Oracle Security Developer Tools Liberty 1.1 Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (

Class AuthnRequest


public class AuthnRequest
extends LibRequestMessage

This class represents the AuthnRequest element in the Liberty Single Sign-On and Federation protocol. An AuthnRequest request message is sent from a service provider to an identity provider, instructing the identity provider to provide an authentication assertion to the service provider. Optionally, the service provider may require the identity be federated.

See Also:
AuthnResponse, AuthnRequestEnvelope

Field Summary
static java.lang.String BETTER
The value "better" for the AuthnCotextComparison element indicating that the identity provider is asked to use a context better than any specified in the AuthnContext.
static java.lang.String EXACT
The value "exact" for the AuthnCotextComparison element indicating that the identity provider is asked to match at least one of context specified in the AuthnContext.
static java.lang.String MINIMUM
The value "minimum" for the AuthnCotextComparison element indicating that the identity provider is asked to use a context that he feels at least as good as any specified in the AuthnContext.

Fields inherited from class

Fields inherited from class
node, systemId

Constructor Summary
AuthnRequest(org.w3c.dom.Document owner)
Creates a new AuthnRequest instance within the specified XML Document.
AuthnRequest(org.w3c.dom.Document owner, java.lang.String requestId, java.util.Date issueInstant, java.lang.String providerId)
Creates a new AuthnRequest instance within the specified XML Document.
AuthnRequest(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
Creates a new AuthnRequest instance from the given Element node.
AuthnRequest(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String systemId)
Creates a new AuthnRequest instance from the given Element node.

Method Summary
void addAuthnContextClassRef(java.lang.String accrURI)
Adds an AuthnContextClassRef element to the AuthnContext child element in this AuthnRequest element.
void addAuthnContextStatementRef(java.lang.String acsrURI)
Adds an AuthnContextStatementRef element to the AuthnContext child element in this AuthnRequest element.
java.util.List getAuthnContextClassRefs()
Returns a list of URI's for AuthnContextClassRef's contained in the AuthnContext child element in this structure.
java.lang.String getAuthnContextComparison()
Returns the value contained in the AuthnContextComparison child element of this AuthnRequest, or the default value "exact" if AuthnContextComparison child element is not specified.
java.util.List getAuthnContextStatementRefs()
Returns a list of URI's for AuthnContextStatementRef's contained in the AuthnContext child element in this structure.
protected java.lang.String[] getChildElementsLocalNames()
Returns the orderded set of the local names of the child elements specified in the schema for the XML element represented by the concrete subclass.
protected java.lang.String[] getChildElementsNSURIs()
Returns the orderded set of the namespce URIs for the child elements specified in the schema for the XML element represented by the concrete subclass.
boolean getFederate()
Returns the boolen value contained in the Federate child element of this AuthnRequest, or "false" by default if Force child is not specified.
boolean getForceAuthn()
Returns the boolen value contained in the ForceAuthn child element of this AuthnRequest, or "false" by default if Force child is not specified.
boolean getIsPassive()
Returns the boolen value contained in the IsPassive child element of this AuthnRequest, or "true" by default if IsPassive child is not specified.
java.lang.String getProtocolProfile()
Returns the URI for the protocol profile specified in the ProtocolProfile child element of this AuthnRequest, or the default "" if ProtocolProfile element is not specified.
void setAuthnContextComparison(java.lang.String value)
Sets the AuthnContextComparison child element in this AuthnRequest element.
void setFederate(boolean federate)
Sets the Federate child element in this AuthnRequest element.
void setForceAuthn(boolean forceAuthn)
Sets the ForceAuthn child element in this AuthnRequest element.
void setIsPassive(boolean isPassive)
Sets the IsPassive child element in this AuthnRequest element.
void setProtocolProfile(java.lang.String ppURI)
Sets the ProtocolProfile child element in this AuthnRequest element.
java.lang.String toURLString(PrivateKey key, java.lang.String sigAlg)
Returns this AuthnRequest as a URL-encoded query string, optionally signed using the given private key and signature algorithm.

