Siebel Marketing Guide > Defining Filter and Segment Criteria > Creating and Editing Segment Criteria >

Editing Segment Criteria

The way you edit segment criteria depends on several factors. Do you want to create a slightly different report and continue to use the original version? Do you want to change an existing report, for example, to make a correction to criteria?

If you modify an existing report, the segment associated with it will not reflect these modifications and you will no longer be able to use the that version of the report. Therefore, if you want to continue to use the existing report, do not modify it. This applies to reports you create in the Answers screen and reports created in Siebel Analytics.

Creating a Segment Using Prebuilt Reports

You create prebuilt reports using Siebel Analytics. To create a segment, you can use these reports as defined or modify them to match your business needs. For information Siebel Analytics, display online help by clicking Help or the Help hyperlink in any view of the Answers screen.

In addition, you can put these reports on a dashboard in Siebel Marketing and create segments using the reports. For more information, see Siebel Analytics User Guide.

To create a segment using a prebuilt report

  1. Navigate to the screen that contains the report that you want to use.
  2. Click Create Segment.
  3. In the new record, you type a name for the segment, select a customer hierarchy and a targeting level, and step off the record to save it.

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003