Oracle Application Server TopLink API Reference
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)


Class Descriptor

  extended byoracle.toplink.publicinterface.Descriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ObjectRelationalDescriptor, SDKDescriptor

public class Descriptor
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Cloneable,

Purpose: TopLink has been designed to take advantage of the similarities between relational databases and objects while accommodating for their differences, providing an object oriented wrapper for relational databases. This is accomplished through the use of Descriptors. A descriptor is a pure specification class with all its behaviour deputized to DescriptorEventManager, DescriptorQueryManager and ObjectBuilder. Look at the following variables for the list of specification on the descriptor. A Descriptor is a set of mappings that describe how an objects's data is to be represented in a relational database. It contains mappings from the class instance variables to the table's fields, as well as the transformation routines necessary for storing and retrieving attributes. As such the descriptor acts as the link between the Java object and its database representaiton. Every descripor is initialized with the following information:

See Also:
DescriptorEventManager, DescriptorQueryManager, InheritancePolicy, InterfacePolicy, OptimisticLockingPolicy, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
PUBLIC: Return a new descriptor.

Method Summary
void addAbstractQueryKey(java.lang.String queryKeyName)
PUBLIC: This method should only be used for interface descriptors.
void addConstraintDependencies(java.lang.Class dependencies)
ADVANCED: TopLink automatically orders database access through the foreign key information provided in 1:1 and 1:m mappings.
DatabaseMapping addDirectMapping(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String fieldName)
PUBLIC: Add a direct to field mapping to the receiver.
DatabaseMapping addDirectMapping(java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String getMethodName, java.lang.String setMethodName, java.lang.String fieldName)
PUBLIC: Add a direct to field mapping to the receiver.
void addDirectQueryKey(java.lang.String queryKeyName, java.lang.String fieldName)
PUBLIC: Add a query key to the descriptor.
DatabaseMapping addMapping(DatabaseMapping mapping)
PUBLIC: Add a database mapping to the receiver.
void addMultipleTableForeignKeyFieldName(java.lang.String fieldNameInSourceTable, java.lang.String fieldNameInTargetTable)
PUBLIC: This protocol can be used to associate multiple tables with foreign key information.
void addMultipleTablePrimaryKeyFieldName(java.lang.String fieldNameInSourceTable, java.lang.String fieldNameInTargetTable)
PUBLIC: This protocol can be used to map the primary key field names in a multiple table descriptor.
void addPrimaryKeyFieldName(java.lang.String fieldName)
PUBLIC: Specify the primary key field of the descriptors table.
void addQueryKey(QueryKey queryKey)
PUBLIC: Add a query key to the descriptor.
void addTableName(java.lang.String tableName)
PUBLIC: Specify the table name for the class of objects the receiver describes.
void alwaysConformResultsInUnitOfWork()
PUBLIC: Used to set the descriptor to always conform in any unit of work query.
void alwaysRefreshCache()
PUBLIC: This method is the equivalent of calling setShouldAlwaysRefreshCache(boolean) with an argument of true: it configures a Descriptor to always refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query.
void alwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote()
PUBLIC: This method is the equivalent of calling setShouldAlwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote(boolean) with an argument of true: it configures a Descriptor to always remotely refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query in a RemoteSession.
void applyAmendmentMethod()
ADVANCED: Call the descriptor amendment method.
void createCopyPolicy(java.lang.String policyType)
PUBLIC: Create a copy policy of the type passed in as a string.
void createInstantiationPolicy(java.lang.String policyType)
PUBLIC: Create a instantiation policy of the type passed in as a string.
void descriptorIsAggregate()
PUBLIC: Sets the descriptor to be an aggregate.
void descriptorIsAggregateCollection()
PUBLIC: Sets the descriptor to be part of an aggregate collection.
void descriptorIsForInterface()
PUBLIC: Sets the descriptor to be for an interface.
void descriptorIsNormal()
PUBLIC: Sets the descriptor to be normal.
void disableCacheHits()
PUBLIC: Allow for cache hits on primary key read object queries to be disabled.
void disableCacheHitsOnRemote()
PUBLIC: Allow for remote session cache hits on primary key read object queries to be disabled.
void dontAlwaysConformResultsInUnitOfWork()
PUBLIC: The descriptor is defined to not conform the results in unit of work in read query.
void dontAlwaysRefreshCache()
PUBLIC: This method is the equivalent of calling setShouldAlwaysRefreshCache(boolean) with an argument of false: it ensures that a Descriptor is not configured to always refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query.
void dontAlwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote()
PUBLIC: This method is the equivalent of calling setShouldAlwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote(boolean) with an argument of false: it ensures that a Descriptor is not configured to always remotely refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query in a RemoteSession.
void dontDisableCacheHits()
PUBLIC: Allow for cache hits on primary key read object queries.
void dontDisableCacheHitsOnRemote()
PUBLIC: Allow for remote session cache hits on primary key read object queries.
void dontOnlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion()
PUBLIC: This method is the equivalent of calling setShouldOnlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion(boolean) with an argument of false: it ensures that a Descriptor is not configured to only refresh the cache if the data received from the database by a query is newer than the data in the cache (as determined by the optimistic locking field).
java.lang.String getAlias()
PUBLIC: Get the alias
java.lang.Class getAmendmentClass()
PUBLIC: Return the amendment class.
java.lang.String getAmendmentMethodName()
PUBLIC: Return the amendment method.
java.util.Vector getConstraintDependencies()
ADVANCED: TopLink automatically orders database access through the foreign key information provided in 1:1 and 1:m mappings.
int getDescriptorType()
ADVANCED: return the descriptor type (NORMAL by default, others include INTERFACE, AGGREGATE, AGGREGATE COLLECTION)
DescriptorEventManager getEventManager()
PUBLIC: Get the event manager for the descriptor.
int getIdentityMapSize()
PUBLIC: Return the size of the identity map.
InheritancePolicy getInheritancePolicy()
PUBLIC: The inheritance policy is used to define how a descriptor takes part in inheritance.
InterfacePolicy getInterfacePolicy()
PUBLIC: Returns the InterfacePolicy.
java.lang.Class getJavaClass()
PUBLIC: Return the java class.
DatabaseMapping getMappingForAttributeName(java.lang.String attributeName)
PUBLIC: Returns the mapping associated with a given attribute name.
java.util.Vector getMappings()
PUBLIC: Returns mappings
oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.OptimisticLockingPolicy getOptimisticLockingPolicy()
PUBLIC: Returns the OptimisticLockingPolicy.
java.util.Vector getPrimaryKeyFieldNames()
PUBLIC: Return the names of all the primary keys.
java.util.Hashtable getProperties()
PUBLIC: Returns the user defined properties.
java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String name)
PUBLIC: Returns the descriptor property associated the given String.
java.util.Hashtable getQueryKeys()
PUBLIC: Return the query keys.
DescriptorQueryManager getQueryManager()
PUBLIC: Return the queryManager.
int getRemoteIdentityMapSize()
PUBLIC: Return the size of the remote identity map.
java.lang.String getSequenceNumberFieldName()
PUBLIC: Get sequence number field name
java.lang.String getSequenceNumberName()
PUBLIC: Get sequence number name
java.lang.String getTableName()
PUBLIC: Return the name of the descriptor's first table.
java.util.Vector getTableNames()
PUBLIC: Return the table names.
WrapperPolicy getWrapperPolicy()
ADVANCED: Return the WrapperPolicy for this descriptor.
boolean isAggregateCollectionDescriptor()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is an aggregate collection descriptor
boolean isAggregateDescriptor()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is an aggregate descriptor
boolean isChildDescriptor()
PUBLIC: Return if the descriptor defines inheritence and is a child.
boolean isDescriptorForInterface()
PUBLIC: Return if the java class is interface
void onlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion()
PUBLIC: This method is the equivalent of calling setShouldOnlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion(boolean) with an argument of true: it configures a Descriptor to only refresh the cache if the data received from the database by a query is newer than the data in the cache (as determined by the optimistic locking field) and as long as one of the following is true: the Descriptor was configured by calling alwaysRefreshCache() or alwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote(), the query was configured by calling ObjectLevelReadQuery.refreshIdentityMapResult(), or the query was a call to Session.refreshObject(java.lang.Object) However, if a query hits the cache, data is not refreshed regardless of how this setting is configured.
void removeProperty(java.lang.String property)
PUBLIC: Remove the user defined property.
void setAlias(java.lang.String alias)
PUBLIC: Set the alias
void setAmendmentClass(java.lang.Class amendmentClass)
PUBLIC: Set the amendment class.
void setAmendmentMethodName(java.lang.String amendmentMethodName)
PUBLIC: Set the amendment method.
void setConstraintDependencies(java.util.Vector constraintDependencies)
ADVANCED: TopLink automatically orders database access through the foreign key information provided in 1:1 and 1:m mappings.
void setDefaultTableName(java.lang.String defaultTableName)
PUBLIC: The descriptors default table can be configured if the first table is not desired.
void setDescriptorType(int descriptorType)
ADVANCED: set the descriptor type (NORMAL by default, others include INTERFACE, AGGREGATE, AGGREGATE COLLECTION)
void setIdentityMapClass(java.lang.Class theIdentityMapClass)
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be used by this descriptor.
void setIdentityMapSize(int identityMapSize)
PUBLIC: Set the size of the identity map to be used by this descriptor.
void setIsAggregateDescriptor(boolean isAggregateDescriptor)
void setIsDescriptorForInterface(boolean isDescriptorForInterface)
void setJavaClass(java.lang.Class theJavaClass)
PUBLIC: Set the Java class that this descriptor maps.
void setJavaInterface(java.lang.Class theJavaInterface)
PUBLIC: Sets the descriptor to be for an interface.
void setMultipleTableInsertOrder(java.util.Vector newValue)
ADVANCED: Sets the Vector of DatabaseTables in the order which INSERTS should take place.
void setOptimisticLockingPolicy(oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.OptimisticLockingPolicy optimisticLockingPolicy)
