migration tasks before performing the pre-installation tasks for Oracle9i Application Server, Release 1.0.2. For migration information and tasks, refer to Migrating from Oracle Internet Application Server 1.0.0, which is included on your product CD.

The following list directs you to the installation option that you have license to:

Oracle HTTP Server Only

Oracle HTTP Server Only installation option does not require any pre-installation tasks.

You have completed the pre-installation tasks for the Oracle9i Application Server. Proceed to "About Oracle Universal Installer" to start the installer.

Standard Edition

The following are the pre-installation steps for the Standard Edition of the Oracle9i Application Server.

Oracle Internet File System

Perform the following tasks before installing Oracle Internet File System:

Configure the Net8 Server for External Procedures

Oracle interMedia Text is an optional component that will allow Oracle Internet File System to search on document contents. If interMedia Text is installed, you must verify that it is configured correctly, or Oracle Internet File System will not configure properly. You will need to configure Net8 Server on the database machine for external procedures. This requires configuring the tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files. By default, these files are located in the following directory:

prompt> <ORACLE_HOME>/network/admin

For more information on configuring Net8 External Procedures, refer to Oracle Net8 Administrator's Guide.

Modify the listener.ora File

Modify your listener.ora file as per the following example:


(ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL =TCP) (HOST = <localhost>) (PORT = 1521))
(GLOBAL_DBNAME = <mydb>)
(ORACLE_HOME = /export/home/OraHome1)
(SID_NAME = oni)
(ORACLE_HOME = /export/home/OraHome1)
(PROGRAM = extproc)

Modify the tnsnames.ora File

Modify your tnsnames.ora file as per the following example:


(ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL =TCP) (HOST = <localhost>) (PORT = 1521))
(SERVICE_NAME =<mydb>)

(SID = PLSExtProc)
Set Database Parameters

Installation of Oracle Internet File System requires reconfiguration of specific database parameters on the server machine.

  1. Before changing any parameters, shut down the network listener, interMedia Text servers, and the database:

    1. To shut down the network listener:

      prompt> lsnrctl stop
    2. To shut down the InterMedia Text Servers:

      prompt> sqlplus ctxsys/<ctxsys password>
      SQL>exec ctx_adm.shutdown();
    3. To shut down the database using SQL*Plus:

      prompt> sqlplus /nolog 
      SQL> connect sys/<sys_password> as sysdba; 
      SQL> shutdown [immediate] Database shutdown 
      SQL> exit
  • Set the following Oracle Initialization parameters to the values specified. These parameters are contained in the init<SID>.ora file in the following directory:



    This configuration file may be located in a different directory depending on how the database was installed. 

    1. Set the value for open_cursors to at least 255.

    2. Set the value for shared_pool_size at least 9M.

    3. Set the value for processes to at least 200.

    4. Make sure there is at least one online non-system rollback segment.

      To verify that there is at least one online non-system rollback segment, connect to Oracle as the SYS user with SQL*Plus and execute the following SQL statement:

      SQL> SELECT segment_name, tablespace_name, status
       FROM dba_rollback_segs;

      This will result in output that looks like the following table:

      Table 2-3










    In this example, USERS_RS is an online non-system rollback segment. To ensure that the rollback segment is always online after a database startup, include a line such as:

    rollback_segments = (rbs_name1, .... , rbs_namex)

    in the init<SID>.ora file.

    For more information on how to create an online non-system rollback segment, refer to the Oracle8i Administrator Guide.

    1. Configure the Solaris environment to accommodate the database. To do this, edit the /etc/system file and modify the following variables:

      For more information, refer to Oracle8i Installation Guide.

    2. Restart the network listener and database:

      1. Start the network listener:

        prompt> lsnrctl start
      2. Start the database:

        prompt> sqlplus /nolog
        SQL> connect sys/<sys password> as sysdba
        SQL> startup
      3. Execute the following SQL statement:

        SQL> SELECT name, value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = open_cursors;

      You should see the open_cursors value you entered in the init<SID>.ora file in step 2. For more information, refer to Oracle8i Administration Guide.

      Configure the Oracle8i Database for Authentication Encryption

      Before you can install Oracle Internet File System, you must configure authentication encryption.

      1. Navigate to the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory:

        prompt> cd <ORACLE_HOME>/rdbms/admin
      2. Connect to Oracle as the SYS user with SQL*Plus and run catobtk.sql from the:

        prompt> sqlplus sys/<sys password> 
        SQL> @catobtk.sql
      3. Execute the following SQL statement:

        SQL> GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_obfuscation_toolkit TO PUBLIC;

      Origin Database Connectivity

      Oracle9i Application Server requires an active database connection. The installer uses this connection to add database objects to the origin database. The origin database is the original and primary storage for your data and is typically located on a database server tier.