Methods inherited from class
addSignature, addSignature, getChildElementPosition, getId, getInstance, getProviderID, getRelayState, setId, setProviderID, setRelayState

Methods inherited from class
addRespondWith, addRespondWithValue, getID, getIssueInstant, getLocalNamesPrecedeDSig, getNSURIsPrecedeDSig, getRequestID, getRespondWiths, getRespondWithValues, setIssueInstant, setRequestID

Methods inherited from class
clearSignature, getInstance, getMajorVersion, getMinorVersion, getSignature, isSigned, setVersion, sign, sign, verify, verify

Methods inherited from class
addNSPrefixAttr, addNSPrefixAttr, addNSPrefixAttrDefault, addNSPrefixAttrDefault, getAttribute, getAttributeNode, getAttributeNodeNS, getAttributeNS, getChildElementsByTagName, getChildElementsByTagName, getChildElementsByTagNameNS, getChildElementsByTagNameNS, getDefaultNSPrefix, getElementsByTagName, getElementsByTagNameNS, getTagName, hasAttribute, hasAttributeNS, removeAttribute, removeAttributeNode, removeAttributeNS, setAttribute, setAttributeNode, setAttributeNodeNS, setAttributeNS, setDefaultNSPrefix

Methods inherited from class
appendChild, appendChild, appendTo, cloneNode, getAttributes, getChildNodes, getFirstChild, getLastChild, getLocalName, getNamespaceURI, getNextSibling, getNode, getNodeName, getNodeType, getNodeValue, getOwnerDocument, getParentNode, getPrefix, getPreviousSibling, getSystemId, hasAttributes, hasChildNodes, insertBefore, insertBefore, isSupported, normalize, removeChild, removeChild, replaceChild, replaceChild, setNodeValue, setPrefix, setSystemId, toBytesXML, toStringXML

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String EXACT
The value "exact" for the AuthnCotextComparison element indicating that the identity provider is asked to match at least one of context specified in the AuthnContext.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String MINIMUM
The value "minimum" for the AuthnCotextComparison element indicating that the identity provider is asked to use a context that he feels at least as good as any specified in the AuthnContext.
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String BETTER
The value "better" for the AuthnCotextComparison element indicating that the identity provider is asked to use a context better than any specified in the AuthnContext.
See Also:
Constant Field Values

Constructor Detail


public AuthnRequest(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
             throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Creates a new AuthnRequest instance from the given Element node.
element - A Liberty AuthnRequest XML element.


public AuthnRequest(org.w3c.dom.Element element,
                    java.lang.String systemId)
             throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Creates a new AuthnRequest instance from the given Element node.
element - A Liberty AuthnRequest XML element.
systemId - The URI string system ID for the AuthnRequest.


public AuthnRequest(org.w3c.dom.Document owner)
             throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Creates a new AuthnRequest instance within the specified XML Document.
owner - The owner document of the new Liberty AuthnRequest element.


public AuthnRequest(org.w3c.dom.Document owner,
                    java.lang.String requestId,
                    java.util.Date issueInstant,
                    java.lang.String providerId)
Creates a new AuthnRequest instance within the specified XML Document.
owner - The owner document of the new Liberty AuthnRequest element.
requestId - The RequestID attribute.
issueInstant - The IssueInstant attribute.
providerId - The ProviderID child element.