PUBLIC: Set the OptimisticLockingPolicy.
void setPrimaryKeyFieldName(java.lang.String fieldName)
PUBLIC: Specify the primary key field of the descriptors table.
void setPrimaryKeyFieldNames(java.util.Vector primaryKeyFieldsName)
PUBLIC: User can specify a vector of all the primary key field names if primary key is composite.
void setProperty(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object value)
PUBLIC: Set the user defined property.
void setReadOnly()
PUBLIC: Set the descriptor to be read-only.
void setRemoteIdentityMapClass(java.lang.Class theIdentityMapClass)
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be used by this descriptor.
void setRemoteIdentityMapSize(int identityMapSize)
PUBLIC: Set the size of the identity map to be used by this descriptor.
void setSequenceNumberFieldName(java.lang.String fieldName)
PUBLIC: Set the sequence number field name.
void setSequenceNumberName(java.lang.String name)
PUBLIC: Set the sequence number name.
void setShouldAlwaysConformResultsInUnitOfWork(boolean shouldAlwaysConformResultsInUnitOfWork)
PUBLIC: set if the descriptor is defined to always conform the results in unit of work in read query.
void setShouldAlwaysRefreshCache(boolean shouldAlwaysRefreshCache)
PUBLIC: When the shouldAlwaysRefreshCache argument passed into this method is true, this method configures a Descriptor to always refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query.
void setShouldAlwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote(boolean shouldAlwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote)
PUBLIC: When the shouldAlwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote argument passed into this method is true, this method configures a Descriptor to always remotely refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query in a RemoteSession.
void setShouldBeReadOnly(boolean shouldBeReadOnly)
PUBLIC: Define if the descriptor reference class is read-only
void setShouldDisableCacheHits(boolean shouldDisableCacheHits)
PUBLIC: Set if cache hits on primary key read object queries should be disabled.
void setShouldDisableCacheHitsOnRemote(boolean shouldDisableCacheHitsOnRemote)
PUBLIC: Set if the remote session cache hits on primary key read object queries is allowed or not.
void setShouldOnlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion(boolean shouldOnlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion)
PUBLIC: When the shouldOnlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion argument passed into this method is true, this method configures a Descriptor to only refresh the cache if the data received from the database by a query is newer than the data in the cache (as determined by the optimistic locking field) and as long as one of the following is true: the Descriptor was configured by calling alwaysRefreshCache() or alwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote(), the query was configured by calling ObjectLevelReadQuery.refreshIdentityMapResult(), or the query was a call to Session.refreshObject(java.lang.Object) However, if a query hits the cache, data is not refreshed regardless of how this setting is configured.
void setShouldOrderMappings(boolean shouldOrderMappings)
PUBLIC: This is set to turn off the ordering of mappings.
void setTableName(java.lang.String tableName)
PUBLIC: Specify the table name for the class of objects the receiver describes.
void setTableNames(java.util.Vector tableNames)
PUBLIC: Specify the all table names for the class of objects the receiver describes.
void setTableQualifier(java.lang.String tableQualifier)
PUBLIC: Set the table Qualifier for this descriptor.
void setWrapperPolicy(WrapperPolicy wrapperPolicy)
ADVANCED: Sets the WrapperPolicy for this descriptor.
void setWriteLockFieldName(java.lang.String fieldName)
boolean shouldAlwaysConformResultsInUnitOfWork()
PUBLIC: Return if the descriptor is defined to always conform the results in unit of work in read query.
boolean shouldAlwaysRefreshCache()
PUBLIC: This method returns true if the Descriptor is configured to always refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query.
boolean shouldAlwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote()
PUBLIC: This method returns true if the Descriptor is configured to always remotely refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query in a RemoteSession.
boolean shouldBeReadOnly()
PUBLIC: Return if the descriptor reference class is defined as read-only
boolean shouldDisableCacheHits()
PUBLIC: Return if for cache hits on primary key read object queries to be disabled.
boolean shouldDisableCacheHitsOnRemote()
PUBLIC: Return if the remote server session cache hits on primary key read object queries is aloowed or not.
boolean shouldOnlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion()
PUBLIC: This method returns true if the Descriptor is configured to only refresh the cache if the data received from the database by a query is newer than the data in the cache (as determined by the optimistic locking field).
boolean shouldUseCacheIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using CacheIdentityMap
boolean shouldUseFullIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using FullIdentityMap
boolean shouldUseHardCacheWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using HardCacheWeakIdentityMap.
boolean shouldUseNoIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using NoIdentityMap
boolean shouldUseRemoteCacheIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using CacheIdentityMap
boolean shouldUseRemoteFullIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using FullIdentityMap
boolean shouldUseRemoteHardCacheWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using HardCacheWeakIdentityMap
boolean shouldUseRemoteNoIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using NoIdentityMap
boolean shouldUseRemoteSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using SoftCacheWeakIdentityMap
boolean shouldUseRemoteWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using WeakIdentityMap
boolean shouldUseSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using SoftCacheWeakIdentityMap.
boolean shouldUseWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using WeakIdentityMap
java.lang.String toString()
PUBLIC: Returns a brief string representation of the receiver.
void useAllFieldsLocking()
PUBLIC: Set the locking policy an all fields locking policy.
void useCacheIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the cache identity map.
void useChangedFieldsLocking()
PUBLIC: Set the locking policy a changed fields locking policy.
void useCloneCopyPolicy()
PUBLIC: Specifies that the creation of clones within a unit of work is done by sending the #clone() method to the original object.
void useCloneCopyPolicy(java.lang.String cloneMethodName)
PUBLIC: Specifies that the creation of clones within a unit of work is done by sending the cloneMethodName method to the original object.
void useConstructorCopyPolicy()
Deprecated. Replaced by useInstantiationCopyPolicy(), which is more accurately named.
void useDefaultConstructorInstantiationPolicy()
PUBLIC: Use the default constructor to create new instances of objects built from the database.
void useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(java.lang.Class factoryClass, java.lang.String methodName)
PUBLIC: Use an object factory to create new instances of objects built from the database.
void useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(java.lang.Class factoryClass, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String factoryMethodName)
PUBLIC: Use an object factory to create new instances of objects built from the database.
void useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(java.lang.Object factory, java.lang.String methodName)
PUBLIC: Use an object factory to create new instances of objects built from the database.
void useFullIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the full identity map.
void useHardCacheWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the hard cache weak identity map.
void useInstantiationCopyPolicy()
PUBLIC: Specifies that the creation of clones within a unit of work is done by building a new instance using the technique indicated by the descriptor's instantiation policy (which by default is to use the the default constructor).
void useMethodInstantiationPolicy(java.lang.String staticMethodName)
PUBLIC: Use the specified static method to create new instances of objects built from the database.
void useNoIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the no identity map.
void useRemoteCacheIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the cache identity map.
void useRemoteFullIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the full identity map.
void useRemoteHardCacheWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the hard cache weak identity map.
void useRemoteNoIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the no identity map.
void useRemoteSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the soft cache weak identity map.
void useRemoteWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the weak identity map.
boolean usesCacheIdentityMap()
Deprecated. replaced by shouldUseCacheIdentityMap() This was rename to avoid confusing with useCacheIdentityMap.
void useSelectedFieldsLocking(java.util.Vector fieldNames)
PUBLIC: Set the locking policy a selected fields locking policy.
boolean usesFullIdentityMap()
Deprecated. replaced by shouldUseFullIdentityMap() This was rename to avoid confusing with useFullIdentityMap.
boolean usesHardCacheWeakIdentityMap()
Deprecated. replaced by shouldUseHardCacheWeakIdentityMap() This was rename to avoid confusing with useHardCacheWeakIdentityMap.
boolean usesNoIdentityMap()
Deprecated. replaced by shouldUseNoIdentityMap() This was rename to avoid confusing with useNoIdentityMap.
void useSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the soft cache weak identity map.
boolean usesOptimisticLocking()
PUBLIC: Return true if the receiver uses write (optimistic) locking.
boolean usesSequenceNumbers()
PUBLIC: Return true if the receiver uses sequence numbers.
boolean usesSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap()
Deprecated. replaced by shouldUseSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap() This was rename to avoid confusing with useSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap.
boolean usesWeakIdentityMap()
Deprecated. replaced by shouldUseWeakIdentityMap() This was rename to avoid confusing with useWeakIdentityMap.
void useTimestampLocking(java.lang.String writeLockFieldName)
PUBLIC: Use the Timestamps locking policy and storing the value in the cache key #see useVersionLocking(String)
void useTimestampLocking(java.lang.String writeLockFieldName, boolean shouldStoreInCache)
PUBLIC: Set the locking policy to use timestamp version locking.
void useVersionLocking(java.lang.String writeLockFieldName)
PUBLIC: Default to use the version locking policy and storing the value in the cache key #see useVersionLocking(String)
void useVersionLocking(java.lang.String writeLockFieldName, boolean shouldStoreInCache)
PUBLIC: Set the locking policy to use numeric version locking.
void useWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the weak identity map.