      Before installing Oracle9i Application Server, verify that the origin database and its TNS listener are running.

      You have completed the pre-installation tasks for the Oracle9i Application Server. Proceed to "About Oracle Universal Installer" to start the installer.7

      Enterprise Edition

      The following are the pre-installation steps for the Enterprise Edition of the Oracle9i Application Server.

      Oracle Web Cache

      For TCP/IP performance tuning tips for the computer running Oracle Web Cache, refer to Oracle HTTP Server powered by Apache Performance Guide.

      Oracle Database Cache

      This section guides you through the Oracle Database Cache pre-installation tasks.

      Synchronize the Origin Database Name with its SID

      To use Oracle Database Cache, the name of your origin database and its System Identifier (SID) must be the same. You can see both the name and SID by executing the following commands in SQL*Plus when logged on as the sys user:

      SQL> select value from v$parameter where name = 'db_name';
      SQL> select instance_name from v$instance;

      If these values are different, then you must perform the following steps on the origin database machine to change the SID:

      1. Shut down the origin database and listener. For information on stopping the origin database, refer to Oracle8i Administrator's Guide. For information on stopping the origin database listener, refer to Oracle8i Installation Guide

      2. Change the value of the ORACLE_SID environment variable to the new value. This new value must match the origin database name.

      3. Rename the initSID.ora and orapwSID files to use the new SID.

      4. Change the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files to use the new SID.

      5. Restart the origin database and listener. For information on starting the origin database, refer to Oracle8i Administrator's Guide. For information on starting the origin database listener, refer to Oracle8i Installation Guide.

      Allow Remote Access to the Origin Database

      To prepare the origin database, you must allow Oracle Database Cache to access it remotely:

      1. Edit the initialization file (initSID.ora) of the origin database. If the file contains the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE parameter, then make sure that the value equals SHARED or EXCLUSIVE. If the parameter is already set to either SHARED or EXCLUSIVE, then you do not need to change the value.

        • EXCLUSIVE: The password file can be used by only one database and the password file can contain user names other than SYS and INTERNAL.

        • SHARED: The password file can be used by more than one database. However, the only user names recognized by the password file are SYS and INTERNAL.

        If the file does not contain the entry, then add it to the file, specifying either SHARED or EXCLUSIVE as the value. For example, to specify EXCLUSIVE, add the following entry to the file:


        initSID.ora is in the ORACLE_HOME/admin/server/pfile directory for of the Oracle database.

      2. For the database, check if a password file exists. The name and location of the file may differ depending on the platform of your database. Refer to your operating system-specific Oracle documentation for the names and locations on your platform.

      3. If the file does not exist, create the password file using the orapwd utility with the following commands:

        prompt> orapwd file=<orapwSID> password=<syspw> entries=<maxRemUsers>
        prompt> cd ORACLE_HOME\bin
        prompt> ORAPWD FILE=PWDSID.ORA PASSWORD=sys_password ENTRIES=maxRemUsers

        There are no spaces around the equal sign (=). The parameters have the following meaning:

        • FILE: The full path name of the password file. The contents of this file are encrypted, and the file is not user-readable. This parameter is mandatory. The types of file names allowed for the password file are operating system specific. Some platforms require the password file to be a specific format and located in a specific directory. Other platforms allow the use of environment variables to specify the name and location of the password file. See your operating system-specific Oracle documentation for the names and locations allowed on your platform.

        • PASSWORD: The password of the user SYS for the origin database. This parameter sets the password for SYSOPER and SYSDBA. If you issue the ALTER USER statement to change the password after connecting to the origin database, both the password stored in the data dictionary and the password stored in the password file are updated.

        • ENTRIES: The maximum number of users allowed for remote connections. This value must be greater than the number of Oracle Database Cache nodes that will connect to the origin database.

        For information on the orapwd utility, refer to Oracle8i Administrator's Guide.

      4. If you created a password file in the previous step, then shutdown and restart the origin database. This enables the changes made in the previous steps.

      For further information about the password file utility and remote login, refer to the Oracle8i Administrator's Guide.

      Configure the Listener for External Procedures

      You must configure the listener for the origin database so that it listens for external procedure calls. To do so, take the following steps:

      1. Edit the tnsnames.ora file for the origin database by adding an entry that enables you to connect to the listener process (and subsequently, the extproc process). For example, add the following entry to the tnsnames.ora file:

          (PRESENTATION= RO)

        The entry name extproc_connection_data must be entered exactly as it appears here.

