Siebel Forecasting Guide > Setting Up Forecasting >

Creating a Forecast Series

The following procedure describes how to create a forecast series.

To create a forecast series

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Forecast screen > Forecast Administration view.
  2. In the More Info form, create a new record and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table.
    Field Name

    Series Name

    Typically gives some insight as to how the forecast series is used, what the forecast series includes, or how often it is run.

    Detail Depth

    Determines whether the user's forecast details are copied into the manager's forecast (Revenue Detail) or simply summarized in a set total (Summary Only). The default value for this field, Summary Only, is the recommended setting for most customers.


    The visibility mode applied to the Revenue table in the selection of forecast records. Choices are: My Revenues, My Team's Revenues, All, and All Across Organizations. These views are described in Table 7.

    The default value for this field is My Revenues.

    Interval Period Type

    The type of forecast interval period. Choices are: Day, Week, Month, Quarter, and Year. The default type is Month.


    Determines the time between creation of new forecasts of a given series. The value is a number of units of the Interval Period Type.

    For example, for the default interval value 1, and the default interval period type, forecasts are created monthly.

    Summary Period Type

    Determines the summary periods into which revenues are aggregated for each forecast in this series. The choices are based on the period types defined and may include periods from a day to a year. The default type is Month, meaning that the Forecast Summary view shows monthly totals.

    For more information about summary periods, see Viewing the Forecast Summary.


    Indicates whether the forecast series is available for forecasting purposes to anyone listed in the Forecast Series Participants list on the dates indicated on the Forecast Series Dates list. By default, this box is selected.

    Public Access

    Read-only. When selected, allows each employee within the selected organization to access the forecast series and create a forecast. It is only selected when an organization is added.

    For more information about adding an organization, see Adding Forecast Series Organizations.

    Auto Forecast Search Spec

    Determines which revenue items are automatically included when a forecast is created. If a query is not specified here, then the sales representative's revenue records, within the applicable date range, are included in the forecast. For more information, see Creating Search Specifications for Forecast Series.

    Associate Search Spec

    The filter that is applied to the Add New Records list on the Forecast Details view. This field determines which revenue items the end user can manually add to a forecast. For more information, see Creating Search Specifications for Forecast Series.

    Rollup Search Spec

    Indicates which detail records are included in the forecast summary amounts. The Rollup Search Spec can vary from one forecast series to another, and may be based on revenue type, revenue class, probability, or any other field on the forecast detail record.

    TIP:   The Rollup Search Spec is based on fields from the Forecast 2000 -- Forecast Item Detail Flat business component, not Revenue.

  3. Add dates.

    You must define the dates required for the forecast.

    For instructions, see Defining Forecast Series Dates.

  4. Add participants or organizations.

    You must either define participants or organizations, which provide a useful means of creating forecast series for a large group of participants.

    For instructions, see, Adding Forecast Series Participants, and Adding Forecast Series Organizations.

  5. Add the required aggregation levels.

    You can set aggregation fields and aggregation levels for Accounts, Products, and Product Line fields. You can also use custom fields if you require fields specific to your business requirements.

    For instructions, see Adding Aggregation Levels.

    Table 7 lists forecast visibilities and describes their uses.

Table 7. Forecast Visibility

My Revenues

This mode allows the forecast access only to records assigned to the sales representative who owns the revenues that are included in the forecast. My Revenues is used for standard forecasts.

My Team's Revenues

This mode allows the forecast access to each revenue record attributed to the end user's subordinates. This mode is recommended for departmental or group forecasts in which a manager wants a snapshot of the revenues attributed to their department or group.

Use caution when using the My Team's Revenues setting; limit the number of participants to only one level of the forecast tree (that is, only directors or only VPs or only first level managers). If a manager and a subordinate are both listed as participants in a forecast series with this setting, the subordinate's revenue records are counted at least twice: once at the subordinate level and then a second time at the manager's level, and so on up the tree for every level in which there is a participant listed.

For more information about creating departmental forecast series, see Creating a Departmental Forecast Series.


This mode allows the forecast access to each revenue record within the organization. This mode is recommended for organizational snapshots, in which just one person (typically an administrator) creates one forecast with a snapshot of each forecastable revenue record within that organization.

All Across Organizations

This mode allows the forecast access to each revenue record in the Siebel database, across all organizations. This mode is recommended for global snapshots, in which just one person (typically an administrator) creates one forecast with a snapshot of each forecastable revenue record within the Siebel database.

For more information about creating global snapshots, see Creating a Global Forecast Series.

NOTE:  A hybrid forecast uses My Revenues and My Team's Revenues simultaneously by adjusting the Visibility field in the Forecast Series Participants view. For more information about hybrid forecasts, see Creating a Hybrid Forecast Series.

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