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Descriptor()
PUBLIC: Return a new descriptor.

Method Detail


public void addAbstractQueryKey(java.lang.String queryKeyName)
PUBLIC: This method should only be used for interface descriptors. It adds an abstract query key to the interface descriptor. Any implementors of that interface must define the query key defined by this abstract query key.


public void addConstraintDependencies(java.lang.Class dependencies)
ADVANCED: TopLink automatically orders database access through the foreign key information provided in 1:1 and 1:m mappings. In some case when 1:1 are not defined it may be required to tell the descriptor about a constraint, this defines that this descriptor has a foreign key constraint to another class and must be inserted after instances of the other class.


public DatabaseMapping addDirectMapping(java.lang.String attributeName,
                                        java.lang.String fieldName)
PUBLIC: Add a direct to field mapping to the receiver. The new mapping specifies that an instance variable of the class of objects which the receiver describes maps in the default manner for its type to the indicated database field.
The newly created DatabaseMapping is returned.


public DatabaseMapping addDirectMapping(java.lang.String attributeName,
                                        java.lang.String getMethodName,
                                        java.lang.String setMethodName,
                                        java.lang.String fieldName)
PUBLIC: Add a direct to field mapping to the receiver. The new mapping specifies that a variable accessed by the get and set methods of the class of objects which the receiver describes maps in the default manner for its type to the indicated database field.


