Oracle Security Developer Tools Liberty 1.1 Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (



Liberty protocols and provider metadata classes.


Interface Summary
LibertyURI Defined URI string constants for Liberty 1.1.
LibQueryKeys String constants for query parameter names used in URL-encoded Liberty messages.


Class Summary
AuthnContext This class implements the Liberty AuthnContext element which contains the authenticationn context that the identity provider used in the authentication event to yield the authentication statement in an AuthnResponse.
AuthnRequest This class represents the AuthnRequest element in the Liberty Single Sign-On and Federation protocol.
AuthnRequestEnvelope The AuthnRequestEnvelope element in the Liberty Single Sign-On and Federation protocol.
AuthnResponse This class represents the AuthnResponse element in the Liberty Single Sign-on and Federation protocol.
AuthnResponseEnvelope The AuthnResponseEnvelope element in the Liberty Single Sign-On and Federation protocol.
FederationTerminationNotification This class represents the FederationTerminationNotification element in the Liberty Federation Termination Notification protocol.
IDPDescriptor Liberty identity provider descriptor.
IDPEntries Liberty IDPEntries element which contains a list of identity provider entries.
IDPEntry Liberty IDPEntry element which describes an identity provider that the service provider support.
IDPList Liberty IDPList element which is used in the AuthnRequestEnvelope to allow the service provider to transport a list of identity providers to the user agent.
IDPProvidedNameIdentifier Liberty IDPProvidedNameIdentifier for the name identifier provided by the identity provider at the time of federation.
LibAssertion Liberty Assertion element used in the AuthnResponse generated by an identity provider in response to an AuthnRequest from a service provider.
LibAuthenticationStatement This class represents the AuthenticationStatement element of the type Liberty AuthenticationStatementType.
LibertyInitializer Utility class for load-time initialization and configuration of the Liberty 1.1 library.
LibRequestMessage This is an abstract base class which holds the common features of the various Liberty protocol request and notification messages.
LibResponseMessage This is an abstract base class which holds the common features of the various Liberty protocols response messages.
LibSAMLRequest This class represents the SAML Request element of the SignedSAMLRequestType type as specified in the Liberty specification.
LibSubject This class represents the Subject element of the type lib:SubjectType which is an extension of the saml:SubjectType with an addtion of the IDPProvidedNameIdentifier child element.
LogoutRequest This class represents the LogoutRequest element in the Liberty Single Logout protocol.
LogoutResponse This class represents the LogoutResponse element in the Liberty Single Logout Protocol.
OldProvidedNameIdentifier Liberty OldProvidedNameIdentifier element.
ProviderDescriptor This abstract class contains provider metadata that are generic to both the service provider and the identity provider.
RegisterNameIdentifierRequest This class implements the RegisterNameIdentifierRequest element in the Liberty Name Registeration protocol.This element is either used by the service provider to resigter a SPProvidedNameIdentifier with a identity provider, or by an identity provider to seek to change the IDPProvidedNameIdentifier stored by a service provider.
RegisterNameIdentifierResponse This class represents the RegisterNameIdentifierResponse element in the Liberty Name Registeration protocol.
SPDescriptor Liberty service provider descriptor.
SPProvidedNameIdentifier Liberty SPProvidedNameIdentifier element for the name identifier the identity provider will use when communicatting with the service provider.


Package Description

Liberty protocols and provider metadata classes.

Oracle Security Developer Tools Liberty 1.1 Java API Reference
10g Release 2 (


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