Method Detail


public void setForceAuthn(boolean forceAuthn)
                   throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Sets the ForceAuthn child element in this AuthnRequest element. This child is optional. It is only specified when IsPassive is false. If not specified, "true" is presumed.
forceAuthn - If true, the identity provider must authenticate the Principle; if false, the identity provider must reauthenticate the Principle only if the Principle is not currently authenticated.


public void setIsPassive(boolean isPassive)
                  throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Sets the IsPassive child element in this AuthnRequest element. This child is optional. If not specified, "true" is presumed.
isPassive - If true, the identity provider must not interact with the Principle; if false, the identity provider may interact with the Principle.


public void setFederate(boolean federate)
                 throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Sets the Federate child element in this AuthnRequest element. This child is optional. If not specifed, "false" is presumed.
federate - If true, the service provider wishes to federate the identity of the Principle.


public void setProtocolProfile(java.lang.String ppURI)
                        throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Sets the ProtocolProfile child element in this AuthnRequest element. This child is optional. If this element is not specified, the default protocol profile is "".
ppURI - The URI identifies the the protocol profile the service provider wishes to use in the response.


public void addAuthnContextClassRef(java.lang.String accrURI)
Adds an AuthnContextClassRef element to the AuthnContext child element in this AuthnRequest element. See AuthenticationContextURI for the list of supported authentication context classes identifying URIs.
accrURI - The URI identifies an authentication context class.


public void addAuthnContextStatementRef(java.lang.String acsrURI)
Adds an AuthnContextStatementRef element to the AuthnContext child element in this AuthnRequest element.
acsrURI - The URI identifies an authentication context statement.


public void setAuthnContextComparison(java.lang.String value)
Sets the AuthnContextComparison child element in this AuthnRequest element. The value for AuthnContextComparison can be "exact" (EXACT), "minimum" (MINIMUM) or "better" (BETTER). If this element is not specified, "exact" is assumed.
value - The value for this AuthnContextComparison element.


public boolean getIsPassive()
Returns the boolen value contained in the IsPassive child element of this AuthnRequest, or "true" by default if IsPassive child is not specified.


public boolean getForceAuthn()
Returns the boolen value contained in the ForceAuthn child element of this AuthnRequest, or "false" by default if Force child is not specified.


public boolean getFederate()
Returns the boolen value contained in the Federate child element of this AuthnRequest, or "false" by default if Force child is not specified.


public java.lang.String getProtocolProfile()
Returns the URI for the protocol profile specified in the ProtocolProfile child element of this AuthnRequest, or the default "" if ProtocolProfile element is not specified.


public java.util.List getAuthnContextClassRefs()
Returns a list of URI's for AuthnContextClassRef's contained in the AuthnContext child element in this structure.
A List object containing String objects, or an empty List if no AuthnContextClassRef has been set.


public java.util.List getAuthnContextStatementRefs()
Returns a list of URI's for AuthnContextStatementRef's contained in the AuthnContext child element in this structure.
A List object containing String objects, or an empty List if no AuthnContextStatementRef has been set.


public java.lang.String getAuthnContextComparison()
Returns the value contained in the AuthnContextComparison child element of this AuthnRequest, or the default value "exact" if AuthnContextComparison child element is not specified.


public java.lang.String toURLString(PrivateKey key,
                                    java.lang.String sigAlg)
Returns this AuthnRequest as a URL-encoded query string, optionally signed using the given private key and signature algorithm.
key - The private signing key. If null, the query string will not be signed.
sigAlg - The URI identifying the signature algorithm to use. If null, the query string will not be signed.
Throws: - If an error occurs computing the signature.
2.0 Build B


protected java.lang.String[] getChildElementsNSURIs()
Description copied from class: LibRequestMessage
Returns the orderded set of the namespce URIs for the child elements specified in the schema for the XML element represented by the concrete subclass.
Specified by:
getChildElementsNSURIs in class LibRequestMessage


protected java.lang.String[] getChildElementsLocalNames()
Description copied from class: LibRequestMessage
Returns the orderded set of the local names of the child elements specified in the schema for the XML element represented by the concrete subclass.
Specified by:
getChildElementsLocalNames in class LibRequestMessage

Oracle Security Developer Tools Liberty 1.1 Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (


Copyright © 2005 , Oracle. All rights reserved.