public void addDirectQueryKey(java.lang.String queryKeyName,
                              java.lang.String fieldName)
PUBLIC: Add a query key to the descriptor. Query keys define Java aliases to database fields.


public DatabaseMapping addMapping(DatabaseMapping mapping)
PUBLIC: Add a database mapping to the receiver. Perform any required initialization of both the mapping and the receiving descriptor as a result of adding the new mapping.


public void addMultipleTableForeignKeyFieldName(java.lang.String fieldNameInSourceTable,
                                                java.lang.String fieldNameInTargetTable)
                                         throws DescriptorException
PUBLIC: This protocol can be used to associate multiple tables with foreign key information. The join criteria will be generated based on the fields provided. By default TopLink associates multiple tables using a primary key join where the primary keys fields are named the same.


public void addMultipleTablePrimaryKeyFieldName(java.lang.String fieldNameInSourceTable,
                                                java.lang.String fieldNameInTargetTable)
                                         throws DescriptorException
PUBLIC: This protocol can be used to map the primary key field names in a multiple table descriptor. By default TopLink assumes that all of the primary key fields are named the same.


public void addPrimaryKeyFieldName(java.lang.String fieldName)
PUBLIC: Specify the primary key field of the descriptors table. This should be called for each field that makes up the primary key of the table. If the descriptor has many tables, this must be the primary key in all of the tables.


public void addQueryKey(QueryKey queryKey)
PUBLIC: Add a query key to the descriptor. Query keys define Java aliases to database fields.


public void addTableName(java.lang.String tableName)
PUBLIC: Specify the table name for the class of objects the receiver describes. If the table has a qualifier it should be specified using the dot notation, (i.e. "userid.employee"). This method is used if there is more than one table.


public void alwaysConformResultsInUnitOfWork()
PUBLIC: Used to set the descriptor to always conform in any unit of work query.


public void alwaysRefreshCache()
PUBLIC: This method is the equivalent of calling setShouldAlwaysRefreshCache(boolean) with an argument of true: it configures a Descriptor to always refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query.

However, if a query hits the cache, data is not refreshed regardless of how this setting is configured. For example, by default, when a query for a single object based on its primary key is executed, OracleAS TopLink will first look in the cache for the object. If the object is in the cache, the cached object is returned and data is not refreshed. To avoid cache hits, use the disableCacheHits() method.

Also note that the UnitOfWork will not refresh its registered objects.

Use this property with caution because it can lead to poor performance and may refresh on queries when it is not desired. Normally, if you require fresh data, it is better to configure a query with ObjectLevelReadQuery.refreshIdentityMapResult(). To ensure that refreshes are only done when required, use this method in conjunction with onlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion().

See Also:


public void alwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote()
PUBLIC: This method is the equivalent of calling setShouldAlwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote(boolean) with an argument of true: it configures a Descriptor to always remotely refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query in a RemoteSession.

However, if a query hits the cache, data is not refreshed regardless of how this setting is configured. For example, by default, when a query for a single object based on its primary key is executed, OracleAS TopLink will first look in the cache for the object. If the object is in the cache, the cached object is returned and data is not refreshed. To avoid cache hits, use the disableCacheHitsOnRemote() method.

Also note that the UnitOfWork will not refresh its registered objects.

Use this property with caution because it can lead to poor performance and may refresh on queries when it is not desired. Normally, if you require fresh data, it is better to configure a query with ObjectLevelReadQuery.refreshIdentityMapResult(). To ensure that refreshes are only done when required, use this method in conjunction with #refreshOnlyIfNewerVersion.

See Also:


public void applyAmendmentMethod()
ADVANCED: Call the descriptor amendment method. This is called while loading or creating a descriptor that has an amendment method defined.


public void createCopyPolicy(java.lang.String policyType)
PUBLIC: Create a copy policy of the type passed in as a string.


public void createInstantiationPolicy(java.lang.String policyType)
PUBLIC: Create a instantiation policy of the type passed in as a string.


public void descriptorIsAggregate()
PUBLIC: Sets the descriptor to be an aggregate. An aggregate descriptor is contained within another descriptor's table. Aggregate descriptors are insert/updated/deleted with their owner and cannot exist without their owner as they share the same row. Aggregates are not cached (they are cached as part of their owner) and cannot be read/written/deleted/registered. All aggregate descriptors must call this.


public void descriptorIsAggregateCollection()
PUBLIC: Sets the descriptor to be part of an aggregate collection. An aggregate collection descriptor stored in a seperate table but some of the fields (the primary key) comes from its owner. Aggregate collection descriptors are insert/updated/deleted with their owner and cannot exist without their owner as they share the primary key. Aggregate collections are not cached (they are cached as part of their owner) and cannot be read/written/deleted/registered. All aggregate collection descriptors must call this.


public void descriptorIsForInterface()
PUBLIC: Sets the descriptor to be for an interface. An interface descriptor allows for other classes to reference an interface or one of serveral other classes. The implementor classes can be completely unrelated in term of the database stored in distinct tables. Queries can also be done for the interface which will query each of the implementor classes. An interface descriptor cannot define any mappings as an interface is just API and not state, a interface descriptor should define the common query key of its implementors to allow querying. An interface descriptor also does not define a primary key or table or other settings. If an interface only has a single implementor (i.e. a classes public interface or remote) then an interface descriptor should not be defined for it and relationships should be to the implementor class not the interface, in this case the implementor class can add the interface through its interface policy to map queries on the interface to it.


public void descriptorIsNormal()
PUBLIC: Sets the descriptor to be normal. This is the default and means the descriptor is not aggregate or for an interface.


public void disableCacheHits()
PUBLIC: Allow for cache hits on primary key read object queries to be disabled. This can be used with alwaysRefreshCache() or alwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote() to ensure queries always go to the database.


public void disableCacheHitsOnRemote()
PUBLIC: Allow for remote session cache hits on primary key read object queries to be disabled. This can be used with alwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote() to ensure queries always go to the server sesion cache.
See Also:


public void dontAlwaysConformResultsInUnitOfWork()
PUBLIC: The descriptor is defined to not conform the results in unit of work in read query. Default.


public void dontAlwaysRefreshCache()
PUBLIC: This method is the equivalent of calling setShouldAlwaysRefreshCache(boolean) with an argument of false: it ensures that a Descriptor is not configured to always refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query.
See Also:


public void dontAlwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote()
PUBLIC: This method is the equivalent of calling setShouldAlwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote(boolean) with an argument of false: it ensures that a Descriptor is not configured to always remotely refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query in a RemoteSession.
See Also:


public void dontDisableCacheHits()
PUBLIC: Allow for cache hits on primary key read object queries.
See Also:


public void dontDisableCacheHitsOnRemote()
PUBLIC: Allow for remote session cache hits on primary key read object queries.
See Also:


public void dontOnlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion()
PUBLIC: This method is the equivalent of calling setShouldOnlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion(boolean) with an argument of false: it ensures that a Descriptor is not configured to only refresh the cache if the data received from the database by a query is newer than the data in the cache (as determined by the optimistic locking field).
See Also:


public java.lang.String getAlias()
PUBLIC: Get the alias


public java.lang.Class getAmendmentClass()
PUBLIC: Return the amendment class. The amendment method will be called on the class before initialization to allow for it to initialize the descriptor. The method must be a public static method on the class.


