Siebel Tools Reference > Logical User Interface Objects Layer > Applets >

Form Applets

A form applet presents business component information in a data entry form layout. An example of a form applet in Siebel Call Center appears in Figure 137.

Figure 137. Form Applet in Siebel Call Center

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Users enter data using text boxes, check boxes, buttons, and similar visual constructs known collectively as controls. The Control object type implements data controls, as well as buttons and links that invoke methods. The controls that display data show a value from a particular field in the current business component row. The relationships between objects used to implement a form applet appear in Figure 138.

Figure 138. Form Applet Architecture

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A form applet is implemented in Siebel Tools by means of an applet object definition, multiple control object definitions, applet Web template definitions, and applet Web template item definitions. These object types have the following roles:

Form Applet Controls

Following creation and placement of data controls in the applet using the Applet Web Layout Editor, the properties of the corresponding control object definitions can be edited in the Object List Editor.

NOTE:  Controls for form applets using the "Applet Form 4 Column (Edit/New)" Web template can be associated to either a "2-Column Wide field" or a "1-Column Wide field". To associate a control to a "2-Column Wide field", you must set the HTML Width property to 412. If you do not specify an HTML Width property, the control will appear as a "1-Column Wide field" even when it is associated to a "2-Column Wide field" on a form applet.

All control object styles have the following important properties, except where otherwise noted:

Some control styles (as specified in the Type property) are described briefly in the following sections.

Text Controls

A text control displays text inside a rectangular box. An example of a text control is Name, shown in Figure 140.

Figure 140. Text Control

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Some characteristics of Text controls are as follows:

NOTE:  Trailing spaces are truncated in data displayed through the Siebel application user interface or through Siebel Tools.

Controls of type Text have the following essential properties:

Button Controls

Button controls initiate an action when clicked. There are several types of button controls, including Button, MiniButtonEdit, and MiniButtonNew. The Button control type is rendered as an HTML button. MiniButtons are custom controls whose formatting is defined in a .swf file. All button types are formatted slightly different. Example buttons are illustrated in Figure 141.

For more information on customized controls, see Customizing Control Layout and Formatting.

Figure 141. Button Controls

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A button can invoke a built-in method (supplied with Siebel applications), or a custom method programmed in Siebel VB, Siebel eScript, or Browser Script.

The Method Invoked property is the name of the method invoked when the button control is clicked.

There are instances when you might want to put your own custom methods in the Method Invoked property. For example, this is the only way to invoke Siebel VB, Siebel eScript, or Browser Script on a button-click event.

NOTE:  The Runtime property must be set to TRUE for button controls. Otherwise the method associated with it will not execute.

Combo Box Controls

A combo box is implemented as a control with a Type property setting of ComboBox. It consists of a text box with a drop-down button attached at the right edge. The user clicks the drop-down button, which activates a selection list, and then clicks a selection in the list. The selected value replaces the previous value in the box. An example of a combo box is shown in Figure 142.

Figure 142. Combo Box Control

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Combo box controls implement special-purpose picklists in chart, calendar, and pick applets. In chart applets they implement the Show and By combo boxes. In calendar applets they implement the user name combo box. In pick applets they implement the Find combo box. Combo box controls appear and behave almost identically to static picklists, but they are implemented through a different control type (ComboBox rather than Text Box).

For information on the use and configuration of the specialized combo boxes in a chart applet and information on static picklists, refer to Pick Applets and Static Picklists.

Check Box Controls

A check box is implemented as a control with a HTML Type property setting of CheckBox. It is a small, open square into which an X can be inserted or removed by clicking the box. An example of a check box appears in Figure 143.

Figure 143. Check Box Control

Click for full size image

A check box is used to represent a TRUE/FALSE field with a data type of DTYPE_BOOL. A TRUE value is represented as an X, and a FALSE value as an empty box.


Allows the placement of an ActiveX control in the applet.


Creates a user interface element that can be used to attach a file.


Creates an HTML input of type Hidden. These controls are not visible in the Web page but can be accessed through scripting.


Used with controls that have an "InvokeMethod" specified (this could be a built-in method that is supplied with Siebel applications). Creates an HTML hyperlink that will invoke the method when activated.


Used with controls that contain an email address. The control value will be displayed as a link, which when activated will open the user's default email program with the address filled in with the control value.


Creates a user interface element that can be used to input a password field. The characters entered in this control will be masked by the "*" character.


Custom control that shows the currently selected record in a list.


Used to create a user interface element that can be used to enter text in multiple lines.


Used with controls that contain URL values. The value will be displayed as a hyperlink, which when activated will take the user to the URL.

Label Controls

A label control, is a visual aid only. It has no data display or entry capabilities. Use a label control when you need to place wording somewhere inside the form applet. There are also some specialized label controls, such as the Applet Title.

NOTE:  If a caption has any HTML reserved characters, such as &, <, >, ", then it should be HTML encoded as &amp;, &lt;, &gt;, &quot;, respectively.

 Siebel Tools Reference, Version 7.5, Rev. A 
 Published: 18 April 2003