      2. Edit the listener.ora file for the origin database and add the following entries for the external procedure listener:


        You must specify extproc as the program. It must be entered exactly as it appears in this example. The key you specify, in this case EXTPROC0, must match the key you specify in the tnsnames.ora file.

        Additionally, the sid_name you specify, in this case PLSExtProc, must match the sid entry in tnsnames.ora file.

      3. The extproc process spawned by the listener inherits the operating system privileges of the listener, so Oracle strongly recommends that you restrict the privileges for the separate listener process. The process should not have permission to read or write to database files or the Oracle server address space. Also, the owner of this separate process should not be the oracle user (which is the default owner of the server executable and database files). Therefore, you should start the listener from a user account that does not have permission to read or write to database files or the Oracle server address space.

      4. Start a separate listener process to exclusively handle external procedures:

        prompt> lsnrctl start external_procedure_listener
      5. If not already installed, place the extproc executable in the bin directory under the ORACLE_HOME of the origin database.

      6. Minimum configuration for sqlnet.ora

      NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN = <your.Domain.Name>



      For more information regarding the listener.ora file and the tnsnames.ora file, refer to the Net8 Administrator's Guide.

      Oracle Internet File System

      Perform the following tasks before installing Oracle Internet File System:

      Configure the Net8 Server for External Procedures

      Oracle interMedia Text is an optional component that will allow Oracle Internet File System to search on document contents. If interMedia Text is installed, you must verify that it is configured correctly, or Oracle Internet File System will not configure properly. You will need to configure Net8 Server on the database machine for external procedures. This requires configuring the tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files. By default, these files are located in the following directory:

      prompt> <ORACLE_HOME>/network/admin

      For more information on configuring Net8 External Procedures, refer to Oracle Net8 Administrator's Guide.

      Modify the listener.ora File

      Modify your listener.ora file as per the following example:

      LISTENER =
      (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL =TCP) (HOST = <localhost>) (PORT = 1521))
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = IPC) (KEY = oni))
      (ADDRESS_LIST = 
      (SID_LIST =
      (SID_DESC =
      (GLOBAL_DBNAME = <mydb>)
      (ORACLE_HOME = /export/home/OraHome1)
      (SID_NAME = oni)
      (SID_DESC =
      (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
      (ORACLE_HOME = /export/home/OraHome1)
      (PROGRAM = extproc)

      Modify the tnsnames.ora File

      Modify your tnsnames.ora file as per the following example:

      (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL =TCP) (HOST = <localhost>) (PORT = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME =<mydb>)
      (SID = PLSExtProc)
      Set Database Parameters

      Installation of Oracle Internet File System requires reconfiguration of specific database parameters on the server machine.

      1. Before changing any parameters, shut down the network listener, interMedia Text servers, and the database:

        1. To shut down the network listener:

          prompt> lsnrctl stop
        2. To shut down the InterMedia Text Servers:

          prompt> sqlplus ctxsys/<ctxsys password>
          SQL>exec ctx_adm.shutdown();
        3. To shut down the database using SQL*Plus:

          prompt> sqlplus /nolog 
          SQL> connect sys/<sys_password> as sysdba; 
          SQL> shutdown [immediate] Database shutdown 
          SQL> exit
    3. Set the following Oracle Initialization parameters to the values specified. These parameters are contained in the init<SID>.ora file in the following directory:



      This configuration file may be located in a different directory depending on how the database was installed. 

      1. Set the value for open_cursors to at least 255.

      2. Set the value for shared_pool_size at least 9M.

      3. Set the value for processes to at least 200.

      4. Make sure there is at least one online non-system rollback segment.

        To verify that there is at least one online non-system rollback segment, connect to Oracle as the SYS user with SQL*Plus and execute the following SQL statement:

        SQL> SELECT segment_name, tablespace_name, status
         FROM dba_rollback_segs;

        This will result in output that looks like the following table:

        Table 2-4










    In this example, USERS_RS is an online non-system rollback segment. To ensure that the rollback segment is always online after a database startup, include a line such as:

    rollback_segments = (rbs_name1, .... , rbs_namex)

    in the init<SID>.ora file.

    For more information on how to create an online non-system rollback segment, refer to the Oracle8i Administrator Guide.

    1. Configure the Solaris environment to accommodate the database. To do this, edit the /etc/system file and modify the following variables:

      For more information, refer to Oracle8i Installation Guide.

