Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide > Supplementary Information for Specific Upgrade Types >

Distributing a Siebel Maintenance Release or Patch

This section provides an overview of the process of deploying a Siebel maintenance release or patch, including links to more specific instructions.

CAUTION:  Do not use Packager for Siebel maintenance releases. Packager is designed for use with full releases. It does not include the necessary functionality to install a Siebel release that depends on the existence of a previous release.

NOTE:  Only Mobile and Developer Web Clients can use Siebel Anywhere to download the kits needed for a Siebel maintenance release or patch. For other types of clients, such as Siebel Tools clients, users can only receive notification and then manually apply the patch. For information about applying patches manually, see the Maintenance Release Guide for the patch, which is available on Siebel SupportWeb.

The process of distributing a Siebel maintenance release or patch consists of the following steps:

  1. Determine your upgrade requirements. For instructions concerning this step, see Determining Upgrade Requirements.
  2. Prepare any needed infrastructure elements, such as configurations. For instructions concerning this step, see Creating Needed Infrastructure Elements.
  3. Prepare Siebel maintenance release files or patch files for inclusion in upgrade kits. Check the release-specific documentation for any special requirements concerning this step.

    NOTE:  In this step, it is important to keep the language-independent base files and the files specific to each language in separate directories. If you want to create a Delta Install upgrade kit, rather than a Standard Install upgrade kit, this is also the point at which you create the delta patch file. For information about Delta Install upgrade kits, see About Reducing Siebel Client Executables Kit Size and Process of Creating a Delta Install Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit.

  4. Define the following upgrade kits:

    NOTE:  Although the following kits can be created in any order, it is important to wait for the status of each kit to become Pending before defining the next kit. Press ALT+ENTER to refresh the view. You may need to refresh the view several times before you will see the Status change.

    1. Define an upgrade kit for the language-independent (base) portion of the maintenance release or patch. For instructions concerning this step, see Defining a Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit.
    2. For each language that you use in your Siebel implementation, define an upgrade kit for the language-specific part of the maintenance release or patch. For instructions concerning this step, see Defining a Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit.

      NOTE:  In Step 4, you define each upgrade kit to execute a different install.exe file.

  5. Make each language-specific upgrade kit dependent upon the base upgrade kit. For instructions concerning this step, see Controlling the Order of Kit Installation.
  6. Activate each base and language-specific kit you created. For instructions concerning this step, see Activating an Upgrade Kit.
  7. Apply each base and language-specific kit you created. For instructions concerning this step, see Applying an Upgrade Kit.
  8. Distribute the base and language-specific kits to a test configuration. For instructions concerning this step, see Distributing Upgrade Kits.
  9. Test the upgrade kits by retrieving and installing them as both local and remote members of the test configuration, and by running the software that has been upgraded. For instructions concerning this step, see Retrieving, Installing, and Testing Upgrade Kits.
  10. After each base and language-specific kit is operating correctly for test configuration members, distribute the kit to one or more additional configurations, for general use.
Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.