Siebel Marketing Guide > Defining Filter and Segment Criteria > Creating and Editing Segment Criteria >

Using the Segments Screen

In the Segments screen, segment details appear in the Segment form. To edit information, change the values in the Segment form. To create a different segment, create a new record.

The Edit Segment view tab allows you to build, view, and edit segment criteria. This view provides access to attribute values, bucket values, database fields values, and numeric and date measures by selecting values from the Attributes drop-down list.

Defining Segment Criteria on the Segments Screen

The method for defining segment criteria is much the same as the method for defining filter criteria. Use the Attributes drop-down list to choose Attributes, Buckets, Fields, Numeric Measures, or Date Measures. To transfer values to the Criteria workspace box, place your cursor in the Criteria workspace where you want to insert a value, select or type a value, and click Add. If you want to choose a range of values, click Select Group and choose values.

NOTE:  The Criteria view tab contains the workspace box where you build complex definitions using AND, OR, NOT, and ( ) logical operators.

When building segment criteria, follow the following rules:

To build segment definitions

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Segments.
  2. In the Segments list, select the segment for which criteria will be defined.
  3. Click the Edit Segment view tab or drill down on the segment name.
  4. In the Attributes form, in the Attributes drop-down list, select one of the items from which you want to choose a value.
  5. In the tree list, expand the folders to display the values.
  6. Click Add to transfer the values to the Workspace box.
  7. Criteria values are added to the line following the cursor position.

  8. If your segment requires a measure or date measure, choose Numeric Measure or Date Measure from the drop-down list to display the measure-builders.
  9. When you have finished defining the segment criteria, click Validate & Save.

To create numeric measure criteria

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Segments.
  2. In the Segments list, select the segment for which criteria will be defined.
  3. Click the Edit Segment view tab or drill down on the segment name.
  4. The Edit Segment view appears with the Attributes tab and tree list as the default.

  5. From the drop-down list, choose Numeric Measures.
  6. In the Numeric Measures form, shown in the following illustration, complete the fields.
    1. Click the Name select button.
    2. In the Pick Measures dialog box, select a measure and click OK.
    3. The measure name appears in the name field.

    4. Click the Operator select button, and choose a logical operator from the list.
    5. Options are =, <>, >, <, >=, <=, and BETWEEN.

    6. In the Value 1 field, type a number.
    7. If BETWEEN is the operator, type a number in the Value 2 field.
  7. Click Add to transfer the measure value to the Criteria workspace.
  8. Click Validate & Save.

To create date measure criteria

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Segments.
  2. In the Segments list, select the segment for which criteria will be defined.
  3. Click the Edit Segment view tab or drill down on the segment name.
  4. The Edit Segment view appears with the Attributes tab and tree list as the default.

  5. From the drop-down list, choose Date Measures.
  6. In the Date Measures form, complete the fields.
    1. Click the Name select button.
    2. In the Pick Measures dialog box, select a predefined measure and click OK.
    3. In the Value (Days) field, click the select button and use the calculator controls to type the number of days.
    4. Click the Operator select arrow, and choose BEFORE or AFTER from the list.
    5. In the Value (Date) field, click the select arrow and use the calendar to type a date or select the Run Date check box if you plan to use the server run date.
  7. Click Validate & Save.
  8. NOTE:  The Date Measure value must be greater than January 1, 1970.

    For example, to capture every response in the last seven days, based on the server run date, the Date Measure fields would contain the following values:

Wildcard Searches for Attributes and Fields

Using the Edit Segment's Attribute Search and Field Search functions, you can perform a wildcard search for fields or attribute level values with certain characteristics, without having to manually select individual values in the Attributes or Fields tree lists.

For example, you might want to select states whose name begins with the letter A. Using the Attributes tree pane, you might expand the folders to reach state values, and then choose individual states such as Alabama and Alaska. Using Attribute Search, you might select the state values folder, and specify search criteria of A* to automatically select qualifying states. Because you are not selecting values individually, no values appear for the attributes or fields in the Attributes Search or Fields Search lists.

Valid search characters are asterisk (*) and the number symbol (#).

Table 52 shows an example of wildcard results when searching for a State field in a Customers table.

Table 52. Wildcard Search for Attribute and Field Values
Wildcard Search = V*
Wildcard Search =
V# (result)
Wildcard Search
Virginia, VA, VT, Vermont, MD, Utah
Virginia, VA, VT, Vermont

To perform a wildcard search for attributes

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Segments.
  2. In the All Segments list, create a segment record and save it.
  3. In the All Segments list, select the segment and click the Edit Segment view tab.
  4. The segment form appears with the Attributes and Criteria panes in the lower half of the view.

  5. In the Attributes tree pane, select Attribute Search from the drop-down list.
  6. The view refreshes and the Wild Card Search entry field appears.

  7. In the Wild Card Search field, type your search criteria.
  8. In the Attributes tree pane, expand the folders to display values, and select the attribute level you want to find.
  9. Click Add.
  10. The attribute, including the search criteria is moved to the Criteria workspace.

  11. When you have finished defining your segment criteria, click Validate & Save.

To perform a wildcard search for fields

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Segments.
  2. In the All Segments list, create a segment record and save it.
  3. In the All Segments list, select the segment and click the Edit Segment view tab.
  4. The segment form appears with the Attributes and Criteria panes in the lower half of the view.

  5. In the Attributes tree pane, select Field Search from the drop-down list.
  6. The view refreshes and the Wild Card Search entry field appears along with the Fields tree list.

  7. In the Wild Card Search field, type your search criteria.
  8. In the Fields tree pane, expand the folders to display values, and select the check box for the field you want to find.
  9. Click Add.
  10. The field value, including the search criteria is moved to the Criteria workspace.

  11. When you have finished defining your segment criteria, click Validate & Save

 Siebel Marketing Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003