public java.lang.String getAmendmentMethodName()
PUBLIC: Return the amendment method. This will be called on the amendment class before initialization to allow for it to initialize the descriptor. The method must be a public static method on the class.


public java.util.Vector getConstraintDependencies()
ADVANCED: TopLink automatically orders database access through the foreign key information provided in 1:1 and 1:m mappings. In some case when 1:1 are not defined it may be required to tell the descriptor about a constraint, this defines that this descriptor has a foreign key constraint to another class and must be inserted after instances of the other class.


public int getDescriptorType()
ADVANCED: return the descriptor type (NORMAL by default, others include INTERFACE, AGGREGATE, AGGREGATE COLLECTION)


public DescriptorEventManager getEventManager()
PUBLIC: Get the event manager for the descriptor. The event manager is responsible for managing the pre/post selectors.


public int getIdentityMapSize()
PUBLIC: Return the size of the identity map.


public InheritancePolicy getInheritancePolicy()
PUBLIC: The inheritance policy is used to define how a descriptor takes part in inheritance. All inheritance properties for both child and parent classes is configured in inheritance policy. Caution must be used in using this method as it lazy initializes an inheritance policy. Calling this on a descriptor that does not use inheritance will cause problems, #hasInheritance() must always first be called.


public InterfacePolicy getInterfacePolicy()
PUBLIC: Returns the InterfacePolicy. The interface policy allows for a descriptor's public and variable interfaces to be defined. Caution must be used in using this method as it lazy initializes an interface policy. Calling this on a descriptor that does not use interfaces will cause problems, #hasInterfacePolicy() must always first be called.


public java.lang.Class getJavaClass()
PUBLIC: Return the java class.


public DatabaseMapping getMappingForAttributeName(java.lang.String attributeName)
PUBLIC: Returns the mapping associated with a given attribute name. This can be used to find a descriptors mapping in a amendment method before the descriptor has been initialized.


public java.util.Vector getMappings()
PUBLIC: Returns mappings


public oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.OptimisticLockingPolicy getOptimisticLockingPolicy()
PUBLIC: Returns the OptimisticLockingPolicy. By default this is an instance of VersionLockingPolicy.


public java.util.Vector getPrimaryKeyFieldNames()
PUBLIC: Return the names of all the primary keys.


public java.util.Hashtable getProperties()
PUBLIC: Returns the user defined properties.


public java.lang.Object getProperty(java.lang.String name)
PUBLIC: Returns the descriptor property associated the given String.


public java.util.Hashtable getQueryKeys()
PUBLIC: Return the query keys.


public DescriptorQueryManager getQueryManager()
PUBLIC: Return the queryManager. The query manager can be used to specify customization of the SQL that TopLink generates for this descriptor.


public int getRemoteIdentityMapSize()
PUBLIC: Return the size of the remote identity map.


public java.lang.String getSequenceNumberFieldName()
PUBLIC: Get sequence number field name


public java.lang.String getSequenceNumberName()
PUBLIC: Get sequence number name


public java.lang.String getTableName()
PUBLIC: Return the name of the descriptor's first table. This method must only be called on single table descriptors.


public java.util.Vector getTableNames()
PUBLIC: Return the table names.


public WrapperPolicy getWrapperPolicy()
ADVANCED: Return the WrapperPolicy for this descriptor. This advacned feature can be used to wrap objects with other classes such as CORBA TIE objects or EJBs.


public boolean isAggregateCollectionDescriptor()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is an aggregate collection descriptor


public boolean isAggregateDescriptor()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is an aggregate descriptor


public boolean isChildDescriptor()
PUBLIC: Return if the descriptor defines inheritence and is a child.


public boolean isDescriptorForInterface()
PUBLIC: Return if the java class is interface


public void onlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion()
PUBLIC: This method is the equivalent of calling setShouldOnlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion(boolean) with an argument of true: it configures a Descriptor to only refresh the cache if the data received from the database by a query is newer than the data in the cache (as determined by the optimistic locking field) and as long as one of the following is true:

However, if a query hits the cache, data is not refreshed regardless of how this setting is configured. For example, by default, when a query for a single object based on its primary key is executed, OracleAS TopLink will first look in the cache for the object. If the object is in the cache, the cached object is returned and data is not refreshed. To avoid cache hits, use the disableCacheHits() method.

Also note that the UnitOfWork will not refresh its registered objects.

See Also:


public void removeProperty(java.lang.String property)
PUBLIC: Remove the user defined property.


public void setAlias(java.lang.String alias)
PUBLIC: Set the alias


public void setAmendmentClass(java.lang.Class amendmentClass)
PUBLIC: Set the amendment class. The amendment method will be called on the class before initialization to allow for it to initialize the descriptor. The method must be a public static method on the class.


public void setAmendmentMethodName(java.lang.String amendmentMethodName)
PUBLIC: Set the amendment method. This will be called on the amendment class before initialization to allow for it to initialize the descriptor. The method must be a public static method on the class.


public void setConstraintDependencies(java.util.Vector constraintDependencies)
ADVANCED: TopLink automatically orders database access through the foreign key information provided in 1:1 and 1:m mappings. In some case when 1:1 are not defined it may be required to tell the descriptor about a constraint, this defines that this descriptor has a foreign key constraint to another class and must be inserted after instances of the other class.


public void setDefaultTableName(java.lang.String defaultTableName)
PUBLIC: The descriptors default table can be configured if the first table is not desired.


public void setDescriptorType(int descriptorType)
ADVANCED: set the descriptor type (NORMAL by default, others include INTERFACE, AGGREGATE, AGGREGATE COLLECTION)


public void setIdentityMapClass(java.lang.Class theIdentityMapClass)
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be used by this descriptor. The default is the "FullIdentityMap".


public void setIdentityMapSize(int identityMapSize)
PUBLIC: Set the size of the identity map to be used by this descriptor. The default is the 100.


public void setIsAggregateDescriptor(boolean isAggregateDescriptor)
See Also:


public void setIsDescriptorForInterface(boolean isDescriptorForInterface)
See Also:


public void setJavaClass(java.lang.Class theJavaClass)
PUBLIC: Set the Java class that this descriptor maps. Every descriptor maps one and only one class.


