Siebel Public Sector Guide > Managing Benefits Cases >

Receiving a Benefits Request

This task is a step in Process of Managing Benefits Cases.

During an interview with an applicant requesting benefits, the call center representative or an intake agent typically creates a contact record and a household record to document household demographics and statistics. Before creating new records, the agent should query existing case files for other cases associated with the applicant. If no related cases are found, the agent creates a new benefits request file. After the benefits request file is saved, it is routed automatically (using Assignment Manager) or manually to a benefits manager for review.

Creating Contact and Household Records

Use the Contacts screen to search for existing contacts and create new contacts. Household information can either be entered using the Household field in the contact More Info view or from the Households screen. For more information on managing contact and household information, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

To create contact and household records

  1. Navigate to the Contacts screen > Contacts Home view.
  2. In the Contacts Add form, enter the applicant's name, and then click Add & Go.
  3. From the Contact form, click the More Info view tab, and complete additional fields for the contact.
  4. In the Contact form, click the select button in the Households field, and in the dialog box query for an existing Household, or click New to add a new household record.

    For a new record, complete the household Name, Type and Address, if necessary.

To associate additional household members with the contact

  1. Navigate to the Households screen home page, and query for the household.

    If you just created the household record, it appears in the Recent Records list.

  2. Drill down on the household record to navigate to the Household Contacts view.
  3. In the Household Contacts view, add additional contacts for the household.

Contact and Household Screen Views

You can enter information on property and other assets, liabilities, and other relationships using the views associated with the contact and the contact's household record. For example, you can use the Relationship Hierarchy view to provide a graphical hierarchy of the contact's household.

For more information about creating contacts and households, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

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