Siebel Consumer Goods Guide > Trade Promotions > About Configuring Trade Promotions >

User Properties

The following user properties are used by Trade Promotions:

  • Add Authorized Products Only. This is a user property of the CPG Plan Account Promotion business component. Set the value to Y to add all of the following promoted products to the current promotion:
    • On an account's authorized distribution list (ADL)
    • Associated with the account's categories and subcategories

      NOTE:  By default, the value of this user property is set to N.

  • Baseline Dates. This is a Business Component object type user property on the CPG Plan Account Promotion Product view. This user property determines the Start and End dates used to associate baseline data to a promotion. Table 18 describes how using different Values with this user property affects the Start and End dates.
    Table 18. Baseline Date Values and Behaviors


    Uses the promotion Start and End dates.


    Uses the consumption Start and End dates.


    Uses the shipment Start and End dates.

    When the user property is not used, the default behavior is equal to using Promotion.

    For more information about user properties, see the Using Siebel Tools.

Siebel Consumer Goods Guide