public void setJavaInterface(java.lang.Class theJavaInterface)
PUBLIC: Sets the descriptor to be for an interface. An interface descriptor allows for other classes to reference an interface or one of serveral other classes. The implementor classes can be completely unrelated in term of the database stored in distinct tables. Queries can also be done for the interface which will query each of the implementor classes. An interface descriptor cannot define any mappings as an interface is just API and not state, a interface descriptor should define the common query key of its implementors to allow querying. An interface descriptor also does not define a primary key or table or other settings. If an interface only has a single implementor (i.e. a classes public interface or remote) then an interface descriptor should not be defined for it and relationships should be to the implementor class not the interface, in this case the implementor class can add the interface through its interface policy to map queries on the interface to it.


public void setMultipleTableInsertOrder(java.util.Vector newValue)
ADVANCED: Sets the Vector of DatabaseTables in the order which INSERTS should take place. This is normally computed correctly by TopLink, however in advanced cases in it may be overridden.


public void setOptimisticLockingPolicy(oracle.toplink.internal.descriptors.OptimisticLockingPolicy optimisticLockingPolicy)
PUBLIC: Set the OptimisticLockingPolicy. This can be one of the provided locking policies or a user defined policy.
See Also:
VersionLockingPolicy, TimestampLockingPolicy, FieldLockingPolicy


public void setPrimaryKeyFieldName(java.lang.String fieldName)
PUBLIC: Specify the primary key field of the descriptors table. This should only be called if it is a singlton primary key field, otherwise addPrimaryKeyFieldName should be called. If the descriptor has many tables, this must be the primary key in all of the tables.
See Also:


public void setPrimaryKeyFieldNames(java.util.Vector primaryKeyFieldsName)
PUBLIC: User can specify a vector of all the primary key field names if primary key is composite.
See Also:


public void setProperty(java.lang.String name,
                        java.lang.Object value)
PUBLIC: Set the user defined property.


public void setRemoteIdentityMapClass(java.lang.Class theIdentityMapClass)
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be used by this descriptor. The default is the "FullIdentityMap".


public void setRemoteIdentityMapSize(int identityMapSize)
PUBLIC: Set the size of the identity map to be used by this descriptor. The default is the 100.


public void setSequenceNumberFieldName(java.lang.String fieldName)
PUBLIC: Set the sequence number field name. This is the field in the descriptors table that needs its value to be generated. This is normally the primary key field of the descriptor.


public void setSequenceNumberName(java.lang.String name)
PUBLIC: Set the sequence number name. This is the seq_name part of the row stored in the sequence table for this descriptor. If using Oracle native sequencing this is the name of the Oracle sequence object. If using Sybase native sequencing this name has no meaning, but should still be set for compatibility. The name does not have to be unique among descriptors, as having descriptors share sequences can improve pre-allocation performance.


public void setShouldAlwaysConformResultsInUnitOfWork(boolean shouldAlwaysConformResultsInUnitOfWork)
PUBLIC: set if the descriptor is defined to always conform the results in unit of work in read query.


public void setShouldAlwaysRefreshCache(boolean shouldAlwaysRefreshCache)
PUBLIC: When the shouldAlwaysRefreshCache argument passed into this method is true, this method configures a Descriptor to always refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query.

However, if a query hits the cache, data is not refreshed regardless of how this setting is configured. For example, by default, when a query for a single object based on its primary key is executed, OracleAS TopLink will first look in the cache for the object. If the object is in the cache, the cached object is returned and data is not refreshed. To avoid cache hits, use the disableCacheHits() method.

Also note that the UnitOfWork will not refresh its registered objects.

Use this property with caution because it can lead to poor performance and may refresh on queries when it is not desired. Normally, if you require fresh data, it is better to configure a query with ObjectLevelReadQuery.refreshIdentityMapResult(). To ensure that refreshes are only done when required, use this method in conjunction with onlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion().

When the shouldAlwaysRefreshCache argument passed into this method is false, this method ensures that a Descriptor is not configured to always refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query.

See Also:
alwaysRefreshCache(), dontAlwaysRefreshCache()


public void setShouldAlwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote(boolean shouldAlwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote)
PUBLIC: When the shouldAlwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote argument passed into this method is true, this method configures a Descriptor to always remotely refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query in a RemoteSession. However, if a query hits the cache, data is not refreshed regardless of how this setting is configured. For example, by default, when a query for a single object based on its primary key is executed, OracleAS TopLink will first look in the cache for the object. If the object is in the cache, the cached object is returned and data is not refreshed. To avoid cache hits, use the disableCacheHitsOnRemote() method.

Also note that the UnitOfWork will not refresh its registered objects.

Use this property with caution because it can lead to poor performance and may refresh on queries when it is not desired. Normally, if you require fresh data, it is better to configure a query with ObjectLevelReadQuery.refreshIdentityMapResult(). To ensure that refreshes are only done when required, use this method in conjunction with #refreshOnlyIfNewerVersion.

When the shouldAlwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote argument passed into this method is false, this method ensures that a Descriptor is not configured to always remotely refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query in a RemoteSession.

See Also:
alwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote(), dontAlwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote()


public void setShouldBeReadOnly(boolean shouldBeReadOnly)
PUBLIC: Define if the descriptor reference class is read-only


public void setReadOnly()
PUBLIC: Set the descriptor to be read-only. Declaring a descriptor is read-only means that instances of the reference class will never be modified. Read-only descriptor is usually used in the unit of work to gain porformance as there is no need for the registration, clone and merge for the read-only classes.


public void setShouldDisableCacheHits(boolean shouldDisableCacheHits)
PUBLIC: Set if cache hits on primary key read object queries should be disabled.
See Also:


public void setShouldDisableCacheHitsOnRemote(boolean shouldDisableCacheHitsOnRemote)
PUBLIC: Set if the remote session cache hits on primary key read object queries is allowed or not.
See Also:


public void setShouldOnlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion(boolean shouldOnlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion)
PUBLIC: When the shouldOnlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion argument passed into this method is true, this method configures a Descriptor to only refresh the cache if the data received from the database by a query is newer than the data in the cache (as determined by the optimistic locking field) and as long as one of the following is true:

However, if a query hits the cache, data is not refreshed regardless of how this setting is configured. For example, by default, when a query for a single object based on its primary key is executed, OracleAS TopLink will first look in the cache for the object. If the object is in the cache, the cached object is returned and data is not refreshed. To avoid cache hits, use the disableCacheHits() method.

Also note that the UnitOfWork will not refresh its registered objects.

When the shouldOnlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion argument passed into this method is false, this method ensures that a Descriptor is not configured to only refresh the cache if the data received from the database by a query is newer than the data in the cache (as determined by the optimistic locking field).

