Oracle Security Developer Tools Crypto Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (

Class DHParameterGenerator


public final class DHParameterGenerator
extends java.lang.Object

*** For internal use only *** Performs normative generation of (static) Diffie-Hellman domain parameters, as specified in X9.42.

Normally, Diffie-Hellmain parameters are distributed (and generated) by a central agency agreed upon by participating parties, so a DHParameterGenerator will be invoked far less often than, say, a generator for RSA, DSA (or DH) keypairs.

Parameter generation is also similarly resource intensive: for example, generation of the sample parameters given in Annex D of X9.42 takes about 100 seconds on a Pentium-based JVM.

Status: Provisional (may be changed in future releases.)

See Also:

Constructor Summary
Constructs a new, uninitialized DHParameterGenerator instance.

Method Summary
DHParams generateParameters()
Generates Diffie-Hellman parameters using the algorithms specified in Annex B, X9.42.
java.lang.String getAlgorithm()
void initialize(int L, int m)
Initialize this DHParameterGenerator with the given bit lengths for p and q, and the default RandomBitsSource.
void initialize(int L, int m, RandomBitsSource rbs)
Initialize this DHParameterGenerator of the given bit lengths and RandomBitsSource.

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DHParameterGenerator()
Constructs a new, uninitialized DHParameterGenerator instance.

Method Detail


public void initialize(int L,
                       int m)
Initialize this DHParameterGenerator with the given bit lengths for p and q, and the default RandomBitsSource.
L - the bit length of p; L=256n, n>=4
m - the bit length of q; m>=160


public void initialize(int L,
                       int m,
                       RandomBitsSource rbs)
Initialize this DHParameterGenerator of the given bit lengths and RandomBitsSource.
L - the bit length of p; L=256n, n>=4
m - the bit length of q; m>=160
rbs - the random bit source used to generate the parameters


public java.lang.String getAlgorithm()


public DHParams generateParameters()
Generates Diffie-Hellman parameters using the algorithms specified in Annex B, X9.42. The generator instance should be initialized before this method is invoked (otherwise an exception is thrown.)
A DHParams object of the specified sizes.

Oracle Security Developer Tools Crypto Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (


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