Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Siebel Remote Concepts > Siebel Remote Architecture >

Elements in Siebel Remote Architecture

Figure 1 illustrates major elements in the Siebel Remote architecture.

Figure 1. Siebel Remote Hardware Architecture

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Siebel database. A computer on which the Siebel database resides. Tables in this database store information about your organizational structure, job responsibilities, sales personnel, sales territories, accounts, sales opportunities, and product lines. Other enterprise-wide databases may also reside on this server.

Siebel File System. A directory structure that contains the Siebel Encyclopedia items, correspondence templates, file attachments, and other files for client access and download. The Siebel Remote server must have network connectivity to the Siebel File System, which may be located on a Siebel Server, Siebel database server, or other server on the network. For more information on the Siebel File System, see Siebel File System.

Database access. The combination of hardware and software that enables a Siebel Remote server to access the Siebel database server. This connectivity is typically established using an ODBC driver and the database vendor's specific connectivity package. Due to the volume of data exchanged between the Siebel Remote server and the database server, this access needs to be provided over a 100 MB or faster network connection, such as Fast Ethernet or FDDI.

Siebel Remote server. A Siebel Server that runs the Siebel Remote components and manages synchronization sessions with mobile Web clients. Each Siebel Remote server manages a distinct group of mobile users who are assigned to that specific server. Other Siebel Server components, such as Assignment Manager and Enterprise Integration Manager, may run on the same Siebel Server.

To maintain a high level of integrity and availability, the Siebel Remote server is an interim storage area for data required to synchronize mobile databases with the Siebel database server. To make sure of the integrity and availability of this data, administrators should implement a redundant disk configuration for the Siebel Remote server. Using redundant disk configuration will reduce the likelihood of losing data on the Remote server caused by malfunctioning hardware. However, if it does occur, a reextract of all mobile Web clients registered on the affected Remote server will be necessary.

Siebel Remote Client. Siebel Remote client software installed on the Siebel Mobile Web Client. During synchronization, it communicates directly with the Synchronization Manager component on the Siebel Server to synchronize the mobile node with its parent.

Components of Siebel Remote client are (a) Local Database and File System, and (b) Local Database Initialization Program.

Modem, LAN, or WAN. The combination of hardware and software that enables a mobile Web client to communicate with the Siebel Remote server. Mobile Web clients must communicate with the Siebel Remote server using the TCP/IP protocol.

Client. A computer running the Siebel applications client software. The mobile Web client is used for Siebel Remote.

Siebel Mobile Web Client. A computer (typically a laptop) that normally operates as a stand-alone unit, with a portion of the server database downloaded to a local database. This technique provides efficient access to the user's specific data. Mobile Web clients periodically connect to, and communicate with, a Siebel Server using a modem across public telephone lines, LAN or a WAN.

The Siebel Mobile Web Client also runs inside a standard Web browser. However, layers of the Siebel eBusiness Applications architecture, including the local database, reside on the user's personal computer and execute business logic locally. This client requires installation and periodically connects to a server to synchronize the server and the local databases.

 Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003