See Also:
onlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion(), dontOnlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion()


public void setShouldOrderMappings(boolean shouldOrderMappings)
PUBLIC: This is set to turn off the ordering of mappings. By Default this is set to true. By ordering the mappings TopLink insures that object are merged in the right order. If the order of the mappings needs to be specified by the developer then set this to false and TopLink will use the order that the mappings were added to the descriptor


public void setTableName(java.lang.String tableName)
                  throws DescriptorException
PUBLIC: Specify the table name for the class of objects the receiver describes. If the table has a qualifier it should be specified using the dot notation, (i.e. "userid.employee"). This method is used for single table.


public void setTableNames(java.util.Vector tableNames)
PUBLIC: Specify the all table names for the class of objects the receiver describes. If the table has a qualifier it should be specified using the dot notation, (i.e. "userid.employee"). This method is used for multiple tables


public void setTableQualifier(java.lang.String tableQualifier)
PUBLIC: Set the table Qualifier for this descriptor. This table creator will be used for all tables in this descriptor


public void setWrapperPolicy(WrapperPolicy wrapperPolicy)
ADVANCED: Sets the WrapperPolicy for this descriptor. This advacned feature can be used to wrap objects with other classes such as CORBA TIE objects or EJBs.


public void setWriteLockFieldName(java.lang.String fieldName)
PUBLIC: OBSOLETE Set the optimistic write lock field name. If used this field will be increamented whenever the object is updated. Before writing, this field is checked to see if it has changed since the object was read, if it has an OptimisticLockException will be triggered.
See Also:


public boolean shouldAlwaysConformResultsInUnitOfWork()
PUBLIC: Return if the descriptor is defined to always conform the results in unit of work in read query.


public boolean shouldAlwaysRefreshCache()
PUBLIC: This method returns true if the Descriptor is configured to always refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query. Otherwise, it returns false.
See Also:


public boolean shouldAlwaysRefreshCacheOnRemote()
PUBLIC: This method returns true if the Descriptor is configured to always remotely refresh the cache if data is received from the database by any query in a RemoteSession. Otherwise, it returns false.
See Also:


public boolean shouldBeReadOnly()
PUBLIC: Return if the descriptor reference class is defined as read-only


public boolean shouldDisableCacheHits()
PUBLIC: Return if for cache hits on primary key read object queries to be disabled.
See Also:


public boolean shouldDisableCacheHitsOnRemote()
PUBLIC: Return if the remote server session cache hits on primary key read object queries is aloowed or not.
See Also:


public boolean shouldOnlyRefreshCacheIfNewerVersion()
PUBLIC: This method returns true if the Descriptor is configured to only refresh the cache if the data received from the database by a query is newer than the data in the cache (as determined by the optimistic locking field). Otherwise, it returns false.
See Also:


public boolean shouldUseCacheIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using CacheIdentityMap


public boolean shouldUseFullIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using FullIdentityMap


public boolean shouldUseHardCacheWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using HardCacheWeakIdentityMap.


public boolean shouldUseNoIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using NoIdentityMap


public boolean shouldUseRemoteCacheIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using CacheIdentityMap


public boolean shouldUseRemoteFullIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using FullIdentityMap


public boolean shouldUseRemoteHardCacheWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using HardCacheWeakIdentityMap


public boolean shouldUseRemoteNoIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using NoIdentityMap


public boolean shouldUseRemoteSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using SoftCacheWeakIdentityMap


public boolean shouldUseRemoteWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using WeakIdentityMap


public boolean shouldUseSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using SoftCacheWeakIdentityMap.


public boolean shouldUseWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Return true if this descriptor is using WeakIdentityMap


public java.lang.String toString()
PUBLIC: Returns a brief string representation of the receiver.


public void useAllFieldsLocking()
PUBLIC: Set the locking policy an all fields locking policy. A field locking policy is base on locking on all fields by comparing with their previous values to detect field-level collisions. Note: the unit of work must be used for all updates when using field locking.
See Also:


public void useCacheIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the cache identity map. This map caches the LRU instances read from the database. The default in JDK1.1 is "FullIdentityMap", in JDK1.2 it is the "SoftCacheWeakIdentityMap".


public void useChangedFieldsLocking()
PUBLIC: Set the locking policy a changed fields locking policy. A field locking policy is base on locking on all changed fields by comparing with their previous values to detect field-level collisions. Note: the unit of work must be used for all updates when using field locking.
See Also:


public void useCloneCopyPolicy()
PUBLIC: Specifies that the creation of clones within a unit of work is done by sending the #clone() method to the original object. The #clone() method must return a logical shallow copy of the original object. This can be used if the default mechanism of creating a new instance does not handle the object's non-persistent attributes correctly.
See Also:


public void useCloneCopyPolicy(java.lang.String cloneMethodName)
PUBLIC: Specifies that the creation of clones within a unit of work is done by sending the cloneMethodName method to the original object. This method must return a logical shallow copy of the original object. This can be used if the default mechanism of creating a new instance does not handle the object's non-persistent attributes correctly.
See Also:


public void useConstructorCopyPolicy()
Deprecated. Replaced by useInstantiationCopyPolicy(), which is more accurately named.
OBSOLETE: Specifies that the creation of clones within a unit of work is done by building a new instance using the technique indicated by the descriptor's instantiation policy (which by default is to use the the default constructor). This new instance is then populated by using the descriptor's mappings to copy attributes from the original to the clone. This is the default. If another mechanism is desired the copy policy allows for a clone method to be called.
See Also:


public void useInstantiationCopyPolicy()
PUBLIC: Specifies that the creation of clones within a unit of work is done by building a new instance using the technique indicated by the descriptor's instantiation policy (which by default is to use the the default constructor). This new instance is then populated by using the descriptor's mappings to copy attributes from the original to the clone. This is the default. If another mechanism is desired the copy policy allows for a clone method to be called.
See Also:
useCloneCopyPolicy(), useCloneCopyPolicy(String), useDefaultConstructorInstantiationPolicy(), useMethodInstantiationPolicy(String), useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(Class, String), useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(Class, String, String), useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(Object, String)


public void useDefaultConstructorInstantiationPolicy()
PUBLIC: Use the default constructor to create new instances of objects built from the database. This is the default. The descriptor's class must either define a default constructor or define no constructors at all.
See Also:
useMethodInstantiationPolicy(String), useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(Class, String), useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(Class, String, String), useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(Object, String)


public void useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(java.lang.Class factoryClass,
                                          java.lang.String methodName)
PUBLIC: Use an object factory to create new instances of objects built from the database. The methodName is the name of the method that will be invoked on the factory. When invoked, it must return a new instance of the descriptor's class. The factory will be created by invoking the factoryClass's default constructor.
See Also:
useDefaultConstructorInstantiationPolicy(), useMethodInstantiationPolicy(String), useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(Class, String, String), useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(Object, String)