    2. Restart the network listener and database:

      1. Start the network listener:

        prompt> lsnrctl start
      2. Start the database:

        prompt> sqlplus /nolog
        SQL> connect sys/<sys password> as sysdba
        SQL> startup
      3. Execute the following SQL statement:

        SQL> SELECT name, value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = open_cursors;

      You should see the open_cursors value you entered in the init<SID>.ora file in step 2. For more information, refer to Oracle8i Administration Guide.

      Configure the Oracle8i Database for Authentication Encryption

      Before you can install Oracle Internet File System, you must configure authentication encryption.

      1. Navigate to the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory:

        prompt> cd <ORACLE_HOME>/rdbms/admin
      2. Connect to Oracle as the SYS user with SQL*Plus and run catobtk.sql from the:

        prompt> sqlplus sys/<sys password> 
        SQL> @catobtk.sql
      3. Execute the following SQL statement:

        SQL> GRANT EXECUTE ON dbms_obfuscation_toolkit TO PUBLIC;

      Origin Database Connectivity

      Oracle9i Application Server requires an active database connection. The installer uses this connection to add database objects to the origin database. The origin database is the original and primary storage for your data and is typically located on a database server tier.

      Before installing Oracle9i Application Server, verify that the origin database and its TNS listener are running.

      You have completed the pre-installation tasks for the Oracle9i Application Server. Proceed to "About Oracle Universal Installer" to start the installer.

      About Oracle Universal Installer

      Oracle9i Application Server uses Oracle Universal Installer to configure environment variables and to install components. The installer guides you through each step of the installation process, so you can choose configuration options for a customized product.

      The installer includes features that perform the following tasks:

      • Explore and provide installation options for products

      • Detect pre-set environment variables and configuration settings

      • Set environment variables and configuration during installation

      • De-install products

      oraInventory Directory

      The installer creates the oraInventory directory the first time it is run on your machine. The oraInventory directory keeps an inventory of products that the installer installs on your machine as well as other installation information. If you have previously installed Oracle products, then you may already have an oraInventory directory.

      • When a UNIX group name is specified, it grants that group the permission to write to the oraInventory directory. If another group attempts to run the installer, then they must have permission to write to the oraInventory directory. If not, then the installation will fail.

      • Be sure the user running the installer has permission to write to the oraInventory directory and all its files so that you are allowed to run the installer.

      • The location of oraInventory is defined in /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc.

      • The latest log file is oraInventory_location/logs/installActions.log. Log file names of previous installation sessions take the form installActionsdatetime.log.

      • Do not delete or manually alter the oraInventory directory or its contents. Doing so can prevent the installer from locating products that you have installed on your system.

      Starting Oracle Universal Installer

      Follow these steps to launch Oracle Universal Installer, which installs Oracle9i Application Server:

      1. Stop all Oracle processes and services (for example, the Oracle database).

      2. Mount the installation CD-ROM.

        The Oracle Product Installation CD-ROM is in RockRidge format. If you are using the Solaris Volume Management software (installed by default in Sun SPARC Solaris), then the CD-ROM is mounted automatically to cdrom/9i_appserver when you insert it in the disk drive. To begin installation, insert the CD labelled Disk 1.

        If you are not using the Solaris Volume Management software, then you must mount the CD-ROM manually. To manually mount or unmount the CD-ROM, you must have root privileges. Be sure to unmount the CD-ROM before removing it from the drive.

        To manually mount the CD-ROM, perform the following tasks:

        1. Insert the Oracle9i Application Server CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

        2. Log in as the root user.

        3. Create the CD-ROM mount point directory.

          prompt> mkdir <mount_point>
        4. Mount the CD-ROM drive on the mount point directory and exit the root account:

          prompt> mount options <device_name> <mount_point>
          prompt> exit

        The following example mounts the CD-ROM manually on /cdrom, without using the Solaris Volume Management software. Execute the following commands as root user.

        prompt> mkdir /cdrom
        prompt> mount -r -F hsfs <device_name> /cdrom
        prompt> exit
      3. Run Oracle Universal Installer from the CD-ROM.

        1. Log in as the Oracle9i Application Server user.

        2. Start the installer by entering:

          prompt> <mount_point>/9i_appserver_disk1/runInstaller


          Do not use <mount_point> as your working directory when you start the installer. If you do, then you will not be able to eject Disk 1 during the installation process to insert Disk 2. 

      This launches Oracle Universal Installer through which you can install Oracle9i Application Server.

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