Siebel Tools Reference > Special-Purpose Applets and Controls > Chart Applets >

Axis Terminology

Specialized terminology is used for axes in Siebel Tools and Siebel applications. Each axis has a special name, as shown in Table 55.

Table 55. Axis Terminology
Meaning in Bar Charts
Meaning in Line Charts
Meaning in Pie Charts
X axis
The horizontal axis (except in horizontal bar charts, in which the X axis is vertical along the left).
The horizontal axis.
The set of pie slice labels.
Y axis
Data Values
The vertical axis (except in horizontal bar charts, in which the Y axis is horizontal along the bottom).
The vertical axis.
The percentage of the circle occupied by each pie slice, and the corresponding numeric value.
Z axis
A set of labels in the legend. In the stacked bar or cluster bar charts, each series label corresponds to a bar segment or bar of a particular color appearing in each stack or cluster.
A set of labels in the legend. In line charts, each series label in the legend corresponds to one curve.
Do not use a series field with pie charts, because only the first entry in each series will be charted.

An example of a chart with all three axes is the Project Revenue Analysis chart shown in Figure 195.

Figure 195. Project Revenue Analysis Chart in Siebel Service

Click for full size image

In this chart, the amount of revenue is plotted on the Y (data values) axis, quarters appear on the X (category) axis, and each bar color (Z, or series, axis) identifies a a different project.

NOTE:  In charts with two Y axes, the first Y axis refers to the vertical axis on the left side, while the second Y axis refers to the one on the right side.

 Siebel Tools Reference, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003