public void useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(java.lang.Class factoryClass,
                                          java.lang.String methodName,
                                          java.lang.String factoryMethodName)
PUBLIC: Use an object factory to create new instances of objects built from the database. The factoryMethodName is a static method declared by the factoryClass. When invoked, it must return an instance of the factory. The methodName is the name of the method that will be invoked on the factory. When invoked, it must return a new instance of the descriptor's class.
See Also:
useDefaultConstructorInstantiationPolicy(), useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(Class, String), useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(Object, String), useMethodInstantiationPolicy(String)


public void useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(java.lang.Object factory,
                                          java.lang.String methodName)
PUBLIC: Use an object factory to create new instances of objects built from the database. The methodName is the name of the method that will be invoked on the factory. When invoked, it must return a new instance of the descriptor's class.
See Also:
useDefaultConstructorInstantiationPolicy(), useMethodInstantiationPolicy(String), useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(Class, String), useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(Class, String, String)


public void useFullIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the full identity map. This map caches all instances read and grows to accomodate them. The default in JDK1.1 is "FullIdentityMap", in JDK1.2 it is the "SoftCacheWeakIdentityMap".


public void useHardCacheWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the hard cache weak identity map. This map uses weak references in JDK 1.2 to only cache object in-memory. It also includes a secondary fixed sized soft cache to improve caching performance. This is provided because some Java VM's do not implement soft references correctly. The default in JDK1.1 is "FullIdentityMap", in JDK1.2 it is the "SoftCacheWeakIdentityMap".


public void useMethodInstantiationPolicy(java.lang.String staticMethodName)
PUBLIC: Use the specified static method to create new instances of objects built from the database. This method must be statically declared by the descriptor's class, and it must return a new instance of the descriptor's class.
See Also:
useDefaultConstructorInstantiationPolicy(), useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(Class, String), useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(Class, String, String), useFactoryInstantiationPolicy(Object, String)


public void useNoIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the no identity map. This map does no caching. The default in JDK1.1 is "FullIdentityMap", in JDK1.2 it is the "SoftCacheWeakIdentityMap".


public void useRemoteCacheIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the cache identity map. This map caches the LRU instances read from the database. The default in JDK1.1 is "FullIdentityMap", in JDK1.2 it is the "SoftCacheWeakIdentityMap".


public void useRemoteFullIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the full identity map. This map caches all instances read and grows to accomodate them. The default in JDK1.1 is "FullIdentityMap", in JDK1.2 it is the "SoftCacheWeakIdentityMap".


public void useRemoteHardCacheWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the hard cache weak identity map. This map uses weak references in JDK 1.2 to only cache object in-memory. It also includes a secondary fixed sized soft cache to improve caching performance. This is provided because some Java VM's do not implement soft references correctly. The default in JDK1.1 is "FullIdentityMap", in JDK1.2 it is the "SoftCacheWeakIdentityMap".


public void useRemoteNoIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the no identity map. This map does no caching. The default in JDK1.1 is "FullIdentityMap", in JDK1.2 it is the "SoftCacheWeakIdentityMap".


public void useRemoteSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the soft cache weak identity map. The SoftCacheIdentityMap holds a fixed number of objects is memory (using SoftReferences) to improve caching. The default in JDK1.1 is "FullIdentityMap", in JDK1.2 it is the "SoftCacheWeakIdentityMap".


public void useRemoteWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the weak identity map. The default in JDK1.1 is "FullIdentityMap", in JDK1.2 it is the "SoftCacheWeakIdentityMap".


public boolean usesCacheIdentityMap()
Deprecated. replaced by shouldUseCacheIdentityMap() This was rename to avoid confusing with useCacheIdentityMap.


public void useSelectedFieldsLocking(java.util.Vector fieldNames)
PUBLIC: Set the locking policy a selected fields locking policy. A field locking policy is base on locking on the specified fields by comparing with their previous values to detect field-level collisions. Note: the unit of work must be used for all updates when using field locking.
See Also:


public boolean usesFullIdentityMap()
Deprecated. replaced by shouldUseFullIdentityMap() This was rename to avoid confusing with useFullIdentityMap.


public boolean usesHardCacheWeakIdentityMap()
Deprecated. replaced by shouldUseHardCacheWeakIdentityMap() This was rename to avoid confusing with useHardCacheWeakIdentityMap.


public boolean usesNoIdentityMap()
Deprecated. replaced by shouldUseNoIdentityMap() This was rename to avoid confusing with useNoIdentityMap.


public void useSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the soft cache weak identity map. The SoftCacheIdentityMap holds a fixed number of objects is memory (using SoftReferences) to improve caching. The default in JDK1.1 is "FullIdentityMap", in JDK1.2 it is the "SoftCacheWeakIdentityMap".


public boolean usesOptimisticLocking()
PUBLIC: Return true if the receiver uses write (optimistic) locking.


public boolean usesSequenceNumbers()
PUBLIC: Return true if the receiver uses sequence numbers.


public boolean usesSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap()
Deprecated. replaced by shouldUseSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap() This was rename to avoid confusing with useSoftCacheWeakIdentityMap.


public boolean usesWeakIdentityMap()
Deprecated. replaced by shouldUseWeakIdentityMap() This was rename to avoid confusing with useWeakIdentityMap.


public void useTimestampLocking(java.lang.String writeLockFieldName)
PUBLIC: Use the Timestamps locking policy and storing the value in the cache key #see useVersionLocking(String)


public void useTimestampLocking(java.lang.String writeLockFieldName,
                                boolean shouldStoreInCache)
PUBLIC: Set the locking policy to use timestamp version locking. This updates the timestamp field on all updates, first comparing that the field has not changed to detect locking conflicts. Note: many database have limited precision of timestamps which can be an issue is highly concurrent systems. The parameter 'shouldStoreInCache' configures the version lock value to be stored in the cache or in the object. Note: if using a stateless model where the object can be passed to a client and then later updated in a different transaction context, then the version lock value should not be stored in the cache, but in the object to ensure it is the correct value for that object.
See Also:


public void useVersionLocking(java.lang.String writeLockFieldName)
PUBLIC: Default to use the version locking policy and storing the value in the cache key #see useVersionLocking(String)


public void useVersionLocking(java.lang.String writeLockFieldName,
                              boolean shouldStoreInCache)
PUBLIC: Set the locking policy to use numeric version locking. This updates the version field on all updates, first comparing that the field has not changed to detect locking conflicts. The parameter 'shouldStoreInCache' configures the version lock value to be stored in the cache or in the object. Note: if using a stateless model where the object can be passed to a client and then later updated in a different transaction context, then the version lock value should not be stored in the cache, but in the object to ensure it is the correct value for that object.
See Also:


public void useWeakIdentityMap()
PUBLIC: Set the class of identity map to be the weak identity map. The default in JDK1.1 is "FullIdentityMap", in JDK1.2 it is the "SoftCacheWeakIdentityMap".

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