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Oracle9iAS Wireless Administrator's Guide
Release 9.0.3

Part Number B10042_01
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Effective mobile computing delivers information users need, on the devices they want to receive it on, when and where they need it. For enterprises looking to cut operational costs and drive new revenue mobile technology offers untapped potential. This chapter introduces Wireless and Voice access to Oracle Collaboration Suite. It includes the following sections:

1.1 Wireless and Voice Access to Oracle Collaboration Suite

Oracle Collaboration Suite provides the most complete set of capabilities to enable mobile employees to have full access to all of their corporate information anywhere, from any device.

Oracle Collaboration Suite provides anytime-anywhere access to email, voicemail, calendar, address book, tasks, files, corporate directories, and instant messaging from any device with wireless or voice access. Employees can use their cell phones or other wireless devices to receive and answer email, send a white paper to a customer or look up the phone numbers of other employees in the corporate directory, from anywhere.

When important events are added to their calendars, when they receive specific email or voicemail, when documents are updated in their folders, or simply as a reminder service, employees can stay connected to the enterprise through wireless devices.

Oracle Collaboration Suite allows users to define where they are at a given time, what they need to know and how they want to be notified.

1.1.1 Wireless and Voice Capabilities

Wireless and Voice access mean the following advantages for employees:

1.1.2 Wireless and Voice Access to Calendar and Address Book

1.1.3 Wireless and Voice Access to Files

1.1.4 Presence Management

Presence Management is the method by which a user's presence defines the best method for contacting the user at a particular moment in time, in a given location, based on the user's availability, device capability, and personal preferences.

Oracle Collaboration Suite allows users to create a profile that defines where they are during the day and how they want to be notified at this location: their desktop, their mobile phone or their pager.

1.1.5 Instant Messaging

Employees can communicate to each other faster and more accurately even when out of the office, from their mobile devices. Oracle Collaboration Suite provides the ability to enable instant messaging among employees; no need to worry about networks or hardware dependencies.

1.2 How Does Wireless and Voice Access Benefit Employees?

1.2.1 Multi-Channel Access

The centerpiece of Wireless and Voice features of Oracle Collaboration Suite is Oracle9iAS Wireless, which provides the most flexible, scalable and reliable mobile infrastructure on the market. Oracle9iAS Wireless offers access to any application via any device (including voice), and is the only true multi-channel platform.

Oracle9iAS Wireless uses an open standards XML application model that makes applications accessible from any device. This is a key differentiator for companies looking to reach the maximum amount of users and provide more value. Indeed, the benefit of open standards is twofold, as it is also easier for partners to integrate solutions reducing the cost of implementation. With Oracle9iAS Wireless, time-to-market decreases, as companies don't have to worry about networks or hardware dependencies. And it is straightforward to decide what mobile access channel to choose; they are all supported with Oracle.

1.2.2 Increased Personal Productivity

Email, voicemail, calendar, files, address book, corporate directories, instant messaging, and notification are key productivity tools for all enterprises. To remain productive away from the desk, Oracle Collaboration Suite allows enterprises to integrate corporate email, voicemail, calendar, directory, address book, document management and instant messaging applications into their mobile solution. The tight integration of the all these collaborative services increases usability as applications are intelligently linked.

1.2.3 Voice-enabled Services

Oracle Collaboration Suite voice-enabled services are 100% VoiceXML-compliant and thus speech-recognition-vendor neutral. These services run on commercially available VoiceXML gateways, eliminating the risk of using an obsolete or inferior technology.

1.2.4 Presence-aware Communication

Presence in Oracle Collaboration Suite empowers employees to manage how they want to be contacted, when they want to be contacted, and where they want to be contacted.

Oracle Collaboration Suite applications, integrated with Presence Server, knows exactly how to contact anyone at a particular moment in time, in a given location, based on the user's availability, device capability, and personal preferences.

1.2.5 Faster Response Time

Mobile notification broadens access to applications, information and services. Mobile notification is when information is delivered, or pushed, to mobile devices. In the consumer market, SMS is one area of two-way messaging that has been extremely successful with millions of messages sent every day. Today, many enterprises have recognized the value of immediate notification of important events such as new customer meetings, critical Email, or upload of a new project plan that requiring immediate attention. Employees can respond immediately to time-critical alerts, and companies can capture new revenue and increase customer service. Oracle Collaboration Suite Wireless & Voice access pushes critical information to any mobile device or voice interface over any delivery channel.

1.2.6 Security and Performance

Secure access to sensitive enterprise information is a primary concern when deploying a mobile solution. With an evolving labyrinth of mobile infrastructure (devices, protocols, networks, and hardware), the problem of security cannot be solved in one homogeneous way. A combination of confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation ensures the secure delivery of mission-critical content to mobile devices. To guarantee confidence in mobile transactions such as stock trades, patient/doctor communication, legal documents and contracts, it is essential that security is ubiquitous and transparent.

Depending on the applications, Oracle9iAS Wireless infrastructure for Wireless & Voice access to Oracle Collaboration Suite supports many techniques to satisfy end-to-end security requirements. All sensitive user data and profiles are encrypted and stored in the secure Oracle Database.