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Setting Up Guest Conveniences

Guest conveniences are amenities that are in close proximity to the property that may be useful to guests during their stay at the property. Guest conveniences can include local airports, restaurants, booking centers, attractions, and other local companies. This information may be useful to guests who are staying at your property. However, before guest conveniences can be associated with the property record, they must be added to the system. The following procedure details how to set up guest conveniences in your system. For more information about associating guest conveniences with a property record, see Defining the Property's Neighborhood Characteristics.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Properties.

To add guest conveniences

  1. Navigate to the Guest Conveniences Administration screen > Guest Conveniences list view.
  2. In the Guest conveniences list, create a new record, complete the fields, and save the record.

    The following table describes some of the fields.



    Enter the name of the guest convenience.


    Select the type of convenience, that is, either Airport, Booking Center, Restaurants, Local Companies, or Attractions.


    Enter the street address of the guest convenience.


    Enter the remainder of the street address of the guest convenience.


    Enter the name of the city in which the guest convenience is located.


    Enter the name of the state in which the guest convenience is located.

    Zip/Postal Code

    Enter the ZIP or postal code of the guest convenience.


    Enter the name of the country in which the guest convenience is located.


    Enter a description of the guest convenience.

    Driving Directions

    Enter the driving directions from the property to the guest convenience.

Siebel Hospitality Guide